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55550974 No.55550974 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this guy doing? Didn’t he pay attention to trump? You’re supposed to promise your followers something not do it then promise to do it if you are re-elected. This is not how things are supposed to be done. How will the economy recover from teenagers not slaving away under mountains of debt?

>> No.55551002

Nigga this is a droplet in a piss ocean. Student loan debt in America is over 1 Trillion. He's doing exactly what you said just better, because he's also using plausible deniability.

>> No.55551148


Violating the Supreme Court ruling. What a shocker. This will get thrown in the trash too.

>> No.55551175

The SC stopped him from forgiving 400 billion dollars. This is just 40 billion dollars--completely different.

>> No.55551191

the administration always forgives a certain amount of debt
this guy spinned that around to make you believe he might forgive YOUR debt
he won't

>> No.55551193

1. you took out a loan
2. repay it
>b-but you need a degr-
community colleges can get you an associates for like 3k usd, grow the fuck up and if you're too poor then take the L

>> No.55551223

Hey Jamie pull up the statistics of American jews with college debt

>> No.55551378

Lmao not my problem better luck next time Moshi

>> No.55551390

Biden is a chad who will simply ignore the court ruling. What are they gonna do, send him a letter lmao? They won't do shit and Joseph R. Chadson knows it. He WILL forgive all loans while the cucked and biased court cries.

>> No.55551407

If the highest elected official defies court rulings what is stopping the common man from doing the same thing? The "elites" set the tone, don't be surprised if the hoi poloi join in on the dance.

>> No.55551441

You won't do shit.

>> No.55551570

Nobody is going to go up to Biden to spank him with a handgun and mace his eyes
they will however to you

>> No.55551598
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Unironically kill yourself, tripfaggot.

>> No.55551597

even if they did, he'd forget it in a jiffy

>> No.55551609
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Press X to doubt.

>> No.55551865

Cope, chud. Biden will win another term.

>> No.55551903

You're dealing with a bunch of ignorant punks. I did the community college to bachelors route without debt and while working. I chose a valuable degree. A lot of idiots don't do this and want someone to hold their hand. They're forever punks. They think "The Man" or "The Jew" is holding them down. They're holding themselves down with their own weight and they don't know how to throw it around in the ring; they don't understand life because they're weak and have weak mindsets.

>> No.55551925
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>> No.55552134

RETARD MOMENT. AND FOR EVERYONE IN THE THREAD. The proposed action is to clear loans off people who have been paying for 20 years. Mongoloid OP likely knows it too but is spreading disinformation

>> No.55552183
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The only one's coping are you faggot pedo groomers over the fact that Indiana Jones got beaten by a low-budget film about child trafficking.

>> No.55552196
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>You won't do shit.
You keep saying that.

>> No.55552240

I will exploit you.

>> No.55552247

Cool, even more inflation.

>> No.55552261

Why aren't we poomping?

>> No.55552263

It's essentially forgiveness for bad decisions and personal failings that people made a long time ago that, in other credit markets, would have just been bankrupted and forgotten about 15 years ago.

>> No.55552270
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>um, ackshually

>> No.55552326


>> No.55552606

>Academia needs retards to borrow hundreds of thousands to subsidize for profit research
>Convince common rabble they need to go to college and subsidize this research to have a career
>Pyramid collapses when returns are abysmal
>don’t kill it and instead mind fuck the population harder
Boy do I love college. Hope you have fun paying for the privilege of Indians to research how to build and market you bug burgers

>> No.55553509

I agree with your sentiment, but my college degree allowed me to get a job that pays $100k to sit at home and shitpost/play vidya do it was pretty good for me.

>> No.55554832

1. most people think bankruptcy should exist.
2. if you don't, you are in a very small minority.
3. not allowing bankruptcy in lending just leads to more institutional-level scams. for instance, 90% of modern college degrees.
4. also, fuck you. i went to the art institute of seattle, which was shut down in the middle of the semester. students still owed the banks, despite not being able to transfer their credits to other schools because of AiS's poor reputation. if school debts could be discharged through bankruptcy, no bank would have ever given a loan to students of this school. but since they're guaranteed the money even in the event of bankruptcy, they gave out massive loans at massively inflated costs.

the whole system of shitty diploma mills basically started about 20 years ago when congress changed bankruptcy laws to no longer include college loans. before that, colleges had to be better because banks weren't going to give loans to students unless they thought the person was going to make serious money in the future. the threat of bankruptcy forces banks to do a better job only giving loans to people who will be able to pay it.

>> No.55554861

I’m already exploiting you. I’m the guy who’s buying to my advantage when you’re selling at a loss and selling at a gain when you’re buying at a loss. I’m the guy who makes the correct decisions while you’re losing and I’m gaining from your inadequacy. My watch is worth more than your car. You punk.

>> No.55554879

>Art Institute of Seattle

This has to be a troll. You fucking loser. Nothing you do will work out.

>> No.55554915

Oh I agree and think that's fine. It's the whole WE ACTUALLY GOT OUR LOANS SLASHED ideal that is incorrect.

>> No.55554927

He used the wrong law last time.

Honestly congress ceded their power of the purse by the creation of the dept of education
If they don’t like it they can change the law and remove education from executive authority

No one else has standing to challenge it. The Supreme Court overstepped by hearing the case without congress forcing the issue

>> No.55554959
File: 29 KB, 427x400, 1688496027880980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is this guy doing? Didn’t he pay attention to trump? You’re supposed to promise your followers something not do it then promise to do it if you are re-elected. This is not how things are supposed to be done. How will the economy recover from teenagers not slaving away under mountains of debt?
Abolish the FBI now.

>> No.55554991

The point is that they do like it. Democrats have taken every opportunity in the last 40 years to give more power to the excutive branch and less power to their own legislative branch. It's becausw they know they can fill the exexcutive branch with partisan staffers and even if it's a republican controlled white house, the excutive plans will be stopped and delayed by the bureacracy being entirely oppositional and non-compliant to them

>> No.55554992
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its about time we get what we deserve

>> No.55555005

How to bankrupt a country 101

>> No.55555052

Because agencies aren’t accountable to voters and don’t have to explain things so congress creates they systems to offload blame to keep getting elected

Congress gave the executive the power to this by given legal authority to distribute spending in their stead. If they don’t like it they can make a committee and have staffers do all the middle management

>> No.55555084

lol no, this only applies to people who already got a degree

>> No.55555096

Why does this make boomers so mad anyway? I have heard liberal boomers threaten to vote against Biden they are so unhappy. It’s in ever news paper comments to.

I can only wonder if it is some Kronos like complex where they want to be better and more successful than their kids

>> No.55556713

they specifically said he needs congress, so he's going to get btfo again

>> No.55556724

1 you haven't heard shit

2 it's just basic humanity to fulfill your contract if you sign up for a contract

>> No.55558000

It's just basic humanity not to practice usury

So the option are
>(A) government does nothing and gets away with interfering with citizens financials- cringe

>(B) government pays student loans thus causing tuition (and student accommodation) to go up in price again as now they'll expect they're asking price to be paid in full - mega cringe

>(C) The government undoes it's previous law where student could declared bankruptcy on their loans meaning banks will actually have to thier jobs and vet people before giving them money and tuition will go down as a consequence so potential students could just take jobs instead to earn a reasonable amount of money in a few short years to pay for college outright- based

Why does OP never talk about option C?

>> No.55558042

you're responsible for your own actions, you can also choose to not practice usury, but by signing a contract that is usury you are a willing participant in the system

unless you have the balls to overturn it with force, don't be mad when you have to do what you signed up for

if you are applying for student loans you are the liberal goycattle retard, you clearly have full belief in the institute of college and you going to it makes you so superior to the rest of us, so fulfill the contract that you signed up for and stfu

if you can get out of it on a personal level I have no problem for that but shifting the burden onto taxpayers who didn't sign the contract is a higher level of usury on top of the usury you support

>> No.55558260

I agree that bailouts of any kind are without exception hot garbage it's just that of the solutions stated we need to bring back students bankruptcies if not then we're stuck with more people being unable to buy houses and other products thus shafting the economy further.

>> No.55558268

Can someone tldr on the SCOTUS decision on the previous attempt and what was wrong with it?

>> No.55558361

nah fuck that, I believe in punishment

bankruptcy seems like a get out of jail free card, there is no learning experience there

if you failed to understand the situation, and willingly disregarded the risks, I feel like that's your fate in life, it would be the same in a variety of situations, I don't really believe in forgiveness

basically biden promised a sweeping and grand solution, which oversteps the authority of the department of education, court ruled that congress has to pass a law for 400 billion dollars of appropriations of funds from various entities, not the dept of education

>> No.55558387

Just kill jewish children till this stops. It's truly that easy.

>> No.55558403

true, I bet they'd do it on the basis of race solely, another violation of civil rights

>> No.55558412

While corporations will suffer an increasing difficulty of hiring desperate workers the economy can compensate with indipendant business owners providing a more personal experience and maybe we can even expand into the minority and provide an experience for introverts as well.

Strike now or forever hold your peace.

>> No.55558636

you don't need to martyr anyone
chemical castration exists

>> No.55558656

>Imagine letting dumb fresh out of highschool 18 year olds make major debt decisions
School system does a terrible job for a reason teaching finance for a reason

>> No.55559675

yea it's slightly unfortunate but there should be some warning signs going off in your head if annual tuition costs are 40k, that x4 equals 160k, then compounding interest, then assume you'll make 50k out of school, so you're basically going to spend 10 years+ paying that off, I mean, that scares the absolute shit out of me, it's so absurd to have any thoughts of accepting that deal, but many people don't feel anything

I say, fuck it, it's eugenics, I think the amount of "skilled professionals" that these companies need is far lower than they project, it's basically an iq test, if you don't have the nepotism and rich parents you shouldn't go, if you decide to go anyways you basically failed the natural selection test for spotting predators

I think most of these people are women, so it isn't surprising

>> No.55560087

>What the fuck is this guy doing?
crashing this country.
with no survivors

>> No.55561295

I studied in America for my degree and I found out this morning that your government forgave my loan lol.

>> No.55562396

That's why he's doing it. He knows it will get tossed out because he doesn't have the votes for it the senate so it's meaningless.
He'll campaign on it again at the next election.

>> No.55562427

Same bro. Did a bachelors of science and worked my way though college and graduated with 0 debt. I come from a low class poor family (by USA standards), so I was on my own. This wasn’t hard to do at all. Only retards acoooooomulate debt.