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File: 178 KB, 1550x738, pajeetaudacity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55584463 No.55584463 [Reply] [Original]

So your telling me jeets leave the village to get a masters degree in america spam every single job posting to the point there is 500+ applicants for every decent tech job (85% poo). An then have the audacity to ask Americans to get them even more jobs.

The sheer sense of entitlement is unbelievable.

They need to literally use AI to filter out pajeets and prioritize American candidates.

>> No.55584487

Who brought them in? Americans did. You think they appeared out of thin air? Americans companies hired them, American government gave them work visas and American businesses cater to them. Don't blame them, blame your own people that put their own greed above their peers.

>> No.55584503

>Americans did
yep americans like the ones who run y combinator mafia, google, youtube, snapchat, meta, instagram, chatgpt amazon ...

>> No.55584544

>Chinese students come here, graduate, and go back
>Arab students come here, graduate, and go back
>Indian students come here, graduate, overstay, "work", apply for citizenship, never leave
Why are they like this?

>> No.55584590

You have to go back

>> No.55584626

>Chinese students exploit our education and leave without contributing
>Arab students exploit our education and leave without contributing
>Indian students take our education, and uses it to contribute to our society

>> No.55584639

lol they only spend money in your cunt and go back. actually foreign students who do go back is the dream scenario

>> No.55584644

Gaining a long-term highly educated worker is far, far more beneficial for society than someone who takes an education but then never works here with that education. Even if they spend some money on the education itself.

>> No.55584648

Honestly if we had some rule that said foreign students weren't allowed to return to the US for 10 years after they graduate this country would be literal paradise and every country in the world would be a better place.

>> No.55584654

>t. Rakesh
They already paid a tons of money in tuition. Pajeets actually do more harm by either taking jobs from US citizens or causing companies to lower the proposed income of new jobs since Pradeep is willing to work for cheap.

>> No.55584670

The person taking that education is paying (handsomely) for a service. He is a net positive to your economy.
Realistically only countries who are highly educated would be 'exporting' education because it means their own sectors are developed and further developing. While that may no longer be the case, it still has nothing to do with losing an educated worker.
Checked immigration can still exist, but even then I wouldn't let any student apply for work while in the country. Go back first then reapply for a job (it's a trust and courtesy thing).

>> No.55584701

>The person taking that education is paying (handsomely) for a service. He is a net positive to your economy.
Yes, and like I said, the person actually working in the country after such an education is even far, far greater of a net positive for the economy than just that. This is undeniable, especially for developed countries with a birth rate below 2. We literally depend on educated immigration to sustain ourselves. Without them we'd be a shithole by now
>(it's a trust and courtesy thing).
Sounds more like a racism thing to me

>> No.55584726

>Yes, and like I said, the person actually working in the country after such an education is even far, far greater of a net positive for the economy than just that.
If that were true, India would be a superpower by now, instead of just the regular old poo power that it is.

>> No.55584768

White men cannot compete with pajeets anymore

That's how sad you sound. Aren't pajeets supposed to be lower IQ, lower test, lower attractiveness?

>> No.55584781

Hiring Poos is a geopolitical move.
So far the modicum of contenders to USA are :
-Islamic countries, which are not a commercial power, and not a military power
-China, which is commercial power, but not a military power (the US are not a military power, just like any commercial society (the whole humanist propaganda is that military conflicts will never be serious because of deep commercial ties between countries run by oligarchs))
-India which is not a commercial power, nor a military power. The US leftists like Bill Clinton in the 90s turned china as their new cheap commercial partner, it was all rose tinted worldview, but then by the time of the leftist Obama and even more so with TRUMP, they realized the Chinese spied on them (and by the way China made the oil price rise a lot which created the recession in 2008 (coupled with the leftist view that mortgages should be cheap so backed up by bureaucrats ie housing credits are now riskfree credits, ie bankers sell that like candy lol and get fat fees as the middleman)), so the big idea by the merchants is now to replace china with india, ie getting the indian bureaucrats to by the enormous US debt and in exchange US merchants put a few Poos in top CEO positions and recruit lots of poos working over internet from their shithole. Bonus points is that the US can leverage the deep historical conflict between India and China, in order to fuck with China a bit more. Of course it can back fire, and US oligarchs fuck up all the time, especially on international affairs. US diplomats are really mediocre.

>> No.55584790

No, precisely because many of the educated people brain drain to companies in countries like the US. It takes time to develop your own country instead. But they're getting there, no doubt they will be a superpower within the century's end. Unless human society collapses before then, of course.

>> No.55584831

If you mean the white man won't work for a humiliating wage and then yes you are correct.

>> No.55584844

>humiliating wage
>tech jobs
pick one

seems like white men feel entitled to bloated salaries while facing no competition for said jobs

>> No.55584851

Average wage for most tech positions outside of California is in the 65-80K range. That's not amazing.

>> No.55584879

>prioritize American candidates.
They're supposed to do that anyway, local labour search first.

They also like flooding the nhs with loads of them. Remarkably few indian cleaners in the nhs though. Weird.

>> No.55584937

>65-80K range
65-80k is above the median salary for white men in the USA.

Really seems like this issue boils down to white men feeling entitled to bloated salaries while facing no competition for those jobs.

>> No.55585003

They are economic refugees who come here to drag our quality of life down and leech off us, then act shocked that we are hostile towards them.

>> No.55585008

>65-80k is above the median salary for white men in the USA.
Yes and it's still arse pay. Just because it's above median doesn't mean it's worth the bullshit you have to put up with.

>> No.55585036
File: 5 KB, 227x222, IMG_2498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets are always the first to ring the bell of racism

>> No.55585053

I'm not a pajeet. And if you constantly see people "ring the bell of racism" on you, maybe they have a point. If everything smells, check your own nose etc. etc.

>> No.55585058

I have a nice white nose not a big fat flat nigger nose or a long ugly Jew nose. Now fuck off.

>> No.55585092

Even your ID is brown. Come on man.

>> No.55585430

>Sounds more like a racism thing to me
Boo hoo faggot. You're not entitled to invade a human country. Crawl back to the open sewer you were spawned in before you get liquidated in the upcoming civil unrest.

>> No.55585722

Ranjeet, the only thing that smells is the putrid stench of curry coming from you

>> No.55585755

Are you guys samefagging or something?

>> No.55585769


I think it was more American businesses thinking they could outsource their expensive onshore business units with teams of cheap indians offshore. That way the managers and directors involved can get fat bonuses for reducing operating costs.

Often it lead to various disasters, so the alternative was to cherrypick the actually decent workers out of the Indian team and fly them over to the US where they could be supervised.

>> No.55585773

No your are just a fucking idiot. Funny, your Jeet doc should have diagnosed that. Maybe they're not all that great.

>> No.55585839

you speak of the dual yidizens?

>> No.55586639

God you're retarded

>> No.55587033

Anyone in tech knows pajeets are the worst hire, I've experienced it myself many times.
>techlead: hey anon can you go over the basics of our code environment with paj
>new pajeet hire, senior soft dev, 10 years experience
>hey paj, welcome to the team, just gave you access to our onboarding docs, start by cloning the repos and getting your local running, just message if you have questions
>paj: ok sir, thank you sir
>half a day passes and nothing from paj
>"how's is it going paj? Any blockers?"
>"no sir, everything is working ok sir"
>"okay, let's hop a call"
>paj screen is a fucking connection refused
>"mmm paj is everything running ok?"
>"yes sir, the system is working sir"
>"but paj, nothing is responding, you sure everything is running?"
>"yes sir, but our server is not working, I've been waiting for it to work again"
> did this paj just spend 6 hours staring at an empty localhost page?
>"paj can you show me your console? Are all the docker instances running?"
>"yes sir, i downloaded the docker from the webpage sir"
> checks his pc, he ain't running shit, no local servers, no dbs, nothing
>"mmm paj, do you know what a docker container is right?"
>"yes sir, i have experienced with all the dockers container versions sir"
>can you start the server please?
>"yes sir"
>fucking copies a random command from a YouTube video without even having an image mounted and goes back to stare at the empty localhost page
>pajeets is fired the three days later, 50 others pajeets applications for the job
>yeah, let's skip those

>> No.55587097

>sirs you are rerolling ID samefag

>> No.55587534
File: 20 KB, 212x225, IMG_7727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These same Jeets are desperately trying to remove the green card country gap so every immigrant has to wait 70 years for a green card like them

>> No.55587792

You are the fucking problem do you understand this?

>> No.55587818

Americans voted against immigration at every turn, maybe we could have done more but clearly the will of the people was not expressed.

>> No.55587978

So where's that well regulated militia??? Americans are a joke

>> No.55588269

No, I do not, can you elaborate?

>> No.55588611

Because they don't want to murder people for lying about work ability?

>> No.55588873

LMAO you're looking at the wrong people again

>> No.55588895

Jews aren't Americans, they are Israeli dual citizens usually.

>> No.55588908

Same question again: who gave them citizenship? who let them in?

>> No.55588911


>> No.55588921

>Use exclusively for nepotism and concentrating power away from traditional majorities, for who? Likely Israeli passport toting Jews.

>> No.55588926

>20 years as a software engineer
>doesnt have enough to retire
>doesnt have enough to retire in INDIA
genuinely how??

>> No.55588953
File: 1.93 MB, 498x371, poor-choice-words-joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55588981

The Poos did 7-11.

>> No.55589021

I am a translator of some European language. Since the last 3/4 years I have been translating a ton of pajeet diplomas and they all look fake as fuck. Often I don't even need to change anything on the dipoma because they seem to just copy the same diploma over and over with the same years and grades. Then they show that to US or European embassies and they get their visa.

>> No.55589039


>> No.55589481
File: 75 KB, 640x428, 1689688030261210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who brought them in?
The answer is jews.

>> No.55589503

No, I think indians need to go back.

>> No.55589544

i don t hire people that got lay off. even ex FANG. lie! never tell them you have no job.

>> No.55591224

"Americans" don't have the power to do shit. They're simply the energy the supranational cabal of Jews used to push pro-immigrant, globalist policies that crashed the labor market. "Americans" don't know shit about what's taking place and they're proud of it.

>> No.55591356

Don't speak for society if you would abandon your own because you know it's fucking shit. That's why they're happy to escape theirs and be colonized willingly now that the red carpet was rolled out for them. It amounts to economic terrorism when it's to the detriment of the domestic workforce that isn't afforded the same privilege.

>> No.55591421

My claim is that there's nothing virtuous about it. You're happy if a circumstance benefits you specifically but the rest is just grandstanding.

>> No.55591426

Watch this 16-year-old video where Jewish lawyers talk about how to game the law to avoid hiring American programmers: