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55564308 No.55564308 [Reply] [Original]

Searched for her on FB. She looks better than when we were together. Literal 9/10. You know I never really came to terms with losing her. It's been 5 years now.

>> No.55564329

Why don't you message her anon

>> No.55564334

Been there but it's been over a decade in my case. Eventually you'll get over it, realize that she's probably banged tons of guys and doesn't even think of you ever and you'll feel dead enough to move on.

>> No.55564344
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But how am I supposed to profit from this?!

>> No.55564350

more LARP

>> No.55564355

Yeah I'm pretty sure she doesn't think about me. She is very pretty and likely has found people who were much more fulfilling.

No contact is no contact anon. That love was a one time thing. It has burned out since then. We're likely two very different people. God do I miss her sometimes.

>> No.55564359

Not all of us are basement incels anon.

>> No.55564360

it's a trick. don't fall for it. she's a pig.

>> No.55564366
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Kek I recently looked up my former crush from 2019/2020, she has dyed her hair blonde and had a tit job. Bullet dodged

>> No.55564382
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We’re all hurting bro, but we have to let her go…..we have to let her

>> No.55564395
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>Tit job
>A bad thing

>> No.55564405

5 years ago I was doing literally nothing.

And right now I'm doing literally nothing.

The duality of man

>> No.55564429
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this thread reminds me of Bird Box.
>message her
>reach out to her
>don't you miss her?
>she loves you

>> No.55564430

how are you guys doing? im going through this bs right now and its been a year.

>> No.55564443

I'm okay. Mostly comes up because I haven't found someone better than her and I'm starting to fear that I never will. And I mostly mean in the looks department, because she was way out of my league.

>> No.55564463

I'm alright. As I said in my other post, it's been a long time for me. The first few years were brutal but now it is what it is. I haven't even looked her up or asked about her in about 5+ years and I blocked her on social media a few years before that. I know I was a good bf and everything and the general opinion of people who knew us is that I got screwed over. As I said, it is what it is. Strictly in terms of looks, I'll never do better but I haven't even attempted dating since and don't plan to since I don't care much about it.

>> No.55564466
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I feel you bro. I caught my wife cheating on me about 2.5 months ago. I always thought she was the one, her and I went through everything together. I held her mothers hand and watched her pass away, and we wept together like children as I watched her soul exit her body.

Soul mates is what I used to think. But not anymore, dropped an airtag in her purse and caught her in the act.

Lately I've been mining low cap POW coins like Fennec to kill the pain. I suggest you do the same

>> No.55564485

>bro i know what you mean, let me tell you a heartfelt story
>but yeah anyways buy my meme token bro

the absolute state of shills

>> No.55564486

kill yourself jeet

>> No.55564498

Then I found a girl 5yrs younger than me and baby trapped her
Son is on the way, been with her 3yrs

But I still think about my first love, it's caused problems with my BM

>> No.55564506


True story believe it or not. The bitch took everything from me but she does not know about my low cap POW gem Fennec.

>> No.55564510

Yes. A girl getting a tit job in her mid 20s is a sign of desperation as the undefeated wall approaches. Enjoy having an attention seeking whore for a wife, cuck.

>> No.55564518

but both of those things sound great

>> No.55564535
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It's human nature. Were you perfectly happy in the relationship? No. You will always be to some degree dissatisfied, even if you had the hottest gf, or a harem of super hot gfs, you would then be worried about rivals stealing them, having enough rescources, and stressed out trying to keep them all happy. Feelings drive behavior. The human experience is to always be conflicted, because we have mixed drives: to sexual variety, and to monogamy and to other uses of our time besides breeding-related activities. Accepting that lingering feeling of regret/dissatisfaction as natural and normal will allow you to enjoy life, and joyfully dive on new opportunities.

>> No.55564536

Lmao who's marrying them, I just want to touch big fake titties.

>> No.55564541

I would never have a wife or even longterm girlfriend with fake tits.

>> No.55564600

the chick i was messing with was younger and had a killer body. i think i truely loved her and i think thats whats fucking with me the most.
i feel the same way, I wanna get out there again just to get over her

>> No.55564817

Who did your ex-wife cheat on you with?

>> No.55564823


Women are a headache.

>> No.55564993

20 years for me

at least i stopped dreaming about her... mostly

>> No.55565627

Another demoralization thread

>> No.55565652

It obviously burned out only on her side

>> No.55565735

I've never had, and will probably never have, a gf.

>> No.55565787

>be me
>kissless hugless virgin
>asked a coworker out because I thought she was cute
>she rejects me but in a nasty mocking way that was completely unnecessary
>8 years later suddenly remember her
>look her up on fb
>she looks like absolute shit and gained like 100kg and has health issues (from vaccines I guess she posts a lot about vaccines)
>shes married to a brown skinnyfat wojak looking guy that works in retail
>meanwhile I'm healthy, got fit and rich af from crypto
>still a kissless hugless virgin tho
>stopped caring about woman since

>> No.55565793

>Literal 9/10.
Filters nigga, filters. All women on the Internet are fake, even ones you know.

>> No.55565811

The feeling of agony faded away after 8(!) years After my last breakup

>> No.55565894


>> No.55566450
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>the bitch was a 10/10, now she is barely a 5
>everything I predicted was going to happen to her happened
>I didn't even have to look for her, I heard about it from a friend
I wish my ex was at least that lucky, she looks like shit
I remember for a while we planned to move in together and saved a lot, when we broke up I spent my share on real estate, the rest I used to try memecoins like VINU, and she spent it all on her new boyfriend who ended up cheating on her
I can't believe I was the best thing in her life

>> No.55566472
File: 33 KB, 488x310, 7fa77d94f32b94bd95101276311c6df5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Searched for her on FB
That's where you fucked up. The key to moving on is to never, ever, not even once, stalk them on social media, ever. Once you look back you turn into a pillar of salt and you're stuck that way forever.

>> No.55566947

i think i would have been the same if i didn't sleep with her again
the only way i managed to get over her was by hooking up on and off for a couple years until i could truly get all my physical needs out of the system
people make fun of "breakup sex" but it's hard to lose all intimacy in a moment with someone you truly loved. muh rebound gf is a proxy for this

>> No.55566966

>I can't believe I was the best thing in her life
no one can

i still talk to my exes... why? because we are friends
you're all faggots

>> No.55566988
File: 30 KB, 300x394, 2A6B0335-F425-4BD1-8B45-F81D63F9AC79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek he fell for the Love rug.

Worst investment ever frens.

>> No.55566999

You love what was and that's OK but odds are if you spent 10 minutes with her today you would realize how lucky you are to have dodged that bullet.

>> No.55567043

If you have time to talk to your exes you’re really fucking up

>> No.55567051

do you know where you are?

>> No.55567059

Yeah I'm pretty sure that was the top. Its very expensive and likely has more people who want to take profits than buy at this cost.

Not fomoing is not fomoing anon. That pump was a one time thing. It has double topped since then. We're likely going back to the bottom. God do I miss the bullmarket sometimes.

>> No.55567125

I talk to one ex time to time, we were close friends before we dated and I still want the best for her. Too much thought and it hurts. So it’s a once and a while thing to make sure we’re both good

>> No.55567140

The solution is simple only date ugly girls

>> No.55567142

Women social media pics are not what they look like in real life

>> No.55567151
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>Not all of us are basement incels anon.

>> No.55567170

Long as you're happy being rich and alone, you won. If not, she won.

>> No.55567209

but how do you get it up to bang them if they're not attractive

>> No.55567224

>>8 years later
damn, she must have really left an impression

>> No.55567236

she probably does think about you on occasion, I've being here too it's got a name it's called limerence, being in limerence but look the grass if always greener on the otherside and really you are just missing the love you felt and she is symbolic of that love but that love still exists and it can be found in your next partner that you love, just take this as a lesson in appreciation and self esteem

>> No.55567262

Dude block everything having to do with her. I only had one girl fuck me up like this but she cheated on me and then got cheated on and ended up getting beat up by the guy and then she would harass me trying to get back with me crying on the phone then she would go on my social media and add every girl i had on my facebook and tell them i was scum etc in an attempt to ruin my chances at a relationship. I now hate the fuckin bitch but the harassment has stopped.

>> No.55567279


>> No.55567535

this. literally took me 8yrs to finally never think about her again and fully just be free from the witches curse on my life.

>> No.55567565

yeah no shit but desu OP is samefagging all his spam threads most these replies are him.