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55579099 No.55579099 [Reply] [Original]

Did link just become a new eth?

>> No.55579110

think bigger

>> No.55579111

Yes. That's what we have been saying for six years.

>> No.55579122

nope, because the fatman himself just confirmed the link token cant be worth more than a cup of coffee for the network to function

it is over, stinkies

>> No.55579126

Checked. Eth is just a casino to wash trade shitcoins. Link is going to be much, MUCH bigger.

>> No.55579135

During comfy link discussions, big brain anons always stated that eth would become just a settlement layer. I really miss those days.

>> No.55579138


>> No.55579157

Some might even say it will gain prominence over BTC.

>> No.55579182

well i mean kind of

>> No.55579190

no because token not needed regardless of what chainlink labs says sorry seethe cope etc

>> No.55579189

Yes, in the future people will literally be linking CCIP explorer saying shit like

>"see, i sent you niggerbbccoin from my eth wallet to your Avax wallet, looks here the transaction"
and shit like
>"look twitter faggots, the hackers moved from bnb to arbitrum to use ___ protocol to attempt to launder the funds and obfuscate their tracks, see the transaction here:"

>> No.55579193

it is blockchain agnostic gas, it is TCIP for blonkchains

>> No.55579196

One reason eth took off so fast was because of the ICO craze in 2017, which required you to purchase eth in order to participate in the casino. Will link also have a similar type of craze?

>> No.55579205

we're gonna fucking make it
it's literally happening
i'm gonna buy a fucking yacht

>> No.55579247

It literally says for chainlink ecosystem to function the price must be low.

>> No.55579256
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>> No.55579278

checks price. Up 1%. So what else is happening?

>> No.55579284

Hows this make you feel?
>July 7, 2020
>LINK: $6.47
>BTC: $9,108
>ETH: $246
>BNB: $16.77
>ADA: $0.12
>SOL: $0.75
>DOGE: $0.003
>LTC: $43
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.01
>XRP: $0.19

>July 7, 2023
>LINK: $6.16
>BTC: $30,342
>ETH: $1,868
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.28
>SOL: $21.90
>DOGE: $0.06
>LTC: $98
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.079
>XRP: $0.47

>> No.55579316


>> No.55579401

Every dapp that will survive, and every new dapp that will arise from here out will be using features enabled by link, it is a lot of added pressure to spot price. I'd say what I really think but that may seem to bullish and draw ire. For example,
>Larry Fink is bullish on Crypto as an international asset with unrivaled value
>Coinbase L2 "Base" on CCIP + hedgies using Coinbase as their surveillance sharing agreements for BTC spot ETF
The result of all this culminating / converging will be a bit more dramatic than people expect

>> No.55579454

reminder that literally all of the LINK shit is just repurposed XRP shit. XRP is the actual NWO coin

>> No.55579538

So link is now universal gas? Some big brained anon back in the day stated that link ccip will obfuscate the need for blockchains altogether, can any anon try to expand on this?

>> No.55579558
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>So link is now universal gas

>> No.55579616

I just hope this means no more lethargic price action. Maybe not this year, but sometime next year, I hope it pulls a run similar to 2017 eth.

>> No.55579649

One piece of fud that gets me though is this, the ETH blockchain is where the action is, so why does it matter if all these other ghost chains are linked now if they are not even being used? Or am I missing something?

>> No.55579685

It is that way for now, but once L1 is abstracted away does it really matter which chain you're on?

At that point you'll use whatever is best for the purpose you seek. The next step for CCIP is to have cross chain smart contracts, where you can you each blockchain for whatever task it's best suited for in a smart contract.

>> No.55579724
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>So link is now universal gas?
holy fucking jesus titties dipped in onions sauce
i feel like my brain has just exploded.

>universal gas
we're going to be wealthy beyond our wildest dreams aren't we?

>> No.55579734

>but once L1 is abstracted away does it really matter which chain you're on
Then why is CCIP needed? Or am I misunderstanding you. It just seems that ETH is the only blockchain that matters, even BNB chain is irrelevant compared to ETH.

>> No.55579744

>universal gas
lmao you guys are so delusional it's ridiculous

>> No.55579840
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>Then why is CCIP needed? Or am I misunderstanding you. It just seems that ETH is the only blockchain that matters, even BNB chain is irrelevant compared to ETH.
ETH had the first mover advantage, all that came after it not only to offer a better value proposition (less congestion, cheaper fees, more security) but provide better dapps and most importantly, deeper liquidity.

Now all that advantage goes out of the window thanks to CCIP. Using the best value proposition chain now is as simple as using CCIP to transfer your assets back and forth, or cross chain smart contracts.

The gigabrained anons that stated ETH was going to become a simple settlement layer were right.

>> No.55579842
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>> No.55579845

Nah Swift want lots of chains to be accessible and so do others. S'easy to get anon

>> No.55579874

>Swift and Schmidt are delusional
Keep slurping the koolaid, champ

>> No.55579897
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Think of it this way:

Imagine you're living in medieval times. Where do rich people live? In cities next to either a river or the sea, due to commerce routes increasing the wealth of said cities. You're living in bumfuck nowhere but all the trade is done in the big coastal/river cities and there is no way for you to sell your shit there, despite you having a MUCH better product than anyone else in those cities, because there are no means of fast and efficient transport.

But then, outta fucking nowhere, aliens come down and begin building a fucking supersonic train and all the necessary infrastructure. And the only thing people need to board the train and come to YOU is whatever they have with them, be it a coin, a piece of fruit, cloths, etc. because the train converts it into energy and instantly sets forth to its destination. Suddenly you have a massive influx of people coming to see you and the shit you sell. That's what CCIP means for the blockchain space.

>> No.55579900

show me where either of those people said link is "universal gas"

>> No.55579935

Sorry OP I sold out of Link and made a nice 80k a year ago but Link is not coming back to the hey day it once was….

>> No.55579945

we fucking made it

>> No.55579946

Well it seems like it's common sense, CCIP renders all blockchains as settlement layers, and as seen in the pic in the OP, even gas for CCIP is paid in link (or in another token with a 10% premium, which is then converted into link). Does this not sound like universal gas? So the link token now or will soon have identical functionality as the eth token; however, instead of being limited to the eth blockchain, the link token can be used to interact with any blockchain. Some other anon correct me if I am wrong. Like I stated before in a previous post, some smart anons always repeated the sentiment that eth would eventually become a settlement layer for link, it seems like this has come to fruition.

>> No.55579959

AND BTC dumps right on cue...anyone who does not see how blatant this is is blind

>> No.55579964

you have it right
link truly is the god protocol
we made it boys

>> No.55579973


Token needed

>> No.55579981

The biggest faggot tier ponzi scheme casinos (trad fi) will be on blockchains soon because of link

It's going to happen

>> No.55579990


>> No.55579993

>Then why is Fantom needed? Or am I >Then why is CCIP needed? Or am I misunderstanding you. It just seems that FTM is the only blockchain that matters, even FTM chain is irrelevant compared to FTM.
FTM had the first mover advantage, all that came after it not only to offer a better value proposition (less congestion, cheaper fees, more security) but provide better dapps and most importantly, deeper liquidity.

Now all that advantage goes out of the window thanks to Fantom. Using the best value proposition chain now is as simple as using Fantom to transfer your assets back and forth, or cross chain smart contracts.

The gigabrained anons that stated ETH was going to become a simple settlement layer were right. misunderstanding you. It just seems that FTM is the only blockchain that matters, even BNB chain is irrelevant compared to FTM.
ETH had the first mover advantage, all that came after it not only to offer a better value proposition (less congestion, cheaper fees, more security) but provide better dapps and most importantly, deeper liquidity.

Now all that advantage goes out of the window thanks to Fantom. Using the best value proposition chain now is as simple as using Fantom to transfer your assets back and forth, or cross chain smart contracts.

The gigabrained anons that stated FTM was going to become a simple settlement layer were right.

>> No.55579995

Traditional finance is notoriously slow, eventually I believe it will happen but not anytime soon. I just hope link gets a 2017 eth style speculative pump within the next two years or so.

>> No.55579998

Not even that. Ehereum will be nothing more than a legacy system that nobody uses. Everything will be migrated off of Ethereum onto better more efficient blockchains.

>> No.55580010


I would say the most obvious, easy to build, and likely next use case we will see coming soon utilizing CCIP will be various DEX aggregators like 1INCH using them to give the best pricing among all the DEXes on every chain.

I.E. You are trading $100,000 worth of DAI.e for USDC.e through 1INCH on Avalanche but its so illiquid that your sell will cause a substantial price impact of 2%. They will aggregate some of the liquidity from USDC on Ethereum and now the impact is .2%. Maybe they even arbitrage some of it and take a fee of .1% which is fine since you got a solid savings in the process.

CCIP makes all the EVM ghost chains completely viable now because their Ethereum's value will be instantly useable. Liquidity precedes all price action. This is honestly amazing for the entire crypto ecosystem including ETH except for the MEV cartels I suppose.

>> No.55580012

Is this not malfunctioning?

1000k EOY

>> No.55580014

ETH has too much institutional interest for that to happen imo, the entire ecosystem is based around eth. Even the swift ccip testing is being done on the eth blockchain iirc., it was called eth sepolia or something.

>> No.55580029
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I hold Link aswell but Link wont replace Ethereum

>> No.55580034

ETH is the settlement layer. Everything that is worth anything in crypto is priced in ETH not btc sol ada xrp or some other !@#$ coin. Chrisite’s Art House auction NFTs are prices in ETH etc.. The war has already been won. The Lyndy effect is proving this year after year…

>> No.55580038

You know it’s good news when not telling friends about it feels like you’re silently slapping them in the face

>> No.55580045

This is great and all, but do you think this will cause an increase in link's token price? The same way the ICO fest during 2017 cause the eth token price to skyrocket from single digits to nearly 2 grand?

>> No.55580055

>Lyndy effect
This also applies to Chainlink doesn't it?

>> No.55580065

The banking world is littered with private EVM chains. Chainlink links them all together.

Someone post the Bank of America report.

>> No.55580084


Idk but literally every cross chain DEX swap will require the LINK token so the more volume taking place the more LINK will be purchased to do so

>> No.55580104

I see, I'm just glad that the link token actually has a concrete use case.

>> No.55580107


It would also seem to me that eventually nearly every swap that happens on other chains will pull liquidity from another chain as the pricing spreads will almost always be better on Ethereum or wherever pairs are more liquid

>> No.55580116

Yes. I think the ccip explorer itself is hugely bullish, just finally having a place where you can visualise the network doing its job and see that fees are being paid gives people something tangible to look at while they’re doing their own “research”. It’s very easy to imagine from there how massive the amount of fees could be in the future

>> No.55580124

Yes but institutional money and adoption is a skewed to ETH and BTC not link. Institutions will pile in on ETH when eigan layer allows 4% on top of 4$% ETH staking…. And yes sure you can make some spending cash investing in link but no Fock you $$$. Those days are gone.

>> No.55580240


>> No.55580277



>> No.55580279

we have chain bridges already kek. this is what ccip fanboys have been waiting for?

>> No.55580285

yeah, like multichain. hows that going

>> No.55580288

bridges are terrible and nobody likes them

>> No.55580313

all of the cross chain protocols are doing the same as link... badly. cause no one needs cross chain shite lmaoo

>> No.55580333


>> No.55580428

Just 6 more years

>> No.55580443
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The Great Bullrun can only start if Chainlink is destroyed.
The Great Short must take place first. There is no other way to make it now but to short Chainlink (ticker: LINK) into oblivion and send globohomo a message they can't forget.
We will put and end to their shill campaigns, their illegal use of DARPA bots, sybil attacks, paid shills and glowing insiders.

Prepare your shorts anons.

>> No.55580444

mev is literally toast frens whenever the meth trannies ramp up the gas costs just use a different chain or better yet stay on layer two forever

>> No.55580445

Come to think of it, due to CCIP, is it safe to state that each blockchain is just a node in the Chainlink network?

>> No.55580460


>> No.55580463

>a node in the Chainlink network
more like a node in the CCIP network

>> No.55580490

every other cross chain or oracle tech has been "hacked" and consumed billions. it hasn't been safe to explore until now.

>> No.55580536

After all these years, i'm still baffled by Sergey's "coffee price" comment and it remains the most effective and convincing FUD out there.
Why does it matter what the price of the token is? nothing fundamentally change, if you pay 0.2 Link in gas fee or 0.002, what's the difference if the dollar amount is the same.

the token price is just X = $, doesn't matter if it is 1 = 1$, 100 = 1$ or 0.1 = 1$.

It was nonsensical for Sergey to write "the token price should ideally be that of the price of a cup of coffee" (or however he phrased it), WHY!? makes no sense at all.

>> No.55580566

>It was nonsensical for Sergey to write "the token price should ideally be that of the price of a cup of coffee

This literally never happened though kek

>> No.55580592

It did, it was in the original white paper, they removed it in the updated version.

>> No.55580598

Lmao no. Don’t even bother posting that shopped screenshot

>> No.55580615

Brainlet tier post. I can’t imagine why the owner of a utility company wouldn’t want their utility to become to expensive for consumers to afford..

>> No.55580634

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.55580671

That's the best part. The fucking kike vampires are going to get their hands cut off at the elbows. No more skimming off the top. No way for them to install any MEV alternative. It's over. Those juicy fees belong to US.

>> No.55580697

the token price was much lower then. now it would undermine the moonboy marketing that's trying to skirt securities law, so they removed it. removing it kinda proves that nothing they write is of actual substance, but sergey doesn't care as long as retail money flows in to fund his adventures

>> No.55580751

CLL niggers tongue my anus.
It did happen and someone WILL post the original if you keep pushing that shit.

>> No.55580767

So chainlink old fags are gone now, ml nobody understand the coffee price meme?

>> No.55580768

Imagine investing into the truth machine and then lying constantly about it for years

>> No.55580794

>It did, it was in the original white paper, they removed it in the updated version

It wasn't I already BTFO this FUD out last time. Go ahead and post the shopped pic you have and I'll post a link to the V1 whitepaper and screen shots of what it actually says.

>> No.55580804

imagine being a gaslighting faggot.
couldn't be me.

>> No.55580814
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Link just hit $7 pretty damn easily bros…

Also Korean or Japanese wife? I don’t wanna date an american women.

>> No.55580824

Literally you

>> No.55580840

Nigga you mad cause we stylin on you
You mad cuz you ain’t got no link on you
You mad cause you won’t make it on you
You mad cause you ain’t got sergeys bags on you
You mad cause you eat penis on you
Yeah you just mad cause we stylin on you

>> No.55580842

Yes it did, LINK was only $0.20 so it was seen as a huge bullish sign, now it's FUD. can't have it both ways.

>> No.55580845

Developer craze

Check em

>> No.55580859

i think we're gonna get a harem at this rate

>> No.55580862
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Look man, Gary will surely overlook it albeit maybe not for free.

>> No.55580895

Gas fees nigga. Wait until the bull starts moving and people need to move shit around on Ethereum

And this time it isn’t going to be BNB eating Eth’s lunch

>> No.55580904

i need a dashboard so i can track the total number of CCIP txns, total fees taken, etc
this is exciting. CCIP is going to unlock the next era of dapps and there's a good chance one of them will be "THE" dapp that achieves mainstream adoption.

>> No.55580948

Especially considering Chainlink will be the backbone of a huge future industry and hampering it's success would hamper the world economy.


>> No.55580950
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>> No.55580964

It's "Lindy", not "Lyndy".

>> No.55580973

Now consider actual swift banks moving billions with percentage going to link stakers

>> No.55580977

>Yes it did, LINK was only $0.20 so it was seen as a huge bullish sign, now it's FUD. can't have it both ways.

Bro liars always get what is coming to them. Idk how people can live with themselves doing this shit.

Please post the evidence of the white paper saying this and then I'll post the actual counter evidence and appropriate links.

>> No.55580986


>> No.55581003


>> No.55581004

It links L2s as well
Think bigger
It will link private consortium chains and infrastructure

>> No.55581032

This, that crap is like 2019 FUD. Wasn’t funny back then, is not funny now.

>> No.55581049

When CCIP converts non-link payments into Link, where does the Link come from? Do they swap on a Dex?

>> No.55581082

Have you ever seen a portal?

>> No.55581097


>> No.55581110

Is Francisco there or what?

>> No.55581190
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We made it marines. Love you all.

>> No.55581191

Yes but this one works well enough to make people actually use it. And it does something.

>> No.55581254
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>he doesn't know

>> No.55581262

>Do they swap on a Dex?
haha, right. that's prime liquidity, someone is willingly giving them cash for tokens they paid $0 for. it's pure profit for them, obviously all tokens bought will come straight out of their reserve, diluting holders

>> No.55581264
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You're right it is great news. Slurp 8 is alive and will end on July 24th.

>> No.55581278
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Is this possible with ccip?

>> No.55581308


>> No.55581332

its inevitable

>> No.55581335

Go shower

>> No.55581350
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remember that this is basically pure profit for chainlink nodes, unlike data feeds where they have to cover premium api costs
the market will pay a premium for their services as it unlocks so much capability and with such a high degree of security
nice find, it only needs 5 of 7 votes to pass which it already has
crazy that sdl market cap is under $25m still

>> No.55581401

Can someone post the meme of sergay drinking vitalik’s milkshake

>> No.55581405


>> No.55581412

this is the market cap of eth at the bottom of a bear market lol

>> No.55581417

it's only possible with actual staking out

>> No.55581449

i-is big bad meanie BTC going to collapse this pump like all the others ? :(

>> No.55581453

This cycle it’s likely to peak out there desu

Staking will push it to the multi thousands

>> No.55581499

It's basically guaranteed at this point.
Chainlink is going to absorb the marginal value of the entire currently-existing crypto market, and then some.

>> No.55581519

Yes. Its a fucking joke. I hate boomercoin so much and the fags who use it to kill link pumps too.

>> No.55581591

Low is a relative term vis a vis the entire financial system.

>> No.55581628


>> No.55581651

I never read the blog but I assume you’re just implying

>> No.55581677

Vitalik said the same thing about ETH back in the day kek

>> No.55581732

True. $10, I think he said.

>> No.55581748

Checked, mein schwarz

>> No.55581763

Wasn't the coffee thing before Economics 2.0?
Back then, the only thing Chainlink was focused on was price feeds.

>> No.55581778
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We finally achieved the Layer 0 prophecy.
Things are going to get wild soon.

>> No.55581798


Fudding trannies on full alert

>> No.55581850

For ETH this is actually true though, high price makes ETH unusable for the masses but with LINK it doesn't matter since the fee is always the same relative $ value converted to LINK

>> No.55581867

Then why isn't it a stablecoin if the value can be denominated in $. Makes no sense.

>> No.55581905

Because nodes are paid in LINK, same reason why every L1 uses their own token to pay for gas

>> No.55581911

In 5 years we’re laughing

>> No.55581935

Good thing CCIP lets anyone sidestep artificially induced gas related bottlenecks by simply paying LINK to use another chain.
ETH is worth whatever you think finality is worth on the current most popular chain. However that popularity is tied to a zero sum predatory game that has just been rendered inert by CCIP.
CCIP releases value to mingle between chains. CCIP also allows value and data to be sent between chains in the form of tokens + instructions i.e. go somewhere and do something.
Sounds valuable to me

>> No.55582025

I agree linkfren. I even sold 50% because what if? ya know...

>> No.55582095

its funny how in that 6 years the roasties working for chainlink made more then any of us

>> No.55582107

how new are you? already happened, defi summer

>> No.55582159

How is Sergey going to convince every L1/L2 out there to integrate Link? How is this going to compete with existing L0 solutions like wormhole and layerzero?

>> No.55582222

they will have no choice

>> No.55582253

every l1 and l2 already desperately wants chainlink deployed, this will only heighten that
and what's the biggest app? aave, a launch partner

>> No.55582290

how many linkies do I need to make it? I got 72 over the weekend. am I too late?

>> No.55582335

1000 is suicide stack unless ur a 3rd worlder

>> No.55582347

>How is Sergey going to convince every L1/L2 out there to integrate Link?
Do you live under a rock nigger? every L1 and L2 has already integrated or begged Chainlink for integration
>How is this going to compete with existing L0 solutions like wormhole and layerzero?
you mean the shitshow that got hacked time and again and whose owners are Jump Trading? yeah I think LINK can compete just fine kek

>> No.55582361

Based chad, no alt is flipping Eth and I'd just keep accumulating the blue chip while keeping it safe in my Wasabi and Brillion wallet away from hackers.

>> No.55582365

What is blockchain 101 what is permissionless decentralization ? Nigga thinks we are a stock market.

>> No.55582376

>he thinks link is an alt

>> No.55582407
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>Wasabi and Brillion

>> No.55582408

what you need to have a long hard think about is... what is ethereum's real value add?
does all that computation need to be done on ethereum? can some of it be moved to other chains?
can we shift more and more over to arbitrum?
what about the easy to deploy chains from arbitrum and optimism? the l3s?
the smarter ones on ethfinance are starting to realize the longer term threat
blockspace is cheap and will get cheaper....

>> No.55582443
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Nobody is going to use this shitcoin along with the rest of the shitcoins outside monero. All the real money will always go to bitcoin because economy movers care about energy generation and transacting funds on the most bulletproof blockchain not poopooshart chains and your data autism. Link along with ETH and its shitcoin factory is going to the ground, any remaining code will get sucked up by a big tech or some boring tech company like IBM or oracle. I cannot wait until coinmarketcap goes offline and people only care about sats and their xmr wallets. Biz will have to be a red board for a few months just to hide all the pinkjaks holding shitcoins.

>> No.55582446

I was told 200 is comfortable if things pan out. I honestly don't know shit about block chain, just been listening to some podcasts and clips explaining that financial institutions are moving to adopt block chain tech and how poor the stock market is right now crypto just seems to me like a safer investment at this point so I bought some this weekend. whatever at least I don't have money just sitting in a savings account anymore which is what was really bothering me.

>> No.55582541

Copium overload

>most hype product release

>pumps less than xrp dookie

>> No.55582618
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you'll seethe harder in time. you can bet on it.

>> No.55582757

Oh no no no....

Lookit the top of his head...

>> No.55582873

So all this does is to put Link on the L0 map. They're now directly competing with existing players.
They also own boatload of Link. Will that reflect negatively on Link?
I can cherrypick instances where one built their own alternatives or went to integrate other service.. but nah.. just kudos to you for holding all this time.
You are a walking sell signal nigger.

>> No.55582949


>> No.55583091
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Yes, it do be like that.

>> No.55583118

Why isn't Bitcoin part of the initial CCIP launch?

>> No.55583120

Stop talking like a nigger.

>> No.55583179

the bitcoin ceo didn't agree

>> No.55583261

You should buy as much as you can afford to at these levels

>> No.55583590

The funny thing about all this is link wins either way now. If the VC's and the rest of the space grow up and allow real adoption instead of fighting it kicking and screaming so they can maintain their MEV and shitcoin casino profits, then link leads the way. If they continue to resist, link now becomes the de facto gateway to the shitcoin casino, and drinks everybody's milkshake. So whatever the paradigm is, outside of pure btc maximalism, link wins.

>> No.55583773

Staking is still not a thing for LINK? God damn, I've been holding this bullshit since 2017 and people were talking about staking then like it was right around the corner.

>> No.55583856

>what would i need an automobile for when i still have a perfectly good horse? no one needs to haul more than a cartful anyway

>> No.55583896

These levels are 10x what I paid originally. I can't justify increasing my 3K stack.

>> No.55583913
File: 2.97 MB, 570x2427, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure meming with you over the last 6 years.

>> No.55583915


>> No.55584149

You were able to buy at $.70 and only have 3k? I found LINK at $4 and have 2500.

>> No.55584201


>> No.55584275

I had more, but I needed a house

>> No.55584313

staking came out last year

>> No.55584368

No, you didn't.

>> No.55584429
File: 73 KB, 613x677, 1682482518540528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his dad didn't buy him a house
>he had to pay himself
>he missed a once in a lifetime opportunity

>> No.55584456


>> No.55584489

lets make fun of him :}

>> No.55584496

i watched it go from 5 to 50 then bought in a few months ago at 7, 16000 linkies

CCIP will make it moon far past 50.

>> No.55584524

care to explain anyone how trad-fi enters blonkchain via link , example applications ? why does it take so long/ >>55579995

>> No.55584572
File: 57 KB, 512x512, Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should buy some Link then?

>> No.55584589

LINK target price for EOY, Anons?

>> No.55584607


>> No.55584612

Banks can streamline and de-risk a lot of their normal processes through automation, and Chainlink is the first way to do that in a sufficiently reliable way.
They actually aren't taking much time at all, it's just that our dopamine receptors are all fried from the crypto market in general. If you know how long big infrastructure projects normally take and compare it to this situation of SWIFT going from a simple POC in 2018 to a full deployment by EOY 2024, it's actually moving extremely quickly.

>> No.55584617

>coffee inflates 2000% due to joe biden and climate change
Stinky $1000 confirmed

>> No.55584623


>> No.55584640

zoom out

>> No.55584646

CCIP is the standard, we are not competing with anyone

>> No.55584880
File: 334 KB, 515x600, 1620086266101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought at 7.10
>Already down to 7.05

I fucked up, didn't I?

>> No.55584891

sure did
you aren't the first person that got burnt by fatfuck sirgay and won't be the last

>> No.55584901

>you aren't the first person that got burnt by fatfuck sirgay and won't be the last
why are eurofags such angry cunts?

>> No.55584909

ETH never had an actual shot at onboarding mainstream finance wholesale; it unironically needs Chainlink to do that.

>> No.55584920

imagine institutions looking at the mev carry on and the blue haired devs
then chainlink gets someone in the room like kemal

>> No.55584985
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fudders are now forced to fud all other smart contract chains beside ETH alongside with LINK

>> No.55585022
File: 112 KB, 1164x1164, fdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 1200 LINK is this enough

>> No.55585895

How does $1.2 billion sound?

>> No.55585926
File: 35 KB, 743x404, I Tried To Save You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55586261
File: 85 KB, 733x576, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 13.51.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cmd + f
0 results

>cmd + f
0 results