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File: 11 KB, 187x158, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55557051 No.55557051 [Reply] [Original]

i'm getting bitcoin pizza vibes

>> No.55557087

LNK is a piece of shit. enjoy paying Sergey family lambos

>> No.55557086
File: 131 KB, 1284x610, staked link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads always get two BIG thumbs up from me because it saves me from having to check myself. Thank you for your service, OP.

>> No.55557095

I'm getting SEC next target vibes

>> No.55557104

>less than 1k people have 7k stakies
im getting we already made it vibes

>> No.55557113

now count how much you would have gained if you simply sold the news and rebought the lows.

>> No.55557151
File: 472 KB, 1170x1989, D8C93BB8-F969-40EB-861C-4B314403FF24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why can’t I access my wallet?

>> No.55557169

GM based kings

>> No.55557171

>Now count how much you would have gained if you had a Time Machine
The answer is infinite. Always infinite

>> No.55557233


>> No.55557242
File: 92 KB, 976x850, 1605851139723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizzagate is real

>> No.55557276

>5 years
>endless breadcrumbs
>/biz/ pastas that spelled it all out in plain English
>Google Confirmation
>AWS confirmation
>SWIFT confirmation
>State Street
>Eric Schmidt, the man who made Google what it was, literally on stage with Sergey talking about how based Chainlink is
>Citigroup suggesting LINK will be worth more than Bitcoin
>and on and on
>and still only 1000 people on THE ENTIRE PLANET got 7k LINK into the v0.1 staking pool

It's an experience I'll remember for the rest of my days. The psychological filters that you get put through even when all the information is out there to be consumed. The insane psychological obstacle course you had to actually navigate to get that far.
And it filtered out every single person on the planet except for 1000 insiders, executives, and utterly blackpilled outsider autists who deserve everything they will get.

>> No.55557321

I think most of it is just luck that we were in the right place. But then I see how many people have been to talks from Sergey, or at the very least have been on this board, and couldn't even pull together a 7k stake. We've really been through a lot, and don't let anybody ever tell you that you don't deserve it.

>> No.55557345

By 2030 people won’t believe these caps are real.

>> No.55557382

Go to bed Francisco

>> No.55557402

I only have 14k staked, but that's still 1.81 LINK per day. I think we could realistically reach a point where normal crypto investors aim to work their way up to a single LINK token. It still amazes me that we managed to get in so early.

>> No.55557418

And still $6. Fuck you

>> No.55557426

That’s a great staking bag. I hope they open up the pool again before eoy.

>> No.55557474

Thanks for playing ;)

>> No.55557668

just use debank and bookmark your wallets in a folder so you don't need to sign up

>> No.55557740
File: 61 KB, 552x441, 1689401837749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting safemoon bagholder vibes
>July 7, 2020
>LINK: $6.47
>BTC: $9,108
>ETH: $246
>BNB: $16.77
>ADA: $0.12
>SOL: $0.75
>DOGE: $0.003
>LTC: $43
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.01
>XRP: $0.19

>July 7, 2023
>LINK: $6.16
>BTC: $30,342
>ETH: $1,868
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.28
>SOL: $21.90
>DOGE: $0.06
>LTC: $98
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.079
>XRP: $0.47

>> No.55557766

GM based kings

>> No.55557798
File: 47 KB, 934x776, 1534648955877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful digits

>> No.55557802

missed it, cap where

>> No.55558632


>> No.55558878

Yeah but you lost all your money and it's going to go up and you'll just keep seething forever kek

>> No.55558902

People like you 'sold the news' a long time ago and got priced out. Your thinking makes you lose because eventually you get it wrong. You're a loser and that's why you're in here typing this. It's driving you mad that we're winners. Tough luck, asshole kek

>> No.55558923

I sold at $25, no regrets

>> No.55559167

See, the thing is, you only got to fuck up once. Be a little slow, be a little late, just once. And how you ain't gonna never be slow? Never be late? You can't plan through no shit like this, man. It's life.

>> No.55559170
File: 163 KB, 879x713, stake_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stake demon.

Dysgenic freaks who succumb to staking and token-lock addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their yearly circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Staking on demand accompanied by rewards hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Staking is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to impale them all.

>> No.55559259

>he didn't sell at $50
kek, baggie

>> No.55559279

How much Link to make it now?

>> No.55559315

>1000 people
Way less than that, I bet. I have 9 wallets staked. Not sure about others but I reckon that 1000 is more like 3 or 4 hundred

>> No.55559355

Make it stack is and always has been 10,000. 1,000 sui.

>> No.55559445

I've got the suicide stack down at least

>> No.55559464

>incel revenge fantasy

Cringe. Imagine writing a diary about holding a scam cult investment that lost 90>>55559315

>> No.55559501


Dangerously based and redpilled.

Remember, they won't say "you just got lucky", but sometimes much more belittling: "it was obvious the entire time".

>> No.55559615

Same, thank you OP>>55557051

>> No.55559672

here comes the rug pull

>> No.55559832


I staked 1000 because that’s all I had. I’d like to think I’m somewhat above the rest of the cattle who fall for psyops left and right.

>> No.55559837

i have 7k staked
im just gonna devour halloween candy until we make it

>> No.55559878
File: 6 KB, 485x216, 1685150053112842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK seething poor brownoid
t. 2 wallets staked 7k each and still left to spare to sell at predetermined price points

>> No.55559929

>i'm getting bitcoin pizza vibes
You feel that you should have kept the bitcoin instead of spending it on something with a limited existence?

>> No.55559993

You are m8. Do not get demoralized. The fact that you staked at all means that you are shortlisted for the citadel. Imagine what you will do with the BUILD rewards you'll get.

>> No.55560031

Stop using a mobile browser

>> No.55560065

Anon, less than 3K address in total staked. And many people staked multiple wallets so you can assume less than 1500 people staked. You are among the elite.


>> No.55560067

I'm getting token not needed vibes

>> No.55560269

That is a make it stack. 44+ airdrops incoming to rotate back into LINK...t. meager 2500Loinker

>> No.55560293


>> No.55560724

sell, you fools

>> No.55562694

I only put 2k in the freebie pool, but I managed to get 6k LINK into the big boy SDL staking pool when they removed the limits.
I've earned 190 LINK on that 6k LINK that nodes are using. Some of us are still out there just goofing around a wilder west for LINK staking, hopefully it works out for everyone.

>> No.55562714

This. I remember.

>> No.55562952


Thanks bros. I just want to make it, I’m so tired. I don’t understand how boomers were able to go to the office from 9-5 for 5days a week for 30+ years. It’s agony both spiritually and mentally. I’m only 28, no debt, govie wage career but this is unsustainable.

>> No.55563174

We're here with you. Macro is absolute shit and I don't have to remind you that we have endured catastrophic happenings such as the war, rampant inflation and outrageous interest rates hikes, plus collapses such as FTX, LUNA, Celsius, Three Arrows etc.
We are still standing and the kikes at the top want your linkies and your BTC. See the ETF approvals and the SWIFT news. Please do not pay attention to the slimy third world FUDders. Instead think of how will you use your wealth to better this clown world. Myself? My kids will have a better life than I have never had.

We are all going to make it. And fudders will be miserable.

>> No.55563215

can you stop telling a 1k linklet that he's going to make it... he's certainly not. I hold 23k LINK and even i'm not sure I'll make it. Telling a 1k linklet he'll make it is like telling a child with terminal cancer he'll be fine. Just be honest and admit that he's not getting anywhere with a stack like that.

>> No.55563235

Hey nigger I have 700 Link

>> No.55563250

You won't make it with that stack. Sorry.

>> No.55563278

I like the positivity in here bros I only staked 1,506, my full stack. still, wagmi.

>> No.55563342
File: 438 KB, 1000x1488, 1683056472588732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this right here is a concern-fudder. a well-poisoning kike whose sole job is to instill doubt in anons that got a piece of the global LINK pie

see, these are the types of pitch black souls that throw the "10k was never a make it stack, it was 100k, newfag" line at every turn

their only purpose is to demoralize you into selling your suicide stack because.. its over, nobody can make it with such little amount of linkies

the applied math for suicide/make it stacks was the exact same as it was for BTC.
- Suicide stack: a millionth of the total supply: 21 BTC or 1000 LINK
- Make it stack: one hundred thousandth of the total supply: 210 BTC or 10000 LINK

I dare any kike reading this to bring a single thread from the archives (2018) that states the opposite.

Do NOT get demoralized by these demons.

>> No.55563524

I just chuckle at the thought of someone telling you in 2012, ah you'll never make it with only a thousand bitcoin.

>> No.55563686

remember that link is earning you passive income too unlike btc
not just link either, let's see what these build airdrops are like

>> No.55563947

The point is to move the goalposts down a digit every cycle to keep new money buying
After the 2025 run it's 10 to suicide 100 to make it

>> No.55563956

Would you complain if you had 600 BTC? You are also fine anon. Just hodl.

>> No.55564133
File: 6 KB, 235x215, 33344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know EPEP is a thing right? Like, there is an actual, provable bitcoin pizza happening right now.
Come on bros, come the fuck on, lift your head up from link a second and see the bigger picture

>> No.55564151

I see you, shill. I condemn you, shill.

Fuck you.

>> No.55564323

Can’t access from my computer to wtf

>> No.55564500
File: 162 KB, 734x737, 1581444781365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55564667

>incel #2 reinforcing incel 1’s revenge fantasy

>> No.55564677

Do not thank people that are scamming you. Put all of your recently earned money into NEWER ALTS this coming run. I cant emphasize that enough. Once they 10x, move profit into BTC.

>> No.55564684

ur wrong faggot

>> No.55564687

This reads like cult induction ceremony. To the other anon, imagine youre the guy pacino is trying to sell land to in Glengar glenross. These faggots are using you

>> No.55564690

Finally someone honest. Youre a good dude. Keep fighting the good fight no matter how unpopular here

>> No.55564693

have sex

>> No.55564711

>fudders think telling a terminally ill child with cancer he'll be fine to ease his passing is wrong
absolute state of morally bankrupt paid vc mouthpieces. stop worshipping molech

GM based kings

>> No.55564975

It was a poor analogy. It’s more like telling someone who opened a terrible pizza shop that has no customers that things are going to get better because people will definitely want that pizza one day so much that they’ll likely pay $1000 for one slice.

>> No.55565746

1k x 81,000 = 81 million. Thats making it you idiot

>> No.55565762

Thing is, there's only ever going to be 21 million bitcoin. Over a million probably burned/lost. The thing about LINK is there are 47 times that amount. Scarcity breeds value. Link isn't scarce. It's abundant. It's like "OH SHIT! Look at all this sand! What if the price of sand goes to $100,000/grain." Just not going to happen. BTC, LTC, BCH are much better bets. Preferably BTC.

>> No.55565822

Its not scarce now. But when every single contract on the planet is secured with chainlink it will be as rare as golddust. There won't be enough, even with 16 decimal places. Presidents and world leaders will meet to discuss the Chainlink shortage one day.

>> No.55565907

>kekfuddie tries to barge into the thread seething to the honest posts and replying to his other posts after resetting his third world 56kbps internet

Many such cases. Kill yourself nigger

>> No.55566174

Fuck these fuddies they destroyed our board. I hope they all die horrible deaths. Never selling.

>> No.55566426

kill yourself, retard faggot.

>> No.55566433
File: 48 KB, 800x729, gwwsxz217dyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 to make it

>> No.55568006

This is all bullshit $6 link isn’t gonna change lives

>> No.55568169

why would you want to be a part of that though? its like i tell xrp'shitzos' you're just buying into the ZOG world order stakeholder grid
enjoy the slightly nicer pod

>> No.55568316

>the token is not needed
>but the token is literally the gateway to zog-encrusted globohomo slavery

If its inevitable, then why should jews have the pie all for themselves?
Why yes I'd love a slightly nicer pod, fudder. If that means you are shat on for the rest of your life kek

>> No.55568384
File: 16 KB, 483x261, staked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember scrambling to get my meager 1k link staked because of the fear it'd fill up instantly. At the time I understood this was a big deal and one of those times in between the long waiting periods in investing where decisive action needs to be taken

godspeed, kings

>> No.55568422

but you're literally just buying into the jewish dystopia, the antithesis of why crypto was created to begin with, financial liberty away from the infinite printer of the banks
calling out the ZOG financial matrix isn't 'fud' unless you actually think they are bad
if you think they are bad and still participate, you are just a hypocrite

>> No.55568449

>he didnt buy a 5 digit link stack while getting paid $10 an hour working 30/hrs a week living with his parents in 2017

ngmi, also yes i 100% would be hopeless and derelict without my link stack.

>> No.55568466

No, thats your niggerbrain projecting. LINK allows for absolute trust. So either:
~ I buy, and absolute truth allows for a better world, and I profit from it to boot
~ I buy and it becomes the tool of absolute control, from which I profit
>you're just a hypocrite
Kek kill yourself cumbrained negroid. Sounds like you didn't get to stake, huh?

>> No.55568495

their servers, their chain. i dont care if it's some super advanced system
and I stopped spending money on crypto years ago. I only buy machines now.
You speak like some insecure little bitch, i bet you're not even white

>> No.55568534
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>5 digit link stack

that's cute

>> No.55568549
File: 37 KB, 374x338, 234756234432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading at single digits
>6 years after its ICO
>crushed in sats and gweis
>constantly drops in rankings
Seems like the fudders were right, the token isn't needed and never has been