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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55590045 No.55590045 [Reply] [Original]

This board introduced me to Link in 2017. There were high level conversations back then. Biz was constantly at the forefront of the next alt coin that would pump. Things like bnb, qnt, req, and later pnk were shilled. All of them pumped. Even today they're all higher than they were when biz first mentioned them.

Link was shilled between 13 and 40 cents constantly. Req was shilled at 2 cents. BNB was shilled at 20 cents. Qnt was shilled at under a dollar. Pnk was shilled at .8 cents.

Now the entire board is just devoted to bullshit coins and attacking Link. There is no intelligent discussion left. I'm about to just give up on this shit board and go join reddit's crypto discussions. Is there anyone intelligent left, or is the board just dead for real this time? I've never seen a market bottom with such shit discussion on biz before.

And for you retards who think Link is a dying coin you're fucking idiots. Why would so many people devote so much time to FUD a coin that "isn't needed" "is dead" "is just a funding token"?

>> No.55590051
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>This board used to be useful

>This board introduced me to Link

>> No.55590066

>Under a minute just to fud Link

>> No.55590074

>Biz was constantly at the forefront of the next alt coin that would pump
I miss this. Back in 2018 /biz/ would be on top of the next 10x or 100x moonshots, now that is BARELY discussed anymore. /biz/ now is just 80% FUD chainlink threads and rest random bs.

what's a good place to know about altcoin moonshots?

>> No.55590079

There are some regular people here and they get it, so you don't need to convince them.
Most of the rest are bots and paid fudders
The remaining newfriends will need to dtor

>> No.55590086

yes, for free too

>> No.55590092

Your token is not needed, in fact 98% of shitcoins is made obsolete by ICP. It can do everything, even all of LINK's functionality. Fucking retard.

>> No.55590093
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>This board introduced me to Link in 2017
>Now the entire board is just devoted to... attacking Link.
Kek baggies

>> No.55590094

>Why would so many people devote so much time to FUD a coin that "isn't needed" "is dead" "is just a funding token"?
Because LINK baggies keep flooding the board talking about, it's annoying so we fud it. The truth is outside of this board LINK is completely irrelevant.

>> No.55590099

I don't know. I might try satoshistreetbets. Maybe they have some useful info. I haven't seen anything but PNDs on here for quite a while now.

>> No.55590114

What will this board be like once link ascends?

>> No.55590123

There are too many link threads?

>> No.55590127

Thanks for caring about my financial well being bots.

>> No.55590128

>joining reddit
You already use the reddit spacing and whine like a little bitch. Join them faggot

>> No.55590132


I fud it because those people are literally dogbat or lunc tier retarded

>> No.55590147

and dont get me wrong, nothing wrong with being retarded. Hell everyone can be delusional, or a bagholder.

But the fact that you guys spam 100+ threads a day and mention it in every thread is just obnoxious.

Get a link bagholder general or something

>> No.55590171

I mention 5 different coins, and start a discussion about how biz used to be. The entire thread fills with Link fud.....hmmm..........

>> No.55590214

>Why would so many people devote so much time to FUD a coin that "isn't needed" "is dead" "is just a funding token"?

There can be several reasons such as;
1- shitposting
2- people tired of STILL seeing link threads in 2023
3- people that want to warn newfags not to buy a coin that already pumped and performed laughably bad in the last bullrun

>> No.55590272
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i care about your financial well being

>> No.55590648

I only lurk.

Metis woo akt and arbitrum.
Look no more

>> No.55590776

>y u fud link??? nobody said link
You mention link in the first sentence of all 4 paragraphs.

>> No.55590876
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lel yeah you braindead cunt, Link ran up to fifty bucks from ~20 cents... can you do basic math?
Can you see how that payoff might have been useful to some?

This board is full of scumsucking zoomer faggots who are completely USELESS... they ruined /b/, too, which used to be hilarious. Just an all-around piece of shit generation of basedbois, 50 iq thots, and virtue signaling low status cucks. Fuck every single one of you

>> No.55590900

I swear this is the only board where retards claim to be "millionaire link OGs" who still fucking can't figure their way around the fact it's called /biz/ not fucking Biz.

Even boards with infinite redditors, like /v/, understand this one fucking basic about the board. Not you though.

Probably why you didn't sell link at the top and are still shilling link. Verification not required.

>> No.55591000

>entire board devoted to attacking Link
>search catalogue for "LINK"
>30 threads
I wonder why? Maybe fuck off into a general thread like all the other has-beens who have the decency not to shit up the place, and the place would be less full of shit.

>> No.55591046

Sergei Nazarov gave me what I needed one time. The codes to the future in a blue suitcase. Back then he told me in the supermarket while we were waiting in line, He told me about oracles while I was browsing for big bananas on sale. My cart was full of lettuce and tomato, but his cart was packed full of frozen hamburger boxes until they were almost spilling out of the top. The undercarriage of Sergei’s cart was also full of hamburger meat. But when I stopped him in line he ignored me and pushed the massive cart in front of me even though I clearly got there first. He laughed and said, “Heh now you know what MEV feels like. Singularity soon.” I tried to ignore him at first cause I had no idea what he was talking about but he started shoving his cart into mine and hamburger meat boxes started spilling on the floor.
“THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GARBAGE IN EQUALS GARBAGE OUT!!” Screamed Sergei Nazarov and women gasped and everyone stopped and looked while Sergey jumped onto the sliding counter in front of the cashier (she had black curly hair large breasts and a skirt on with nice earrings that I wanted to grab and pull out), he started yelling “LOOK UP CHAINLINK!!!! LOOOK LOOK UP SMART CONTRACTS AND ORACLES THAT ARE DECENTRALIZED ALL THE BANKS WILL USE IT ALL THE BLOCKCHAINS WILL KNEEL!!!!”
And Sergey yelled this while kicking over the computer screen and throwing blue sand all over the ground from his pockets.
Then he threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared. I found /biz/ shortly after in 2018 after someone carved “google Chainlink” into my car’s paint.
Should I buy in now?

>> No.55591118

I have to stop using /b/ and /r9k/ due to the huge amount of faggots and zoomers pushing their faggot bullshit unfunny unwitty humor into every thread. dont get me started on the whole female culture on /r9k/ whole sections of people devoted to worshipping 3/10 females that post themselves on occasion. i just hang on here on /g/ for the occasional windows xp/7 thread and on /pw/ to shitpost

>> No.55591191

Okay incel, nobody asked

>> No.55591204

Well what do you want to talk about, crypto Twitter is faster and became more important than biz, biz will be becoming useful when it's not bearish though.
Useful discussions are here in a lot of threads you just need to find them

>> No.55591210

ok child groomer stay away from schools

>> No.55591219

I have given multiple minors HRT and no law will stop me

>> No.55591266

it gets shut down

>> No.55591279

>calls other people groomer
Get a load of this gui.
Go back to your containment.

>> No.55591357
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Yeah, /biz/ is shit now. Very rarely you'll get some good info, but it's not like it used to be.

>> No.55591495

Crypto twatter is too decentralized I have no idea who to listen to.

>> No.55591517
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>And for you retards who think Link is a dying coin you're fucking idiots. Why would so many people devote so much time to FUD a coin that "isn't needed" "is dead"
Meanwhile linkies, unless they are two digits IQ consumers, live in a constant state of depression and nihilism, trying their best but unable to perform in a hyper competitive and oversaturated blockchain world who doesn't actually need them at all, knowing that all their struggles and accomplishments are meaningless in the great scheme of things.
Also having "hobbies" and "self-improvement" becomes really old by the time you hit your mid-thirties, and by your forties you'll understand you wasted the best years of your life coping thinking you were going to do all those great things only to soon realize none of your dreams even materialized and there is no escape except the rope.

>> No.55591529

Ngmi. Any project that doesn't support gamings and gambling, take it off this board.

>> No.55591616

Link was a premined underperforming scam though.
2015 /biz/ literally shilled eth at .50 cents and it proceeded to go to $1000 a year later.

Link fags who bought in 2017 are only up like 10-20x, thats fucking terrible for bagholding that long

>> No.55591701

You're right anon, not loading up on qnt is a regret. But biz has much less traffic now, look at the amount of posts
/g/ has more going on than here, lost of threads are faster. also /ck/ and /s/ and /x/

>> No.55591717

What's your net worth, like for real?

>> No.55591791

$650k why?

>> No.55591964
File: 84 KB, 680x453, 1687451531205711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the old /biz where you just had to sit, look at the board a bit and put the money where other anons said... the beginning of the bear market was more or less good and some bears had good advice, but from the bottom It has gotten worse and worse, many poor newfags have stayed or come who believe they are gods for hitting a play... or who get excited with 0.05%.. it's ridiculous...but...
>if we leave, they will win and this board will be worse..even if they ignore or insult, even if the mods delete the important threads, we have to continue with the good pills and spoon-feed once in a while

>> No.55591980

What is that though I don't get it, your savings?

>> No.55592003

>What is that though I don't get it, your savings?
Net worth means the sum of everything

>> No.55592044

>muh overpriced shitbox house that ill never sell anyway

>> No.55592046

So that's 650k, everything you have in the entire world?

>> No.55592128

They are actively trying to destroy this site and all it's subsets by overloading it with distractions, demoralization, and bullshit.
Well pajeets just do this normally without any real incentive.
There are also a lot of actual idiots here that continuously fall for obvious scams and just repeat what they've absorbed.

>> No.55592228

More reason why users should do their own research chad. It is through research that I came across based gems like Krest and Dot which integrate with what DePINs is bringing to the crypto space.

>> No.55592578

Revolutionizing the way anon manages and authenticate identities on the blockchain is the new way to go. Thanks to ORE.

>> No.55592675
File: 71 KB, 1244x1268, 20230718_202015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is pro VC pro censorship pro regulation pro getting in early and dumping on (you)
>yOu aRe tHe wRoNg pErSOn fOr cRypTo
VCs must have ius primae noctis the right of the lord to fuck first and retail have been classes as undesirables only good enough for losing money to keep them trapped in the existing banking system serving the existing upper class.
>yOu aRe tHe wRoNg pErSOn fOr cRypTo
VCs are most likely actors playing a part on a stage for the elites behind the curtains. They instantly seem to shill you the latest well funded scammers builders and devs say they do not know but have heard of. how this new money becomes quickly entrenched in crypto when good devs have to endless hours is by design
>yOu aRe tHe wRoNg pErSOn fOr cRypTo
They hate organic communities they do not control.
You are meant to listen to Bankless and buy what they tell you when they tell you.
>yOu aRe tHe wRoNg pErSOn fOr cRypTo
Independent thought is severely punished and if you step out of line the (((decentralized community of vc bros))) trade against (you) with all their predatory gains exploited from the class of goyim undesirables

>> No.55592861

Come to twitter
The cabal controls this place...

>> No.55593285

I understand your frustration, as an oldfag I notcied early signs that /biz/ was dying when GME and XRP Reddit/Twitter tourists first came here. At first LINK threads were still comfortable, but slowly those tourist started to take interest in LINK as the majority of the threads were about it. Now, keep in mind, this was post first-run to $20.

These newfags bought in and became the nulinkers, they were happy until the end of the bullmarket. Understandably, this giddy journey came to an end as they held their LINK bags back to single digit territory. Fastforward to the bear market, most posters and scammers normally left /biz/, but a group of deranged nulinkers stayed. They can't face the consequences of their actions (buying in late, not taking any profits, etc) so what they do is spend every waking hour of their time maniacly screaming about LINK and its early buyers. They blame everyone else (/biz/, Chainlink Labs, early buyers, etc) but themselves.

You will notice their arguments for shitposting LINK 24/7 are stupid. They ask for a "general" as if the board isn't dead already. This proves that they're indeed nulinkers (/biz/ was always a LINK board) and came together with the same Reddit/Twitter tourists (XRP and GME generals). In reality, if that were a real complaint, they wouldn't have made it worse for the board with more low-effort threads (they post the majority of LINK threads, and derail other genuine threads).

The good thing about all this, is that it's gonna be over soon. Those deranged nulinkers will either heal their wounds and make peace with their actions or they will kill themselves as this way of life is unsustainable.

>> No.55593307

that's the saddest part. i had more respect for the fudders when i thought they were paid. then they got doxxed and it turns out they're just losers.

>> No.55593769

Most are fud or have the word link so maybe 5 real ones
I don't believe you
You have other reasons

>> No.55593783

I got 470k in crypto, btc, eth, xmr and inj and the rest is in stocks and savings.
I dont technically own a house because I live with my parents so I dont need to pay rent :)