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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 514x597, images-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55568360 No.55568360 [Reply] [Original]

If ccip doesn't make link moon like crazy then it means this coin is dead. There is no other narrative left. This is the top. Every project is using chainlink and this is the max we can reach.

>> No.55568378

deluded linkniggers have been moving the goalpost for years. anyone with half a brain has stopped taking them seriously long ago. the project is dead.

>> No.55568379
File: 118 KB, 493x750, 1505999156927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry fren
CCIP is the real deal
yeah you're right, it all comes down to this
but CCIP is gonna blow our fucking socks off
i swear to god, this is it
link will moon because people will need it to use CCIP. this is exactly like when eth mooned because people needed it to pay for gas.
so stop fretting!

>> No.55568405

Also half of the supply isn't even in circulation yet

>> No.55568410

It's an unneeded token. XMR is a coin. Bitcoin is a coin. They are currencies. What is chain link but a sort of collective reserve token built exclusively to give hr roasties a luxury lifestyle?

>> No.55568413

Unironically yes
Either CCIP saves this token or it just fades into obscurity like any other shitcoin.

>> No.55568425

lol too late by a matter of years link has faded into obscure shitcoin territory. thanks for playing.

>> No.55568443

Yeah that's also a big issue long term if they can't create enough demand with CCIP this shit is going below $1

>> No.55568450

yes, this is without a doubt make it or break it time
but i have faith in the chainlink labs team
CCIP will do it

>> No.55568464

GM based kings

>> No.55568474


didnt you guys see the swift team with a shit eating ear to ear grin name dropping and lusting over chainklink specifically after concluding the world will soon be a fully-tokenized multi-chain world where the only solution to hook into critical mass liquidity would only be practically and securely possible only though an oracle?

ya me neither

>> No.55568499

Also Sergey probably has circulation problems, you know, being that he’s obese and all

>> No.55568582

The link submarines based chainlinkgod.
Fudders are jelly of us 1x'ing our money in 3 years

>> No.55568598

Noob. Deco is the real price discovery.

>> No.55568602
File: 249 KB, 1294x718, 42376432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink has the textbook PnD chart lol

>> No.55568640

Bro staking did nothing for the price even though long term it is one of the rare tokens with actual value capture built in and with already +40 projects pledging to airdrop 5% of their supply to stakers. It's literally the only token with this kind of value capture and no one knows or cares. You have the biggest financial institutions like swift and dtcc openly saying how they can't wait to use ccip and the market still doesn't know or care. It still can't go back to double digits and above top 20. Nothing is going to change this because this market is fundamentally retarded and fundamentally manipulated. VCs and market makers don't want to pump link because they missed it and it's too complex and backend of a narrative for braindead retail.

>> No.55568664

GN cringe peasants

>> No.55568972

What you need to understand is that the suppression is real. This is not a schizo theory. They pay shills to come on here and deny it vehemently, and some of those shills have convinced other anons of that false reality. People with fuckhuge deep pockets are artificially manipulating the price. CZ is one of them. All of the rumors are true. LINK will moon violently and enslave the human race. The only question is when they will free the beast, and how hard they are willing to try and shake us off its back. The future is bleak for humanity, but our chains will be golden.

>> No.55569027
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>> No.55569054

i hear psychiatric medication does wonders these days

>> No.55569055

I'm preparing myself for a clown market disappointment. But I still have one last hope: the release of full staking.

>> No.55569064

its been six years and every year you say "this feature will make link moon when it comes out"...hows thats going? glad I stuck to BNB, closed on a house couple months ago.

>> No.55569202

The token price will moon when the token is locked up and the network is in full flow. That doesn't happen for a while. I am all in, and I know this. I won't be demoralised when the release of CCIP doesn't make the token moon. I'll just be avoiding /biz/ for a fortnight because you disturbed, sad fudders will claim ultimate victory and I can do without that cringe in my life.

>> No.55569222

>The token price will moon when the token is locked up and the network is in full flow.
So like 12 years from now if it ever happens?

>> No.55569268
File: 54 KB, 733x706, 1651593711148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until CCIP is released and functional for a while, there isn't going to be a demand for Link, which means the price isn't going to pump out of nowhere for no reason.
Normies are too stupid to even understand the basic premise of Chainlink, and even if they did, they don't have the cash to pump it based on speculation.
The last thing we need is some bullshit speculative pump followed by a brutal dump most likely brought on by a BTC correction.

Staking and CCIP are what's going to drive the price, so there's no use in hoping for anything else.
I understand it's frustrating as hell waiting for the inevitable, but that's all you can do at this point- wait.
I don't need to tell you that $6 is a steal and won't last much longer.
We went through the same thing with ETH in 2019, and there wasn't even a fraction of the bullish indicators for it back then.

>> No.55569283

I deserve to make it sooner. I put all my hopes and dreams into this project mooning and have nothing to show for it after six fucking years.

>> No.55569355

What exactly have you done in the last 6 years to deserve making it?
Spending a few thousand bucks to hold and do nothing else at all?

Just be glad you got in early and that Sergey decided to let a bunch of shitheads who offer nothing but impetuous tears finance Chainlink instead of the VCs who provide money and influence.
Boo hoo, I have to wait a few years to make millions of dollars.

>> No.55569389

What have I done? First of all I was intelligent enough to pick the cryptoasset (and investment in general) with the greatest value proposition of all time which places me ahead of 99% of the world's population in terms of intelligence. It's not my fucking fault the team have been so incompetent in delivering basic products and pumping the price. Early BTC and ETH buyers made it in the fraction of the time so why not me? Why do I have to be the loser? Also Sergey needs us to for his project to work and be adequately decentralised so he should stop treating us like shit or there's gonna be many more people like Francisco angry at him. At this stage it's a complete fucking outrage that we're trading at single digits. 6 years ago I would have predicted we'd be at triple digits by now yet we're not and my life is fucking hell.

>> No.55569394 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 220x217, crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, our Chainlink journey ends here. The Great Reset timeline has come at a crossroad with humanity. The magic is gone, the memes are stale, the shills have been uncovered, the agendas laid bare for all to see, i-i-it's over marines...only tears from here.

>> No.55569902

I don't see the problem. The Chainlink team is generous enough to let us accumulate for three years. Are you going to have paper hands now? Just keep DCAing in

>> No.55569926

Every Linkie and xrp schizo, hbar and many others just want their pet project to win and enslave the species. "The elites" aren't going to choose your shitty token lol

>> No.55569944

GM based kings

>> No.55569988

First of all, we know how pozzed the sec is when it comes to crypto, so the fact that Sergey isn't out there shilling the token price like the rest of these criminal dogs is going to be a plus in the long term
Second of all, you know how important things like CCIP, Functions, DECO, etc are going to be in the near future, so you have to be cognizant of the fact that those things need to be as close to perfect as possible when they're released or this would all have been for nothing.

I know as well as anyone that holding Link is borderline excruciating, but that's just how it is holding these disruptive assets.
They're like powder kegs, and you just have to deal with uncertainty before the explosion.
Hell, look at all the fud that was out there against TSLA before it became the darling of everyone's stock portfolio.

>> No.55570164

>with a shit eating ear to ear grin
where is this one, i only saw the text not the grin, link please

>> No.55570408

>things need to be as close to perfect as possible when they're released or this would all have been for nothing
Why? Ethereum literally got forked because of an exploit and it's still around.

>> No.55570507

yeah, for scams and shit
it has zero credibility with institutions doing serious work

>> No.55570586
File: 61 KB, 552x441, 1687092904152358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up kiddos. Chainlink has always been a shitcoin like the rest. /biz/tards thought they had found le "secret hidden gem" back in 2017 and promised Ethereum style gains while they relentlessly shilled their altcoin. They unironically believed their premined scam token printed out of thin air would have been used by the World Economic Forum to enforce the 4th IR.

The shilling was so intense that even OGs ended up gobbling their own delusions and hopium. After 6 years Link is trading at single digits, the only person who got rich was Sergey and OGs still haven't made it. The cherry on top of the cake is that it got outperformed by Bitcoin, Ethereum and most altcoins. Only salty bagholders and literal schizos are left holding heavy bags incapable of accepting the situation and lashing out towards anyone pointing out reality.

>> No.55570612

this is all based on sepolia testnet you stupid faggot. Its another ten years of this shit before any real transactions happen

>> No.55570613

>zero credibility with institutions
>doing serious work
>in crypto
are these institutions in the room with us now?

>> No.55570617

this :}
hope you enjoy being old and frail (not to mention impotent lol) when link finally "le moons" and you "le make it" :}

>> No.55570632

It’s one thing that this token didn’t hit 1,000. It’s another that it’s under $7 and being called out by Bank of America, Swift, JP Morgan, and hyped by Eric Schmidt. Literally how is this even possible?!

>> No.55570665

I agree. Ccip will push the price a bit but won’t really get going until eth gas is insane and people have to use alternatives, like BNB with the last run

>> No.55570705

Lol, SWIFT is dead anon.
The world is moving on.
Haven't you wondered why FedNow didn't wait for CCIP?

>> No.55570719


Bank of America would beg to differ

>> No.55570734

CCIP won't make link moon like crazy.
Mass adoption will make it slowly moon in the next 5 years or so.
If you're expecting CCIP to have any impact whatsoever on price, you're gonna have a bad time. Better sell now, or just accept that you're never going to sell. I already decided I'll never sell. Feels comfy af. Nolinkers will continue to seethe and cope, and I'll keep on not-selling.

>> No.55570737

cuz retail is poor and dumb
and these days they are poorer than ever
lots of em are poor THANKS TO crypto kek

>> No.55570755

you need to buy link to use CCIP
sooo obv. it will moon

>> No.55570764

CCIP itself won't cause a bullrun. The apps built with CCIP will start another revolution that causes a bullrun driven by LINK. I don't need to tell you how much of a gamechanger it will be if a dapp can connect to your bank account.

>> No.55570773


>> No.55570779

Normies are too stupid to understand how crypto works on even the most fundamental level. Forget about oracles. They just think they are gambling on internet money.

>> No.55570802
File: 623 KB, 736x742, Chainlink bagholder bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a scam on par with Vechain

Anything else is cope

>> No.55570855


>> No.55570867
File: 722 KB, 638x642, 1682727533365365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro, they lied about a fictional Google partnership which launched the price to $50.

Lying about some abstract technical bullshit that provides no real revenue, will not only fail to elevate the price, but will continue to bleed to ZERO against BTC.

Besides, the token isn't needed.

>> No.55570880

What sort of loser makes images like this, and why don’t they make them for all the other down 90%+ cryptos? Why isn’t there one for solana, isn’t it down like 95%?

>> No.55570882
File: 321 KB, 496x688, 1683204736328588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us how Chainlink is any different from VeChain.

>Fraudulent partnership scams to keep the scam running and the bagholder's from suiciding by dangling some carrot every year
>Massively premined scam token with corrupt distribution which is also an illegal security
>Token dumps are the only source of revenue for both VeChink and Stainstink.

>> No.55570894

Lmao bagholders are crying hard itt.
Just imagine bagholding for 3 years straight for a 1X.. In crypto loooool!
Kek baggies

>> No.55570914

solana baggies are less delusional thank Linkies and don't spam biz 24/7 a day

>> No.55570938

operators for different chainlink services (CCIP, VRF, DONs, etc) who get paid in LINK will need to sell a significant amount of those tokens to pay for the operating costs (infrastructure, servers, electricity, taxes) which cannot be paid in LINK. On top of that, one could argue that it would make little financial sense for operators to keep their profits denominated in LINK (except the amount that node operators might be staking), since they would be unnecessarily increasing their risk exposure.

In summary, a lot of the "buy pressure" that you expect as a result of the launch of chainlink products will be offset by a proportional amount of sell pressure.
sooo it's not that obv. that it will moon

Either way, I'm not selling.
The real reason link will moon is the full staking model, which will require large amounts of tokens to be staked and out of circulation. That won't happen overnight.

>> No.55570940

There’s way more fud than shilling and it’s been like that for years

>> No.55570941

idk you tell me lol

>> No.55571678

I'll be 28, not 50 like you millenial faggot

>> No.55572139

Um Sweetie I chopped my cock off and now you should too. Token not needed

>> No.55572175
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>> No.55572590

Link baggies deserve it

>> No.55572704

Agreed. I was smarter than the retards buying ada doge sol and I have nothing to show for it. What’s worse is now I’m down almost my entire investment in sats and gwei and should be worth at least a few million instead of a couple hundred thousand. If serg ends up being like his smartcon con artists, he’s gonna be worrying about more than a pencil neck spaniard

>> No.55572725

threatening people is illegal

>> No.55572737

Never sold a single Link.
Will never sell a single Link.
Fully staked. 9 wallets.
Comfy af.
Nothing anyone can do about it.
No fud can touch me.

>> No.55572864

Solana pumped last bullrun
Your cuck coin only dumps or crabs

>> No.55572925

Do you work for chainlink labs? Hope you lazy niggers understand you’re on the clock. Tick tock

>> No.55572944

Where the fuck is it? When are they going to announce it?

>> No.55573848

This can't be emphasized enough. Real staking (nodes competing for locking more LINK than others) in order to improve their reputation metrics is the only catalyst for singularity. Always has been. CCIP release will make LINK dump really hard

>> No.55573898

It’s not a coin

>> No.55574000

I think if CCIP doesn't come out this month then I'll do something drastic.
That's right, I'll keep holding LINK! Deal with it fuddie faggots!

>> No.55574006

holy shit THANK YOU

>> No.55574019
File: 819 KB, 1080x1384, BofABlockchainBanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for the source for pic related.

>> No.55574064

oh, chainlink posted this to Twitter.

>> No.55574089

>latching onto a shitcoin after it x100 and then -90%

>> No.55574107
File: 224 KB, 2048x1748, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, the Great Reset has come at a crossroad with humanity. We can not allow the WEF & the young globohomo leaders to manipulate the markets any longer with their fake wars, prolonged bear markets and gay crashes. In order for the Golden Bullrun to resume, Chainlink(ticker: LINK) needs to be destroyed.
/biz/ will declare WAR on Chainlink next week and send globohomo a message. I will be invoking the Business & Finance Emergency Act in the coming days. Every link shill and bagholder will be financially exterminated.
Allocate your capital, do your Binance Futures KYC, and prepare your shorts. It's happening lads, The Great Short is upon us.

>> No.55574182

>dude you should be investing in companies and then threatening to kill the leadership within those companies if you don’t immediately get rich
Who the fuck are you people. Who’s paying you guys to do this shit every day, every waking hour, for years and years?

>> No.55574205

GM based kings

>> No.55574211

CCIP won't moon but it will finally give the token a ton of demand.

>> No.55574583

Ctrl+f chainlink 7/7

>> No.55574595

>once arbitrum release we will moon
>by the next smartcon we will moon
>once staking is out we will moon
>once ccip is out we will moon
lol everybody knows nothing like that will move the price

>> No.55574657

This very sad

>> No.55574672

This is the sort I don't understand. How is link even worth anything if all the coins aren't in supply yet? This goes for any crypto, I'm retarded and don't understand. If there's hundreds of millions unclaimed, how are they worth anything at all? Perceived value? Surely it's when all billion tokens are circulating that it becomes a demand thing?

>> No.55574692


>> No.55575061

shitcoin is dumping lmao

>> No.55575082
File: 25 KB, 491x307, 1682637260261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many salty fudcucks frothing at the mouth itt
Sorry fags. Your obsessive posts about my investments still fail to achieve anything today, much like every other day. Shadilay!

>> No.55575175

How will it make LINK moon like crazy? This is just another fudfag narrative, same as with staking.

>yes goys, locking up 2.5% of the supply will totally make LINK pump! If staking launches and it doesn't materialize a pump, that would definitely prove that the project is dead!

>yes goys, implementing the first public test version of a new cross chain interoperability protocol will totally make LINK pump! If CCIP launches and it doesn't materialize a pump, that would definitely prove that the project is dead!

>Woops, pumps didn't materialize. Sell quickly, fellow LINK holders! This progress is bearish!

>> No.55575194
File: 37 KB, 374x334, 24765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're basically saying that Link never pumps? Lol

>> No.55575197

Sure, until it does.

>> No.55575205

trust the plan. two more weeks until $1000EOY

>> No.55575230

>it is now fud to expect a project to pump when key events arrive

Cultists are mentally fucking ill. Even cultist baghoders dont expect it to pump anymore. Literally a cult

>> No.55575341

The past 2 years have proven that LINK does not pump on good news. Why? I can only guess. Point remains that anyone saying "x will surely make y pump!" is either looking for exit liquidity during a sell the news event, or trying to demoralize holders. Always is, always has been. Why that upsets you so is beyond my understanding.

>> No.55575382

so... token not needed?

>> No.55575430
File: 103 KB, 1098x624, LINK_P&D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no other narrative left.

Sure there is.
The whole point of the VeChain style Ponzi scheme is to keep coming up with and dangling some new potential legitimate "use case" to the idiot bag holder community, while dumping more premined tokens to spot markets.

I'm sure there's a "BMW partnership" in the works for Chaincunt, or maybe they will run the "Google partnership" scam a second time, since most of the OGs are cashed out or suicided by now and no one remembers.

>> No.55576279

Token definitely needed, just not going to pump the price on usage alone. More usage might spark speculation, which is the only way tokens pump in this market.

>> No.55577430

Chainlink isn't for normies anon, it's a utility token for financial institutions.
This is why the majority of us bought it, because it has value beyond being animal coin of the month.

>> No.55577472

yep, looks about dead to me

>> No.55577500

>dumps another 10%

>> No.55577568


>> No.55577591

>He admits his token is dead

>> No.55577664

They just released a pretty big milestone, it's not dead at all.

>> No.55577674

give it like 2 weeks yeesh

>> No.55578345

Fully diluted valuation is the marker for that. Emitting tokens is neccesary for a lot of protocols to keep people staking, validating, etc. In LINKs case they've got a lot of dumping to do on stakers for years to come.