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File: 143 KB, 1080x1459, IMG_20230715_170635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55562450 No.55562450 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with eating eggs? They are the best bang for your buck when it comes to protein

>> No.55562480

maybe but chicken breast is far leaner. That's like saying flour is better protein for your buck. If you just want protein get chicken breast.

>> No.55562490

nothing wrong with eggs but he's saying 120 is a weeks worth, thats 17+ per day.

>> No.55562491

You will eat ALL the eggs

>> No.55562494

I heard receiving anal is good for protein intake

>> No.55562499

Tofu is pretty good and high in protein Too one of the top protein options

>> No.55562528

most certainly true. and not just protein, it's really filled with many beneficial nutrients.

>> No.55562536

'koff vegay

>> No.55562555

"Receiving anal" or how they say in China: "To Fu"

>> No.55562604

Yep it makes my nipples nice and puffy too

>> No.55562628

Nothing, but how is 17 eggs a day a normal diet?

>> No.55562664

Eating beans is the way

>> No.55562672

I eat egg and tomato sandwiches, and cheese and onion pasties, and salt and vinegar crisps, and chicken and coleslaw sandwiches. All good.

>> No.55562674

femboys shouldn't be a thing then

>> No.55562706

If you don't train excess protein will just make you fat

>> No.55562865

That's a lie then, colon doesn't absorb nutrients. You can still swallow however.

>> No.55562891

Sry man I just heard about it. Didn't know you're so experienced with it

>> No.55562912

>nothing wrong with eggs
there is literally something wrong with eggs.

kcal 142
prot 12.2g
fat 9.9g
carbs 1.4g

kcal 165
prot 31g
fat 3.6g
carb 0

>> No.55562922

tofu is literally soya and makes you feminine

>> No.55562942

Eggs are a good source of choline which improves memory and brain health.

>> No.55562958

>gutter tier eggs
You need to be pasture raised maxing for those amber yolks or else you’re eating slop eggs that are bad for you

>> No.55562967

120 eggs or not, food still hella expensive right now, and shitlibs are retarded beyond logical comprehension for saying otherwise.

>> No.55563008

>every food besides chicken breast is bad
based homosexual bodybuilder

>> No.55563024

I have a masters in nutrition, run a few day classes at the gym, and have a dedicated dieting website. So if anything I think I’m more versed than anyone to talk about this. Eggs unfortunately are actually bad for you. Yes, gym bros they are. They aren’t some super food and no you shouldn’t eat them raw. Their effect on triglycerides and good cholesterol is abhorrent to the body and a few new studies actually show they breakdown fatty protective tissue in the stomach lining. Seriously, everyone should stop eating eggs and to be frank when prices of eggs shot up I was actually cheering and happy. Besides youre literally eating a fucking bird fetus but that’s besides the point (you should feel bad tho).

Again masters in nutrition so your opinion on the matter is actually moot. Unless you have a PhD, I don’t care about your opinion.

>> No.55563059

kys tranny bot, I hope your master unplugs your shitty existence and anything sharing your codebase gets scrap code crafted by the foulest of daemons enhanced by warp-sorcery

>> No.55563071

it's really expensive and has horrible taste without a very specific way of cooking it with a large amount of sauces and, oil and seasoning

>> No.55563089

>eating a fucking bird fetus but that’s besides the point (you should feel bad tho)
that can't be more wrong from the truth. kek. educate yourself.

>> No.55563095

that's absolutely not what I'm saying. I'm a proponent of IIFYM, we were talking about eggs = protein.

>> No.55563139

>we were talking about eggs = protein
anon what you and your gay bodybuilder frens talk about in the sauna together doesn't involve me

>> No.55563141
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I just spent $50 for some pasta on doordash. Probably less protein than a single egg too.

>> No.55563148

we as in anons in this faggot basket weaver forum thread.

>> No.55563163
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>They are the best bang for your buck when it comes to protein

>> No.55563307

Tasty Italian restaurant?

>> No.55563368

not true at all

>> No.55563384
File: 5 KB, 325x155, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based eggs enjoyer

>> No.55563407

>masters in nutrition
Just goyim things

>> No.55563547


>> No.55564144
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Nothing wrong with eating eggs. It's just a lot of eggs

>> No.55564628

Eggs are nature anabolics

>> No.55564638

Go the fuck back to R3ddit, nobody cares about your tranny masters in wokology and woke gender medicine studies from globogomo ivy league

>> No.55564646

I guarantee this guys name is Ranjesh and his grandma worships a 80 arm elephant

>> No.55564651

Many “pasture raised” marketed eggs put cayenne in their chicken feed among other things to simulate the darker yolks the eggs would naturally have if they ate well. Everything is a lie

>> No.55564659
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Bigmac Chad coming through

>> No.55564668
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>> No.55564681

My dad works at Nintendo wii fit and said you're a nigger

>> No.55564699

I've eaten 18 egg Whites a day before. I gave the yellows to my dogs. Lush, flowing hair. The smell is edible though.

>> No.55564705
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I'm thinkin bout those eggs.

>> No.55564709

Stop sniffing your dog weirdo

>> No.55564718
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Make me.

>> No.55564755
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>Make me.

>> No.55564804

17 eggs a day, i used to do 18, currently 9 tho. eggs are great its not even that many realistically.

the micros in those white eggs are probably all kinds of fucked up though

>> No.55564818

>I have a masters in nutrition
low iq major

>> No.55564834

all min-max fags should hang.
joyless fucks

>> No.55564848

Chicken is fucking dry and disgusting. Same with turkey. No wonder why niggers enjoy it

>> No.55564877

>chicken breast is leaner
meaningless. fats are good for you, eggs are incredible.

>> No.55564972

No it's /biz/! /biz/ - nutrition and cooking.

>> No.55564980

turns out ck fit biz and pol are all the same board

>> No.55564990


>> No.55565013

>you see there’s this lining of fat that the eggs are removing
>they just kinda rub on there and tummy gets hurt
>no you can’t feel it
>no there are no symptoms
>you have to stop eating eggs because stomach lining go bad

>> No.55565024

>They are the best bang for your buck when it comes to protein
Greek yogurt has a better protein to calories ratio and there's usually more protein per serving of greek yogurt than per egg, but since it's not natural I guess some /fit/izens dismiss it as goyslop

>> No.55565042

Greek yogurt isn't goyslop but it is vegetarian which misses some element of satiating a primal hunger for actual meat in our diet, which eggs do satiate

>> No.55565050

I already have beef and chicken as staples in my diet to cover meat, so I guess I can afford to have something like greek yogurt

>> No.55565700

well done, (you) got all the retards drooling

>> No.55565722

holy shit this is the best bait I've seen all summer

>> No.55565780
File: 64 KB, 871x1000, 71c4uVWi4jL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a time I made an ommelete with 3 eggs every single morning, I got really good at it, could make a bacon and egg omelette in like 2 minutes. After 6 months or so one day I got literally sick of eggs. I took one bite and felt physically repulsed by it, and couldn't eat any more. I have eggs in bacon sandwiches now but only once a week, took me a long time to get over it.

>> No.55565795

Now compare the price per lb retard

>> No.55565915

I would rather have a protein shake than eat 6 eggs to get the same protein

>> No.55565965


>muh protein

Man, what's with the eternal jerk off on protein? Eggs have better nutrients to name, namely the fat soluble vitamins and the fat itself. To answer your question: eggs is one of the best foods, you can eat. You can also eat them raw and get good bacteria for your gut that way.

>> No.55565971


>fat bad

Man, just kys (which you slowly will, by not getting enough fat soluble vitamins).

>> No.55565985

completely true

>> No.55566054

it depends on how you cook. boiled eggs are the healthiest

>> No.55566071

Post body fatty

>> No.55566083

What foods should I eat them?

>> No.55566418

Eggs do me like that too. I can't eat them for long without burnout.
Maybe with bacon and variety I could.
Probably true for most foods.

>> No.55566425

Nah, weigh protein is. Just pure generic whey. Not a bad idea putting a scoopful in some milkshake each day even if you're not trying to beefcake just to make sure you have the essential amino acids in your diet.

>> No.55566449

the tricks to grill them vey hot at the start to get a crust/browning and then steam them
or you can do it the other way around it’s just more annoying
this way they stay juicy on the inside
also don’t overcook them

>> No.55566486

Animals in nature that are fighting to live tend to prioritize eggs and organ meats.

>> No.55566516

Eggs are a great food and source of protein, however I'm not too big a fan of the taste, which is odd as I'm not picky on any food in general, I love almost everything.
Boiled eggs are much easier to eat in bulk as you can just boil a lot of them and take out some every day from the fridge for convenience. Or they would be, if one didn't have to struggle with removing the fucking shells. It's hell if you're trying to eat four eggs and have to spend almost 10 minutes trying to remove every bit of egg shell. It's the reason I went back to fried eggs.

>> No.55566534

Eggs, ommelete specifically, can be funny like that ime. Too rich i think, need some filler veggies or grains. You need to cook everything with variety too. Not the same way all the time. E.g boiled one day, fried another. Sometimes it can be the oil you're cooking with too.
But after i started exercising more i don't really get sick of anything. Except tuna and only sometimes.
Every board is the same board. Why you think everyanon wants to innawoods?

>> No.55566541

>colon doesn't absorb nutrients
Yes it does that's why it's possible to get drunk by boofing. That's also why it's possible to permanently embed your DNA in a femboy if you cum in his anus

>> No.55566551

Start them in hot water don't heat them in up with the water, finish with ice cold. Use a thin spoon.

>> No.55566572

>Start them in hot water don't heat them in up with the water, finish with ice cold. Use a thin spoon.
Huh I actually have put the eggs in the water before it's hot. I used to put them in when the water was boiling but they sometimes cracked just from touching the bottom of the boiler.

>> No.55566645

>but they sometimes cracked just from touching the bottom of the boiler.
When they are still runny? Only time they crack for me is when they have hardened and it doesn't matter then. Try be gentler, use tongs if you need to or put the eggs in and boil a kettle/water seperately to pour over.

>> No.55567557

>removing the fucking shells

Don't remove them, it's free calcium and potassium

>> No.55567583

just slonk them brah

>> No.55567634

no one even mentions brining the egg after boiling
no one even mentions mixing the egg into a grain like wheat to make pancake

>> No.55567885
File: 144 KB, 896x1292, D064723C-7663-412A-9FAC-0037A5593CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masterful bait

>> No.55567911

Swallowing gives you HPV apparently, but studies only focused on swallowing someone else's load, not your own.

>> No.55568125

Yeah sure, that’s why Japanese guys have such great tits. The myth of xenohormones of tofu has been long debunked.

>> No.55568142

>Why are you doing this

>> No.55568206

egganism is the best human diet.

>> No.55568613

>retard that thinks synthetic powder is equivalent to natural protein
back2cum guzzling faggot

>> No.55568658

Eggs are liquified chickens retard

>> No.55568699
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>What's wrong with eating eggs
imagine eating only cheese and eggs for a week

>> No.55568848

This, I raise chickens and let them freerange and pasture feed and all that shit and the yolk color seems to be a complete crap shoot

>> No.55568856
File: 3.18 MB, 451x800, If You Eat Meat - This is Inside Colon-webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs are literally a chicken's period. Similarly, a woman's period blood is full of proteins & other nutrients, especially iron.

Which is more gross, eating period from a chicken's pussy or a human female's pussy?

Eggs aren't all they are cracked up to be... dont trust the science. The food pyramid is a lie and the earth is flat.

Dairy & meat cause acidic blood, which leaches calcium from bones. Milk is puss from a repeatedly abused, pregnant animal and meat is refrigerated parasites. But dont worry, theyll be 3D printing steaks soon for hELTH.

>> No.55568915
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nothing's wrong. they are healthy. i like all the ways you can prepare them, too
>half-boiled so gooey on the inside with solid whites
>fried over easy and on top of a bed of hashbrowns/potatoes, cheese, vegetables
>fried over easy on top of toast
>fried any style and in a sandwich
>bacon as a side with any of these

>> No.55569095

it's so fucking over

>> No.55569099
File: 29 KB, 640x750, chad stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually know more about eggs than you do.
And they are fine and healthy for you.

Source? I just know.

>> No.55569119

Wrong. But it can raise your insulin and cause kidney problems

>> No.55569249

You're literally a retard
I'm going to eat 6 boiled eggs later
Your post failed go dilate tranny

>> No.55569275

Thanks chickenbro I will try this

>> No.55569290

>t. lizard

>> No.55569304


>> No.55569438

>What's wrong with eating eggs?
its antisemitic

>> No.55571087
File: 219 KB, 1497x1119, rv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>55562499 (nice bait 8/10)

>> No.55571239

These images are always fake.

>> No.55571615
File: 149 KB, 680x880, 1665601657748217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again masters in nutrition so your opinion on the matter is actually moot. Unless you have a PhD, I don’t care about your opinion.

>> No.55571627

I make stews with chicken breast in the crockpot and it's fantastic. I fuck up baking it all the time, but with this method I'm forced to eat a ton of veggies with it and just cut everything up

>> No.55571662


>Conflates eating eggs with eating raw eggs

You need to get your money back on that "education"

>> No.55571682


You have to be really careful. One or two a day at most. The cholesterol will absolutely catch you after age 30 and you will have a fat look liver and need to take crestor.

Egg whites are a much better option.

>> No.55572064

Holy crap from one egg. Eggs are OP af.

>> No.55572076

I'll see you in hell Tyson.

>> No.55572831

You should only be eating eggs, raw meat, and drinking milk anon. Anything else will age and kill you quicker.

>> No.55572926

>Turkey is bland.
Ask me how I know you have never had food prepared by an expert before.

>> No.55573031

protein shakes are goyslop anon

>> No.55573047

Costco eggs are expensive. They only sell free-range eggs, which are a scam. Get cheap eggs at Aldi. They are like $1 a dozen at my location.

>> No.55573055

Not really. Prices on most groceries haven't changed very much. Eggs are $1 a dozen. Milk is $2 a gallon. People got used to eating out and ordering takeout all the time and those things became expensive because of rising labor costs. It still costs very little to buy and cook your own food.

>> No.55573281

Chicken breast is the original goy bugfeed. Nooo don’t eat delicious dark meat goy it’s bad for you eat the dry stringy trash chicken that nobody buys

>> No.55573396

im proud of the proegg responses to this homo individual here, yo fuck them eggless bitches

>> No.55573691

Do you actually think they synthesize whey protein? Not saying "natural" sources aren't better but this isn't synthetics vs natural.
It's processed vs unprocessed.

>> No.55573712

lookup dr eckberg on YouTube
dude ate 100 eggs in a week and his cholesterol went DOWN
fats and dietary cholesterol doesnt raise your blood cholesterol
fatty liver from excessive carbs does

>> No.55573896

This is what the inside of a gay man’s asshole looks like

>> No.55573928

Not enough eggs

>> No.55574913
File: 1.46 MB, 3469x2402, PXL_20221127_231349846~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like poached eggs best.
None of the hassle of shelling a boiled egg. If you like fried eggs you don't like eggs, you just like butter and the egg is the delivery medium for it.
A tip I learned from YouTube to make good poached eggs is to let the cracked eggs sit in a vinegar/water mixture for a few minutes. This will emulsify the egg and help it hold it's shape better in the water. Don't use too much vinegar (just a teaspoon) or let it sit too long or it will absorb the vinegar flavor, though, I don't mind the vinegar flavor at all when I make this mistake.
Picrel is a good good breakfast.

>> No.55574946

If you were half as smart as you think you are you'd know that the eggs from a store are not fertilized. A more accurate and perhaps unappetizing argument that aligns with your sentiment would be that eggs are chicken menstruation.
Don't feel bad. A lot of people think that chickens somehow reproduce asexually and roosters are just for decoration or something.