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55550903 No.55550903 [Reply] [Original]

Should I move to Dubai to make it with my startup?

Will I get funding? Will I be able to network?

>> No.55551080

>Should I move to Dubai to make it with my startup?
I am already here since 2021. While it is very nice (beaches, activities) and easy to get a business license (you pay an annual fee every year to stay active!) and live here but it's VERY expensive on multiple levels.
>Will I get funding?
>Will I be able to network?
No. Many exhibitions but you will not be able to find what you are looking for.

City is literally full of pajeets.

Any specific questions?

>> No.55551115

>move to over expensive islamic shithole to make it

>> No.55551168

Is dubai good for tourism with families (hotels, beaches, water parks and such)?

>> No.55551171

You go to Dubai once you've already made a lot of money. If you've got a profitable business (especially something online or remote) or you've got a lot of financial assets, then Dubai makes a lot of sense.

>> No.55551261

alhamdulillah, stay where you are.
you have absolutely no clue kek.

100%. If you want to save money go to a beach front hotel in Ajman, they all have private beaches which are stunning. Def. rent a car and discover all the public beaches yourself. You're lost without a car here.

The water park on the palm is a bit overpriced and closes early around sunset (6pm) but overall very nice.

there is a truth to it. this city is preferable not for singles or employees but for business owners.

dating life for a single man = lots of gold diggers from all around the world, spoiled, not enjoying sex, 1:10 ratio woman:man, overall very very difficult.

employment = 400 applicants within the first hours, multiple thousands after 1 week. You have 0 chance on getting noticed. people from 3rd world countries with PhDs will work for peanuts and you have 0 chance without connections. once employed your residency is dependent on the job. if they fire you, you have to find something else or leave the country.

again, overall I like it here a lot but you have to have money, a wife and your own business.

>> No.55551333

Can you explain what is very expensive and how much money you need to have?

I was thinking of going there to profit from the next bull run with optimal taxation hoping to make a lot of money and to use it as a temporary base, but the weather is not something I can tolerate...

I am a bit on the poor side and barely a millionaire right now, and looking for a place where I can profit from low taxes for trading and good weather with nature.
Do you have suggestions for where I could try to go?

Currently in Germany...

>> No.55551348

Just like buying S&P 500, you should only do it when you are already rich.

>> No.55551368

I currently live in Switzerland but pay a shitload in wealth tax ($25k a year on $4mn assets) + boatload of other taxes.

My main consideration for staying here is that prosties are freely available, wide choice of 9/10 at reasonable prices. Dubai always has the reputation for being hooker paradise, but I really can't be bothered going to a bar and rizzing one up that then charges me insane amounts.
Is there any prostie websites/networks or something that one can trust? Or would I really have to take a cab to a fucking hotel bar, hoping i find a 9/10, then spending time talking to her until she then says she wants $500 for an hour?

>> No.55551372

if you are in Germany, and tax resident there, you can hold crypto for 1 year without touching it and then sell it for 0% tax. What is the point of going to Dubai. If crypto taxes is better in Germany. After moving to Dubai you still need to be there 185+ days to get a tax residence.

>> No.55551381

based dubai-pilled Anon.

>> No.55551404

moved to dubai cause my wife got a job at Emirates cabin crew

i have no idea what to do here

>> No.55551411


>> No.55551413

What if I have a startup in AI (using my own custom ML models). What if I build drones or devices that can be used in defence using ML?

Isn't there any innovation fund for that? Also because its in the UAE I could sell it to russia without problems and I get paid in UAE dollars and I wont be taxed right?

>> No.55551419

she's def fucking chadpreets

>> No.55551428

Didn't they reduce the tax residence requirement to 3 months?

The problem is this 0% tax made me into a bag holder in the previous bull run and made me lose multiple millions, because I had to choose between paying 52% and keeping my bags...
I don't want t live through that a second time.
I don't want to have to choose between 52 and 0%.

And after making it I won't be able to remain here.
I can't hedge and use any form of derivatives (options, perps etc) because they ignore losses and tax "virtual gains".

My idea was to try to go to a place which is optimal for my mindset with good taxation and without the fucked up system, while keeping a forest nearby to meditate, but I am struggling to find where to go.

I either make it and fuck up here, and then have to leave because of taxes or I leave before the bull run and hope to make it after which I have to build my new life.

>> No.55551439

she hates indian people

>> No.55551446

How did you make millions? Can I do that too with 5000? I got exactly 5000 CHF.

>> No.55551506

Dubai is a region in UAE and it's crypto friendly. Little wonders CYMi got licensed as a crypto payment solution in UAE.

>> No.55551557

Bag holding through 2 bull runs and investing 70k during a bear market.
I was pretty desperate and could be in mid 8 figures right now if I had done things better.

5000 is not a lot and you may lack the ability and experience to be a top tier trader.
I am barely at the level of an average newbie trader after many failures, but I had huge psychological issues and spent years doing therapy and meditation to heal my mindset and only recently reached a normal level.
Being able to control your greed is something extremely difficult for a human being and will take multiple painful experiences to learn.

It's a question of time investment, perseverance, and exposing yourself to lucky events.

There are multiple ways to make money depending on your amount of money and risk profile.
With a safer investment you could do a x6-x10, but you may need to actively trade and "rotate", or thing good small cap projects multiple times to compound with the risk of losing everything.

The road to making it takes time in the 5-7 years range.
If you keep making money while protecting your assets against losses you will make it over enough time.

>> No.55551563

>what is very expensive
food = while basics like rice and meat is very affordable, other stuff has a premium attached to it because it's imported. outside dining has higher prices.

gas = it's just $0.82/L for 98 super but was half (!) of that when I arrived here. when you're not living in some of the city hotspots your daily drives can be 50-100km in total. the city is split into multiple hotspots with large distances in between, it's not one core like older cities.

rent = landlords will raise the rents on a yearly basis and rents are rising exponentially since end of covid. if you quote the rental index and try to hold on to your rights as a tenant they will send you a notary notice for you to leave the unit within 1 year. oh if something is wrong in the unit, AC/water etc. maintenance, everything under $250, is your (!) expense. most of the people here move yearly which is somewhat strange in the eyes of an European.

>how much money you need to have
if you can produce a decent income like in Germany but remotely, you can live here just fine but saving can be hard. maybe even enjoy some of the perks here, like free pool and gym entry inside your unit/community for the same price like renting in Germany without one.

>where I could try to go?
I've heard SEA is good for a cheap life where you can stack stats.

>optimal taxation
staking and trading is a bitch in Germany. here it's all tax free.

>main consideration for staying here is that prosties are freely available
you will be happy here. there are "prosties" literally everywhere because of the abundance of men. I'm not living that life but you can certainly network in those "massage" places which you can find all over the city.

do you have a MVP? you sound like you have everything figured out. when there is a will there a way. try it.
side-note: drones is a hot topic because of an attack in 2021. they are not allowed to fly here without permit.

>> No.55551645

Great thanks. Prices seem a bit expensive, like $450 for a hot white one but pajeetas are $100-200. But ok, atleast you can pick.

Based Germanbro. I totally get why you would want to leave Germany. As a note, I am leaving Switzerland partly because of taxes but also because of long-term political instability in Europe. The politicians and people are literally insane here. I wanted to import a car (AMG SL) into Switzerland and would have had to pay a 20k€ CO2-sanction because of a new CO2-law since 2022. Germany is even more insane, like completely insane. In a few years they probably will get warm water rationing in winter and meat restrictions, besides a wealth tax and even higher taxes in general. Europe is just hopeless. I'll be happy to come here for vacation every year, but I rather trust a rich Sheik-kingdom with my money than these lunatic European politicans.

>> No.55551650

>oh if something is wrong in the unit, AC/water etc. maintenance, everything under $250, is your (!) expense
not true

anytime i had an issue with a leak, pajeet is here within 10m to fix all while calling me sir and bowing respectfully. never paid a dirham.

>> No.55551656

>Europe is just hopeless. I'll be happy to come here for vacation every year, but I rather trust a rich Sheik-kingdom with my money than these lunatic European politicans.
perfect summary.

>> No.55551700

>not true
>never paid a dirham.
either you live in a newly built unit which is under warranty or have a very favorable contract which is almost impossible.

ofc depends on your contract terms but I have not seen a single contract with additional terms without that.

>> No.55551709

Just seems like we are a collapsing civilisation.

We are full of blacks and poor people from around the world.

I used to say to my self its about values and we treat each other better and we got healthcare, freedom and peace.

But with he LGBT crap, hatespeech laws etc we lost our freedom and the quality of life keeps dropping.

Where are our skyscrapers? Our opportunities? It's all so regulated here to the max.

EU is also having billions, why aren't we investing in infrastructure? Setting up tax free economic zones? WTF are we doing. Its so fucking sad.

>> No.55551732

that's def. a topic for /pol/ but yeah, I feel you.

>> No.55551795

>Is dubai good for tourism with families (hotels, beaches, water parks and such)?
Just go to Disney World. About as real and roughly the same amount of pederasty.

>> No.55551927

Thank you.
I am living like a NEET currently and am mostly spending either time learning in front of my computer or outside in the forest.
Would you still have to drive 50-100km to go to hot spots if you are not the type to go to a party and just an introvert who lives inside?

The property market seems more fucked up than I thought.
I don't like moving every year around and would prefer having a stable home I don't have to focus on to keep my energy for something else.
Would buying a property be worth it to avoid the issues while renting?
What are the requirements for getting a bank loan?

>if you can produce a decent income like in Germany but remotely, you can live here just fine but saving can be hard.
My income took a hit after I stopped working because of a burnout.
I currently have 30k/year of passive income mostly from real estate investment and a bit from crypto staking and am trying to see what I can achieve with trading/investing but prefer to keep a lower spending profile for a few years until I x5 my current wealth with the next bull run.
The 4% rate on a million would mean my spending limit with lower effort would be in the 40k/year range.

The irony is that I get taxed half of my income in Germany, but would spend the difference somewhere else in Dubai it seems.

>I've heard SEA is good for a cheap life where you can stack stats.
Seems like that could be a good solution.
Do you have recommendations?

>> No.55551967

I feel the same way. It seems the situation will keep getting worse for a decade.
I received a few days ago from my health insurance a magazine advertising gender transition operations...
I don't really care about the insanity because I am disconnected from the normal world, but the thoughts that everything keeps getting worse gives me the feeling I need to start looking quickly for an exit before everyone else starts to have the same thoughts.

Unfortunately it's difficult to give up on your comfort.
I was never treated like a normal person, but felt some comfort from living in a society with a shared starting culture.
However the time is coming to change this.

>> No.55553092

Why do so many people on social media shill for Dubai? It looks like a tacky Islamic version of Las Vegas without the gambling. Seems like a depressing shithole.

Or do people actually get paid to shill for it?

no culture whatsoever. consumerist shithole which tries to be an american suburb catering to minority of richfags

>> No.55554315

>It looks like a tacky Islamic version of Las Vegas without the gambling.
and even fucking hotter

>> No.55555288

In this case, at least, you should trust your emotions. Normies are stupid, but not THAT stupid. They are already starting to freak out about inflation and housing etc, and a significant number of them (young males anyways) are seriously starting to question all this transgender stuff. I listen to people. I listen to what they talk about. People are NOT happy right now.

My advice to all young male anons is this: beginning researching every single country in SEA and in Latin America. Be looking for ones that you can afford to live in, that are interesting to you for whatever personal reasons, and that have an immigration path that you could qualify for. Then, go do a reconaissance mission to check out the handful of countries that meet these criteria. Then come home, compile you notes and make a decision. Then get the fuck out of dodge. This ship is going down. Get out now, before it's too late - and mark my words the day will come when it's too late.

>> No.55555415

Not reading this entire thread, but remember that Miami is good for startups and friendly to entrepreneurs and investors. It's actually the most crypto-friendly major city.

>> No.55555756

>Why do so many people on social media shill for Dubai?
tax evasion

it's a soulless hellhole filled with prostitution, tax evaders, and modern slavery

>> No.55555993
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kek, there is no evasion when you can have legally 0% tax like in the US pre-1909
this guy never traveled in his life.

>> No.55556545

Why would I voluntary pay my taxes for niggers?

>> No.55558083

>business license (you pay an annual fee every year to stay active!)
How much do you have to pay?

>> No.55559049

Can you create your business there and live elsewhere?

>> No.55559105

How much does it costs to have your business license?

>> No.55559221

5000 bucks

>> No.55559381

>In this case, at least, you should trust your emotions. Normies are stupid, but not THAT stupid.
I dont think you understand the average German NPC.
They were not allowed to leave their house for a period and they obliged.
They were forced to wear a mask while jogging outside, and they obliged.
They were forced to let their children get experimental injections, and they obliged.
They not only obliged, but they ostracized everyone who questioned their obedience.

Germans are extremely vulnerable to mass psychosis. Once their pension system and infrastructure is collapsing, they will try to get money from wherever they can. If that means the crypto millionaire needs to give up 80% of his wealth, then so be it. That's what we Europeans are afraid of.

>> No.55559416
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I took my family here.
The biggest risk is wanting to stay.
There's occasional crime everywhere, but it doesn't get more safe than Dubai.
Healthcare is top notch, albeit expensive.
Education is also expensive, but on the level of higher-tier Western schools minus the LGTVHD+ propaganda.
There's a variety of family activities. And yes, many beaches and the biggest water parks in the world.
Kind of true/ kind of false. You can survive on little by living in cheap areas, but my average monthly expenses are 55,000 AED for a family of 3, and that's just basic survival (on organic foods and the occasional night out) and 1-2 fun outings per month, cheapest clothes we can find (we don't care about this shit) and Palm Jumeirah service charges, kek.

>> No.55559430
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> what is very expensive
Groceries are more expensive than in the West.
Rent prices are high and have hidden costs to them.
If you own your place, service charges in most apartment buildings range from 20 to 70 dirhams per square foot per year.
Healthcare is cheap for males, expensive for females. My insurance cost 5k AED for the full year, although it might be reduced by the fact that I bought it for my entire family (and everyone else was more expensive).
You'll need a car, since distances are quite huge.
Schools are expensive.

>> No.55559460

>The problem is this 0% tax made me into a bag holder in the previous bull run and made me lose multiple millions, because I had to choose between paying 52% and keeping my bags...
Exactly, check what's needed to stop being a tax resident in your original country and then move.
You only want to be in Dubai until you make itl anyway.
Although it's genuinely a good "base" to spend half the year in, spending the other half in a place with bearable summer temperatures.

Also you can cash out during a bear market, open a "holding company", then move to Malaysia for the cheap cost of living, make it as a Malaysian tax resident, pay some tax, but not an excessive amount, and overall enjoy the best of both worlds.

>Dubai is a region in UAE and it's crypto friendly
Not the banks though, keep that in mind.

EU fag here, love having my EU passport, but not living in a place that gets worse every year, while Dubai gets better every year.

>> No.55559635

depends on the activity and free zone but from $1.5-10k/yearly.

usually your home country needs you to stay out of it for 6 month. here you have to be 1-2 days minimum per year for your visa to stay active.

>Healthcare is top notch, albeit expensive.
>5k insurrance
yup, you can get any kind of healthcare plan but you get a limited amount of hospitals ("network") then if you choose a cheaper one. you have to pay your healthcare annually.
100% correct, forget about having kids here, it's $10-15k per year.
>Palm Jumeirah service charges
this guy is loaded, what do you do for a living if you don't mind?

>love having my EU passport
>while Dubai gets better every year.
I feel it got worse starting in 2022. so much more people than before (russians/ukrainians/turks), real estate/rent prices through the roof. overall living costs higher than before too.

>> No.55559699
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Software dev, haven't waged in a while since I started my own company, which makes little money, compared to what crypto can make you. AVAX and LINK ICOs had more to do with it. Hopefully TOAD as well, although that's a huge risk, and I'm not recommending it to anyone who doesn't have gambling money.
>got worse
Probably true, I also came not that long ago, so I couldn't get a feel for a Dubai with less Russians. Although the Palm has always been a cesspool of Russians. I'm actually studying Russian right now so I can talk to my neighbours, kek.

>> No.55560376

Didn't it become more difficult to get residency in Malaysia?
Is there a new easier opportunity to go there?

I was looking into US LLCs for the holding company, but was wondering if it doesn't make crypto trading more difficult with all their SEC attacks.
Is there a better alternative for a holding?

>> No.55560783
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Have you guys ever considered moving to a Caribbean island?

For example Bahamas:
0% capital gains tax
0% income tax
0% corporate tax

>> No.55560908


>> No.55560954

Bahamas is very nice, having lived there a bit myself. Note that the banking system there is really old school and probably won't take too kindly to crypto especially in the wake of FTX

>> No.55561270

Maybe I could try this solution with a Labuan company and getting a residence permit through it as the MM2H requirement is over my current income level.

Do you have advice on which tax specialist to go with for the expatriation route?
Michael seems like a good option.

I was looking at Portugal with another specialist, but had the feeling of a lack of trust over their solution which involved trying to play around the taxation laws and the country seems like it is slowly collapsing which would not be an improvement over Germany.

I am making preparations for an exit likely before this year ends, but need a bit more time to prepare myself psychologically as I decide what I want out of life.
Malaysia seems like it would fit better with what I want.
It's difficult to explain but I need to imagine my future life in order to feel the motivation to act and need to feel that it is aligned with my desires and values, but to do that I may need to go there first to see how it is or to find someone who already did this.

Did you go through something similar when you went to Dubai?
Do you have advice for this transition phase as someone who went through it?

>> No.55561277

was for

>> No.55561400
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>Do you have advice on which tax specialist to go with for the expatriation route?
>Michael seems like a good option.
I can't compare because I've only used Michael, but he's legit (albeit youtube fame most certainly means higher profit margins). All I can say is never go to that Nomad Capitalist dude, he'll rip you off lol, read some comments on the internet.
$350 per half hour consultation (which is enough to have your answers solved) and for me, it was slightly south of $15k for my Dubai setup. Should be cheaper for Labuan but no experience there.
> I was looking at Portugal with another specialist
Literal communist government, known for years to be crafting a honeypot to rip off clueless people. I wouldn't trust your specialist.
>I am making preparations for an exit likely before this year ends, but need a bit more time to prepare myself psychologically as I decide what I want out of life.
I have wagie friends in KL, everyone attests to a smooth moving procedure and nicest people on the planet when you arrive. Never been there myself.
When I moved to Dubai it was pretty much "I have to do it, I have no idea what I'm doing but it's gonna work out eventually". People land in the US with $100 in their pocket and no knowledge of English every day and still manage to make it, you'll be fine, anon. Besides, you'll tell your grandchildren adventure stories.
>transition phase
I spend too much time in front of the computer to see living as any different lmao.
I'd say rent a bigger place so your old friends can come over as guests. Malaysian real estate is cheap af.
I have people visiting me in Dubai for most of the year. I feel like I'm seeing my old friends more now that we don't live in the same country.
My only real gripe is how fucking expensive this place is. I was in "made it" territory before I arrived, and now I have pretty much unmade it (lost 10% in the multichain hack, because I couldn't cash out everything on time, Dubai banks hate crypto).

>> No.55561426

What about criminality and hurricanes?

Also, can you easily use crypto and stock apps (like Interactive Brokers, Degiro) from there?

>> No.55561866

Thank you

>I can't compare because I've only used Michael, but he's legit (albeit youtube fame most certainly means higher profit margins). All I can say is never go to that Nomad Capitalist dude, he'll rip you off lol, read some comments on the internet.
$350 per half hour consultation (which is enough to have your answers solved) and for me, it was slightly south of $15k for my Dubai setup. Should be cheaper for Labuan but no experience there.
Seems like a good option. Nomad Capitalist is great for the free advice he gives, and likely gives a good service for those who can afford it. But that's outside of my current affordability and I need to be a bit more efficient with money.

>Literal communist government, known for years to be crafting a honeypot to rip off clueless people. I wouldn't trust your specialist.
That's also how I felt. They added a new 2-5% additional tax this year and made selling stocks within 6 months into a job without the 28% capital tax and into a 50+% tax instead.
I need something outside of the EU's direct influence.
That specialist also offers services for other popular countries like Bulgaria, Malaysia and Dubai, but this made me doubt him for those too.

>I have wagie friends in KL, everyone attests to a smooth moving procedure and nicest people on the planet when you arrive. Never been there myself.
When I moved to Dubai it was pretty much "I have to do it, I have no idea what I'm doing but it's gonna work out eventually". People land in the US with $100 in their pocket and no knowledge of English every day and still manage to make it, you'll be fine, anon. Besides, you'll tell your grandchildren adventure stories.
Thanks, that's reassuring.
I already experienced this a few times, but it would be my first time outside of western countries, and it seems to become more difficult with time to move.

>> No.55561922

>first time outside of western countries
The English spoken in Malaysia seems to be solid enough to make you feel at home.
Not the case with Dubai, my English has gone downhill since I arrived xD
I still think you should entertain the idea of "cashing out" as a Dubai resident first.
Once the money is "yours" and "cashed out" you can start a company and invest the money in it.
Personal taxes on crypto, while low in many countries, are still a massive hassle to deal with in almost every country in the world, I wouldn't doubt Malaysia is one of them.
IMO get a Dubai visa, rent some place in Barsha Heights for a year just to document the cashing out, and then proceed to Malaysia. But ask some specialist first, because my plan was simpler, and I'm not the best person to help you out with the full strategy.

>> No.55561941

>I spend too much time in front of the computer to see living as any different lmao.

It's difficult to change old habits. The same thing happened to me when I stopped working.
I replaced my work laptop with my computer and an addiction to charts.

>I'd say rent a bigger place so your old friends can come over as guests. Malaysian real estate is cheap af.
>I have people visiting me in Dubai for most of the year. I feel like I'm seeing my old friends more now that we don't live in the same country.

That's a good idea. That's one issue I wanted to solve.
Living in an exotic touristic place may give more motivation for friends to visit.

>My only real gripe is how fucking expensive this place is. I was in "made it" territory before I arrived, and now I have pretty much unmade it (lost 10% in the multichain hack, because I couldn't cash out everything on time, Dubai banks hate crypto).
Lifestyle creep is the greatest danger to financial freedom.
You may need to review some of your spending habits.
I always keep in mind Warren Buffet's life example of living in his lower cost purchased home compared to what he could buy now.
Keeping your spending under control gives a feeling of freedom and improves your investment decisions.

Crypto hasn't been great these last years to keep your money. I hope it will change soon.

>> No.55561963
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>overall I like it here a lot but you have to have money, a wife and your own business.
Biz is literally filled with poor retarded incels who have nothing going for them other than their shitcoins. And yes I'm projecting

>> No.55561982

>she hates indian people
for now.

>> No.55561989

>moving to Dubai before you make it
This is no different than having a net worth of $300 and a $70k car that you're 4 payments behind on

>> No.55562092

>The English spoken in Malaysia seems to be solid enough to make you feel at home.
>Not the case with Dubai, my English has gone downhill since I arrived xD
Good to know.
It's funny how being around a different culture changes your language habits.
My accent would change through the country I live in.
I trust you will find a way to improve yours kek.

>Once the money is "yours" and "cashed out" you can start a company and invest the money in it.
>Personal taxes on crypto, while low in many countries, are still a massive hassle to deal with in almost every country in the world, I wouldn't doubt Malaysia is one of them.

I experienced this once when I tried to open a standard broker account, but the experience was made easier through my bag holding behavior.
Crypto is still not easy to manage with banks.

>IMO get a Dubai visa, rent some place in Barsha Heights for a year just to document the cashing out, and then proceed to Malaysia. But ask some specialist first, because my plan was simpler, and I'm not the best person to help you out with the full strategy.
Thanks for the advice!

I can technically cash out in Germany as an over 1 year bag holder without taxes, but the issue would be to be in an optimal location for the next bull run. Dubai could serve as a temporary place to prepare the next step as Malaysia may be more complex to setup.

>> No.55562121

>Lifestyle creep is the greatest danger to financial freedom.
It's not really lifestyle creep, it's losing money due to not being able to cash it out, in addition to HAVING to move to a place that actually allows me to cash out my crypto and not have some mafia thugs call me at night.
It's more of an unforeseen necessary expense, unfortunately.
I had software companies in 4 different jurisdictions, I've acted as a salesman of a software company while technically working as a software dev there, in front of $50m+ investors. I've negotiated with VCs, investors, I've built 4 pieces of software from the ground up, all 4 seeing decent use. That made 1% of my NW, the other 99 being shitcoins.
You can live on $4k/month in Dubai as a single male. Not really cheap, but not the worst. It's expensive for me because I brought family over.
Example: https://www.bayut.com/property/details-7639057.html not a bad location. $1200 month for rent, add in $250 for bills and land taxes, add in another $500-$1000 for groceries, $250 mobile+home internet (it's crazy expensive here) $150 health insurance, get a cheap car and you're golden. You even have money left over for entertainment.

Plenty of people here have decent stacks from last bull run and can make a few grand a month just yield farming stables.

>> No.55562365

>It's not really lifestyle creep, it's losing money due to not being able to cash it out, in addition to HAVING to move to a place that actually allows me to cash out my crypto and not have some mafia thugs call me at night.
In some ways it's similar to my issues in Germany with taxation making me a bag holder.
I hope you recover from it.

I took many hits in the bear market because I didn't have a way to instantly cash out.
When looking back on it, I may have grown lazy and overconfident during that time, but didn't effect so many black swans to keep happening.
There is an element of required paranoia to protect your wealth, which is uncomfortable and requires quick action.

>> No.55562421

Have you considered moving to the Caribbean? >>55560783

>> No.55562440

Is it possible to live in a different city in the Emirates while having a company located in Dubai?
I saw advertisement for Ras el Khaïmah for their lower costs and nearby mountains, but they don't have an international financial license that enables trading.

>> No.55562459

It didn't seem like a low cost solution when I looked at it a long time ago, but I may have missed something.
I only heard from it as a solution to get a second passport, but don't know how residency works if you don't need it.

Most of the islands have a real tax for those who live there, and didn't seem like an ideal place to live.

Did I miss something?

>> No.55562569

I don't think it would be a problem, and yes they're cheap and have good beaches.
Service level is probably going to be worse, but might be worth it overall.
True, anon. I'm still fine financially, I'm referred to as "the whale" in a few telegram groups I'm observing, kek. But I don't have retirement money anymore, probably a good challenge to have overall.

>> No.55562671

Nice, that could make things easier for me as I prefer smaller less dense places with more space and nature.

>True, anon. I'm still fine financially, I'm referred to as "the whale" in a few telegram groups I'm observing, kek. But I don't have retirement money anymore, probably a good challenge to have overall.

That's a nice nickname.
Mine would probably be "the ghost" as I barely have any visible presence outside of /biz/.

Steve Jobs once said in a speech to students to keep being hungry.
Hunger for success is what gives the drive to try harder, but success also makes us lazy and forget this mindset because the brain optimizes thoughts for energy efficiency.

>> No.55562786

>Did I miss something?
I don't know, from my very, very light research, seems like they are one of the very few places with 0 taxes on capital gains, income and corporate at the same time

>> No.55562825

Criminality isn't too bad, I felt safer there than in large american cities. The niggers keep to themselves and generally don't fuck with the gated communities. Hurricanes are a risk but Nassau hasn't seen a bad one for over 5 years now, maybe its due for one idk. No issues with stock brokers like IKBR if you've got proof of residency there

>> No.55562927

>Normies are stupid, but not THAT stupid.
Don't overestimate normie intelligence, we've come this far they still haven't done shit yet. I have little faith they'll come around, they seem to get more brainwashed by the year. Save yourself first, worry about others later is my advice.

>> No.55563158

I may have misunderstood their residency system as I saw it from the passport industry perspective.
The islands closer to the US seemed to have an inflated cost of living.
But maybe there are some exceptions.

>> No.55564562
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I wish there was a Libertarian country with no taxes (except for alcohol and drug taxes) and almost no government

>> No.55564739
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some great info thanks anons

>> No.55565949 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1063x691, albarari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubai is kind of that.
Add nature and walkability to the mix and that's what we all want.
Liechtenstein is the closest, probably, there's taxes but the place is so small, you see exactly where the money is going. Also reasonable rates.
All we have left are desert countries, small hurricane islands, and Monaco, which is boring af.
At least Dubai has artificial nature in certain places, it's better than nothing.


>> No.55566041

>she hates indian people
only when she's in your sights

>> No.55566109

how about Panama?
good weather low taxes and greenery

>> No.55566228 [DELETED] 

I only know of Panama from youtube vids, and people say everyone goes there for these exact reasons, and either give up and return, or move to Colombia where they like it better.

>> No.55566293


>> No.55566454 [DELETED] 

Also good, but kind of tight, living space is expensive, and you can't raise multiple children unless you're at least in the tens of millions.
Could work if you don't care about family, but if that's the case, you'll regret not caring at one point.
I see Singapore as a place to spend some time as an older man. And a place to have my main bank account in.

>> No.55566571

considering having my wife give birth in St Kitts and nevis.

the kid will get a st kitts passport but i as yet have found scant information about whether that will allow us as his family to also get them. based on a vague quora answer it seems like yes, but i havent seen anything definitive

>> No.55566586

u can buy a st kitts passport and the kids get ur citizenship if im not wrong
can add ur wife as a member too

>> No.55566620

>Should I move to Dubai to make it with my startup?
No. Literal Hell on earth and you have zero rights there and could go into their brutal debtor prison system. Its an evil hellhole run by squalid tyrants. Fake and evil.


Complete shithole. No sewers and skyscrapers they dump their shit raw and it washes up on the beeches, huge fat turds, Prajeet slaves and scams. Drug dealers avoiding the law and soul broken prostitutes. Actual Hell.

>> No.55566734

i lived in Bogota and went to Panama on holiday a few times honestly Panama is better. Sure there’s more things to do in Bogota and the schools are better but the insecurity and the abysmal infrastructure despite sky-high taxation make it a no for me. Maybe if you’re a hippy but that’s not me.

>> No.55567689

yes that kind of bullshit pollutes the search results to a large extent. My specific question is: can i get citizenship if my kid is a citizen by birth. surely they cant kick the parents out and force the kid to be an orphan? or kick out the whole family and basically kick out a citizen by birth? surely not.

>> No.55567872

Honestly people like you who come from the third world an try and use a child as a visa ticket should be separated form the child anyway and returned. Go to Dubai. It is where you belong with all the other liars and crooks.

>> No.55568296

Childbirth holds enough risks for you to stop thinking like a 3rd world nigger, and invest in a quality hospital setting.

>> No.55568328

>easy to get a business license (you pay an annual fee every year to stay active!)
And if I just want to buy and sell stocks and crypto, do I need a business license and pay an annual fee?

>> No.55568335

In Dubai you have specific economic zones, and you have to pay annual fees that are not that cheap if you are just starting up

>> No.55568588

dxb is literally a shithole outside of difc, biz Bay and the marina. You'll have to deal with poos who barely understand a word of English. Air quality is terrible and you will have to leave during the summer as its unbearable. you'll enjoy it if you're a low IQ chav but judging by your questions I doubt you will.

>> No.55569624

Moved to Portugal the tax is good. Easy to immigrate from EU bureaucracy is bs though and the people are miserable. If you can meet expats and cash out here it’s not bad with the weather beaches and the food. Wouldn’t call it a long term solution as they even changed the crypto laws last year and will slowly slowly change them. I moved with my family. Just go and see how you feel. Maybe don’t move but at least visit first. I didn’t however. Remember don’t be a faggot. All the successful anons are doing it.

>> No.55569645

Think about crypto friendly Swiss accounts or Linchenstien accounts. Bank Frick, Maerki and Baumann Swiss, Sygnum Swiss.

>> No.55569715

Doesn't Portugal have high taxes?

>> No.55570109

not for crypto

>> No.55570771

Maybe you can answer a question about the crypto taxation part.
I heard they have a 85% exemption on crypto gains converted to fiat making it into a 8% tax on cashed out short term gains, but there may be an added social tax and if you go over 200k I think for the year it goes away.
Is that 200k limit on the taxable income after exemptions or before?
How much social tax do you pay on your fiat realized gains?
If you keep your gains in crypto you will be forced into a taxable event the moment you leave the country if you don't move to another EU country.
I am planning on making millions from the next bull run and don't want to get fucked by hidden taxes.

I am also trading stocks which would be qualified into a 52% taxed job.
Using a company to do it may work better but my life would become more complicated.
The situation in Portugal is not better for me until I recover my tax realized losses in Germany, and I would like something where I don't have to constantly think and worry about taxes.

The other issue is what you said about the people being miserable and the country decaying.
I would like to have a long term solution, not a sinking ship for 2 years and would like an escape option prepared in case everything goes to shit.

It's still a possible short term solution for crypto only trading during the bull run. I will keep it in mind.

>> No.55570921

Going there to check it out first is a good idea and may help to project.

My main issue with Portugal was a gut feeling that something was off, but it may have come partially from a psychological block.
I recently discovered a traumatic very old forgotten memory which completely changed the meaning and perception of my entire life, and which may have contributed to this block, but now I need to review everything and reconnect with my real desires.

I got to my current situation by finally listening to my intuition. It's really something special. It delivered miracles.

It made me leave my job and sacrifice everything I had achieved and worked on, delivered a slightly improved life and a level of freedom, but now I am in an in between.
It does not seem to tell me what I should be doing only what I should not be doing.
I may still have something left to do here before I can go, or I need to decide something.

It's difficult to explain, but I need to feel that I am going in the right direction to act.
I don't want to lose sight of the path my intuition showed me again.

>> No.55571541

Yes go there and stop flexing on 4chan.

>> No.55573183

>Not the banks though, keep that in mind.

On what basis do you think UAE is crypto friendly and the banks are not?

>> No.55573541

>and the banks are not?
Can't seem to think of any of the banks which are crypto friendly.

>> No.55573830

Well, not for long. The seed group in Dubai recently partnered with CryptMi which would make their innovative crypto solution availabel to banks in the Mena region.

>> No.55573859

>come from the third world
im british

>> No.55574233

>I would like to have a long term solution, not a sinking ship for 2 years and would like an escape option prepared in case everything goes to shit.

Let me jump in:
ANY EU-country should be out of consideration. ANY. Heck, I live in Switzerland and even here I am worried how SHIT the situation will be in 5-10 years. The wealth tax and crypto taxation (if gains>50% net salary income in a year) does not help.

>The situation in Portugal is not better for me until I recover my tax realized losses in Germany, and I would like something where I don't have to constantly think and worry about taxes.
From a Swiss perspective, Germany is a crypto tax haven. 0 wealth-tax, 1 year holding to get 100% capital free on crypto. What a dream! I wouldn't worry a single day about taxes - only about the path the country is taking.

But I understand what you mean (as I am non-stop worrying about taxes in Switzerland) - I really think Dubai is the best choice. I have some personal reasons to still be here, but I am heavily, heavily considering moving to Dubai/Abu Dhabi as a tax residency and then just vacation in Europe going forward.

>> No.55574487

>hello guys i live in poortugal
>hello guys i live in dubai, bermuda, barbados, st kitts, aruba, anguila or literally anywhere else

its a no brainer

>> No.55574786

Still stands

Dubs confirm

>> No.55574794

The cantons in switzerlabd are like different countries in one same country, can t you go to other more tax friendly cantons?

>> No.55574814

How about andorra?

>> No.55574885
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I'm on my way to grind 5 years in Portugal to get an EU passport. I made the math, and all the taxes/living costs added up are still going to be less than what it would cost to get a Saint Kitts passport or something like that. Plus, I get the bonus of free EU healthcare.

When I actually need to cash out, I'd temporarily move to Dubai.

>> No.55575191

ill just have my wife shit out a kid in st kitts. ill have a tax free child. EU citizenship is worthless. socialist hellhole with low as fuck salaries.

>> No.55575381

>EU citizenship is worthless
You're probably talking from the high horse of having a good citizenship already. Portugal has the fifth strongest passport in the world. Visa-free access to almost anywhere is worth it for me.

Nobody stops you from working for a US company while living in EU.