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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 655 KB, 1600x900, 36916c121ba1402fbc496bf825c3052b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55552066 No.55552066 [Reply] [Original]

normies cant read anything about chainlink on twitter because if you look up chainlink its all crypto spam bots, and here its all disaster level fud. good job jews

>> No.55552074
File: 22 KB, 250x358, 875785479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter
we don't need normies
never have, never will

>> No.55552078

Extremely bullish

>> No.55552081

this but unironically

>> No.55552091

if we had reddit normies, we would've dumped from 200 to 20, instead of 50 to 5. We all dun goofd, typical self destruction by INTP geniuses.

>> No.55552095
File: 573 KB, 1088x1388, undercoveruncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a board where heterosexual white men can freely discuss Chainlink unobstructed.

>> No.55552113

someone, or something - really has been trying to throw dirt on Chainlink for all this time... Imagine the shit we don't know going on behind the scenes, assassination contracts and asymmetrical warfare being waged between Ari's hacker cult and outside actors/groups?

>> No.55552128

>Imagine the shit we don't know going on behind the scenes
this is what keeps me up at night...

>> No.55553288

It doesnt matter, nobody cares about link. The link reddit is completely dead and theres no spam there.

>> No.55553385

normies (who apparently do not know what LINK is even though we reached rank 5 at some point) would have enough capital to boost the ATH marketcap from $30 billion to $120 billion?

you seem a little bit confused, like most retards of the "we need le dogefather elon to make us pump!!" crowd

>> No.55553406

>Imagine the shit we don't know going on behind the scenes
all chainlink employees using sergey as a piggy bank to fund their international beach adventures

>> No.55553438

if you weren't a retarded newfag you would know linkies orchestrated all the fud campaign themselves, especially reddit.
we use to laugh at retarded redditors for selling at few dozen cents or few dollars after falling for fud posting. the circle is now complete as the entire information space regarding link is successfully psyopsed by linkies themselves. ironic

>> No.55553446

sorry jeet, first worlders realize that it is normal for people in tech to have the opportunity/option of living in remote destinations. It's actually quite normal for tech workers to live like this.

>> No.55553466
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Chainlink is a scam (like all altcoins) no matter how hard you shill it on 4chan.

>> No.55553583

this :)
:} := :|

>> No.55553689

8/10 threads are fud threads, no matter how hard you fud link it will be a solvent company with deep industry connections

>> No.55554067

Remember when Amazon went from $6 to $1 from 2001 to 2006

>> No.55554096

Wait sorry AMZN was at a $6 high in 1999 and didn't get back to $6 until 2009
It had a low of $.30 in 2001
Imagine all the chumps who bagheld it from $6 to $.30 lmao

>> No.55554116
File: 501 KB, 1125x1761, 301FC042-E019-4B43-8157-C4D12A46FA41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so now the company Link chose to partner with is le conspiracy? Bahhahahahahaha wtf kind of denial is that

Classic moron stuck in his echo chamber… reddit is massive compared to biz and has way more money. Go on WSB and see the size plays being made. Then look at your portfolio, fucking loser

It was great karma seeing you arrogant faggots fuck yourselves out of millions. Hubris is your downfall

>hurrr durrr breadcrumbs

>i its amazon, r right guys?
The straw grasp of dying bagholder

>> No.55554132

Haha remember when Amazon doubled their shares in 1999 before dumping for a decade
The most reputable companies do some shit to get ahead (and thats a good thing)

>> No.55554190

I'll never understand the people on /biz/ talking about "normies" buying. If you live in the real world, and aren't constantly online 24/7, the average person doesn't even know what the fuck ethereum is, or what a decentralized ledger is.

What actually happened last cycle was extremely limited normalfag exposure to a select few memecoins combined with immense whale market manipulation, dumped entirely on retail. Nobody got rich on dogcoins or safemoon or any of that nonsense.

The day I hear some nigger in 7-11 talking about chainlink oracles, I'll market sell my entire stack. I could give two shits what autists on here claim.

>> No.55554436

that nigger will be >>55554116

>> No.55554632

Probably. I'll add this is also why I think eth is still wildly overvalued as well, its got half bitcoin's marketcap but 1/10th the recognition, and it doesn't really even have a usecase yet (no, shitcoin casino is not a longterm viable usecase). Eth dropping to $80 last cycle felt about right, it needs to go down to at least like $500 this cycle, but this market is so heavily manipulated at this point I don't know if that's possible. The problem is the longer the grift goes, the harder the crash (see FTX).

>> No.55554704

god damn do i hate stankies

>> No.55554821


>> No.55554830

Reddit normies wouldn't have bought link unless paid marketers used advertising campaigns to rope them in, /biz/ didn't keep them out anymore than it could have pulled them in. If /biz/ actually had the power to shift the market like that, one of the actual /biz/ shitcoins would have been successful.

Meme magic works because it is based on truth.

>> No.55554844

Chainlink is a scam and Sergey is financing a millionaire's lifestyle off the backs of his simp faggot moonboys. They dump 30 million fucking dollars worth of the shit every single month on you retards, and you line up for seconds. What the fuck are you thinking?

>> No.55554877
File: 208 KB, 589x651, reds with rory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... It's over.

>> No.55554892

You're replying to post-LINK pump tourists. Of course they weep over retail FUD because they're top buyers. They discovered LINK on Twitter and began to browse /biz/ at the same time GME and XRP redditors moved here. They unironically believed $1K EOY and bought the top. Now that we're back to single digits they're fuming with anger at early buyers.

>> No.55554903

people seem to talk about chainlink more than anything else, other than BTC. seems bullish. buying more link, see ya, dorks

>> No.55555381

Whats the make-it stash anon? maybe I'd add it to my Dot, Near, Sol and Krest bag for future gains.

>> No.55555468

OT but for some reason jeet posting stands out so much more in a bear market, every thread its the same pattern, real discussion for 10, 20, maybe 50 posts if you're lucky, then thread dies and its just jeet necros intermittently over the next couple days until archive
Makes me wonder if it actually works? Who the fuck is browsing the bottom of threads here and just buying every time some poo-in-loo says "anon", "jeet", posts a completely random pepe image etc? I can't imagine it gets any traction, but it must, because they just keep doing it.

>> No.55555516


>> No.55555543

my linky stays super stinky

>> No.55555580

If you think of how little their labor is worth, it’s probably worth it, even if very few fall for it

>> No.55555585

I know multiple people irl who made 5 figs off dog coins. Its not rich but it still makes more than being in a cuckold cult that loses 85% (90% loss less staking)

>> No.55555627

Also Ill add that tons of people in my social network know what ETH is. Chicks too. You prob dont get out much and prob waste too much time beating off to breadcrumbs

>> No.55555643

This is an insane delusion. You have to be joking. Wow>>55554830

>> No.55555658

This is probably true. If all of you faggot losers here had even one tenth of the power you thought you had, you could be more influencial

>> No.55555679

This is the argument you have to fall back on when the currently reality no longer suits you. To claim youre conent with a 90% drawdown while getting shit all over by the team is not only dishonest, but outright cuckoldry. You sir, are a coward of the highest order

>> No.55555734

You care a lot, that's a nice trait.

>> No.55556076

Based FUDchad rubbing the WEFcoin simps' faces in their bad financial decision
cringe linkie globalist simping to support 6 figure roastie HR cunts as xer gets robbed blind to support Sergey's millionaire lifestyle

>> No.55556150

Pray for based francisco to redeem us.

>> No.55556188
File: 192 KB, 1200x1137, 1643417618338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Francisco is an avatar of Divine Justice who will repay the cosmic debt of the Fat Man's avarice with the blood of ChainLink Labs' PR team.

>> No.55556243

>no, shitcoin casino is not a longterm viable usecase
This is cope. Just because you "feel" that gambling isn't a valid use case does not mean it isn't. People buy ETH to gamble on scamtokens and as a consequence value accrues on Ethereum. As long as more value is flowing into Ethereum versus flowing out, the ETH price rises. This is furthermore extremely bullish for the future but you are too blind to see it. Have fun hodling bitfuck during the flippening. It's happening this cycle.

>> No.55556262
File: 8 KB, 235x215, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats my imagination that these guys would opt for boring crypto with zero utility other than tokens with working products like Immunify.

>> No.55556277

And you think comparing Amazon and Link as equals is logical?

>> No.55556291

This is where Adlunam comes in, from fashion to gaming to supply chain, possibilities for NFT utility are huge and it's already melting faces.

>> No.55556318

Delete this

>> No.55556430
File: 6 KB, 485x216, 1671369226067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sorry, emotional kekfuddie. I know you're desperate to write pages and pages of cringe / low iq fud for the thousandth day in a row but the answer is and will always be:
Just not gonna sell

>> No.55556452

GM based kings.

>> No.55556711


>> No.55556723

NFTs with utility are based anon. I have eyes on the Skyjacks which earn users access to draws and would be implementing a staking mechanism soon.

>> No.55556745

Who would have thought we'd be dealing with a bunch of bargain basement agent smiths

>> No.55556799

the paranoid delusions of linkies never cease to amuse and entertain

link is simultaneously the NWO coin and fudded by glowies

>> No.55557808
File: 68 KB, 600x637, just watering the owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sure does seem that way

>> No.55557813

someone post itt

>> No.55558010

idiot complains but says nothing about the 50+ spam threads a day here Im glad its fudded to hell

>> No.55558022

Ari's group is behind most of the exploits happening. It isn't a coincidence most of them switch to chainlink shortly after

>> No.55558043

There’s a new BofA digital assets research report that Emin is shilling. Can anyone access it? The link he provided 404s for me. I want to see how much attention chainlink gets.

>> No.55558057

GM based kings

>> No.55558966

Why have they all got weird names?

>> No.55559027

slurp it up brah they mention Sergey quite a lot

>> No.55559098

>link is simultaneously the NWO coin and fudded by glowies


>> No.55559119

How could it be anything else. The Jew fears the based king

>> No.55559340

>link is simultaneously the NWO coin
That is what fudders say, not , so your point is invalid and your shit is pathetic.
>and fudded by glowies
Yes, absolutely. Glowniggerkikes and VC snakes seething.

>> No.55559407
File: 2.05 MB, 3400x5466, 1607145234521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussions here aren’t organic at all.

A complex mix of paid shills and bots post memes and start conversations. Real anons browsing /biz/ think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the bots and paid shills start again to capture new bagholders.

>> No.55561025
