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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55534226 No.55534226 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for us poorfags, all those other "types" with money can stay out
You can only post if you have a net worth of less than 1k
List bad decisions you've made since the bullrun
I'll start
>invested in chainlink
Your turn.

>> No.55534234
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I bought Link, GRT and Rubic.

>> No.55534238


>> No.55534246
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$0 networth poorfag checking in, I fell for the HODL meme. I saw the moon and then came cratering back to earth

>> No.55534266
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It's okay my nw is actually less than 500, I had nearly 6 figures and let it ride.

It's sometimes easier being poor, least that's my cope.

>> No.55534333

I bought SHIB, AMP and RLC
Currently searching for painless suicide methods.

>> No.55534349

red pill me on poverty

>> No.55534357

i have over 10 btc
suck it plebs
ill let you in the citadel to clean the toilets

>> No.55534374

It's the only choice when you're poor?

>> No.55534378

All joking aside becoming absolutely poverty tier no money (Been there most my life)
DOES infact create a spark of creativity if I was in a better place physically I know I'd be striving, if you're not doing everything you can to break the cycle I'm not sure what to tell you.

>> No.55534388


>> No.55534399

Mods get this spamming faggot off my board.
>nice lazy hustle though

>> No.55534409

kek I have 10k link and you poorfaggots will never ever be able to afford that. you prob can't even afford 1k link. this is why you hate link and always will, because you missed it and you know it and you seethe knowing the most you could accumulate is like a few hundred, at which point i and others will dump on your poorfag ass next cycle while you're still holding because you need 1keoy to even get close to making it. and then we'll do it again, and again, and again. hahahahahahaha.....

>> No.55534426

I don't hate any currency HBAR fucked me as well but it was all the market.
Also you're not allowed in here.

>> No.55534525

>be poorfag
>be latelinker
>x2 still
Guess you just suck

>> No.55534627

>red id

>> No.55534831

Being poor is primarily a mindset. You are taught from a young age not to try and that the world is against you. You learn to celebrate weakness and despise strength and success. You choose to delay what actions you could possibly take. You choose never toearn about how finance and buisness works.

If you are a poor young man reading this < 20 years old, there may still be time to change but you need a totally different environment and friends.

>> No.55534834

I'm new here, who is this gentleman ?

>> No.55534852
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Poorfag checking in. Life is even more bleak at current networth. Or enough for a house or a chance to never work. Pure hell. I just want to make it.

>> No.55535018

I tried to sell insurance for 6 months. wasted 3 months studying for stupid tests to become licensed in property and casual and life insurance. What a gay waste of time and money. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I hate myself

>> No.55535022

>>invested in chainlink
buying a digital token from some grifter is not investing

>> No.55535040

I have mid six figs but I was poor for a long time
>Fell for the "just have fun bro" meme
>Fell for the "don't take risks" meme
>Fell for the "get a degree in what you like" meme
I wish I wasn't antisocial and had friends beyond neets and wages in my early 20s. My parents even balk at the idea that I have a SBA loan with a 3.75% interest rate when a random savings account pays over 4% now. Spent the last several years catching up for lost time.

>> No.55535078

This thread is actually a reading comprehension test, a lot of you failed pretty badly.

>> No.55535086
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i m poor. i lost it all due to white men killing my innovation startup :(

>> No.55535870

Bump because she's beautiful.

>> No.55535887

Bought pepe and panic sold when it was giga dumping (thought it was rugging) lost $3.5k , then another $3.5k on shitcoins


now i got $500 left

>> No.55537073

>It's okay my nw is actually less than 500, I had nearly 6 figures and let it ride.
I had over $400K now nothing, should have sold everything