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File: 109 KB, 922x923, 624562456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55545028 No.55545028 [Reply] [Original]

Portfolio rate at the foot of the bullrun.
Predict folio top price and rank folios
Mine likely to be worth $100-$200k

>> No.55545041

get that MEV scammer trash out of there, the rest is OK.

>> No.55545056

These are all shitters

>> No.55545069
File: 56 KB, 220x220, 62465456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see yours

>> No.55545118

frankly? 1/10
get some bitcoin (at the very least 50%)
xrp or eth might do well
10% max in shitcoins/low cap
you will end up with -99% like most other degenerates if you don't act a bit more wisely

>> No.55545126


>> No.55545128
File: 467 KB, 1284x1072, IMG_1624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict that I’ll be able to quit waging at the top of the next bullrun

>> No.55545160

Too much coins for a small portfolio. Stick to 3 or 4. also highly recommended to always keep 10-20% in btc. Btc protects your sat value when alts are getting rekt. Sell your alt gains to btc and stack usd as the bullrun runs. Don't get caught holding only shitcoins when the music stops

>> No.55545163


>> No.55545182

>at the foot of the bullrun
local top signal

>> No.55545209
File: 302 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230713_165243_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10 ngmi
kek baggie
>the rest
why even
>pic rel
R8 my folio. Not pictured: 5k ARB, 5k XRPee, 1.25M MTV, 500B dogbat

>> No.55545212

what are these absolute shitcoins?

>> No.55545266
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>> No.55545271

>icy pee

>> No.55545303

>unironically fudding the next ETH
Stay poor. I bet you hold gAyVAX and you're both gay and vaxxed to boot.

>> No.55545423

Really based portfolio

>> No.55545441

Ty fren
Checked. Also a based folio even though I'm not a maxi. I do intend to diversify into XMR in the next cycle.

>> No.55545457

your "portfolio" has no value and will be virtually worthless within 5 years

>> No.55545546

almost perfect.
I hold only ICP, XLM, XRP and Doge.

>> No.55545914

Great portfolio likely see 150k next bull run

>> No.55545956
File: 91 KB, 1308x807, debank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also have ~30k in various LPs, 20k in nfts, and 1 btc on a ledger

yes I know wbtc bad but I'm a schizo day trader. really looking forward to getting to trade alts for more eth and btc again, that was my bread and butter last bull market

>> No.55545990

5K now in top 10-20% outperformers will give you 500K at the peak

>> No.55546002

simple but effective, I like it. What was your cost basis?

I would nuke Filecoin, Near, and Curve into more ETH, SOL, or even Ada. Those coins are extra stinky and will need the most bullish of market conditions to go anywhere at all (and never to ATH ever again)

>> No.55546005

Damn that's alot of shitcoins op.

>> No.55546014
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32 eth
3k link

>> No.55546130

I have $30,000 divided into these 3, with bitcoin being about 50%

>> No.55546137

pick one fence sitting faggot

>> No.55546158
File: 140 KB, 1179x2556, 361129113_609670497902678_147100752005390399_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just need 2m+ and i'm out of the market this time.. Can't lose almost everything again

>> No.55546170


>> No.55546190

Based portfolio. Congrats anon you’ve got 5MM top of next run

>> No.55546249
File: 340 KB, 750x1142, IMG_0270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a good feeling about what comes next crypto bros

>> No.55546277
File: 220 KB, 1080x1526, Screenshot_20230713_215445_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme an honest rate lads

>> No.55546306

Congrats on you 100M portfolio EOY 2025.

>> No.55546336
File: 145 KB, 1170x601, IMG_2758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in

>> No.55546383

Haha thanks fren. I’m hoping for 5 mil

>> No.55546419

Probably closer to 8.

>> No.55546435

Dann you're literally me just a shit ton more lol. Give me a rate sir

>> No.55546622

Why are you holding coins that have already been around for a full market cycle?

>> No.55546631

Good, but drop the matic and grt for either more btc/eth or for new alts that haven't experience a market cycle yet.

>> No.55546669

>no btc
>no eth
>no xmr

>> No.55546699
File: 50 KB, 1280x567, epepepep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my primary investment? Some anon told me in good faith that epep was goint fucking parabolic and had proof about certain whale wallets making liquidity deposits in two days. Also chart is going fully up.
Should i do it bros?

>> No.55546733

How should I realign my portfolio anons?

> 1 BTC
> 3 million VRA
> 4 ETH

I'm thinking of swapping the eth for something but I don't know what yet. Also if y'all recommend swapping the others or part of those for something else, need some recommendations please?

>> No.55546788
File: 326 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230713_225501_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok now do mine

>> No.55546796

>4 ETH
>1300 LINK
>3000 ARB
>20 GMX
How am I doing anons?

>> No.55546797

Based VRA Chad. WAGMI fren

>> No.55546800
File: 361 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230713_195408_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably going to switch the ETH into ROSE after I finish accumulating.

>> No.55546802


VRA is pure garbage, dump that crap

>> No.55546823
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>> No.55546845

That’s definitely a good split. You have good projects. Of course you know I’ll recommend LINK but there must be a reason you chose not to include it.

We know BTC and likely ETH will get an ETF so you’re probably set there.

matic just released news about POL which IMO is really well thought out. The ability to validate all chains placed in the polygon ecosystem is really enticing and we could all benefit from multiple staking rewards. The 2% yearly inflation rate is acceptable knowing they slay in the business development department.

The Graph is one project I’m not as sure about. Obviously I still hold 100k and delegate and we know it’s used everywhere but I’m actually worried about what Space and Time is doing with AI.

My plan is to pick up an equal amount of Space and Times token so I win no matter what project comes out on top

>> No.55546881
File: 210 KB, 1170x2532, Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 10.03.54 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it bros? I feel like I didn't pump enough but am playing the long game.

>> No.55546886


>> No.55546905

I put in maybe 3k during covid and sold all AIG shares once it went back to maybe 55 or so put that into bitcoin. Snails pace.

>> No.55547012


>> No.55547015

You really sold your Bitcoin and KUJIRA for link?

>> No.55547023
File: 144 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230713-232653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I will be more priced out soon if I don't fomo
Do i fomo buy now?

>> No.55547025

Big yikes

>> No.55547546


>> No.55547865
File: 634 KB, 3195x2400, 20230714_002824-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merged 2 screenshots and my folio still doesn't fit. I'm mostly just balls deep in BTC with probably too much USDC still on the sidelines waiting a black swan that's just not coming. I rate myself as a 6 cuz I didn't buy some pepe for that touch of meme magic, missed buying ai garbage coins at a reasonable price, and don't have any xrp or sol

>> No.55547878
File: 257 KB, 1080x2093, Screenshot_20230714-003659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also holding some coinbase options. Pic related being the best performing of them.

>> No.55547879

Great btc and eth stacks amongst the other shit. You’ll be fine.

>> No.55547887

>no XRP

>> No.55548055
File: 872 KB, 768x768, 20230711_060918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150k portfolio. All in an AI coin call IMGNAI

I'm expecting to make between 15 and 40 million. But you wouldn't get it

>> No.55548148

It's not that great since most of them are primarily large caps. But combining tokens like AVAX, OP, and CRV with some cool low caps like KAVA and AstraDao would be dope, especially considering the potential for earning passive income from the latter two.

>> No.55548607
File: 23 KB, 498x615, images (1) (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a solid portfolio going on there! Consider adding DUA that you can trade on Trader Joe, and Kava on Binance. You're all set.

>> No.55548704
File: 456 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-07-14-12-10-17-03_c9791ba83bbcdc6c6d74bb6138866745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I am doing
Pls rate

>> No.55548740

I have 1k in imgnai, but honestly why do you believe in it so much?

>> No.55548852

Nice folio, you'll get 67k only from QNT.

>> No.55549863
File: 189 KB, 1080x1346, Screenshot_20230714-073026-716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not him

>> No.55549905

>Predict folio top price and rank folios
It's like looking at houses while you are homeless, look at the near term future and how you can improve on it

>> No.55550092

The large capes can only do a few Xs Anon, so I'm more in for low and micro caps with solid fundamentals like Gala, Efi and Ride which I'm earning much from its Metastaking. they have to potentials to make 100x or more

>> No.55550110

>no Xrp
But it’s still tasty good job fren

>> No.55550118

What app is this? I can’t find anywhere to buy monero

>> No.55550124

Only AVAX and Curve are ok. The rest is shit and OP is a faggot

>> No.55550314

R8 pl0x

>> No.55550329

Local monero

>> No.55551507
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Presenting my shitfolio once more

>> No.55551574
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Added some Neutrons, but don't often count them as they are vested for a year.

>> No.55551579

>at the foot of the bullrun

>> No.55551594

I don't recognize any of that shit, and I'm glad I don't -- because it's probably all bullshit.

>> No.55551623

As the others said you should have at least 50% Bitcoin.

>> No.55551651
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My stack is smol but my heart is big

>> No.55551729

That's a funny one there Anon. Who gives a fuck about what you already have. I focus on what I can add to my bag. My portfolio has got to get bigger and TM price rating just got my back when it comes to trending assets to pick from. Allow your fucken portfolio and go fuck the market for more.

>> No.55551922
File: 5 KB, 202x240, KAXrxjT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag but got my first real job and accumulating as much as I can at the moment. Do I bag a new alt or just keep buying eth/link?

>> No.55552626

Nice, secured one BTC and a larger ETH bag, rest are pretty good. Definitely not a tourist.

>> No.55552952

it made sense when it was 2017 and it was the only place that was trading LINK (without Chainlink team approval)
there are many better exchanges nowadays

>> No.55553010

Have 30k worth in
Eth ($20k)
Cellframe ($8k) my big gamble
Various shit coins (2k)
What can I do to have enough money for a house? Currently renting and tried of throwing my money away to a chudlord

I have a baby on the way by February

>> No.55553119

I want a modest home ($300k which 5 years ago would be a dumper $150k so fuck me I guess)
So I need to 10x this (15x with taxes)
I just want my kid to grow up in a good area and not be a giant idiot

>> No.55553144

Actually the worst Portfolio I've seen, this must be bate
><> J-----

>> No.55553708

Kek actually a decent bait thread

>> No.55553756


>> No.55554191

You will do well with QNT. That shit is going to go off it's tits.

>> No.55554350

>No Jasmycoin
> No Hebar
>No Kadena

>> No.55554363
File: 274 KB, 1080x1836, Screenshot_20230714-160922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ngmi

>> No.55554413

I have
2.4 BTC
12 ETH
250k ROSE
2k XRP
100 AVAX

What I think it will be worth at the ATH: 1 to 2 mil

>> No.55554539
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Too diversified bro.

>> No.55554850

At least you actually post your portfolio after talking shit. Some niggas here be like bitches, talk shit, and leave.

>> No.55554867
File: 83 KB, 1267x550, IMG_1410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ROSE CHUDS finna make it.

>> No.55554868

bet lost, I bet you're a newfag

>> No.55554912 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 600x584, 1642187935234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>periods for commas
>commas for periods

this makes me uncontrollably angry

>> No.55554948

Where you from bro? Do people outside of Burgerland call a decimal point a period?

>> No.55555021

How does it feel to know without a shadow of a doubt that you're going to make it in less than 2 years?

>> No.55555188

It feels like a bull market to me. I'm still buying the dip and I believe LSD is going to be massive in this bull market. PENDLE, LBR, SPOOL, and Y2k

>> No.55555310

Why are you guys buying old shit when the top 50 is always completely different every cycle

>> No.55555344

Based anon. I'd throw in DOT to the list as I bagged a ton to vote for Peaq in the parachain auction, seeing as there'd be based airdrops.

>> No.55555755

ITT overdiversified shitfolios

>> No.55556155

Perfect for a rich anon like you. I rather go for some life-changing potential gems like CYMI and ACOIN.

>> No.55556161
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>6235.66 doolars
>worth 200k

>> No.55556426
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Instead of gambling I'd invest in projects that support healthcare to unlock exciting incentives and stake to earn rewards with IMM.

>> No.55556474

is it a coincidence that your avg buy price is higher than current price?

>> No.55556500
File: 10 KB, 236x236, OIP (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to think of it, I sold my LINK just to dangle in a win-win situation in profitable indices. AstraDAO is set to play a pivotal role.

>> No.55556551

I'd rather pump those amount of shits into Elfin Games and purchase more in game items. Most lucrative P2E are top notches.

>> No.55556571 [DELETED] 

Just spotted something good to add to the bag. SCLP has a promising future since it's connected with payment gateway for businesses, I have faith in it.

>> No.55556604
File: 372 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20230714-192557_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is NGMI. Getting fit and waging while I wait for my bags to bring me to 7 figs

>> No.55556652

>Last bullruns shitcoins
You were supposed to sell all of these about 2 years ago and you're supposed to be all in BTC right now, wait for it to push a new ATH then flip into alts for an easy 5x before dumping that shit on a new generation of baggies while expanding your BTC stack. BTC is all that matters as it's the only escape from the broken dollar system while everything else is just VC's playing games with bidenbuxs.

>> No.55556671

Just spotted something good to add to the bag. SCLP has a promising future since it's connected with payment gateway for businesses, I have faith in it.

>> No.55556678

for P2E my picks would be Skyjacks and Dinoblasters seeing as users can earn rewards.

>> No.55556744
File: 200 KB, 468x487, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$60k in PEPE

>> No.55557744

WTF? OP is making it. One of the biggest L2. Do not fade. Also don't fade ARB, AUDIO, and of course NXRA not now that NexeraID is out.

>> No.55557774


>> No.55557834

>also highly recommended to always keep 10-20% in btc
20% is damm small, BTC alone takes 50% of my total assets, while others are spread into kava, Mana, Ride and Mbox
we're so close to a green market im happy :)

>> No.55557922

What is the portfolio app you are using for most of you all? I see this design everywhere on here but never got my finger on it

>> No.55557939
File: 531 KB, 1125x1653, C57DD815-27EE-4284-AC54-22654E82EB47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate? Just stacking sats now
CoinMarketCap for me

>> No.55557956
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>> No.55557978
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I'm talking about this design of portfolio. Is that CMC?

>> No.55557986

I think it’s blockfolio/ftx

>> No.55558002

That's a really small amount of money friend, try to buy at least 5k worth more crypto

>> No.55558274

AI is going to be the next big meme. Thats blatantly obvious.

Imgnai is the only AI coin that actually has commercially interesting tech, besides MAYBE RNDR. I know people who spend hours a day genning on imgnai literally.

Once they start marketing + have their NSFW ready and release premium I expect them to get a lot of interest, and will be a top contender next year.

My theory is crypto has a peak cap somewhere around 7-10T, with AI having somewhere around 300B -1T. $3 is less than 3B mc. Thats nothing, I remember last bull when stupid shit like ftm was over 4B mc kek

>> No.55558292
File: 195 KB, 1440x1769, Screenshot_20230715_035138_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 me
I swear if i dont make it this year im going to rope