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55581652 No.55581652 [Reply] [Original]

Why are doomers so obsessed with inflation when every metric shows that its just a nothing burger.

>> No.55581683

Core inflation doko?

>> No.55581717

Doomers will look for any reason to believe the US is on the verge of collapse, they've been doing it for decades. The fact of the matter is that the US is currently showing the best economic indicators out of every major economy on Earth right now, doomers should be focusing more on Europe's growing number of issues and China's sudden crash in growth but they're too obsessed with the US to care about that.

>> No.55581872

China is in much better shape.

>> No.55581879
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CPI is a contrived figure, its not a real representation of inflation
Inflation really just means more money printing, and that was the dictionary definition of it until the 80s. Then they changed it to "a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money" and started measuring inflation by CPI.

>> No.55581891

wow and all we had to do was revoke every human freedom indefinitely

I love The Government! I love vaccines!

>> No.55581914

uk wins again, we literally cannot stop winning

>> No.55581922
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Canada, you try to fuck on me?

>> No.55581927

imagine unironically believing this lol

>> No.55581945

It's really not, they're facing so many headwinds it's kind of insane right now and missing nearly every expectation on what their numbers should be. There's growing doubt that they'll even have 5% growth this year because of how badly they're missing their figures, which are likely already being propped up for the sake of making things look better than they are. Not that the US isn't lying about its statistics either, they almost certainly are, it's just that China has a much higher incentive to lie about them and they're still substantially underperforming right now.

>> No.55581997

It's all because of housing inflation. Imagine if you're like 27 years old, have a decent job, played by the rules, and spent the last five years saving up for a down payment on a house. Then house prices go up by 50% in two years and rates doubled and now you are priced out forever and will own nothing and be happy. In the meantime, your landlord, Boomer McSheckelburg has raised rents on you 40% since 2020, siphoning off any income gains you may have gained in the last few years.

That's why people are angry over inflation.

>> No.55582018

It's actually a really good post. Inflation doesn't really matter. It should run at 7% indefinitely :). If you're unable to capture 7% growth every year (income/capital) you are legit useless. If inflation was allowed to run at 7% a year we would already have colonized Mars.

>> No.55582059

If we prove to other beings in the universe, that we can't be satisfied with the resources of one planet, we set us ourselves up for an alien invasion.

>> No.55582080

>everything is on fire, everyone is getting 3rd degree burns
>look! we are less on fire and only have 2nd degree burns!

>> No.55582112
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this really.

doomers want the US to collapse so they look for anything to reinforce their perception of the world. which means they all lost a shitload of money betting against it. which is hilarious.

>> No.55582184

You are missing the regards of foreign investment in uS bonds and trade deficits. The primary reason other countries' currencies are inflating so badly is because they trade in US dollars since it's the reserve currency. Everytime the US dolar strengthens a little it's strengthening against other countries' dollars. That's why they raise raise exactly in step with the US.

>How the US exports inflation

But it's not like civilized countries will tolerate hyperinflation. If it gets too bad they will sell their US treasuries, which would fuck the US bond market and the USD.

So we are in a currency war. and the US can only afford to be very slightly ahead of the others. Meanwhile some countries (BRICs for ex) are fed up with the US using the dollar as a weapon and are trying to undermine uSD by using alternatives for their trade.

Either way: no big player (USA, UK, Japan) is just going to lay down and die without a fight

>> No.55582185

A better way to look at is that the dollars you made providing a service last year are worth less then the goods/services you can produce today/tomorrow. If you were planning on banking on the fact you invented planes 100 years ago. And decided to capture the pay you received for that and hold it for now.... Well we can put vehicles in space now. The inventions you provided back then are pretty.... well boring compared to now. So don't save your money. Otherwise you are a loser.

>> No.55582203

BTW the fastest jet plane to exist today was built in 1964.

>> No.55582286

I was referring to shorting the US markets and buying gold and that sort of shit instead of going long on US tech

>> No.55582336
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>> No.55583285
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>All these metrics are inflation excluding rent, food, and energy
>The majority of inflation from the last 3 years has been from those sectors
Liars and cheats the lot of them.
The fact of the matter is if too much of your portfolio was in a bank account for the last couple years, you've been absolutely devastated and will never catch up to anyone who had assets during the same time frame.

>> No.55583358


>Everyone that disagrees with me is a Doomer. Nuance doesn't exist. Just trust me bro. Everything is a dichotomy.
Go back to Twitter and Reddit you NPC fucking retards.

>> No.55583395

>Go back to Twitter and Reddit you NPC fucking retards.
U first nigger

>> No.55583484
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BLS is under the executive branch and will cook the books in any way the president tells them to. They're using some inflation measure that is new for 2023 and excludes the price of owner occupied housing lmao.

>> No.55583525

lmao even
ok Chang
this, rent free

>> No.55583538

Literally exact situation I’m in, same age, except house prices are double what they were three years ago

>> No.55583565
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>The US is the best smalling Dog shit on a lawn full of Dog shit.
What does it mean? Here is something though, Shit is still shit.

>> No.55583626

Inflation might have slowed down but it's still going up. Plus, some impacts are still to come like the UPS teamsters threatening to strike.

>> No.55583632

Because shit like food costs a lot more now

>> No.55583700
File: 39 KB, 625x352, 171216BF-4E02-42BB-BE9D-3374D50D97D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As foretold by the business cycle. Interest rates are lag and the hiking began in March 2022, and since they take 18-24 months to show fangs, we’ll start seeing the bloodbath start this September.

>> No.55583938

>energy outperforming right now

>> No.55585190

China has 22% youth unemployment and rising. Their low inflation is being blamed by analysts on a sluggish economic performance causing weakening demand.

People say
>b-but china has double the economic growth of america!

Only 1% of households in China earn the average American household income. They are growing that from a much, much lower base.

>> No.55585224

Zoom out

>> No.55585319

Back to when Trump created the inflation problem?

>> No.55585328

>I'm an American therefore everyone on an anonymous image board must also be American

>> No.55585338

Trump created the virus and forced global lockdowns? Trump raised rates which fucked the global economy to save the already dying dollar? Is Trump in the room with us?

>> No.55585423

Why would you save paper instead of gold?

>> No.55585702

>Doomers will look for any reason to believe the US is on the verge of collapse
This. Doomers are just coomers with an apocalypse fetish. Put all their posts in this context and you will see they are no different from bbc, brapposter and the roastposties.

>> No.55586670

Peter Schiff listner

>> No.55587592

my savings are losing purchasing power, how is it nothing you fucking retard

>> No.55587605

what's this from

>> No.55589180

Costs me 80 fucking dollars to fill up the tank on my sedan. If I didn’t wfh and had to drive every day I’d be fucked. Anyone saying the economy isn’t dangerously bad is a shill.

>> No.55590868

this. its literally propaganda.

>> No.55591680

Maybe you should be mad at the price gouging companies using fake inflation as an excuse.

>> No.55593389
File: 451 KB, 789x661, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many modern economists postulate that one of the most significant causes for inflation since 1998 is the overly-frequent restructuring done by large publicly-traded companies so that their most profitable revenue streams are encapsulated in private subsidiaries. A notable example of this being how the video game giant Nintendo decided to have their very profitable Pokemon IP be fully owned by their subsidiary Game Freak Inc. This behavior causes the resultant profits to avoid being part of stock dividend payouts; and thus the monetary trickle into shareholder hands is largely blocked off. For a better explanation about this phenomenon, search "pokemon inflation".

>> No.55593441

That's retarded. Price increases more often than not occur in conjunction with worse goods/services.
Inflation is a hidden tax (theft) and trying to rationalize it as deserved is evil.
Kill yourself.

>> No.55593527

>these are the people giving you investment advice

>> No.55593541

It's a complicated thing that's easy to spook uneducated laymen about, so it is a long established tradition among grifters, conspiracy nuts, preppers, gold salesmen, "libertarians," etc.

>> No.55593607

This omits the truth that we export inflation on those countries and this should be a war crime. We may as well be burning their crops or salting their farmland.