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55565477 No.55565477 [Reply] [Original]

BTC halvings are basically mainstream knowledge now and normies are expecting a golden bullrun. Which is why it’ll crash and break the trend.

>> No.55565482

never bet against the normie horde

>> No.55565486

If more people buy the supply drops and higher sell orders get triggered.

>> No.55565492

>BTC halvings are basically mainstream knowledge
So what, mate? Supply and demand is mainstream knowledge since centuries ago, and if you vary one of the two elements the price changes. Therefore the Bitcoin halvening will have an effect on the price. It's been 14 years since Bitcoin was created and you guys still don't understand how it works. Satoshi Nakamoto was a genius.

Supply and demand is an economic law, it's mathematics.

>> No.55565609
File: 103 KB, 768x555, IMG_0982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lets go
>As of now, the block reward is 6.25 coins per block and will decrease to 3.125 coins per block post halving.
>144 blocks generated daily
>900 tota daily btc minted
>$189,375.00 current block reward
>next halving april 19th 2024
>And for the newfags:
Satashi designed btc to operate like the internet. Computers contribute to crunching data in exchange for a reward which is 6.25 btc.
>For the zoomers:
You and the whole squad join a hardcore house builder minecraft server. Its bussin no cap on a stack. Everyone builds and sometimes gets pays. Admins think your house is lit? They yeet bitcoin into your wallet.
To wrap up my post, picrel helps but this should be compared to the number of wallets created to give somewhat of an idea of usage against price. We can definitely stay in 5 figure hell until 2030; pingponging from 1$-99k$ as the miners and exchanges colludeto screw over bagholders… yet 1 btc = 1 btc. The idea is to replace usd not cash out.

>> No.55565646

Too early!

>> No.55565799

i honestly dont care about the final price of btc
what i'd like to know instead would be the final btc price per hashrate per kwh for every halving
basically, the country with the cheapest electricity dictates the total hashrate that the entire network has to "barely" make it profitable to mine
right now chinks still make good profit with mining despite the current price and the hashrate just keeps rising and rising, as opposed to the last halving where almost half the hashpower disappeared after btc dumped to 3k levels
this didnt happen for this cycle yet

>> No.55565898

people buyed - price up!
>not that easy brainlet

yes, everybody calm the horses!
maybe we get a tiny bvllrun 2026, maybe not. who knows with the recession ongoing and all the rigged markets!

>> No.55565960

>Which is why it’ll crash and break the trend.
>We can definitely stay in 5 figure hell until 2030
OP is trying hsi best.
Look, two threads >>55565878

>> No.55567067

No, this is my only thread faggot and Instead of talking like a shizo why don’t you refute something I said?

>> No.55567084

Have you ever talked with normies about crypto? They are fucking passiert and dont wanna touch it, until its the peak of the bullrun when all of their normies friend are going in and its "hip" again. Its always the same, trust me. Normies = exit liquidity at the top. Really dont worry about it

>> No.55567137

This is the top for 2023 and you’re the exit liquidity lol.

>> No.55567155

Yeah we are down trend for at least 8-12 months from here. Probably retest 16k

>> No.55567166

FYI motley fool is a giga homo Seattle news paper. I hate to say it but this seems like a sell signal. However I am willing to bet the headline is clickbait and the article itself is the usual "ponzi tulip bubble" meme

>> No.55567167

We will frontrun the halving bullrun and crash right afterwards.

>> No.55567182

Actual normies are not paying attention to crypto right now. Not even joking.
At some point I think your thesis will play out though. We could even have an early cycle this time.

I kinda think the halving is a meme, it’s just the crypto business cycle.

>> No.55567215

Most normies already know about crypto and were burned in 2018. They’re not jumping back in this time. They know it’s a scam.

>> No.55567243

You faggots kept posting this ever since 16k

>> No.55567280

Cope. You’re late to crypto kid. Time to admit defeat.

>> No.55567349

It's a sell signal. I think crabbing into the halving is more likely than a dump though. Normalfags will get bored because of the lack of price action and sell.

>> No.55567359
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tripled my money in 6 months fren

>> No.55567371

You are wrong. Remember how NFTs got hyped? Normies do everything other normies do to fit in and be cool. Crypto will have its normie time again, especiall because zoomers like quick get rich themes

>> No.55567399

SUCH retarded mentality.

>2014 Just wait until we see real adoption,we're going to 1million

>2023 Normies are buying in,big hedgefunds are buying in, that's it guys, we're going to crash to zero

If they could add pictures next to "retard" it would be you

>> No.55567498

So, will there be a time where bitcoin will significantly lower, or should I just buy now and not wait for a drop in price?

>> No.55567532

I 10x my money and left the market like the big players already have.

>Remember how NFTs got hyped?
Yeah by a whole bunch of insiders, VCs and celebrities for the sake of money laundering and making sure you own nothing of real value.

Jesus you're late. That was the narrative in 2017 not 2023. Bitcoin has never seen a recession or significant money contraction.

buy silver or gold, not this CIA scam

>> No.55567539

>big players sold the bottom
This is your brain on FUD

>> No.55567577

Wallets with 1000 BTC or more have been decreasing this entire run up. It's not FUD if it's true.

>> No.55567654

>Jesus you're late.

So according to you satoshi was a retard and you're a gigabrain. We were never supposed to go above 69k, that's the pico top of this project. Billionaires and Trillionaires with the best analysts on the planet are just all retarded ,late and wrong. You're the giga galaxy brain here,spending time on 4chinz telling 10jeets and 5 anons how late they are .

Imagine being that retarded. it must hurt . Either retarded or evil trying to shake others out.

>> No.55567679

>So according to you satoshi was a retard
"Satoshi" is Japanese for "intelligence"
"Nakamoto" is Japanese for "central"

Put it together bro. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy.

>> No.55567699
File: 1.32 MB, 434x498, soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people keep crypto in 1 wallet because...BECAUSE THEY JUST DO. OK?!?

>> No.55567702

>Satoshi" means "clear thinking, quick witted; wise." "Naka" can mean "medium, inside, or relationship." "Moto" can mean "origin" or "foundation."

mental illness it is

>> No.55567760

Wrong. Now that crypto isn’t a security celebs are gonna start pumping coins again. This time with zero legal consequences. Normies cannot resist their favorite celebs shilling coins. It’s kryptonite to a normie

>> No.55567807

>listing synonyms as a means of argument

>Now that crypto isn’t a security celebs are gonna start pumping coins again
Fortune favors the brave bro!!!!1

>> No.55567828

95% of people never bought crypto except maybe $50 in dogecoin

>> No.55567837

Look at these fucking meme lines lol

>> No.55567838

Bitcoin is a "higher fool" scam. This is great news, sell to the normies and watch their bags get heavy as everyone interested sells to normies and no one actually does anything with the technology.

>> No.55567863

>and no one actually does anything with the technology.
This is the most important part.
It's been 14 years and there isn't a use case for cryptocurrencies.
We don't need complicated decentralized networks wasting energy on useless calculations.
It's a solution in search of a problem.

>> No.55567915

It's the harsh truth, man, and I ain't trying to get caught up in that mess. I'm scooping up some goodies right now since everything is ridiculously cheap, kek. Just grabbed me some Vra, Gmx, and Sylo recently. Low caps are where the magic happens for me, no doubt.

>> No.55567949

No matter what, I can sense this phase will eventually fade, so I'm getting ready for the bulls. Just do whatever the fuck works for you.
I'll keep DCAing into my long-term holds of HNT, Ride, and Metis if they dip. Might even stake more Ride token on Ledger if I feel like it.

>> No.55567983

At least you could use it before to buy drugs and make other anonymous transactions but now you need to transfer it into monero and getting that is suspect in itself...

>> No.55567994

Imagine being this dedicated to fud. Your takes are midwit. Normies havent bought yet, they arent even seriously thinking about buying. At this stage they are simply seeing news and headlines that are planting a tiny little seed in their brain that it might be a good idea to do so, but they wont act on it until they see overwhelming evidence that its not just a good idea for the future but that they should have done it years ago. That news isnt here yet until btc makes another all time high and alt coins have already at least 20xed from their bottoms.

>> No.55568014

sell signal? how the fuck you gonna sell btc when you dont even have it

lets be honest, NONE of you fucking faggots or any other normies have ANY btc left. you are all in retarded shitcoins and jpegs. thats why blackrock is going to get their ETF approved and its going to run hard, and BTC.D is going to shit all over your gay ass holdings

>> No.55568036

>Normies havent bought yet
Ridiculous. They either already bought or they know about it and think it's a scam.
Also, it's funny that you still think retail normies drive bullruns.

>> No.55568058

Bitcoin's use as a transaction currency among normies gives it more intrinsic value than the average obscure shitcoin.

>> No.55568080

Just bought.

>> No.55568099

>Bitcoin's use as a transaction currency among normies
Nobody is using it for transactions. They're treating it like digital gold, a long term speculative hedge.

>> No.55568226

Most media is seeding ideas and predictive programming. This is true.

>> No.55568625
File: 45 KB, 800x800, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just bought.

top signal
nobody want your heavy bags

>> No.55568714

Putting $50 into shiba inu 2 years ago isnt the same as putting money into the new crop of meme coins this cycle after its shilled by a youtuber. Once the gains come the normies will come and that is the sell signal, not a headline about how bitcoin might rise in the future even though its currently over 50% from ath.
>normies dont drive bullruns

>> No.55568758

Good gems but I see no LSDFI-related tokens. The likes of ankr, spool, y2k, and Pendle are not o much of a bad idea. Only pajeets will fade LSDFi

>> No.55568785

>buying last cycles' shitcoins

>> No.55568788

That's the thing, it's not meme lines. Cycles are real.

>> No.55568853
File: 576 KB, 1280x889, 1687643271995784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money contraction.
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

Note that m2 does not even fully capture the true extent of debasement, e.g. "large-denomination" time deposits (>$100k) simply aren't tracked anymore! MZM, a broad measure of money that captures large near money deposits was discontinued in early 2021! Convenient, if you're a cabal of cannibal pedophile statist parasites.

>b-but they'll have to show fiscal/monetary restraint sometime!
Lol. Lmao even. The only thing that would stay the oligarchy's hand away from further debasement is a mass secessio plebis, but workers have shown time and time again that as long as they have their goyslop and their blue cat people fucking whales in IMAX they'll happily continue to take it up the ass.

Short the Shitcoin.

>> No.55568886

M2 is going down. Recession is just getting started.

>> No.55568897
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, 1687651379123225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be a slave as long as you wear their chain of fiat around your neck.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

BTC solves money, it is technical fix for a political problem, it is transactionally easy hard money, that is the value of crypto.

You can't sell corn for less than it costs to produce, unless you pay people to grow corn. This is a supply-side subsidy, social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, if a worker needs $x to exist they CAN'T sell their labor for less than $x, but what happens if we give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicare etc? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce!

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? You mean counterfeit money? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets) THIS is the major driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s.

Notice that asset inflation also suppress incomes of white collar workers by tricking them into believing the nominal gains on house value is wealth instead of inflation, why mechanical engineers (really any boomer dominated field) get paid so poorly, $60k seems like a lot if you bought 20/30/40 years ago, but you haven't gotten wealthy, your real terms income has just drilled through the floor.

The entire fiat grift rests on debasement outpacing wage growth, such that real wages fall while assets inflate (parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs). PoW crypto allows workers to opt out of the fiat grift, BTC will pump because statist fucking shits will never stop debasing.

>> No.55568922
File: 1.60 MB, 2710x2624, IMG_4160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancient pasta
Yawn. Bitcoin isn’t hard money. It requires electricity, Internet and useless calculations to survive.

We have silver and gold. Constitutional money. I stack both, not fiat.

>> No.55569026


>>"it's a sucker's rally."

Ok, OP.

>> No.55569884

>5% """decline""" after a 30% jump
Also, mzm was pumping harder than m2 before it was ever so conveniently discontinued in early 2021, there's no way to even tell if money stock has declined by even the partly sum indicated by m2 or if it's simply been shuffled into accounts that are no longer publicly tracked

>> No.55569938
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>ancient pasta
I'll take that as a compliment, wrote that in early July
>muh shiny rocks, muh political solutions
Already failed. Backed soft money also failed. There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because State is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money

>> No.55570343
File: 39 KB, 736x552, 1660636694062352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do i sell cause normies buy
No. This will be the biggest bull run you've ever seen, nigglet. With the ETF coming this August and tardfi money flowing in, we'll technically begin the bull run. The halvening in April will not impact the price until June and then we'll rip. Don't forget next year we'll have one of the most polarizing elections since 1861. People are losing trust in the US dollar and with China, followed by other Asian shitholes, on the rise they will also weaken American hegemony on a lot of shit. Imagine new rich jeets seeing funny internet money coin (not shitcoins) and actually have the bags to pump them. Imagine, what if one of the presidential candidates gets killed during the election? Can you imagine it? A civil war and a useless dollar. b/acc

>> No.55570388


>> No.55570405

I'm DCA'ing in now before next year. Kind of a retard move to not at this point.

>> No.55570433
File: 904 KB, 1620x1549, 1687273090358911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish spam bots spamming anti-Bitcoin fud to any insane degree

Absolute buy signal. They want to shake out as many idiots as possible before they pump it to 50k this year

>> No.55570487
File: 253 KB, 1500x1000, NOT MY PROBLEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted cash but nmp

>> No.55570687

>The idea is to replace usd not cash out.

>> No.55570733

>wrote that in early July
It's a ripoff of an older pasta then. Idc. It's all hype and nonsense either way.

That's funny because all I've seen on here lately are glowing moonboi posts talking about the "revolution"

>> No.55571737

>That's funny because all I've seen on here lately are glowing moonboi posts talking about the "revolution"

of course you did lil kikeboy
just like the holocaust was real

>> No.55572151

Walk down the street and ask 100 people what the halving is

>> No.55572170

So why did normies jump back in even harder in 2021? And why are you still living in 2018?

>> No.55572178

Perception is reality

>> No.55572646
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100% original, though I'm sure other maxis have reached similar conclusions.

Riddle me this, shitcoiner: Why would the oligarchs stop debasing? Why would failed monies work now when they've proved corruptible already? Why would politics even revert to older monies when politicians benefit from the fiat shitcoin?

To reiterate, there are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money

>> No.55572782

Everything for the next 80 years is already priced in

>> No.55572823

You literally just proved him right. Holy shit dude.

>> No.55573066



tokenomics always wins, doesn't matter what people think

>> No.55573085
File: 212 KB, 1044x1150, don't learn the hard way monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you never heard of xmr, not surprising, feds like to pretend that it doesn't exist

>> No.55573093

Nobody is left to buy. So many normalfags were burnt last bullrun. It's a meme in austfailure that every tradesman under 40 did their arse on some shitcoin during peak mania.

>> No.55573160

>BTC halvings are basically mainstream knowledge now
They're really not. People kept trying to swing crypto until they're bankrupt throughout the ongoing bear because no one paid attention to anything and realized you can time the market based on how far off the halving is. Most people don't even understand why the halving is a catalyst for the bull market in the first place.

You need to replace your chart. First of all, it's almost four years old, and second of all it's missing data from said past four years. The rainbow chart on that one site already adjusted their formula to account for BTC not hitting six digits like stock to flow insisted it would, meanwhile you're throwing this thing around that's promising the same thing from four years ago. I'll just assume you're trolling.

It's the usual bit where people on /biz/ try to convince newfags that they should sell when they should be buying so that /biz/ regulars can buy BTC at a discount.

>So, will there be a time where bitcoin will significantly lower
Yes, last winter.

Love how that post rips off the classic Asuka pasta right down to the last date having ambiguity about it. $116K by August, but August of what year?

>> No.55573397

>I'm DCA'ing in now before next year. Kind of a retard move to not at this point.

Completely agree with you it beats my imagination why anyone would choose to sit on the sideline at the moment.

>> No.55573424

Pump and dump happens in every cycle. Makes everything go round. Having a sustainable income changes everything. AstraDAO gives that plus index advantages. You know what to do.

>> No.55573525
File: 319 KB, 1568x1120, 146792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has a 4 hour or better chart from 2012 OCT 23 - 2013 FEB 01, or even til MAY 01????? Thanks. That's similar to what's happening now I think and would like to know what day we're going to 200k+.

>> No.55573549

>1 btc = 1 btc
1 usd = 1 usd retard

>> No.55573673

They probably see something else asides the positive news in the market recently, with the recent growing interest among institutional players i wonder why anyone would be bearish.

>> No.55573955

>with the recent growing interest among institutional players

This is one of the reasons i have my eyes set of Spool and Clearpool finance as they are both builiding institutional grade DeFi products.

>> No.55574492

>>buying last cycles' shitcoins
what do you buy?

>> No.55574832

It is that easy. You people trying to complicate the braindead concept of a ponzi is hilarious.

>> No.55575074

It's a sell signal but to be the ultimate sell signal iit would have to come from the ultimate normie news source
That's actually the complete opposite of what you're supposed to do.

>> No.55575090

Normies still hate crypto and think it's gone for good despite this article nobody is reading

>> No.55575127

Most BTC are already mined - the halving will have a minimal effect on the price

>> No.55575234

there wont be any more bullruns
coins are a dead end at this very moment

>> No.55575330

>halving will have a minimal effect on the price
>there wont be any more bullruns
You keep saying this and it never stops being wrong.
Next bullrun will outperform last bullrun.

>> No.55575781
File: 178 KB, 1342x777, diminishing returns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diminshing returns. we may see a 1.4x or 2x max from last top to next top.

>> No.55575822

Tick tock shitcoiner, 100T USD shitcoins by 2040, remind me, how many BTC will there be in 2040?

1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

Note that m2 does not even fully capture the true extent of debasement, e.g. "large-denomination" time deposits (>$100k) simply aren't tracked anymore! MZM, a broad measure of money that captures large near money deposits was discontinued in early 2021! Convenient.

Short the Shitcoin, it's that easy, Short the Shitcoin.

>> No.55576012

>how many BTC will there be in 2040?
more than now, but there will be less ethereum because it's already deflationary

>> No.55576213

>Diminishing returns
This is the case when you have access to only one market.
Look at charts where the stock gains access to wider markets after it's first period of diminishing returns.
What we have had in the past decade is early adopter accumulation.
>inb4 le stadium etc.

>> No.55576511
File: 50 KB, 706x755, Screenshot_2023_0717_045321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being bearish on bitcoin when all the data, included AI based analysis points in the opposite direction
Must be nice kek

>> No.55576878

You're obviously retarded
They'll never be more than 21million BTC

>> No.55576902

You can tell when someone holds a large chunk of USD and they're scared inflation will knock them out soon enough

>> No.55576955

We've been here before so it's nothing different fag
Good luck finding out from chatGPT what the next Bitcoin price will be

>> No.55577210

Exchanging words with someone who doesn't know that basic fact is a waste of time

>> No.55577230

If you don't buy BTC before 2024 halving you'll only have yourself to blame
This is your last chance

>> No.55577250

Which dumb mf goes to chatgpt for crypto signal anyways?
TM's chatbot literally exist for that reason

>> No.55577273

oh it's limited to 21M? who could have known that about btc
btc will be inflationary until 2140
eth is already delfationary
cope seethe dilate

>> No.55577304

I fucking hope so bub

>> No.55577309

You do realize that the code can be updated right?, yes it’s 21mill now, but if someone convinces enough miners that that number should be 42mill or 100mill, then it will be 42mill or 100mill…

>> No.55577353

no that's not how it works

>> No.55577355

LMFAO. My man..... you didn't just..........

>> No.55577373

easy to spot newfags like you, when they fail for super old pastas that got remixed with meme anime thumbnails

>> No.55577486

Tell me you don't understand bitcoin without telling me your don't understand bitcoin, your dumbass need to read the white paper and stop being brainwashed

just signed up for it's advance plan, we'll see how it goes

>> No.55577600

I wouldn't say it failed. Gubment doesn't like their worker to have financial independence (obv). Personally, with a commodity backed currency. I would rather own the commodity. I think it's harder for "them" to index and catalogue ownership in that system. BRICS is supposedly doing both. A commodity backed crypto? What do you think of that?

>> No.55578990

No it will go up until the halving and then crash
I sell the news

>> No.55580306

>Not failed, they were just progressively corrupted and then all pretence was dropped!
Failed. You've also answered none of my questions:
Why would the oligarchs stop debasing?
Why would failed monies work now when they've proved corruptible already?
Why would politics even revert to older monies when politicians benefit from the fiat shitcoin?
>BRICS is supposedly doing both
Hahahahahaha. "Just trust us gweilo!" No.
>commodity backed crypto
Shitcoin. Not trustless.

>> No.55580576

ChatGPT doesn't have access to information past 2021.
>Dude just buy BTC right under a key macro resistance level
If BTC can break and hold 32.5 on at least a weekly TF I'll buy 1 BTC.
The most likely scenario is that people start loading up shorts now, the shorts get squeezed up into 32k, then price sells off as early longs get liquidated sinking price back down and into the 25k supply zone. From there it's anyone's guess.
But buying right now is completely fucking retarded. You do you though zoomzoom.

>> No.55580632

Bitcoin needs drivechains/sidechains to fix the mining fee problem

>> No.55580652

I know someone who wrote for the motley fool. Wrote an article on SOL for them right before the big dump last year.

>> No.55580819

The average looks to be a rough sigmoid

>> No.55580995

But you didn't ask those questions ever? Also what makes them failed? until 1932 I would say it was a success.

>> No.55581994

I have my DCA schedule on lock anon and I store them on self-custodial wallets like Wasabi and Brillion where I have full custody.

>> No.55583414

Retarded or illiterate? >>55569938
>but they worked until they failed!
BTC is a technical fix for the political corruption of Money, we don't need to go back and we can't go back to shiny rocks if we wanted, the only viable path is forward, BTC gains power and mindshare from debasement, shiny rocks don't as they require trust-based abstraction layers that will be corrupted as proven by history.

>> No.55583426

Oops, linked the wrong post: >>55572646

>> No.55583509

The use case is me keeping my money in a place the government can't take it. Works just fine.

>> No.55583541

>midwit doesn't realise you can hold both crypto and precious metals.

Always has been.

>> No.55583553

All the government has to do is work with the ISPs to block all network traffic to and from exchanges and the banks. Then your funny money is stuck in the digital world forever.

Another thing that could happen is an insider attack on Bitcoin or some kind of bug that destroys it or allows a double spend.

Meanwhile to protect your gold all you have to do is stop being a pussy, buy a gun, get a security camera, and have a plan for legal defense.

>> No.55583575

This. Normies unironically think Bitcoin died with FTX. They'll be back, just in time to buy the blow off top. Simple as.

>> No.55583588
File: 1.12 MB, 1210x1613, kilo-igr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Who said you couldn't?
You're just dumb for doing so or if you think any crypto is a real asset or hard money.

>> No.55583679

Gold bugs seem to lack the ability to think abstractly. I hold a decent amount of gold/silver. But it's insurance. It's for SHTF. Crypto is like the emerging market version of precious metals. Lots of risks and unknowns, no doubt, but the upside potential is insane. BTC and ETH are just a solid bet from the perspective of risk/reward.

>> No.55583736

>Crypto is like the emerging market
It's 14 years old and we've already had commercials on TV and mainstream media attention, the upside potential is extremely limited from here.

>> No.55583756
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no but picrelated was