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55546377 No.55546377 [Reply] [Original]

Its weird isn't it if you live in a multimillion dollar house or go on expensive vacations no one seems to care. But when you pull up in a 200k+ luxury sports car they hate and resent you for it.

>> No.55546422

I have a (clean af) lowered nb2 miata and it makes normies seethe because they think its a supercar even tho their wifes beat up peugeot 208 probably makes more whp

>> No.55546450

cause it's blatant attention whoring

>> No.55546454

No thinks your lowered miata is a supercar.

>> No.55546497

in europe they do because people don't know miatas, they're not common here, my miata is clean as fuck though, no rust, no rice, recaro bucketseats, nardi wooden/chrome wheel, color matching hardtop, mazdaspeed headlights etc

>> No.55546517

post car

>> No.55546538


>> No.55546543

they are loud and they smell. (like niggers)

>> No.55546555

It's crabs in a bucket mentality mixed with a lack of life experience. Putting your foot down on a v8/turbo v6 feels like mainlining opium. I'm currently driving an inline 4 but I know the feeling of a v8 and if you can afford it, it is worth it. Definitely buying something sporty off a boomer post mid life crisis soon. I respect anyone who drives nice cars.

>> No.55546569

Europe here, literally everyone knows what a miata is. No one thinks its a supercar.

>> No.55546606

no the average normie doesn't, only car enthusiasts know miatas

now to answer OP's question, i think it makes people seethe because it makes you stand out, normies hate things that stand out. its not even a matter of money

>> No.55546659
File: 1.35 MB, 4032x3024, g36tarntwsra1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire with the 6 speed manual transmission. Paid 5k for it.

>> No.55546722

Not hating I just think you’re retarded for buying a supercar. You can’t even make use of them on the road, it’s a glorified trinket.

Maintenance companies also milk supercar owners like crazy, 1 little issue that they can fix for $20? That will be $20,000 sir!

>> No.55546737

If you take it to track days and take it out of the city at 2am and drive 200, based.
If you just drive around the city at 40 revving it, and never push it, you're a gigafaggot. That simple.

>> No.55546863

1997 Honda Jazz here. 1.3L
I don't mind envious normies seething when they realise how much money I'm saving on fuel. I also keep my tyres at the correct pressure and this drives them even more bonkers. Its a flex but its sweet.

>> No.55546888

OP just showed how true this is with all these poorfags coping with their shitboxes

>> No.55546891

Nope. To me buying a supercar is like getting tattoos, it shows bad decision making skills.

>> No.55546921

I can replace my shitbox "sports" car 10 times over without it denting my finances, meanwhile 911's sit in bubbles most of their life.
also this

>> No.55546922

I have basically the same car. 2008 Honda fit 1.3L vtec. If I didn't care about money, I would've bought my cousins mustang Bullitt for 10k.

>> No.55546948
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nobody thinks a tiny miata is a supercar, lil bro
its a chick car

>> No.55548374

Just like women will scold you for playing video games for half an hour, but if you spend an hour sitting on the couch doomscrolling the phone, that's somehow perfectly fine because she does it too. They don't want you to have too much fun.

Is it fun to drive?

>> No.55548408

So cope, then
>you make poor decisions that's why you can afford to waste 200k on a car!
Literally unequivocally uniorinically undoubtedly seething

>> No.55548447

>you make poor decisions that's why you can afford to waste 200k on a car!
Anon, there is a lot of dumbfucks. I know people on bennies who will be on bennies forever because of their retarded decisions regarding vee-hickles. No one thinks better of them because of their car, and you can't even say they use it to get pussy because they are married. And they refuse to drive the car for basic shit too so they're not even getting minimum flex value.
If you're really into cars then get the car you want. But there are a bunch of low-status plebs getting into debt without increasing their status at all.

>> No.55548656

That car is known as MX5 in Europe, and was very trendy when it came out. So no, nò sûpercär.

>> No.55548669

I dont get tre normies obsession with them
These retards can name all of them and have memorized their stats and venerate their presence, all for items they will never be able to afford
Why? Is this the power of status marketing

>> No.55548672

I drive a relatively fast car (turbo Falcon), but ever since I started getting into motorbikes cars just bore me. Maybe I'll buy a sports car one day, but for now I'm all about comfy/luxurious cars instead of fast ones.

>> No.55548810

That's a supercar not a sports car. You make youself look retarded if you mix up terminology like that.

>> No.55548857

i Wish they made something like the old nsx again, for a similar price.
A Yaris GR might be fun, but it's not as cool as a nsx.

>> No.55548932

Maybe something like a Lotus Emira? As a "sports touring" car with an MR layout and a pretty reliable V6. They're around the same price (adjusted for inflation) as the NSX was too.

>> No.55548958

No one seethes at fast cars that barely fit 2 people, sell for half the price bought, and requires x3 regular price of car insurance. It reeks of microdick like those big ford trucks rednecks used to bully sedans on the road. And then when you confront them, “why you tailgating me, bitch!” “Hurrhurr I was kidding.” “Oh yeah, is I’m just kidding too!” Pow!!! :convulses on the ground and full body extending:

>> No.55549074
File: 509 KB, 2048x1365, 1d06d07feed155ee5ded68b277d38d79aa34242a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, supercar my ass.

>> No.55549124

>That's a supercar not a sports car.

"A supercar – also called exotic car – is a loosely defined description of street-legal, high-performance SPORT CARS."

"A sports car is a car designed with an emphasis on dynamic performance, such as handling, acceleration, top speed, the thrill of driving and racing capability."

>> No.55549159

Get a grip you schizo, this is what your average shitbox owner thinks like. I live in eastern Europe and I see miatas here, last week I saw two zoomer bimbos in one. It's literally a feminine car the size of a minifridge

>> No.55549172

Luxury cars are better. It’s not like your taking your Bugatti to the track, the speed is largely useless.

>> No.55549174

that’s a chick car

>> No.55549183
File: 123 KB, 700x759, chrysler-crossfire-55ca3281047-55cc6bf73c28a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your shitting dog silhouette

>> No.55549198

That's poorfag mentality, rich people can afford to think beyond utility when buying things and many expensive things purely for enjoyment

>> No.55549201

seethe fags

>> No.55549207

Was for the anon above you, I'm a dirty phoneposter sorry

>> No.55549209

Why would anyone seethe over a Mazda Miata? It’s a chick car

>> No.55549220
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*...high-performance sportS cars

>> No.55549235
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Me, after the collapse of society.

>> No.55549239

thats why it makes you seethe, you dont have enough confidence in your masculinity to drive one, and even if you did you would probably crash it because it doesn't have nannies.

>> No.55549252
File: 17 KB, 715x429, images - 2023-07-07T123306.227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy a car for any other reason than personal enjoyment you are a faggot and or underaged

>> No.55549328

I do not mind expensive cars, as long as they do not rev the engine like retards

>> No.55549491
File: 335 KB, 1079x922, Screenshot_20230707_140053_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jfc please stfu I have an NB and an NA and no one thinks they are supercars. Fun cool and good yes but they are slow and tiny. Every now and then I'll try going to car meet and it's all fuckers like you flexing their grandma's Buick, bank owned mopars, and vq Edgar's with one actual build in the whole meet

>> No.55549786

I know….UGH I KNOW….I’m sorry!!!!
It’s just that it’s a chick car is all

>> No.55549898

People seethe over expensive houses all the time...

>> No.55550215

im not even trying to flex im just talking about personnal experience. im not a richfag in any way and I daily drive a beat up twingo 1. im not into cars to flex but because i love driving. also what does the size of the car have to do with anything, a lot of supercars are tiny too
also stop projecting my car is in mint condition and i do all the wrenching myself

>> No.55550252

European normie here, my GF bought a miata because it's cheap, cute, and for girls

>> No.55551041
File: 251 KB, 508x318, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is now an /o/ thread

I'm the opposite; I dont give a rats ass about car-a-rinos so much that I still drive a 2006 crapbox while everyone making less then me drives nicer cars.

I only care about savings, not struggling and having food on the table.
Consumerism is for women and retards. This is why you dont date or marry because women are retarded consumer slaves who will drag you down and you're not lefally allowed to put her in her place and stop her from being a mindless consumer drone. At best she's raised right and isn't one, at worst you met the majority who are

>> No.55551068

>a guy in a miata


also nobody thinks a miata is a supercar you absolute braindead idiot

>> No.55551167

>Banked owned mopars
Kek I swear their business model is based on repo resell repeat

>> No.55551642

>this is now an /o/ thread
>posts some /r9k/ rant

>> No.55551725

Guy, I'm sure your car is nice, but everybody and I mean EVERYBODY knows what a Miata is. We call them mx5 in the Netherlands. Even my mom could tell you what a Miata is. Because she drives one. Because she is a woman

>> No.55551733

be mindful of your money anon.
people get too excited over girls but ignore that they're the source of most of your problems if you have one.
A girl can be a wonderful thing to have if she's the 0.0001% who's worth your time, otherwise just look around.

If you look at advertising they only care about women, and if you know women you know they fall for all of it.

Money > thots
Quality woman > consumption

>> No.55551769

Its because if you really did have that 200k you could be investing it and turn it into a mil in 10 years but now youre super car is going to end up costing you that much in the same amount of time. Its never a good financial decision its just a flex. Shit even watches and jewelry is more likely to keep its value than a supercar.

>> No.55551784

Materialism should always be frowned upon.
If every faggot was like you this whole world would be a landfill.

>> No.55551802


>> No.55551816

why is it that every other post on this board would fit with an angry basedjak image

>> No.55552950
File: 26 KB, 399x399, salutations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bank owned mopars
ah the 392 credit special

>> No.55552966

well idk about other countries but in france people ask me what car it is all the time. now of course most car enthusiasts know what a miata/mx-5 is

>> No.55553030

>spend 6 figs on a car that you have to drive slower in because cops will single out your flashy sports car for speeding tickets
It's cringe as fuck sorry, I guess if you take the car to private tracks and stuff that's cool otherwise it's cringe

>> No.55553378

I think miatas are cool bro but no one thinks it's a supercar lmao

>> No.55553405

It's wagie envy, you spent more on a car then they make in a year so they wanna knock you down a peg

>> No.55554683

>Paid 5k for it.
Holy based

>> No.55556534

kek. Can I see a pic of your miata, I love NB's. Nobody think's its a supercar, guaranteed.

>> No.55556757

I think the owners of these cars want people to seethe but people actually don't. This a fantasy you have built up in your head. When I see a car I could never afford I just feel happy that I'm seeing a cool car. Other than that I don't notice or care.

A work friend of mine who it turned out was super rich refused to tell people his car was, that apparently was some supercar. I lost respect for him for being coy about it. I don't care that he's rich. But we we're friends and he became uncomfortable about the economic difference even though I didn't care. Long story short - i think the owners of these cars spend more time thinking about that type of thing than anyone else does.

>> No.55557142

Sports cars drop value fast, unreliable, loud, can't use the full potential of them really, pricey but low usability
Its like a slutty trashy woman, or a very shitty expensive fast fashion item that is seasonal

Most of the time they see you as a old fag coping, attention seeking, obnoxious retard accelerating from one stop light to the next for no reason and making noise

>> No.55557163

Because it's normally driven by some greasy Armenian saying "You like my car right?" when I don't give a single fuck about cars

>> No.55557166

isnt miata like a girl car though like x6 or some other shit?

>> No.55557275


People are laughing you

>> No.55557287

Because mainly men care about having nice cars, foids just want to have a cube housewifemobile and tRaVel ie experience different foods get fat get ugly and fuck dudes. EXpErIeNcE

>> No.55557297

I once owned an R8. It was a waste of money. If I'm being honest it was fun for a week and subconsciously I knew it was a dumb decision to buy the car but I was still in my mid 20s so..

>> No.55557375

how do they get the money
i work hard

>> No.55557384

then whats the fucking point of anything
i like cars, why withhold my dreams
why live like a pauper your whole life and not get shit you want