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File: 539 KB, 750x794, 872F8D85-69DD-4087-873A-4AF8B9BDAA78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55531493 No.55531493 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55531502


>> No.55531506
File: 584 KB, 750x768, CCB96B6D-0877-438A-B7B7-E09C322DDDDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55531508

>Gary, IN
isn't that a complete shithole?

>> No.55531510


>> No.55531518

Gary Indiana is the next Miami Florida. Be greedy when others are fearful.

>> No.55531520

This guy is the strangest troll. On the surface you think he's trolling cityfags but then he goes and cherrypicks some of the worst of the low cost areas for housing almost like he's falseflagging and making it seem like the only places to buy a cheap house are in fucking Gary Indiana and Assfuck West Virginia

>> No.55531521

This beautiful crackhouse stripped of its copper wire can be yours for only 30k usd

>> No.55531525

anon your jewish therapist is right. not all attention is good attention, especially fake (online) attention. you need to take your meds, be HONEST in therapy, and most importantly go outside, touch grass, and have sex, incel.

>> No.55531533

If I had a stable work-from-home computer job, I would be willing to move to a cheap town to save a lot of money.

>> No.55531542

The only people buying this shit are “investors” or kids who can’t afford to buy property parking this money in this
I doubt even niggers are buying property there and not just squatting

>> No.55531556 [DELETED] 

Dude niggers would shoot at you through your window and steal your shit and kill you the moment they saw you turn on your lights

>> No.55531559
File: 504 KB, 750x774, F398CDD2-783E-4109-A2A3-9FBA8B46DC14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy paying your beta male tax, you’ll pay 600k for some shoebox when you could literally buy a house cash for 59k usd
Buy a gun and take some test you basednigger. The 500k+ usd you’re saving on a house should make it easy


>> No.55531579

Yall niggas hatin on Gary when you could be enjoying the Indiana Dunes.

>> No.55531585

Gary Indiana is not joking worse than Detroit

>> No.55531588
File: 36 KB, 594x675, california.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry, if i can't see the pacific ocean from my bedroom, im just not going to buy a house

i know i know UUGHHH I KNOW. im just not going to buy one is all

>> No.55531601

>changes IP address with VPN
>continues descent into mental illness and delusion

>> No.55531620

I would rather be homeless living in a tent than Gary IN

>> No.55531659
File: 21 KB, 211x320, nigton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a reason it's so cheap

>> No.55531713
File: 295 KB, 2500x1247, westlake corridor project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this

They don't know about the West Lake Corridor project.

>> No.55531734
File: 116 KB, 1080x837, Screenshot_20230712_184354_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total coincidence

>> No.55531746 [DELETED] 

that neighborhood is full of nogs and spics for sure

>> No.55531761
File: 71 KB, 600x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55531762
File: 316 KB, 853x1090, chicago loop pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually very bullish on the Great Lakes and Midwest region as a whole. Especially cities like:
>Grand Rapids
>Kansas City
>South Bend
(and some other smaller metros on the periphery)
And others not nearly as far along:
>St. Louis

>right in the middle of the country
>extremely low real estate prices compared to the coasts
>rapidly gentrifying city cores in cities mentioned
>ability to build housing fast
>hundreds of acres of transit-accessible, nearly greenfield development in formerly ghetto-choked areas

There's a lot to like here. Mark my words when I tell you this region will be what the south and southwest are now in 10-20 years. For those already here, we are early.

>> No.55531779


>> No.55531791


>> No.55531806

Assuming utilities, HVAC, etc are all in good shape, these would make good rentals. Im skeptical that there's some issues under the hood though. Probably will need lots of renovations. If I lived less than an hour away I might actually consider checking these out and renting them out. Problem with that is that the potential tenants in that area will be ... Unreliable.

>> No.55531864

He said cheap town, not necessarily a town full of niggers. If you go rural enough and buy an old enough home you can find something for under 100k.

I tried the cheap small town route. Your neighbors are all boomers and white trash. Nothing is ever built in the town. Food options suck, entertainment options suck, dating options suck.

>> No.55531869

reminder this guy is a neet living with his parents in some nowhere town in illinois or indiana thinking he'll make it by buying up shithouses in depreciating areas

>> No.55531892 [DELETED] 

>just rent to niggers with no credit and hope they dont start cooking crack
good plan

>> No.55531893

>I tried the cheap small town route. Your neighbors are all boomers and white trash. Nothing is ever built in the town. Food options suck, entertainment options suck, dating options suck.
you ACTUALLY tried the meme? whered you get that advice from? everyone who talks about doing this in these threads/boards or anything similar is poor living in a shithole they CANT leave so they cope by saying they would be there anyway

>> No.55532059

Policy warps economic incentives and encourages extreme divestment of majority black communities, yes.

>> No.55532090

Gary would be a great place to get rid of restrictive zoning so that it could develop into a modern, walkable, community- and transit-oriented suburb. But it has to happen before people care enough to mutate into NIMBYs.

>> No.55532110

This happened here and housing prices tripled. Please stop coming over here.

>> No.55532141

I moved 20 minutes outside of the leftist city that I was living in at the time. My blue county locked everything down during COVID and I moved to the adjacent red county that didn't give a fuck. Schools were higher rated, homes were cheaper, property taxes were cheaper, amenities were far less crowded.

I'm single and every girl I see on the dating apps is some leftist working as a nurse/teacher. Women compromise on nothing and asking them to live in "Trumpland" (we vote 55/45) and drive an extra 15 minutes to their job scares away at least 80% of them. My neighborhood is nice with homes built in the 90s on a half acre but every one of my neighbors is 60+.

>> No.55532142

Cheap town only works if it's got a downtown core. A lot of small towns dismantled the old downtown when the interstate system and highways came through. A lot of them also have Zoning handled by county (which makes rules based on what would keep the biggest city in the county high-value and not places in the sticks) which makes it actually impossible for them to redevelop in an attractive way

>> No.55532147

>Zillow ad

>> No.55532382

not gary, but hammod/crown point/nw indiana - see >>55531713

>> No.55532394

Detroit at least has signs of life in the city core

What the fuck is there in Gary Indiana? $0 would be too much for a house there

>> No.55532407

It's bait not because he's telling people to live outside the hustle n bustle ™ but because he's showcasing Gary, IN.

Show us some of those $30,000 mansions in Detroit while you're at it, you low effort shithead.

>> No.55532413

This is not a liveable home, the inside is torn apart.

The $139k is liveable and fair to point at.

>> No.55532569

what happens when the earthquake finally occurs?

>> No.55532587
File: 89 KB, 1054x685, detroit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilbert has invested billions and they're not getting any whites to move back. Knew someone who was duped by the "exposed brick, barcade" apartments and ended up bailing after a few months.

>> No.55532702
File: 108 KB, 1013x1024, chicago change in population 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not it's actually working in Chicago.

Overall population has shrunk in the past decade, however it's very important to look at where.

What's shrinking
>poor, majority-black neighborhoods on the S/W side
What's gaining
>the loop
>west loop
>river north
>south loop
>the north side more broadly

So you're seeing a loss of net burdens on the local tax base (s/w sides) and a massive net gain to the tax base at the same time (downtown/north side).

We're still super early, but demographic-wise the city is headed in the right direction. It'll take another decade or two to really take hold.

>> No.55532714

it is a house truly worth only $35,000

>> No.55532743
File: 90 KB, 636x600, chicago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep spamming this bullshit? I was literally in Chicago 2 weeks ago and when I walked back to my car there was a naked black dude sitting on the curb behind it. Even your white hipster liberal neighborhoods have "teen takeover" since black people are a free train ride away.


>> No.55532765

Nice cherrypick
>I was literally in Chicago 2 weeks ago
Where? And if it's so unbelievably dangerous, why were you there?

>> No.55533519

People who cheer this wonder why the specter of immigration and replacement hand over them nationally.

Black people are the test bed lol

>> No.55533523


>> No.55534037

this bait is getting crusty
>I am actually very bullish on the Great Lakes and Midwest region as a whole. Especially cities like:
are you really bullish or are you just repeating what Nick Rochefort said? he's smart but it's not a market indicator, he has personal reasons for wanting to move there.

>> No.55534051

Lmao just looked up Detroit rent and it's more than where I live in a white suburb and I can walk to Whole Foods and Trader Joe

Ahahahahahah real estate is such a scam

>> No.55534075
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x804, A1B13995-524E-4312-986C-F52951AA8877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55534076 [DELETED] 

I live in Munster and its proximity to Gary and southside of Chicago is quickly turning it nigger-infested. It's crazy how much more black it is now than even just a few years ago. Northwest Indiana is doomed

>> No.55535546

Sauce on this YouTube video lol

>> No.55535627
File: 255 KB, 600x749, 1644213786076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>road salt means you have to replace your car every 10 years
>it's too cold outside to do anything 1/3rd of the time
>local industry shut down in the 80s and most of the smart people moved to the east coast, west coast, or Texas
I'm a Wisconsin-bred Lutheran who loves cheese curds and even I know Texas is the place to be

>> No.55535653

Seriously though why did the previous generations of Americans allow niggers to just own every inner city what the fuck was their problem

>> No.55535667

Every US city was on the up and up of gentrification for past 20 years and it was reversed in most cities after George Fluoride. All it takes is one presidential election to reverse all of the progress. You are an idiot for investing in any US inner city if you aren’t a racial terrorism insider who can dump your bags prior to the next racial hysteria terror event

>> No.55535683
