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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 218 KB, 1770x1196, Screen Shot 2023-07-14 at 1.04.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55553219 No.55553219 [Reply] [Original]

I first bought Link in 2017 and bought over 50k tokens from Binance in 2018 (pic related from when Binance started disallowing US customers). I can show all my other withdrawals exceeding 10k Tokens.

Anyway, as many of you know, the Chainlink community has become overrun by literal retards that believe Chainlink will go to $1k per token. I'm here to let you know that there is a project that not only has been absorbing a lot of engineering talent from Chainlink, but also has a superior product and first mover advantage.

Ironically, the same way that Microsoft is eating Google's lunch in the AI realm, this project too will eat Chainlink's lunch.

Don't say you weren't warned. And yesterday was a large gift for everyone. To all of the retards on twitter that have created your entire personality on Link, I hope you'll screencap this and share it on Twitter for all your retarded friends.

I'm still holding tens of thousands of Link tokens but have slowly been transferring them. The best thing about this project is that these same Link late buying retards will not have even heard of this project until the writing is on the wall.

>> No.55553239


>> No.55553242

whats the project, asswipe

>> No.55553301

What in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.55553304

Let me refer you the the last sentence of my post. Enjoy your staking rewards from all of those projects with bright futures. Maybe Chainlink will be kind enough to send you a special NFT to commemorate how great of a community member you've both been.

>> No.55553308

>community has become overrun by literal retards that believe Chainlink will go to $1k per token
>has become
1k EOY is one of the original link memes, try again.
> a project that not only has been absorbing a lot of engineering talent from Chainlink, but also has a superior product and first mover advantage.
okay just post the linkedin profiles, easy to confirm
>I'm still holding tens of thousands of Link tokens but have slowly been transferring them.
okay that's cool can we see that too

>> No.55553346

>asking for proof

>> No.55553374

>I bought LINK at 2019
>Therefore, you should listen to me

>> No.55553379

This thread contains nothing of substance and is of no value to this board

>> No.55553391

Chainlink has a superior product and a first mover advantage. Crypto just isn't a hot ticket item right now because of scams and regulatory uncertainty, so people are not throwing their money at it even if it is groundbreaking technology.

>> No.55553392


>> No.55553396

We know. Redstone oracles will destroy chainlink and pump hard
>t. OG

>> No.55553411
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly 6 years of people telling me 24/7 every single day how much of a scam my investment is and how I should sell immediately. Every single day, every single hour, every single minute and second. Sell, it's a scam. Tracking every single info there is and notifying me about it the second it happens, every day. Tracking 1 minute charts, screencapping it and posting telling me to sell, every day. Cycling between the simplest pictures of the logo of my investment with the words "Sell" to the most high effort type of threads possible where people spend hours and hours just to convince me to sell my investment specifically. Sell, it's a scam, sell, it's a scam, all since 20 cents every single day non stop.

I really do wonder what's going on

>> No.55553412

dont care never selling

>> No.55553418

so inspect element and larping as "og" is the new grift for shilling shitcoins? got it.

>> No.55553431

>same fagging your own thread

>> No.55553436

>I bought something but I’m not going to tell you what it is because you will just shit on it. HAHA so smart
What’s even the point of this? I’ve seen shitcoin threads try harder.

>> No.55553469
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And nearly 3 years of holding and youre at 1x gains (0). hmmmm it looks like the people telling you its a scam were right lmao

>> No.55553511

>getting triggered

>> No.55553542

what's the project? wasnt there yesterday

>> No.55553549

But you should have sold. Objectively.

>> No.55553556

Well that's odd, only 24k where consolidated, not 50k.
So how many was it, 50k or 24k?

>> No.55553580

I bought Link on Etherdelta. Does that make me superior to OP?

>> No.55553590

>admitting to samefagging your own thread

>> No.55553628

The fat gay basterd scammer has been an asshole to the community and yet advocates keep licking his balls. Link is meh, not shitty nor great, just meh. Good idea, shitty price action. Time to move on. To sirgay I say, fuck u nigga, we had some good times

>> No.55553632

I know what you're talking about OP but it's just another low-security oracle cutting corners

Will get hacked inevitably. And even if they don't, Chainlink has Swift, they've won. Whatever Redstone does LINK can just copy at this point, they have the banks and first mover status

>> No.55553653

XRP........ Flare..... FTSO :D

>> No.55553684

Why do people bother to write this kind of obvious nonsense?

>> No.55553693

it's not nonsense completely, he's talking about Redstone
but yeah he's wrong, typical midwit stuff

their supposed decentralized solution runs on streamr which runs entirely through fucking Polygon, lmao

>> No.55553700

> eat Chainlink's lunch
This faggot has eben spamming this all day in every link thread about everything.
Either he's an FUDDing OG who remembers when this was first memed about LINK or he's just a faggot copying chainlink memes and trying to reverse them.

>> No.55553734

Let me refer you two retards to the last sentence also.

>> No.55553758
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Kinda a dick move to exclude the critical info that would enable to act on the info you provided. But I can understand why, if it's not the userbase accusing you of shilling it's the mods banning you for advertising. So it's actually a smart play. Still a dick move though.
But, whatever. How about you and the anons look into a project called Blackswan. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. Their twitter/website has more info on it

website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55553792
File: 1.51 MB, 2048x1536, 5BAC2535-734E-46E1-92E0-ACD21EB95A93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link OGs friend here. Also bought with him. Pic related is back in the day when you had to manually add link to metamask.

It was I who posted yesterday giving you all a gift. Only a small amount of due diligence and the biggest retarded faggot can see who is about to destroy LINK. Actually I’ve posted it twice. Once in a thread all on its own and it never got replies which checks out because biz is now a bunch of low iq midwit wannabes. The other was as a reply to a thread asking about low mcap gems. Interoperability is key

>> No.55553814

No project has absorbed 'a lot of engineering talent' from Chainlink.

>> No.55553849

you're the faggot that keeps toad posting right

>> No.55553863

>i've vomited repeatedly but you won' step in it

>> No.55553867

This is the only thing I could think of since op was so vague

>> No.55553949

I will one more time refer all anons replying to this thread to the last sentence in my OP.

That statement is true because none of you have even the slightest ability to research and you all are still on biz expecting to be spoonfed (yet you can clearly see this board is populated by retards).

I'll be back in the future to remind you of this thread. Until then, happy hodling :)

>> No.55554030

You are still a dick

>> No.55554076

Sell your link and buy [my bags]

>> No.55554090

you two are gay.

>> No.55554131

Nobody cares faggot. Link is the only play, and you can't tell me your play so it obviously doesn't exist.
Go ahead and type some cryptic retard copium shit as if it covers your total lack of any answer. Nice larp, faggot.

>> No.55554141
File: 443 KB, 765x754, 1521844299845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG stinker here. wow its bright.
we're literally all in this together.

>> No.55554187
File: 216 KB, 616x625, 1688950276286232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptic fudding losers get the rope. kys

>> No.55554207

I have seen this exact same picture time and time again on /biz/. You lying kike rat, LARPing as an OG linker.

Suckstart a shotgun you scamming fuck.

>> No.55554450

Was it 50k? Blockchain shows 24k consolidated before the swap on an exchange.

>> No.55554702

So who's gonna crawl LinkedIn to see where chainlink ex employees are working

>> No.55554736

>Link late buying retards will not have even heard of this project until the writing is on the wall.
You mean like all the connections link has with various fintech? Just the idea of what link offers is something much needed and if you understand it you know it takes time to build a trustless middleman like it. So no, fuck you, fuck off, and your larp is complete shit. No one can come and build connections like these that were done over several years overnight. Nice try shithead.

>> No.55554763

We should collectively try and buy them out. Wall street bets kind if way. Imagine how much those retards could pump our bags... And most of them probably cant secure a 1k link stack.

>> No.55554878

Strange isn't it?
Do you remember the number of BTC dumps that happened to suppress Chainlink pumps in that time?
It was as if the one dumping BTC didn't care about its trillion market cap because he wanted to suppress the price of LINK with a complete disregards to the costs involved.
As if... Chainlink was worth a lot more in their eyes than BTC at a trillion market cap.

>> No.55554937

Wait, are you telling me that there are actually idiots that didn't sell when this shit hit $20+?
Guys, come on...

>> No.55554967

Nice project, looking into this tomorrow.

>> No.55554981

Lol. Lmao. That's not how that works. You must be new on the fud team.

>> No.55555062

GM based kings

>> No.55555230

>i won’t reveal the project so that i can come back at a future date and cherry pick a project that has performed well in that time frame
Yeah i see right through your little scheme. Kys

>> No.55555336

You mean myetherwallet ser

>> No.55555353
File: 357 KB, 2042x772, Screen Shot 2023-07-15 at 7.18.10 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Chainlink community has become overrun by literal retards that believe Chainlink will go to $1k per token
Yes, around September 2017

>> No.55556173

Good times

>> No.55556202


>> No.55556212

I posted in that thread. Where did the time go?

>> No.55556224

It's me OP I'm posting from my tablet so not sure if my IP is the same but it's a little project called NIGGERcoin


>> No.55556239

This person doesn't care about money at this point.
They live purely for ego preservation. Objective reality is irrelevant to them.
The level of narcissism you have to have to have those types of thoughts is off the chart.
They think the world revolves around them.

>> No.55556305

Correct. See my next post

>> No.55556320

PSA to all - whenever you notice a group of bagholders pivot to virtue signaling/giving life advice/lashing out against those who don't view the investment as a cult, it's one of the biggest signs it's over and you're probably going to lose money. The changes happen gradually but become more apparent as time passes/you take breaks from the space and then return. The tone of Link posts today is drastically different than even 2 years ago.

Psychologically, this pivot helps protect the ego from the potential reality that their investment isn't the genius grand slam they thought it was. This is where you'll see a retelling of the original thesis if you will, where they talk about how all of the current problems were foreseen and baked into the original plan ("dude the whitepaper talked about this"), the original price predictions were just an inside joke, and it was always an extremely (decade+) long term investment. This is also where you'll see a lot of twitter personalities talk about all the self-help type stuff they're now doing, and how the coin being in a permanent bear market is actually a good thing. Doing such allows them to retain "guru" status amongst their followers, but is often referred to as "cope" on certain underground Mongolian weaving forums

>> No.55556327

Don’t you worry that paying so much attention to these people might just contribute to their narcissism and feelings of significance?

>> No.55556346

This. OP is fake and gay

>> No.55556358

fpbp. OP is a faggot

>> No.55556384

let this thread be a warning to everyone to set sell points for the next bull and stick to them
it is vital to TAKE PROFIT
if you don't you will be fucked up like op here

the other day i was in a thread where a guy had about 10 posts fudding chainlink. turns out he had lost 13k of his 14k stack by going long on link....
... and you guessed it he blames sergey for the price action and therefore for him losing 13k link

THIS is the type of person that you are interacting with here on a daily basis

keeping buying, make a plan and stick to it

>> No.55556498

>project that not only has been absorbing a lot of engineering talent from Chainlink

It would be a shame if you could simply search on linkedin for former Chainlink Labs employees and see that you are full of shit.

2/10 fud, made me waste 30 seconds, thanks for that.

>> No.55556555

kys gay cryptic nigger

>> No.55556583

you had 6 years

>> No.55556754
File: 74 KB, 1080x1071, 1680212409526290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even matter anyway, with 350kish~ dollars in crapto, OP could have literally just bought BTC at 20k and would now have over 500k. These threads are pointless, nibba can do nothing for 2 years and he'll make it off BTC going to 100k alone.

>> No.55556766

>biz is now a bunch of low iq midwit wannabes.
If you're an "OG oldfag" then you'd know literally every board on 4chan is //. Only telegramfags unfamiliar with 4chan always fuck up the //. Even redditors do it right.

>> No.55556772

He still can't do the // huh.

>> No.55556951

/biz/ you nigger

>> No.55556986

holy fucking cringe
biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz biz

>> No.55557038

>newfaggot seethes when people point out his newfaggotry
Lurk 50 years, jeet scum. If you were even a proper shill, you'd at least try to fit in; but you can't even do that right.

>> No.55557408

Yeah, somewhat.
All of these patterns over and over have taught me a lot about how people and groups people think though. I've found it pretty helpful even outside of the context of markets. So I don't feel like its been a waste of time.
But definitely well past the point of diminishing returns at this point to engage with most people in that state of mind.

>> No.55557649

Great amount of seething in this thread. Lots of lazy idiots who apparently can’t check LinkedIn despite claiming too. Oh well maybe one of you will win the grand prize of Reds with Rory

>> No.55557669

Are you too afraid to post your little secret coin because everyone will laugh at you?

>> No.55557729

OP, you're a fucking twat. This is a place where ideas are battle tested and you're too fucking scared to throw your glorious idea into the arena.
Get the fuck out of here with your shit.

>> No.55557736

correct, i am not a proper shill. wtf are you, the gatekeeper of proper board vernacular? fuckin werido

>> No.55557821
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x1024, sergeynazarov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturday? More like McMuffin-day.

>> No.55557839

>but have slowly been transferring them
you think bigdogg lingo makes your pathetic fud any more legit?

>> No.55557858

OP i think i found what you are talking about, can you give a vague hint to confirm?

>> No.55557912

nothing comes up on the archives, are you sure bro?

>> No.55557919

After looking at the addresses in OP's pic, he's either filthy rich or a former Chainlink employee or both. But I found the project he's talking about and I don't think it's worth it. Gonna stick with CCIP and LINK.

>> No.55557932

Post the link. You wanted to fud, do the work nobody goes to a wild goose chase for some fag

>> No.55558068

>what is wakarimasen

>> No.55558200


>> No.55558219

a dead, non-functioning archive

>> No.55558331


>> No.55558517
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>> No.55558526
File: 224 KB, 2048x1748, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy LINK
I'm all ears

>> No.55558545
File: 231 KB, 726x368, fda3405b77fe466af48c61487d230ec2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty sure you are talking about this shitcoin faggot

>> No.55558593

Wow link is finished

>> No.55559136

>I'm still holding tens of thousands of Link tokens

imagine holding this dogshit through the 2020 top and not selling when link became the 5th largest alt in the entire market
those prices are never coming back

always the case that those who got lucky and didnt know what they were doing or buying also don't see the obvious sell signs flashing in their faces for weeks

>> No.55559867

I don’t buy it when these strange fellas wants you to sell. People just isn’t so kind that they wants you to succes in life and sell so you dont get poor.

>> No.55560690
File: 57 KB, 1797x188, 2f85357b52917094daf7f8b0d431c5be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah OP just wanted to let some steam off and wasnt actually fudding in any other way than saying that the link "community" is a bunch of morons

I mean, he made his shitcoin quite obvious fairly easy to find, and yet you have mouthbreathers like >>55557858 asking for more hints

Anyway, thanks for your gem OP, gonna keep an eye on it. Stay away from Link Twitter for your own mental health though

>> No.55560734

First post happens to be the best post here

>> No.55561024

How did you go from "2/10 FUD" to "found your shitcoin faggot" to finally "thanks for the gem, OP"?

>> No.55561238
File: 278 KB, 945x745, 1689446875637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
