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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55554285 No.55554285 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55554300
File: 814 KB, 976x2800, avaxshills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy the weekend yall

>> No.55554342

I agree OP. Something seems off about them.

>> No.55554473

Why there are couple of threads complaining about AVAX threads everyday?

>> No.55554481

they have incredibly heavy bags I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to pay them although they do act like paid shills.

>> No.55554509

idk man


>> No.55554687

Daily reminder this guy is a stinky mexican who shits up avax threads because he's so assmad his I SEE PEE investment failed.

>> No.55554716

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

For all of Solana's issues, at least they don't have a shill army to attract normies to their cause...

Avax is simply for awkward silent nerds who were at the bottom of school social hierarchy - "muh subnets!!!!" but yet the subnets couldn't handle a fucking flash game during the bullrun without getting Eth style gas fees bahahahahahahaa

>> No.55554720


>> No.55554846

Shilling from Monday to Friday, nothing suspicious at all.

>> No.55554865

I hold almost 4000 Avax and i both FUD and shill my bags. It's an obscure feel. I know there are others like me.

>> No.55555236

I'm white and hold both

>> No.55555289

Hello. Fellow white Avax validator who fuds for the lolz checking in. When you know what you hold its quite amusing

>> No.55555295
File: 129 KB, 815x948, 1685568195525656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are absolutely disgusting. They lie, they are aggressive, invade threads, steal memes and try so hard to fit in, calling others niggers when they're CEO and them are the niggers themselves.

>> No.55555521

AVAX to 400$ next BR, you’ll hang yourselves

>> No.55555535

Kek bad try

>> No.55555628

this dick is a little fishy.