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55591520 No.55591520 [Reply] [Original]

Possible? Unavoidable.

>> No.55591645
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>> No.55591839

Yeah, they need to burn at least 99 percent of the supply to even get to that point.

>> No.55591876

What did LUNA even do before going bankrupt?
Serious question.
Is there any saving that? My thought is that it was a pump and dump with no projects or functionality in the first place. Right?

>> No.55592045

I mean they already scammed everybody once I'm sure they won't do it again

>> No.55592082

Not quite, it all came to an end by the algorithm creating a feedback loop that kept printing and printing tokens which is why unless the burn rate is set to giga burn, lunc will stay dead indefinitely

>> No.55592123

Well I know what brought it down. But is that literally ALL it was doing?
What was running on it? Any businesses or actual projects?
I mean...
Why was it even valued highly to start?

I suggest it was a ghost chain pump and dump to help convince normies how scary things are.

>> No.55592141
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>Binance invested in Terra in 2018 and never actively managed this particular investment. When things started to unravel in 2022, our team asked me if we should sell the tokens. I said “no, let’s just hold”.
>So, we saw our initial $3M investment back in 2018 turn into $1.6bn at Terra’s 2021 peak, and then down to close to $0 in 2022. Until today, the LUNA (now LUNC) tokens we received still sit on the address we originally received them on, never moved and never sold.
>Binance had no exposure to 3AC (Three Arrows). No loans and no commercial relationships. They had an account with us but did most of their trading on FTX.
>Binance invested in FTX early days and exited fully at an early stage. This was one and a half years before they crashed. This was also before most of their high-profile political donations. When FTX crashed, we tried to help.

The fact that CZ didn't sell during the crash, and still hasn't, is a strong hint that he may know something that no one else does. He completely exited out of FTX, but not LUNC. CZ not selling is literally the only real hopium at this point.

>> No.55593190
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>> No.55593311

But what could possibly happen? Can he just instantly burn the entire supply?

>> No.55593335

higher chance of bitconnect pumping back to ath again

>> No.55593340

I admit I don't know. But CZ never sold, Binance only bought up more coins after the crash and he's still holding despite all the grifter faggotry that's happened over the past year. He exited the FTX position, why not exit LUNC? He has to have some kind of reason.

>> No.55593366

it's truly amazing how many retards think burning the supply will make the price go up.

over time, burns only increase price if demand remains constant, or increases. since there's no reason for demand to ever increase for a collapsed ponzicoin, like we've seen literally thousands of times in crypto, any burn would be absolutely irrelevant

>> No.55593384

This is pretty much the only reason I keep a suicide stack of LUNC
We've explained away the 2 or 3 trillion LUNC in the Binance wallet, they're Binance users' LUNC tokens and not CZ's LUNC. Okay, fine.
We've explained away why CZ keeps burning LUNC fees, essentially throwing away free money: to get good publicity from Binance trying to "help out" the Terra LUNA community with their burn efforts. So he's basically "paying" for good publicity by burning LUNC. Okay, fine.
But why still keep the LUNC tokens from Binance's original investment? Better yet, why not just burn them along with the LUNC that he's been burning from exchange fees? And why does he keep publicly declaring that he still has the original LUNC tokens, what purpose does that serve?
Everyone keeps saying this token is dead, yet the CEO of the biggest crypto exchange won't either sell or burn his original "worthless" tokens
It's a little weird....

>> No.55593400
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he didn't exit his ftx position

lunc schizos are worse than xrp schizos. cz talks about how he simply doesnt sell any tokens, because he wants to see where they're at in 10, 20, 30+ years. its nothing special about lunc

>> No.55593415

He literally says it in the post, go to the link and read it

>Binance invested in FTX early days and exited fully at an early stage.

>> No.55593437

Ok, what the fuck.
Either CZ is lying, or you're lying (or maybe he sold his bag after this tweet?)

>> No.55593544

Binance is currently leader in burning the most Lunc so obviously it’s in their best interest to burn it all. What can we pass to allow them to burn more? 2.4% burn rate?? If the other exchanges joined the burn rate earlier this year the daily burn rate would have gone nuclear and the fomo would be insane

>> No.55593943
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He probably is most likely waiting on the next big bullrun of BTC since that will pump all other cryptos, and when its time, he will start the burn and make LUNC go to $1 and beyond, and most likely it wont be only LUNC on itself.
CZ is clearly going to pull the biggest ace sooner or later.
CZ obviously sold beforehand, he knew what the kikes had planned already, he just fucked them over beforehand and not allowing them to go "clean" with the money

>> No.55594382


>> No.55594449
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>> No.55594604


>> No.55594637
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I wish but crazier things have happened

>> No.55596323
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>come back to /biz/ after months of forgetting this piece of shit bag
>lunc now below $0.0001

>> No.55596475

OOOOOOoooooooo.... re...peg. I.... am.... out of cooom. rest...just..... gonna.... rest. not ded just rest...
> actually ded.

>> No.55596606
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What's a good sui stack?

>> No.55596626
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>> No.55596887

god I fucking love this token. The dopamine it provides is worth it alone. Just when I thought it was over I come back after months to find CZ still hasnt sold his original stack. are you kidding me? The face melting god candle awaits us, and it will be glorious.
>t. 20mil baggie

>> No.55596957

Terralabs had the ust as main product, at the tine basically the first and only real decentralised stable coin that was backed by lunc token and later also btc.

USTerra had some really high demand coz of yield on anchor etc which made Luna increase in value.

With the increasing tvl and Liquidity the network pulled a lot of devs into the ecosystem working with cosmos and wormhole Bridge to achieve interop and decentralisation.

>> No.55596972
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oh yes
with all the grifters in lunc community
including bilbo and rabbi
L1 money and validators is all you need to know bby

>> No.55596983 [DELETED] 

I am pulling my foreskin back in honor of your contributions to the discussions, Ill send proof to your government email
my banjo string hurts

>> No.55597195
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Is a 1milly stack enough to wagmi?

>> No.55597204

I sold my 10 million stack and bought hp0s10inu and i've already done a 10x with no signs of slowing down. Fuck lunc.

>> No.55597272

lunchad lunchad we ryeeeeeeeeeeee
yes, don't stake it and set a sell ladder up to $1
based chad

>> No.55597687
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>> No.55597736

>already taken the money for Q3
>no refunds
nice job guys.

>> No.55597923

Steve mad
>Steve mad
Steve mad
>Steve mad

>> No.55598151 [DELETED] 

the thing I love the most about cowards is although their ego wont let them admit it, they show you who they really are when theyre scared
please tell me theres at least 1 unhinged anon in Ontario, I have been frothing at the mouth for physical violence but nobody gives me the opportunity

>> No.55598302

truly a lunchad's state of mind, at least you are true to yourself

>> No.55598347 [DELETED] 

>reading the dicksucking replies
no wonder Do Kwon robbed the chain, holy shit I cant believe how right George Carlin was

>> No.55598540

>We've explained away the 2 or 3 trillion LUNC in the Binance wallet, they're Binance users' LUNC tokens and not CZ's LUNC.

Are you sure about that?

>> No.55598568

buy more lunc, lunchad
you are correct about the prophecy

>> No.55598659 [DELETED] 
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Holy fuck I had no idea Rabbi made the call
you.. fucking marvelous bastard, I audibly kekked when I saw this shit
You dragged your own name through the mud for the necessary evil, thank you for your sacrifice. The only way to exterminate these rats is to play the same game.

>> No.55598946

holy, looks like rabbi's cooking something up again
haven't been keeping up with lunc in a month

>> No.55598972

holy kek
5d chess
now bilbo and his team might get into l1!
fuck yeah
that will surely make lunc moon to $1!
because they are not like other grifters

>> No.55599048

when someone larps as jew and /pol/post you just know it's a based lad. I instantly realized that the grifting faggots are shilling ITT when the first anti rabbi and nova posts appeared. it was so fucking obvious. probably all steve as well. where are the hate posts now? nowhere, suddenly goe. gee I fucking wonder why. dickhead grifters. canadian s()ys. gas them all, including trudeau

>> No.55599063

Did that bilbo guy hurt you? or he refused your offer to suck his dick for free?
You sure obsess with that guy.... almost like a lover.

>> No.55599453 [DELETED] 

Dont even care, I love revenge porn and Rabbi took down this fucking faggot. He achieved more than most developers that went through the revolving door of this shitshow.

>> No.55599477
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>xrp favorable ruling comes out, much excitement
>selling anything openly on an exchange not a security
>obvious demand for a currency to send value across the world instantly
>there exists a token with excess supply waiting to be unidirectionally converted to real world stable currencies that can also be exchanged instantly
>largest exchange in the world holds trillions of these tokens and continues to support the chain
>surely there's no plan

>> No.55599743

Ayyooo playboi, fittin to run the world, fr fr no cap.

>> No.55600013

I’ve been asking this shit for the last year and haven’t gotten much of an answer. I’ve been bearish ever since I saw that graphic chart of all the dapps that were running on the terra ecosystem and I’ve been bearish about the future of lunc since. Thankfully I sold 3/4 of my bag before it dumped.

It’s fuckin over. Crypto is dead. All that’s been going on the past year are whales swing trading for fun.

>> No.55600807

Bruh, I've been preaching this to so many people here. Token burn ain't the be-all, end-all, it's all about that demand. I ain't falling for blind investments or riding the hype train no more. I'd rather dig into my research using tools like TradingView and the tokenmetrics AI grading tool. Gotta avoid that exit liquidity trap, kek.

>> No.55601262

Rabbi is a power hungry nutcase and vulture. The complaint was that Steve added no value. Frag was also taking a reduced role in next quarter. Now that Steve is gone and frag quit too, suddenly he and frag are so important to the quarter and the milestones would not be met so twe must repropose to propose a proposal to propose a proposal.
It's so transparent. Rabbi is absolute toxic waste to be connected to and the only reason why the ustc repeg team passed by such a thin margin. Even Alex doesn't get this much hate anymore, kek.

>> No.55601505

Fingers crossed, bro! I got some stashed on Binance too, but I paused my DCAing 'cause it seemed kinda dormant even after the token burn. Instead, I'm putting my DCA into RIDE 'cause their team keeps dropping better updates than the rest, partners with IAAMobility happening by September. Sick and tired of this bearish market fr.

>> No.55601629

ngun will thunderstrike you
you fadda de craze

>> No.55602335

good doggy. bilbo must be proud
>holy kek, he le based /pol/ man bcuz he larps as jew
>that will surely make my bag grow in the long term
>he's funny and knows how to throw shit at grifters
>that will eventually make room for bilbo
>and he's defo going to fix lunc
>it's easy anon, why can't you get it?
people are blind and they literally ask to be used by others
serves them well

>> No.55603461

So 2 l1 members resigning.....bullish?
>fudd needn't reply

>> No.55603514

>So, we saw our initial $3M investment back in 2018 turn into $1.6bn at Terra’s 2021 peak
LUNC was anywhere between $50 and $100 when it was peaking in Q4 2021. Let's go with $50 for the purpose of this post.
If my math is correct, using the $1.6 billion figure, that means CZ's original stack is somewhere around 32 million LUNC, give or take
Binance has burned tens of BILLIONS of LUNC so far. So why not burn that original stack too and inform everyone about it?
Days after the crash, CZ himself has said the token "is going to become worthless":
>The old one is going to become worthless. There's no more utility to it. So we still need to provide continuity of the liquidity. For that reason, we still have to list it, even though it's not a brand-new coin that we want to list. It's not an ideal situation, but considering all the user interest in mind, we still have to list it. There are people who may still want to buy it—I hope given all this news that's out there, they are aware of the risks. We have put up very strong risk warnings, we sent emails to users, and we've tried to do as much as we can to educate the new users about the risks.
.....hold up, nigga.
So you're going on and on about about how the token is basically Bitconnect 2: Electric Boogaloo, warning people about how risky it is....yet after all this time you never sold/burned your original stack?
I can maybe understand him not selling his stack back then too soon, as part of a wait-and-see approach to see if maybe DK could still save it
But why haven't you burned that original stack more than a year after the crash, especially considering how the token has barely had any progress at all in terms of development?
Did something change his mind about the token after he made those "worthless" comments? Because burning billions while keeping your original millions is odd as fuck

>> No.55603584

anything to keep the dream alive, right?

>> No.55603645

He kept it as a memento of a bad investment but don't tell the baggies that lmao. This shit coin is dead.

>> No.55603863

2 milly

>> No.55603943

bullish for vultures like bilbo and rabbi
makes no difference for lunc baggies

>> No.55604055
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Chasing a fucking God candle!!! You will all see! Nonbelievers will forever eternally seethe!!!!

>> No.55604193

>muh bilbo
>muh rabbi
Just get out of the closet and confess your gay feeling to them already.
You projected so much and it shows

>> No.55604221

good, good. bilbo will reward you for your service
i bet you you love the left-right dichotomy too

>> No.55604276

You do know 4 leaf clovers are common right?

>> No.55604281

>left-right dichotomy
This is /biz/ sir
>>>/pol/ is this way

>> No.55604598 [DELETED] 

fucking kek look at this butthurt faggot
Steve, Im going to gangstalk your kids and shoot ropes of cum on your windshield at 3 in the morning

>> No.55604994

Based and checked. WAGMI

>> No.55605064

Which is literally impossible, LUNC lost its already and its nothing but a shitcoin, I hope QANX helps me make back all my loss on LUNA

>> No.55605207

>bark bark
bark bark
typical midwit fren

>> No.55605481

Hi, Steve

>> No.55606118

Its amazing how many midwits post this take not realizing how fucking retarded it actually is.

Be honest with yourself, do you actually think if LUNC suddenly started burning off trillions of tokens the price wouldn't fucking sky rocket? You literally even explain in your post exactly why it would happen.

>> No.55606160

Did Nova/Bilbo ever release their super top sekret plan? Kek

>> No.55606202

>been away from /biz/ for over two months
>come back today to check on /tlcg/
>no general to be found only this thread
Jesus. I guess that means literally nothing has been going on. When did the general finally die?

>> No.55606273

I see you Don Cyp, lmao fucking nigga

>> No.55606380

If you aren't buying the shit out of this dead token (it WILL do at least a 10x), why the fuck are you even on /biz/? Have you learned nothing over the past two cycles? A token does not need utility for it to moon.

>> No.55606752

Like a month ago when threads consistently archived with 80 posts or were nuked by jannies

>> No.55606904

jannies should only exist to clean up porn pics

>> No.55606966

x10 is just roughly a little higher than the ATH last September.

>> No.55607105
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>The fact that CZ didn't sell during the crash, and still hasn't, is a strong hint that he may know something that no one else does. He completely exited out of FTX, but not LUNC. CZ not selling is literally the only real hopium at this point
That mad lad.

>> No.55607139
