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55582604 No.55582604 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here have trouble spending money? I've been on survival mode for so long, now I have a job I feel guilty spending any money, even though I'm already saving more than 20% each paycheck.

>> No.55582625

but why? you can’t take it to the grave

>> No.55582628

There is a balance. If your money is saved and you’re not doing anything for you it’s being lost to inflation.
Buy higher quality food
Enjoy the little things but realize life isn’t always feast or famine

>> No.55582639


>> No.55582653

>If your money is saved and you’re not doing anything for you it’s being lost to inflation.
This is what I fear the most and I'm trying to find way to invest but I already have a retirement account and invest into index funds. I don't know how else to diversity

>Buy higher quality food
>Enjoy the little things but realize life isn’t always feast or famine
Thanks anon I feel guilty when I do it like I don't deserve it

>> No.55582775
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You don't deserve it. You should be eating bugs.

>> No.55582789
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I simply don’t want anything.
I’m autistic and eat basically the same meal every time. I don’t go anywhere. I work from home. My shoes are 3 years old. My newest clothes are about 2 years old.
I drink nice coffee, that’s my only splurge.

>> No.55582790

You absolutely deserve what God has given to you. You’re in a comfortable place and I truly believe those bad times were only meant to help you appreciate the good times you currently experience

>> No.55582810


>> No.55582813

Is she selling her sweat?

>> No.55582820

Anon, we must be long lost brothers.

>> No.55582859

but the good times never last
fired today, too adhd to function among normies

only worth about 80-100k, no debt and no idea what to do

>> No.55582985

Here’s my horrible worldview…I make a little under $100k a year. Because all of my bills are not paid off for the rest of my life, any chance I can to spend $100 on something I don’t deem totally necessary (most things) is weighed against “why don’t I save that and allocate it to expense ABC?” Every time I spend money, I feel myself having to work longer and so I can’t even enjoy what I spend it on mostly. I always feel I’m one bad series of small mistakes or just bad luck in general from having my financial stability go to shit. So much shit in this world I’d trying to make you poor, you don’t want to help those forces accomplish the task.

>> No.55583211

I make about $200k per year. The only thing I splurge on is my Tesla (the cheapest one at $600/mo) and one vacation per year. I treat myself to McDonald's like once a week but it has to be something that's discounted through the app. Most of my disposable income goes towards investments in stocks and crypto.

>> No.55583223

i save 90% of my paycheck. the sceret is i live with my parents

>> No.55583235
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>already saving more than 20% each paycheck
i m saving like 50% min. i usualy live the month on a 15days paycheck. go to 70% before saying you have issue spending

>> No.55583276

What's your ultimate goal for doing this?

>> No.55583288

Take it to cambodia and become a motorcycle tour guide.

>> No.55583301


Imagine a velociraptor all of a sudden grabs her throat and pulls her out of the car, dragging her off into the jungle as her blood curdling screams fade away...

>> No.55583312

I don't know. It's a habit from my college days when I was trying to save money. At this point, it's just a game. Ultimately, I want my investments to grow to the point where I can quit my job and theoretically live upper class lifestyle for decades.

>> No.55583369

>20% each paycheck

You're not saving enough anyway.
why so little? I mean I'm not a wagie so I may just not understand. Just save everything & invest it, what else to do with it. CONSOOOOOME.

>> No.55583387

kek this is literally me

>> No.55583672
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>> No.55583675

I found my people. This is me. I only spend it on PC though

>> No.55583693

same but I bought my shoes in 2013, they already have holes in them but I just cant get myself to spend money on new shoes.
some of my clothes are even older, been wearing the same pair of jeans for 12 years

>> No.55583713

Can you help me with coffee guidance pls?

>> No.55583723

Go teach English in SEA. All Anons (especially Canadians) need to get the fuck out of the country now. This ship is going down, mark my words it is.

>> No.55583792

canadafag here and it's true, we gotta gtfo
but how?

>> No.55583818

Who made this

How will you find a gf

>> No.55583876

My general advice to all leaf anons is as follows: Take the next few weeks to hit the books (the internet: Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.) and research every single country in Latin America and South East Asia. You're looking for countries that you can afford to live in, are intrinsically interesting to you for whatever personal reasons, and that have an immigration path that you could qualify for. Then when you have a handful of those countries that you like and make sense, it's time to go on a reconaissance mission where you explore them to make sure you like it actually rather than just looking good on paper. Then come home, compile your notes, and make a decision. Then get the fuck out of dodge as soon as humanly possible.

Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.55583953

Well that you have comfort you will degenerate yourself spend that money in a non degenerate way something that makes your power process better

>> No.55584009

Escorts > gf.
Hotter, fuck better, love you more (yes, a whore simulates love better than a modern woman).

>> No.55584053

Most importantly, gotta grind your beans. Buying pre ground coffee is pleb tier
For brands, I mostly go with San franscisco bay and stumptown. Dark roasts.

>> No.55584068

I'm basically the same except I don't WFH. You lucky dog.

>> No.55584083

>just leave your family and friends to go live with monkey people

>> No.55584102

South East Asians are some of kindest, hardest working people in the world. No one is saying you have to be a SJW, but for fuck sake, not everyone who isn't white is a sub human. Stop visiting pol, it's rotting your brain.

And by the way, by building out an internationally diversified life, you now have the potential to help get your family get out of the country later on if they need to. I hope someone in your family isn't an idiot like yourself.

>> No.55584159

considering housing prices in can vs some of these other places it might be worth trying to land a property oversees if law permits

all for an internationally diverse life, I'd live in Hakone if I could afford it

>> No.55585228

>go be a loser in SEA


>> No.55585272

Get a girlfriend and she’ll fix your problem

>> No.55585282

The more I own, the more shit I have to maintain, clean, store and I just can’t be fucked.

>> No.55585293
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yes, thats your gambling capital
the most important thing to have is land
gamble your savings into landcoin
embrace the autism and laugh at the wagies who try and find things to dump money on every week because
>"i got a some left from this weeks check"

>> No.55585308

>saving more than 20% each paycheck

>> No.55585314

I budget 3k a month for spending. And I cannot meet that goal. I only end up spending 2-300$ and end up gifting the rest to loved ones.

>> No.55585754
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I have been independent for 3 years now, I no longer have anything to buy, everything I wanted or would have wanted I already have, I am no longer a consoomer but now I'm simply bored, I don't need money except for food
I even started to put half of my salary in SORA to see if I can get more money for my retirement, I need a hobby I think

>> No.55585762

is she on a safari, checking out poor people?

>> No.55585775

Just get a gf/get married

>> No.55585777

am I fucking autistic?
I do all the same shit, except I have shoes over 10 years old because I like to clean them regularly with a toothbrush and washing powder (washing machine kept melting glue)
I don't guy anything, other than lunches, which are consistently the same, and coffees

>> No.55585801

Same for me. Especially after COVID. Dont wanna lose my job/home for not being vaxxed

>> No.55585819

I only recently discovered having more than 1 pair of shoes and it's pretty amazing anon. You should try it.

>> No.55585851

They aren't all financial parasites - I've never been employed yet I've rarely been single. I just establish early on that I'm not a provider, and the vapid money/status vampires filter themselves out.

>> No.55585870

20%? I am saving 60%

>> No.55585970

She's going cock shopping, so she can create new shocking content for her onlyfans.

>> No.55586092

This. When I started earning more I barely started spending more. At some point I saved 1k (eur) of my 2,2k net monthly income (I bought a cheap old house in my town in the good days, mortgage is just 500/mo for a detached house, I fixed it up myself so CoL is very low). Then I started earning 1,1k net more a month, so now I save like 2k every month. Looking to do the same (banking/finance) work as a freelancer for even double the money starting next month but I just can't bring myself to start spending like it and honestly I don't think that's a bad thing. Just keep money in a company/invest