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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 274 KB, 1310x820, A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55561488 No.55561488 [Reply] [Original]

This is his end game.
X Corp.

>> No.55561548
File: 827 KB, 2038x1420, Screen Shot 2023-07-14 at 11.11.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the end game is yet another jewish money laundering pump and dump coin
the game must go on

>> No.55561586


>> No.55561590
File: 24 KB, 612x408, XX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XX creates the universal feminine aspect.

>> No.55561657
File: 104 KB, 800x600, fm sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freemasons worshipped "the sacred feminine", one of the more guarded of their spiritual teachings.
The concepts are fundamental to both masonic art and architecture.

>> No.55561758
File: 37 KB, 674x360, various freemason symbols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freemasons historically love dropping hints about their work and presence via symbolism, which is likely why they are the most well known 'secret society'.

>> No.55561776

good work

>> No.55561862
File: 1.14 MB, 1278x817, mason money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since inception, they have been core to the construction of nations and currency. This is their entire purpose.

Right now they are nearly finished with construction on the new systems of currency, the first necessary step before finishing the construction of a new nation.

>> No.55561980

ALGO was an IQ test, anyone who held that dogshit all the way down lost

>> No.55561995
File: 747 KB, 634x798, chalice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their conviction is in the pursuit of creating fundamental systems of order to reach God, or even "create" God.

Their belief is that the sacred feminine (XX) is the physical space of the universe that we literally move and act in.
This is because the 'feminine' nature is to receive; bending and passive. It is represented in their symbolism as a cup or chalice (because they recieve what is put inside), or downward triangle: \/

>> No.55562070
File: 2.68 MB, 1645x1645, pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In contrast, the sacred masucline is that which acts upon or pierces through the world (feminine).
They represent the masculine as a pyramid, sword, pointed hand or upward triangle: /\

>> No.55562129

How does this apply into my life?

>> No.55562216
File: 522 KB, 699x438, star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When the feminine \/ and masculine /\ are combined you get your favorite star:

To combine male and female is to create life.
This true of every aspect in nature.
This is the fundamental element behind the masonic obsession to "create God" through the feminine and masculine aspects.

>> No.55562258
File: 32 KB, 420x285, DivineFM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you see this symbolism in their organizations, you can be guaranteed it is their current work.
Which means you can be prepared before most people before the changes are fully put into place.

xAI and Algorand are two hands that the mason Elon is playing. The leaders of AI are all masons and are completely obsessed with AGI being their path to "creating God".

All this means if you pay attention, you can profit big.

>> No.55562283

I will return in an hour to drop a few final secrets for anyone who cares to receive them.

>> No.55562311

> we'll create "god" by convincing people to pay doctors to mutilate their genitals
How come these people are so deranged?

>> No.55562974

That's not a mason thing but it is the result of people within or adjacent to these spiritual and pseudo-religious ideas losing their mind and believing mixing genders is how you "combine" the feminien and masculine and thereby create new life. Its a tainted / deranged view of the concept and sadly held by a lot of people high up in the machine.

>> No.55563023

It's fucking over for them. It's time to pay more attention to other Innovative real-life utility projects. I might consider Peaq Network in this light following their secure spot on Parachain with over a million dots used to participate in crowdloan. It shows how interested people are in it.

>> No.55563103
File: 9 KB, 215x234, seed of life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Understanding the ideology behind the motives, habits, ethics and works of these people is necessary to understand the more practical things I'll now share.

Being able to identify the signatures of their works is the first step to knowing what will soon be established.
The majority of the time, their mark is in the logos and can be identified with adequate knowledge of their symbolism. This is often enough to know which companies and projects will be the "chosen ones" or long term winners.

It is important to note though, they NEVER use the actual symbols. It is always artistic versions, slight twists, or geometric parity. Be weary of imposters who use the symbols without their action being consistent with mason ideology, they typically always die.

>> No.55563164
File: 329 KB, 2400x2769, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a fantastic example of a winner that anons identified a long time ago. The founder, company, mission statement and whitepaper are all very consistent with the masonic practice and construction.

>> No.55563291
File: 3.73 MB, 2528x8284, 1673557363485848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the masonry was free because they were covering up the history of our past and repurposing the masonry thus it was free

>> No.55563314

Where does this view come from then? Is it just an ideological pathology or what?

As for Musk, what do you think of him being a satanist?

>> No.55563328
File: 33 KB, 660x285, everything app.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things are kept a bit more hidden. In OP I demonstrate Algorand and xAI are two parts of the same unit.
X Corp is the parent company owned by Elon that is holding all his other companies. Everything within it is part of the same structure being built right now.

Elon has openly stated Twitter will become the face of the "X platform" and serve as the gateway into every other service.
Starlink will continue to gain market share as a leading piece of internet infrastructure.
Tesla will dominate the automated and app-based transportation sector.
SpaceX will eventually lead the asteroid mining goldrush and dominate the mineral supply.
I cannot safely talk about what Neuralink will eventually serve.

However, all of these services will be utilizing Algorand as its layer 1 blockchain core for payments and onchain services. Using Link oracles of course.

>> No.55563369

Pathology and perversion mainly, yes. It's a sort of self-gratifying way of fulfilling the ideological desire. Pretty similar thing happens across every religion as well.

Musk isn't adjacent to satanists as far as I know, only masons. There is a little overlap there though, because masons have a thing for "the lightbringer" aka Lucifer, but it is a pretty different perspective.

>> No.55563424
File: 821 KB, 765x1085, 1688823876914669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there's his "The Devil's Champion" costume pic he's still using as his avatar. Starship also has 3 stages of Raptor 2 engines. "Raptor" has 6 letters so there's a nice 666 right there.
It's all a bit schizo of course but do like to signal.

>> No.55563425
File: 94 KB, 720x708, hidden hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is currently a soft transfer of power taking place at the Algorand foundation with Musk being a Hidden Hand in the deal. (see pic, good history to read up on)

He is getting unofficial 'soft power' in the foundation to avoid the huge tax and legal burden of owning such a massive payments network.
Typical billionaire move.

>> No.55563448
File: 34 KB, 650x434, models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally believe that's more of his autistic memeing. Like how he spelled out SEXY with the Tesla models, dressed up as Wario etc.
You could be right, but he doesn't really present satanist motives like the others. Time will tell though.
Neuralink will be the big reveal if he is.

>> No.55563454

x+a+i =g ???

>> No.55563468
File: 564 KB, 1536x2048, 1650905471008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I don't really know for sure. He's definitely one of the main players pushing this "beast system" as many have called it.

>> No.55563479
File: 46 KB, 626x551, 322 skull and bones 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do the skull and bones relate to the masons?

>> No.55563482
File: 161 KB, 1080x1866, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>case 322

>> No.55563485

ever get the feeling all these guys, or someone advising them just want to enslave humanity but they cannot agree on which way is best

>> No.55563487
File: 43 KB, 546x551, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overlap them.

>> No.55563502
File: 151 KB, 678x900, wef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be silly anon
Isn't that a satanic seal or the seal of saturn or something?

>> No.55563504

masons should be pointed out all the time. those rats have nowhere to hide

>> No.55563517
File: 247 KB, 1076x688, 322 skull and bones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing is, you can't really explain this to anyone who isn't ready to pay attention

>> No.55563551

Its just as tribal at the top as it is at the bottom of the social structure.

I'm not as familiar with Skull and Bones but I do know they are an offshoot of one masonic sect. Considering the ties to Yale I think it is a bit of a psyop but they certainly show up in unexpected places. They are not as transparent as freemasons for sure, and definitely have no good intentions.

They usually like to be found. It's like an abstract game of hide and seek for them.

>> No.55563597
File: 3 KB, 200x200, seal of saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah seal of saturn is completely unrelated.

The mason symbol is derived from the seal of Solomon, which is a relatively pure historical mystic symbol.
It is the merging of the feminine \/ and masculine /\
The hindu version of this was Shiva and Shakti and represents the same forces of Yin and Yang in Taoist teachings.

>> No.55563616

Well, I shouldn't say completely unrelated. If you study it, the seal of saturn is practically the antithesis of the sacred symbol. The line going through the middle represents cutting off the masculine from the feminine.

This is in line with Satanists trying to physically and mentally castrate everyone, separate men from women, sissify men etc.

>> No.55563671
File: 146 KB, 395x624, sacred geometry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The geometric hierarchy is flower of life > seed of life > metatron's cube > seal of solomon > freemason.

These are all pure. Most of the corrupt sects use distorted or perverse variations.

>> No.55563794
File: 88 KB, 1200x720, cbdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing with some practical advice.
CBDCs are going to really strangle currency, and most likely before all the onchain services are completed. Very shortly after CBDC deployment you are going to get utterly cucked and destroyed the moment you convert crypto to dollars.

This makes it utterly essential to have a plan for keeping your value on chain. There will be a roughly ~2 year period after CDBD deployment where it will be near impossible to transact on chain for daily necessities, and this will force a out of people out of their crypto.

This will happen after the upcoming bull market, and be the catalyst for the following bear market.

The winners will be the ones who can avoid CBDC capitulation.

>> No.55563851
File: 19 KB, 659x466, Stock-Market-Bubble-Phases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After full onchain services and marketplaces are established, there will be a very short period of extremely high value arbitrage.
Some people will make it big on this and it will become the financial guru trend, similar to the old trends of dropshipping and NFTs etc.
There will be a double-bubble top at this point akin to the 2017 run, and it will come right as everyone bandwagons on the new services.

>> No.55563895

Cheers mate, do you know if the CBDCs going to be as bad as what the WEF are implying?

>> No.55563932

After the initial goldrush of the new services, people will start to find them a bit overpriced and confusing to match the crypto value with expected USD values. But it wont take terribly long for people to adapt and services to provide easy value comparison in-app.

After all this will be the point where things stabilize and really gain mainstream adoption.

Yes, they will be. WEF is only one hand in this machine.
The initial crackdown will be harsh but then there will be a number of years where it will feel normal to the average person, because they want to ease everyone into it. But the controls will ramp up extremely tight year over year.

>> No.55564076
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically or maybe predictably, 2030 will mark the beginning of the stable phase for mainstream blockchain services. If you can survive and keep building your crypto value in the chosen projects until then, without capitulationg into dollars, you'll be set for life.

>> No.55564141

I have an SMSF account (Aussie 401k) with "ISO" and interoperability coins with a bit of gold and silver thrown in for good luck. I hope I can make it through the next 20 years so I can enjoy it.

>> No.55564763

give an example of Masonic symbolism with CL

>> No.55564770

you have no evidence for any real connection between the two besides a similar font logo used. That is retarded.

>> No.55564784

do you have any evidence

>> No.55564796

So will Algo ever go above one dollar

>> No.55564846

no, 0.75 would be a miracle

>> No.55564905
File: 379 KB, 624x624, the cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's metatron's cube.

I don't have any price predictions for you but $1 is actually a pretty logical valuation after the next cycle of volatility balances out.

>> No.55564966

anything else, like ex: the whitepaper

>> No.55565030

You don't have to accept how masons work, anon; I'm just a something of a benevolent insider providing the roadmap for anyone wise enough to see it.
Elon has been very open and transparent about X Corp for a long time, you can listen to any number of his interviews on it. He drops hints constantly and always delivers on them, for better or worse.

Check out the various sections of the official site, metatron is used everywhere and in the whitepaper as well. The network itself functions on its principle in many ways as well, but I'm not really capable of drawing that out.

>> No.55565117
File: 569 KB, 896x1496, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really know algorand bros, im feeling a bit stupid right now, first the linkie bros outperform us, then the xrp bros make a 70% pump and then the shibart bros make far better AI than us, its the end

>> No.55565190

Don't get lost in the sauce, what matters is what the services and infrastructure will be 5 years from now. XRP only pumped because of the lawsuit news, and everyone is misunderstanding it anyway.

>> No.55565286 [DELETED] 

Elon, is that you?

>> No.55565333
File: 696 KB, 638x637, sh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a silly little guy from the internet.

>> No.55565643

you still deliver nothing on the connections beyond the logo, and some vague statements like there are other "hints". It's tenuous as fuck to say the least. Provide more evidence. What else can you tell us about the X Corp connections besides nonsense like this

>> No.55565663

The thing is for years I have been hearing mostly from very clueless delusional people that Algo is the secret WEF ISO conspiracy plan. There is not much actually substantive to any of this and masks all the massive fuckups and mismanagement of the chains development from the foundation. There is a reason why this thing is dwindling beneath it's March 2020 lows and continues to make new lows Vs. BTC/ETH on a daily basis.

>> No.55565695


I don't really feel compelled to hand out freebies for this type of behavior but I'll quell your misconceptions.
WEF is not part of the X Corp product plan and it upsets them like pee-pants babies.

You are not going to get any direct evidence from either team, nor any crypto or financial news site until the services are essentially ready to deploy.
As described earlier, Elon does not want an official connection with any payments infrastructure due to the tax and legal burdens. It's a proxy partnership, extremely standard play for every billionaire.

Be careful relying only on news networks. I've provided a lot of information here on how to identify these things before the whales and corporations start telling you whats good and bad, for their own profit.

>> No.55566050

Final info drop if this thread is alive when I wake up.

>> No.55566330
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 04EAE529-2764-47C0-A48E-FEAA6FB93487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the IC3 coins be the Biggest winners anon?

>> No.55566355

>This makes it utterly essential to have a plan for keeping your value on chain.
So what should i do then? Avoid selling my crypto?? kek

>> No.55566372

>the only coin with regulational clarity. Years ahead of others
>everyone is misunderstanding it anyway
The xrp bullrun has started, you had years...

>> No.55566543


>> No.55566715

>the endgame is a tranny running a scam
Many such cases!

>> No.55566725

>are completely obsessed with AGI being their path to "creating God".
Sorry anon.
But as many people point out, they will fail at this.
And they have known it for decades.
It's a con, a confidence game, they project to retards.
AI is just a programmed skip logic that does what it's told with the data pool provided.

>> No.55566847
File: 113 KB, 1200x627, previewImg-a12c9307b4ea40b2db223a22854fb52a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was losing faith with Algorand but will buy atleast 10K for long term hold

Are there any Masonic symbolism books that u would recommend ? So i can spot gems

Also whats your thoughts on Celer Network?

And is the any other projects that you can give a hint to that have these masonic symbol , i understand with masons they dont like saying the answer but rather giving clues/hints

Current Folio


>> No.55567623

Bumping for reasons.

>> No.55567835

Anon, what do you know about the "revelation of the method?"

>> No.55567952

Jewish people are always better than white people. They are also far better at /biz/ I will support jewish people

>> No.55568021

I have tried to notice these things insider anon but its difficult.
Also I know Rome wasnt built in a day so I just hold.
Also and xrp obviously are in the mix
Is xlm a rival faction or allies
what are your thoughts on things like xdc and quant.
Or even albt and iota

>> No.55568313
File: 224 KB, 996x1500, know thyself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Craft and Its Symbols by Allen Roberts
a good introduction on the entire purpose of symbols and covers a decent number of historical ones.

>Know Thyself: Using the Symbols of Freemasonry to Improve Your Life by Michael Schiavello
Practical application that is digestible for people who aren't wholey into the more spiritual side of things.

I would recommend you search for books on more generic occult symbolism and "sacred geometry" in addition. Books written by high degree masons are duty-bound to not reveal highest order secrets. Amazon honestly has a lot of decent stuff with simple searches. Just avoid the witchcraft books that are marketed toward edgy teenage girls.

For people who can't read books, youtube has some decent hand-holding content.

>> No.55568414

While AGI is very likely not possible, the current leaders genuinely believe it is for now. It will be a couple years before they accept the blow to their ego and quietly transition the work into basic AI products.

love this meme

As the most basic strategy that is good enough. You would be surprised how many people will not be able to do this.
The problem will be if you want to swing trade via USD in an out of crypto, you will need to find other methods to grow your bags.

>> No.55568511

>swing trade via USD
suggestions on a better vehicle?
>captcha: AARPJH

>> No.55568822
File: 1.40 MB, 1522x1356, 1614197966242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I held some for meme lore purposes but swapped it all into XRP or XDC (can't remeber which) when the governance model went to shit. HBAR has schizo masonic connotations in that its alternative symbol is the symbol for saturn.

>> No.55568846

What I think is that Ari has good intentions.

XRP and XLM are certainly competition with each other, but that can be said about the majority of crypto services.

Crypto pairings should be good for a while but are at risk to get cucked by the IRS.
Defi swaps are going to become increasingly good options as on chain services grow.
Staking and lending are good passive options.

>> No.55568924

>XRP and XLM are certainly competition with each other
I would disagree, XRP is for Banks, XLM is for Businesses,

>> No.55568926

Andro type stuff as a perversion.

>> No.55568949

The 3 month locking governance model forcing voting participation for rewards has proven to be very effective for high quality votes, which is the goal.

There is a good case to make for their coexistence. Their biggest concern is not each other, but CBDCs.

>> No.55568982

all i ever wanted was a beautiful girl to suck my cock and call me a big boy

>> No.55568984

The Ripple guys are on the WEF website, and Jed is certainly connected somehow, he got away with Mt Gox and never got harassed by the sec for the Ripple case.

>> No.55569069
File: 185 KB, 960x759, v-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind WEF is not the only powerful hand in the game.
Three major banking families are pursuing competing options, and they have a history of preferring in-house solutions. But the signs do point to Ripple being favored by one of them.

>> No.55569172

I keep forgetting about the old families and just focusing on the current big banks. Cheers for image.

>> No.55569414
File: 141 KB, 800x530, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence steps attract no attention.
Consider why the WEF and their friends like Blackrock are so noisy lately. Cheers.

It is real and useful to have the intuition to see it. The law of karma part of the masonic teachings, and is one of many reasons why masons are quite transparent with their work.
There is a misconception that this is always for negative reasons though. Just as often, it is simply the desire to share exciting things through art abstractions in a game of hide and seek with each other.

>> No.55570061
File: 1 KB, 300x168, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Ankr?
The Anchor symbol from what i read is a common symbol mason adopt , along with Christian

Also looks like an incomplete hexagon

>> No.55570241

nice schizo post. tje xAi log is just an x, an A, an I. nothing to do with algo

>> No.55570816

Feels too mixed to be comfortable. Hex broken in the middle gives saturn vibes, see >>55563597
Female in the bottoom hex redeems a bit.
Regardless the tech is in a market sector that should do quite well in the next bull run regardless. If you hold a bag I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.55571231
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>> No.55572268

I just want money

>> No.55573523

so Elon declaring bankruptcy of Twitter will be a ritual sacrifice
also remember Elon is bloodline

>> No.55573764
File: 955 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230717-100722_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some evidence to support OP, even though its not Elon himself personally in pic/article however his siblings did invest into Algorand


>> No.55573847

So swing trading in defi with stablecoins is still an option? As long as i keep my funds onchain? Next bull run i need to cash out though, i need to purchase a place i can live in

>> No.55574203

Twitter transition to the X platform is guaranteed. Just a few switcheroos to get there. Though it would be a pretty entertaining outcome to tease fears of bankruptcy for free media hype.

Family strength.

As long as you know what protocols and exchanges you're moving through, onchain will be the safest. Avoid anything following the CBDC path of automated fees / taxing / withholding your assets. (Beyond whatever standard exchange fees you're comfortable with.)

>> No.55574436

You need to be euthanised or at least castrated, luckily we will be able to find everyone who bought into this POS vaporware soon enough

>> No.55574523

holy fucking schizo

that being said, i hold a shitload of algo and it is obviously the best L1

>> No.55574590

I'm a schizo so it makes sense to me (plausible, I have seen worse connections) but I don't have a massive bag.