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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55532286 No.55532286 [Reply] [Original]

There’s too much newly printed money floating around, the broader economy is NEVER going to crash except maybe 5-10% from here temporarily. It’s over for anyone priced out. You will be waiting 2 more weeks for the next 10 years for “le epic crash!!!!111” while we steadily climb

>> No.55532297

Based, opening 50x long now

>> No.55532298

This is what happens with fractional reserve banking with 0% reserve requirements
The money supply will never dip long term. Bankers and politicians are too greedy

>> No.55532309

Yup. This is the new normal. If you don't have a competitive degree/skill set and are unsilling to maintain a competitive edge, you're sol. My wife was asking me why Im working on a side project this summer and she doesn't understand that being productive outside of work is necessary for a competitive wage. No one who settles for a 9-5 will get far anymore unless they're high level govt workers.

>> No.55532337


>> No.55532368

>We are never crashing
Okay 2022 to 2023 of early June doesn't count

>> No.55532374

what are you doing outside work?

>> No.55532496

Why are all stablecoins being burned

>> No.55533445

Yup gen m is leaving their Marxist cacoon and beta bucks are settling in homes like dung beetles

>> No.55533450

This is how loosers talk. Your dad should have taught you corruption exist when you were 3

>> No.55533457

Your wife is trying to tell you she is ovulating and your not paying attention so Juan your plumber will do the job

>> No.55533505

Don't ask questions

>> No.55533600
File: 37 KB, 500x330, 8686246595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you call that a crash? how old are you timmy?

>> No.55533688

>he is focusing on learning a skill that is not being charismatic

KEK enjoy wasting your time learning technical skills while i make 30x your salary by being charismatic and managing people. If you need me ill be summering in Martha’s Vineyard while working remotely goy

>> No.55533734

The crash only happens when everyone buys in, never before.

>> No.55535511

>There’s too much newly printed money floating around
So you have always compare the stock market with M2 or M1 before saying ''overheated''?

>> No.55535517

why are they being burned seriously

>> No.55535566
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Yes, obviously.

>> No.55535594


>> No.55535599
