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55532946 No.55532946 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth moving to a 3rd world country just to be able to live like a king?

>> No.55533098

Thats what I did. Its surprisingly comfy. Safety is better than in the US and you get a lot of the comforts too, like downtown highrise seaview condos with rooftop swimmingpool, you have uber, doordash, malls, supermarkets, etc and most of the advancements of capitalism. So its far from a shithole like people in the west are used to believe, its actually super nice, cheap, food is good, you have most ameneties etc

There are some downsides because you still live with third worlders with their third world habits. You will encounter a lot of incompetence, unprofessionalism, corruption, people are generally unreliable and try to rip you off, shit will break down often as its difficult to find any real high quality products, and its difficult to find any actual experts or professionals, like good luck finding a proper plumber, electrician, etc and even if you do dont expect them to be on time. Not to mention third worlders dont speak english.

Everything is messy, chaotic, unreliable, but it really depends on the lifestyle you are looking for. If you are going to live in a finished apartment complex with all the ameneties you will pay the foreigner price but you will also avoid 99% of the problems mentioned above.

Also no amazon

Personally I adapted and I havent looked back. What used to get me paycheck to paycheck back home is considered rich as fuck in here because average salary is like 200-300$ a month.

>> No.55533148


Which country, anon?
I'm thinking about columbia, venezuela, or argentina myself. I can speak spanish relatively fluently.

Good call about the unprofessionalism/garbage quality gente.

Anything else off the top of your head that surprised you/ I should research? I'm still a few years away but I'm at least going in that direction.
(Other countries are still on the table. Just those 3 winning right now).

>> No.55533299

Based Harald enjoyer, the most legit YouTuber.

>> No.55533617

Obviously stay the fuck away from Venezuela, wtf

Columbia is probably the best choice here. Medellin and Bogota are all top tier cities with everthing you need. Medellin is probably the best choice.

>> No.55533760

Wise man I'm still stuck in the United states because of family, but if I had my choice I'd become an ex pat just too poor.

Americas basically becoming a fucking third world shithole now anyway, I'm in the midwest and saw 5 families of immigrants dropped off camping on the street at 3am, literally sets of parents with 10-15 kids each.

>> No.55533767

And inb4
>muh safety in the united states
I've had guns drawn on me, assaulted by groups not just once, multiple break ins, hit and run all meanwhile police did absolutely nothing, there's no difference between a third world shithole and the US now except it's even more dangerous and they steal all our tax money.
And cost of living is the highest in the world.

>> No.55535490

>Also no amazon
why no amazon?

>> No.55535498

isn't colombia dangerous?

>> No.55535593

Hey look it's the retards who talk about moving to countries they've never visited before and larp about how easy it'll be thread again

>> No.55535615

I'm already a third worlder... my only way out is go to a poorer city in my already poor country...

>> No.55535620
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>I'm too stupid and uncreative to make it in the US so I have to run away to be on permanent vacation where I can get more for the scraps I make because the average salary is two cents a day!
Or you can stay in the US where everything works and is clean, buy a lot of land away from darkies, and basically live like an expat except you can find a plumber and he'll probably be a fun guy to go drinking and shooting with on the weekends
Meanwhile what you'll have to look forward to is being bumped off by the beach boy your foreign wife is fucking. But it's a fate losers like you deserve

>> No.55535625

My advice to you specifically is to stop living like a fucking city rat, and wake the fuck up and realize the cops are not your friends, wherever they are

>> No.55535631

Oh wow good advice
>I save pictures of murder on my computer and give know-it-all advice.

>> No.55535634

>where everything works and is clean
>away from darkies

America is basically already the Philippines or Columbia but the hookers and rent are expensive

>> No.55535641

You better be on your toes because dollars will be worthless soon

>> No.55535644

>isn't columbia dangerous?
the guerillas agreed to stop fighting the government so nowadays it's safe because they don't kidnap tourists for ransom anymore

but even in the heyday of FARC you were fine as long as you didn't go walking around in the jungle near their guerilla camps

>> No.55535668

See this proves my point, expats and wannabe expats are just low intelligence losers who have accepted there's a highest bar for them. I give you advice and you response with frustration and anger, like a nigger. For shame

>> No.55535670

>ad hominem
>screeching and pissing himself
Guaranteed you're a euro.

>> No.55535689

Yes, but you go there to SPEND money not to make it

>> No.55535691

Ive visited, dumbass.

>> No.55535700

>Or you can stay in the US where everything works and is clean

>> No.55535723
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>able to live like a king?

Your angry neighbor can hire a crazy killer for $200 buck to assassinate you... and for an extra $100 the police will not investigate.
Congratulations on living like a king in a shit hole 3rd world country.

>> No.55535736
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Yes, gated Florida retirement community.
Zero crime and everything works!

>> No.55535750

It's decent. There are a lot of hidden costs to international living, especially if you're American. And yes, you can live like a king. And just like a king in medieval times, once you step out of your castle you are instantly met with the decrepit reality of where you live. You will be surrounded by low IQ peasants that will constantly try to leverage the fact that you're a foreigner to take advantage of you.

>t. Living in SEA right now

>> No.55535794

What percentage of Americans are capable of living in such community, less than one percent? Fuck off with your retardation. Your world is garbage.

>> No.55535844

>wanting to live in a gated retirement community
What's the point

>> No.55535860

I lived in Hollywood Florida which was considered a gated community and than a bunch of blacks and spics came in and shot up our boardwalk killing 8 people and 4 kids

>> No.55536009

And I can do the same too.

>> No.55536210

What about the drug dealers? Its basically like mexico but with guerillas, that makes it more dangerous than mexico.

>> No.55536214

So? Do you want to live like that?

>> No.55536298
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>Medellin and Bogota are all top tier cities
I Just did a google maps test (open google maps, drop into streetview in a random street).
It didn't pass the test. I think you're trolling.

>> No.55536308
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Other side.

>> No.55536364

When people talk about how great X city is in a third world country, they are usually referring to a very small and segregated part of the country where they are surrounded by other wealthy (compared to the locals) foreigners. These people are always disingenuous about this fact too and act like the entire shithole country they live in is great while never actually interacting with the locals in any meaningful way. I saw this all the time in SEA.

>> No.55536375

Yeah, no shit. Obviously relatively well-off westerners don't want to live in some slum in Manila, they want what they have at home, just cheaper.

>> No.55536384

Problem is, you are still surrounded by low IQ third worlders. This is the fact that many are in denial about. Being surrounded by people who live and act like children will reduce your quality of life.

>> No.55536389

Mate, I'm already surrounded by low IQ third worlders, I live in London. In all seriousness though, if I was ever to personally move abroad it would be somewhere like Croatia or Poland, you know, white countries.

>> No.55536396 [DELETED] 

I'm an American and used to think the same having lived in cities that were 40%+ niggers. You think people can't be dumber, but they absolutely can.

>Croatia or Poland
Anywhere with a mostly white population would probably be good. Living in SEA has made me incredibly racist to non whites. I used to have rose tinted glasses and thought Asia was great.

>> No.55536399

Short answer is no.

>> No.55536428
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what does this mean?

>> No.55536444
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>> No.55536498

It's hilarious that people leaving their country causes no end of seethe for government employees and their stooges who have zero real arguments against it except actual falsehoods, faux-patriotism, and attempts at gaslighting anons into believing that if you don't handicap yourself financially for the government you must be a loser.
These same people celebrate other migrants leaving their countries while shaming foreign brands of patriotism and claiming only the smartest natives leave such countries because they realized their own governments handicap them.

>> No.55536515

No one is saying you're a loser for moving to another country anon. In fact you should try it so you can see that I'm right. It's not a matter of you, it's the matter that non whites are incapable of building a functional society that doesn't have rampant corruption at every level. And no, the corruption in the US, while blatant, isn't even comparable.There are of course exceptions to this, but those places are as expensive as the US if not more. And for good reason.

You are probably young anon, explore the world and gain this knowledge first hand.

>> No.55536565

>Or you can stay in the US where everything works and is clean

>> No.55536569 [DELETED] 

Burger here. Philippines is miles better than the US because they don't have niggers.

>> No.55536577

just say something in the local language and they will just recoil in fear that you may be aware of their modus operandi and that you've been there long enough to probably have made useful connections.

>> No.55536586

>No one is saying you're a loser for moving to another country anon.
Except the ones who do. In every thread.
>And no, the corruption in the US, while blatant, isn't even comparable.
Invincible ignorance. Just because you close your eyes and pretend, doesn't mean it isn't there. The very fact you need to argue this is an indicator. The corruption is not exclusive to particular areas of society or particular people. It is built into the fundamental economic policy and legislations. An individual cannot thrive without participating in it.
>There are of course exceptions to this, but those places are as expensive as the US if not more. And for good reason.
You know this for a fact? Post some evidence. CoL's, real-estate prices, etc,
If not, just be quiet and stop making up bullshit.
>You are probably young anon,
Patronizing statements are not beneficial to your point. Go suck taxman cock and listen to your favorite political clown gaslight you into believing this is a priviledge you enjoy and not a nonconsenual act.

>> No.55536588
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SEAsians, even Filipinos are way more intelligent than US niggers. You're just dealing with poor ESL third worlders. To me I think us Americans are the dumbest fucking gorilla retards in the West and yet us whites consistently score higher on IQ tests than the rest of Europe.

>> No.55536606 [DELETED] 

>no niggers

Nigger philippines population = niggers
Niggers isn't a matter of skin color. It s a matter of poverty. Fuck the Filipino niggers. Did you not see the news for the past couple years?

Philippines only has drug
So bad that duterte had death squads killing everyone

But if you go south you have terrorist cells in Mindanao ready to kill your American ass.

Better stay in your mom basement, faggot

>> No.55536610

Anon, I am in SEA right now. I am speaking from experience. As I said, I encourage you to move abroad and experience what you claim it is like outside of america.

>> No.55536627

Great dude! So then move here and experience what you claim

>> No.55536716
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Ah I see you subscribe to this notion with your reddit spaced post.
maybe go travel to other SEA nations and see how the scene is there.

>> No.55536718

I am here currently in Siargao. Living comfy life. Flips are cool. Weather sucks nowadays though.

>> No.55536741

the "loser" part comes down to throwing away your bloodline
you become a genetic deadend, aka a loser
muh government, muh taxes is turbocope. anyone with two brain cells can find ways to live in firstworld countries tax-free
yellow fever faggots who move specifically for asian pussy are actually more respectable than idiotic pennypincher wagecucks fleeing to asia. at least the fetichists optimize towards their goal, while the cucks are just too dumb to structure their finances
it's literal nigger behavior. no planning ability

>> No.55536789

Just looked it up, no one died but yes nine people were shot including a one year old.

>> No.55536854

This is actually true. I've been to SEA for a while and while it has a lot to offer, the ignorance of the people is just rotting your brain. You feel like in a huge kindergarten, everyone is clinically retarded, you can trust no one and if something has to be done your only option is to do it yourself. They have zero concept of critical thinking, loyalty or dignity.
You're not even able to confront them with their shit as they just laugh it off, lying in your face while smiling. You can't talk to them or build any human connection other than impregnating their retarded qt girls. It's the NPC meme playing out in real life, you feel like a zookeeper among them. They're third world for a reason and that is the stupid low IQ subhumans they are.

>> No.55536930

What countries in SEA are you talking about?
I don't think Indonesians are too bad desu

>> No.55536941

When I lived in Thailand and moved into my first place there was a problem with the electricity. Half of the sockets were not properly grounded and would physically shock you whenever you plugged something into them. The washer was outside connected to one of these ungrounded sockets. When I brought this up to the landlord they acted like I was being so entitled and asking for so much to have them fix it. They unironically told me to just wear rubber flip flops when doing the laundry because even touching the machine would cause a constant flow of electricity to pulse through your entire body. This is just one of many stories I have.

>> No.55536953

The culture and mindset is common all throughout asia to varying degrees. Even Japan and Korea are tainted by the childish mindset of saving face.

>> No.55536957

he just got culture shocked by the third world. Unbeknownst to most, SEA is actually rapidly growing and expanding.
If IQ tests didn't exist, you'd think Chinese would be retarded third worlders as well, and IQ in SEA is highly variable even within individual countries.

>> No.55536966

I'd pick a person saving face over any goddamn screeching ape doing whatever they want, be it white or brown, in my country.

>> No.55536992

Funny you mention screeching apes. Another story from Thailand. There were 3 separate occasions where I got cut off and almost ran off the road by a raging Thai who was clearly high on meth. In 2 cases, they started chasing me around the city trying to run me off the road screeching at me. Another time, the guy blocked the road and pointed a gun at me. All of this because I simply honked my horn at them. SEAmonkeys and niggers are more similar then you seem to be aware of.

>> No.55537095

>Anon, I am in SEA right now.
Doubt. If you live in SEA why don't you post your expenses to support your argument?
I made no claims about what it is like outside america. You should really read what i posted instead of making up meme arguments in your head and changing them as it suits you.
Also SEA isn't the only option. A whole world exists outside of SEA.
>anti-coomer meme argument
Ad hominem. Stay on topic /po/-ACK.
>anyone with two brain cells can find ways to live in firstworld countries tax-free
Post them if you have even two braincells. It would support your meme argument and agenda more than anything else you've posted. But you don't actually want to help. You just want to seethe at leavers.
Also it's not just taxes and government, it's cost of living overall. But you chose to ignore that argument to post nonsense.

>> No.55537123

I make between 8k and 10k USD a month remotely and live a 6 figure lifestyle for 1.2k USD a month tops, surrounded by white people in a country you will never guess. Keep flooding into Thailand retards, and make sure she doesn’t have a dick before you pay her

>> No.55537125

that's about on par with what you would see in satellite cities of any major city in the jewnited states, dirty brown people included. go look up the zoned commercial/light industrial areas of jew york city.

>> No.55537157

>3rd world country
Two words - health care.

>> No.55537165

kek. i haven't seen a white doctor in the better part of a decade, unless you count incompetent white roastie nurse practitioners or physician assistants who are forced on me as a cost savings measure.

>> No.55537191

tell us about situations where you were baffled by the locals low IQ

>> No.55537238

>be me
>decide to go order some food
>arrive at restaurant
>order food
>receive the complete order
>take my phone out to browse /biz/
>come across thread "LINK $1,000 EOY!!!"
many such cases

>> No.55537276

Should I buy 2.5 acres in a semi tourist town north of Cabo for 25k or keep in market?

My line of thinking is I can continue to work remotely and decrease living expenses. Thoughts?

>> No.55537298

I didn't know so many anons were in SEA. We should have a meetup. Maybe we could meet at the beach Sergey went to in Vietnam.

>> No.55537316



>> No.55537317

imagine the smell

>> No.55537358

I mean if you tell us the location the chances of anyone in this thread ever going there are slim to none...

>> No.55537416

I'm from Indonesia.
I'm desperately trying to be financially independent through the stock market.
so far so good

>> No.55537427

George Gammon? Is that you buddy?

>> No.55537537

I live in Taiwan.

Total first world country, but everything is cheap as fuck, no negros, no crime, no corruption whatsoever. national health insurance covers everything. even with my lower salary still manage to save a couple grand every month. everyone not living here is coping

>> No.55537576
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The problem is that the media in your country made you believe that the under development countries are all shitholes, they go to the shittiest places and show you, Brazil for example, they show you Rio, although it is a really nice place it lacks security. But if you were to live in Araras-SP for example, it is a small town of 120k ppl +/-, secure af, you get 1gb optical internet or $30, Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress, Subway, Mc Donalds, Burguer King, etc.. Everything works, majority of population is Italian descendants, right next to a highway and it is 1 hour from Campinas and 2h from Sao Paulo. On Campinas you have a mix of security and everything you ever need including International Airport, and on Sao Paulo you get less security but everything you get on any normal major Big City of a 1st world country but CHEAPER, like on pic related, it costs you avg of $100 to bang and there are literally dozens of this level. And this is what is considered expensive, for $60 you get thousands. OFC leaving is not as cheap as Argentina or Bolivia or Peru, but it is much better. Anyway Dyor.

>> No.55537667

This was always known. Europoors hate to admit it, but American Whites have lower crime rates than European Whites. The US would be the safest country in the world if niggers didn’t exist

>> No.55537679


>> No.55537693

My man, white murder rate is like 2-3 per 100,000 which is higher than most Euro countries despite them having lots of niggers and sandpeople.

>> No.55537701

>where everything works and is clean

>> No.55538002

Why is it Filipinos always complain about their country but they are the first ones to relentlessly defend their shithole? They're almost as bad as indians

>> No.55538029

based. Taiwan was easily my fav country in Asia. Puts J*pan to shame.

those are the American ones.

>> No.55538059

>Pinoy replied instantly.
Mate, seek help

>> No.55538071

I am white you colossal faggot, scandy to be exact.

>> No.55538114

Post hands. No white man would unironically defend the Philippines so much

>> No.55538179

everyone jokes about thailand being for pedo sexpats but it's really the philippines.

>> No.55538207
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come at me, I'll shank you for calling me something as low as that poofter

>> No.55538301

>Soft, delicate hands
Yep, he's a kiddie diddler.
>How to take a screenshot Google search
Do zoomers really?

>> No.55538312

i was born and raised in hollywood(still live here too). the other day i looked at my high schools and got sad to see the demographics. it was already bad when i went there, but its gotten even worse.

>> No.55538321
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>How to take a screenshot Google search
>Do zoomers really?

>> No.55538329

should mention at the same time theres a shit load of yids moving into the better neighborhoods too. theyre probably the ones buying up all the old properties and tearing them down and putting up mcmansions that stick out like a sore thumb compared to the other houses

>> No.55538567

Brazil is literally the worse country in the world. You all claim to be Italian but you are all a bunch of niggers.
Every one is a drug dealer or a robber or a scammer. You all claim to follow Jesus but you are the first to sin and lets not talk about your pagan churches larping as Christians.
All your men are criminals and the woman are whores that will impregnate just for a change to leave that shithole.
You can't even wear watches or good phones because you will get robbed, and say goodbye to nightlife because as soon the sun sets you can't leave your home.
Everyone is lazy and lives the victim lifestyle (white man took our gold n shiet).
If you get sick get ready for the worse because those hospitals are Africa tier.
The cops are corrupt and will beat you up if you don't give them money.

>> No.55538676
File: 1.30 MB, 824x824, Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 12-11-20 Parque D. Pedro Shopping (@parquedpedro) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if you are poor cops treat you bad and ppl are just like you described on favelas, if you 1st xp on Brazil was to Rio de Janeiro, Natal, Recife, Salvador, Manau, mostly north or NE then you deserve to get rekt bc you are a dumb fuck.
>You all claim to be Italian but you are all a bunch of niggers
Yah, look @ all those niggers on Campinas... A shame... They like to include brown ppl on pics bc muh inclusion but if you go to the right places, this is the reality, the darker colors are usually the workers IRL.

>> No.55538831

Why the fuck would I want to have sex with that thing? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.55538864
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White women love wolves

>> No.55538969

Yes. I moved from NY to India. My hindi is still shit but I can get by easily.

>> No.55539072
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easy choice, yes, and get into crypto while ur at it

>> No.55539381

>say goodbye to nightlife because as soon the sun sets you can't leave your home
tell me you've never visited Brazil without telling me you never visited Brazil

>> No.55539662

I'm thinking about moving to the phillipines and have some questions for you anon.

How long have you been in the Philippines and how old are you? Where are you from and what do you think the main differences are? Do you think you made the right choice? Do you have a Filipino gf? What do you do for fun there? Is there much to do? How much do you spend and what part of the country do you live in? Do you have a visa with a work permit or are you working illegally?

>> No.55539714

>more city rats that live in areas with high concentrations of third worlders think going to live with even more third worlders will save them
You're going to be praying to come to the US after you find out rolling blackouts are an everyday thing in the places you're all trying to live, kek

>> No.55539748

really caught newfags with that old bait. cant believe it still works!

>> No.55539784

How is that worse than the average US mid western town?

>> No.55539859

SEA is a very diverse place, it's basically a poorer version of Europe, the size is similar even the population number is close (700m EU vs 600m ASEAN).
But SEA experienced colonization by said continent which rotted the brain of its citizen and set the development back decades to centuries compared to Europe.
In result, SEA is still just like the western world during Victorian era. Poor, full of retards, very unequal distribution of wealth, etc.
What you experienced are common throughout big cities in SEA like Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila, Hanoi, and the likes. Because the wealth isn't properly distributed and people from rural with the brain still stuck in 1800s flocking to big cities.
Ironically if you go to non big cities all together you'll find people are more pleasant than the average first world citizen. Like in rural Bali for example, the locals are more orderly than the white or chinese tourists.

>> No.55539984

When I find out a guy has been to SEA I instantly lose all respect for him even if I thought he was a decent guy before that.

It is the single absolute biggest giveaway of being a sniveling retarded loser subhuman weasel who’s only shot at getting to feel like an actual human being is by waving money at brown poor illiterate stone-age peasants. Go ahead and seethe like I give a shit, faggots.

>> No.55540037

Do you have any idea how expensive land is in the United States?
> dude, just buy a lot of land in the countryside and live off the land while you NEET
You have to be stupid to think this is good advice.

>> No.55540063

It's the ones who go there and start spreading copium about how great it is who are the ones you describe. No one in there right mind could visit SEA and decide to stay long term. There has to be something deeply wrong with you.

>> No.55540115

If you make $10k per month you’re living well in every single country on earth.

>> No.55540123

I was thinking of getting the new 10 year LTR visa for Thailand, Bangkok is way better than most western cities and the rent for a decent apartment is not bad at all.
Taiwan also had easy gold card visa, and it's basically better than most western countries, including the health care system, street safety, transport, etc.
Personally, I will leave Finland before 30. Either do remote work as my current job allows it, or find a job in somewhere like HK. It's just turning into a mess, + dark winters and super high taxes that the left wants to EVEN MORE increase

>> No.55540142

Yes, the American “white” (not entirely white) murder rate

>> No.55540285

Tudo o que ele disse é verdade cara. Não tente dar uma de que o Brasil é bom não seu pardo.

>> No.55540320

>How to take a screenshot Google search
sure smells summer in here

>> No.55540327

Give back your White card. You are no longer an honorary Aryan

>> No.55540523
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This thread is full of retards. You all deserve to live in your 3rd world shitholes

>> No.55540546

>thread still going
>same tactics being employed
>ad hominems
kek the seethe is real

>> No.55540594

what a shithole

>> No.55540630

yea I never understood this fascination with moving to 3rd world countries, I don't know what anons are hoping to find there but a lot of them will be very disappointed

>> No.55541821

I had pretty good time during my half a year in the Philippines with my Filipina GF as a European, even if I was literally mostly there with NEETbux, next time I'm going there with a lot of more money (and still NEETbux since we can get them up to 6 months even after moving/going to another country) and going to live in a better location
(BGC, which is like a 1st world financial business district that is in its own little bubble outside of the third world crap) in a better condo too so I'm expecting it to be great since last time was already nice.

I'm just planning to live in both countries for now and also travel to SEA/Japan whilst there as its so much cheaper (round trip to Japan is 200 EUR vs 750 EUR+ from EU)

>> No.55541927
File: 153 KB, 1149x1400, Amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggers isn't a matter of skin color. It s a matter of poverty

>> No.55542578

Brazilians chopped it down

>> No.55542644

If you're rich then you can live nicely anywhere, if you're not then you better not give up your American citizenship (where you can make money)

>> No.55542697

Ha. I am also in Siargao. Nice. You have seen me, for sure. What nationality are you?

>> No.55542792


Actually I don’t have to guess, there’s a shit ton of Israeli’s here. This dude is a literal kike.

>> No.55544169

You can date 18 year olds and people don’t care in 2nd and 3rd world countries. While even men in America think it’s the worst thing ever.

>> No.55544450

Mainly Thailand but it's similar anywhere around there. Haven't been to Indonesia though.

>> No.55544808

not even close, not even fucking close. Talk all the shit you fucking losers like, the bottom line is that the shittiest part of America is a paradise compared to the shittiest parts of any other major developed country

>> No.55544855

>FUD continues
Tax free and rent free

>> No.55544890

its the biggest rainforest on earth not an online store for us you massive chud whiteoid faggot

>> No.55544914

I plan to move to the Philippines and live like an upper middle class and have mestizo kids with my loving wife and gradually turn myself into a pale Pinoy man. I love it over there, warts and all.

>> No.55544979


>> No.55545017

It really do be like that.
>be me
>full of antiracist 90s programming
>run off to Asian adventure
>become very racist

>> No.55545742
File: 59 KB, 600x600, jailyne-ojeda-ochoa-bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to move to Mexico. I would say Colombia but Colombian food is trash and their culture sucks too. Plus I get vibes that Colombian women drug men and rob them. I don't even know if this is extremely common but you do not really hear this about Mexican women.

Mazatlan or Cancun or Cabo. Somewhere near the beach with beautiful women. Anyone can give recommendations? I live paycheck to paycheck in the USA and can't even afford to buy a house ever unless my parents drop dead and I get inheritance.

>> No.55545755

Surely he didn't die from that.

>> No.55546595

>How long have you been in the Philippines and how old are you?
I've been here for roughly 2 years, 27 years old.

>Where are you from and what do you think the main differences are?
I am from Scandinavia, here are the main differences. First the bad ones:

>the weather is completely different, it's awfully humid especially now so I get unbelievably sweaty even if I am a 15% bf dude. Then there are the typhoons in which the powerful ones are going to instantly turn you into a God-worshiping person once they pass over you.
>there is actual multi-generational poverty caused by lack of investments decades ago
>a lot of services suck
>roads can be very bad
>petty crime mainly in Manila, keep an eye on your stuff
>the only thing I genuinely do not feel safe with is urban traffic
>vans, man...1/2 times the drivers are complete genocidal psychopaths
>occasional brownouts if you live in the province
>widespread littering

The good:
>otherwise quite comfy overall, lot's of /out/ activities to do like hiking, diving, free-diving, spearfishing, boating, island-hopping, motorcycling, surfing, canyoning, many outdoor parks, caving
>nature is pretty stunning, especially the underwater one
>folks are a pretty cool bunch, and English is widely understood on a useful level
>actually fairly safe(outside of traffic). Had times where I was a complete retard leaving my pricey stuff behind and they have always been returned to me
>I can see the country transforming for the better, a lot of people are clearly earning more now than before.
>it's unironically a great place to invest right now

>Do you think you made the right choice?
I do think so, it has changed me as a person for the better. I've become more stoic and more athletic, appreciating life more, and it has opened opportunities for business ideas all from real estate to services and so forth.
I am going to go back to my home country next month though. After all, you'll miss home.

>> No.55546686

>Do you have a Filipino gf?
Yes, actually she's my wife now. We've been together for almost 9 years. She's from a self-made merchant family so at the time of meeting she was actually wealthier than me.

>What do you do for fun there? Is there much to do?
mentioned in previous post. I can at least suggest you some places:
>El Nido
>Bohol(as a whole)

>How much do you spend and what part of the country do you live in?
I earn between $4-5k a month, depending on how much work I do, and spend around $2,200 on mortgage and bills at home, leaving another $2,000. You can easily do a month on just $1,000 if you stay at hostels, many nice ones go for around for $10/day.
If you wanna stay in hotels, you need to increase it to $2,000/month.
We live in her sister's house at the moment in Las Piñas. Not really much to do here but we save having to rent.
>Do you have a visa with a work permit or are you working illegally?
I work remotely, and my visa is a basic spouse visa which is valid for 1 year.

I want to highlight that I know this nation is not for everyone. Some people outright hate it. Fair enough, it is not perfect at all.
It does not have that same Asian mystique that Staceys love, and also people may just want to chill in a city of which I would rather recommend Bangkok or KL than Manila simply because they are way WAY more developed.
What I love here is the tropical life which I longed for ever since I was a kid. I always dreamed of palm-filled beaches with crystal-clear turquoise warm waters. And despite not being as mysterious, I still find it interesting on some levels, especially the isolated tribes.

>> No.55546701

jokes aside, I became WAY less racist towards Asians when traveling. It also slightly lowered my racism towards hispanics. It increased my racism tenfolds against pajeets and niggers though.

>> No.55546705


what country motherfucker your post is worthless otherwise

>> No.55546715

Do thirdies have saunas, fast internet and stuff like that yet?

>> No.55546719

>fast internet
Thailand has one of the fastest internet speeds in the world

>> No.55546723

Same lol except pakis they have better manners, significantly better than pakis in the west.

>> No.55546724


>> No.55546735


>> No.55546746

the entire country is a sauna bro...
fast internet yes
and the best of all, we have tons of poor people to do service jobs for you

>> No.55546790

Based thirdies.

>> No.55546910

We can't admit it because we'd be lying. You wiggers (because that's what you are) literally all walk around ARMED. You can LARP as much as you want and call us names (Europe is a richer continent than both North and South America combined, so "Europoors" means jack shit to us). We're better at everything. Cope.

>> No.55547138
File: 781 KB, 1209x1612, 20230510_231444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can live, but not like a king. Thats how the truly rich live

>> No.55547165

>Europe is a richer continent than both North and South America combined
This isn't even close to true. I'm not sure how you could come to this conclusion unless by rich you mean in cultural/tourism type stuff. Certainly not in GDP.

>> No.55547177

>Columbia is probably the best choice here. Medellin and Bogota are all top tier cities with

Medellin is much better but also fuck off, we're full and you're pricing out locals.
Medellin is so mainstream rn that some gringos just want to stay away from other gringos and moving to other areas in the city...
Even indians are coming here.. it's joever

>> No.55547252
File: 51 KB, 610x367, images - 2023-06-22T212104.721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes goy, just move to the third world country. Anything telling you not to is a psyop or a fed.

>> No.55547270

Where’s this?

>> No.55547290

>Even indians are coming here.. it's joever
how can people even tell who's indian and who's colombian

>> No.55547344
File: 39 KB, 800x450, 324353242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't recognize the Petronas Towers

>> No.55547375
File: 66 KB, 590x366, 1683665169996551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just what type of flyover shithole do you have to be from if you unironically think moving to bangladesh or nigeria would be an upgrade in your quality of life?

>> No.55547429

It's the incels who couldn't cut it in the west and out of desperation moved to a place where they could get a drop of pussy. They post these threads every single day trying to cope with their mistakes.

>> No.55547435

I thought it was Lumphini Park until I saw the towers. All SEA cities look the same

>> No.55547502

Post more thirdie adventures.

>> No.55547682

Royal selangor golf club. The malay royals actually play there

>> No.55547684

You know from the viewpoint of the locals you are the low IQ retard.
The only difference is they obviously cut you some slack because you clearly dont understand how things work in their country and think western sensibilities apply everywhere especially to a place where their culture and upbringing is completely different to yours.