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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55583152 No.55583152 [Reply] [Original]

If you hold any of the following, you got scammed


>> No.55583174

mfw no FUN

>> No.55583176
File: 41 KB, 758x542, 636507-1647078823-kleroscorona-copycropped-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, we're gonna make it bros

>> No.55583183

>another link thread

>> No.55583200

Not a baggie according to this

>> No.55583289
File: 510 KB, 1014x819, 1601620985154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been holding DOGE and LINK for 2+ years after buying at peak. I'm not meant to be a trader I think bros

>> No.55583290

>opinion discarded

>> No.55583306


>> No.55584624
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>> No.55584919

I made the list, what do I win op

>> No.55584928

I keep getting called a sucker but I keep making consistent gains, I could lose 100% of my crypto right now and still made 20% on what I invested.

Or I could have invested in bonds and lost money due Inflation.

>> No.55584931

no SIGT no FUN no PNK no NEO

>> No.55585322

>My shitcoin isn't listed
So glad not to hold a shitcoin tainted by this disgusting site

>> No.55585804

its over

>> No.55586650
File: 99 KB, 604x228, 1680711230308783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.55588310
File: 45 KB, 679x383, FSqMSlBWQAAwsuF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no BAT

>> No.55589053

>that massive fucking list just to say nothing
lol. lmao, even

>> No.55589079

You win some free XRP

>> No.55589084

You fucked up for listening to retarded bagholders who are clinging to a dying shitcoin.

>> No.55589104
File: 16 KB, 300x375, 1652745123387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bought into the $ARKM IDO on Chinance and had a quick n easy 10x
>mfw I dumped it as soon as I got it
>mfw /biz/ most likely missed out on this because of muh "glowfag narrative"
Feels good to make money while you faggots are still stuck holding LINK or AVAX or whatever other other shitcoin you spam this board 24/7 with

>> No.55589115

I got rugged by FTM. How do I profit with this? (besides shorting)

>> No.55589155

I'm honestly surprised how they're basically offering their own version of chatGPT for free. Just requires making an acc

>> No.55589217

Well yeah it's a bot made to provide you with blockchain data based on Arkham intel. It makes sense that it would be free for anyone

>> No.55589222
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>> No.55589235

>dumped on it like a pajeet as soon as he got his "ez profits"
Can't blame you when every launchpad token has shitty price action shortly after release. Arkham is no exception despite all the noise and """controversy""""

>> No.55589244

At least someone didn't get scammed here huh

>> No.55589570

Good thing Reef isn't on that list. I was worried I got scammed.