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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55530197 No.55530197 [Reply] [Original]

>sperged out on the girl i love
>tried to distance myself from her and then told her I needed her
>she's gone silent
How do I romantically recover from this?

>> No.55530210

Sperged out could mean any number of things so I can't help you profit.

>> No.55530234 [DELETED] 

did she write somethin on insta about you?

>> No.55530237

I basically told her that I wanted to distance myself from her and not be so overzealous about her and she told me she was getting weird vibes from me and that if I was trying to push her away just do it I wouldn't be the first to hurt her, but then I flipped and told her I was starting to feel like I needed her and basically in so many words confessed my undying love for her. Idk bros, I'm just kind of embarrassed I didn't keep my cool

>> No.55530252
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Wait, is she not your gf?

>> No.55530258
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start a cult. in a few years you will not only fuck her but also her best friend and her little sister.
women love cult leaders

>> No.55530267

No we've just been talking every day for 3 months now. She's not my gf but we've been talking about making that happen, she lives out of state and that's why it's so weird for me, but she's gorgeous and we have developed an emotional connection :-(

>> No.55530270

You're just feeling shame assuming this isn't some gay larp.
Cool the engines, jerk off next three days then go a week nofap and you'll forget she existed.

>> No.55530283

should I move to Utah and become mormon?

>> No.55530284

You don't.
Just cut of all contact with everyone and start again.
As a crying autists I had to do this once

>> No.55530290

Try 15x or so in my book.
I just assume OP is a faggot because people who make threads with reddit cat photos are usually the samefag but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt this time.

>> No.55530299

I don't want anyone else tho, she's special to me :-/

>> No.55530314
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Damn dude, you can't really come back from that. Cut off all contact.

>> No.55530317

no. mormons aren't allowed to drink or take drugs.
breaking someone is a lot harder without those.

>> No.55530319

They all are, I've got like 6 women all schizos I talk to, just up your numbers and stop caring that's the key.

>> No.55530327

Also if you never banged you can't form a bond so give up the ghost no matter if you talked to this woman for a century if you never touch she will never think about you, simple as sorry pal.

>> No.55530336

I mean I'm not gonna text her again if she keeps ignoring me, but fuck.
>she just texted me now to reply to my joke this morning
she's just working and it's probably cool, I just feel like an emotional idiot bros, I'm not used to putting myself out there emotionally, being vulnerable sucks. I'm so fucked brehs

>> No.55530348

she just told me yesterday that all she does is think about me... :-/
I need this one guys

>> No.55530357

Prove it show the text and I'll guide you through it, or don't and I'm just gonna expect this is a time waste.
Assuming real you absolutely need to bang her if you want any chance otherwise you're just an attention whore for her which is even worse than an attention whore on /biz/
Sad truth gentlemen most women like talking to men because it validates their narcissism.

>> No.55530362

>text back in the morning
She spent the night getting railed out bro. Take it from me, I have plenty of experience in getting friendzoned, once you reveal your true intentions to a woman there's no undoing it, she's just going to keep you around as an emotional lapdog while she fucks Chad.

>> No.55530376

Ok I understand all this and what I'm waiting for her to reply to is when exactly she is coming up to see me and spend the weekend. I'm not even a phoneposter tho and even if I was I wouldn't just show the text here. Stop thinking everything is a larp man. I would come up with something much better

>> No.55530384

but Anon, I am Chad.... :-(
and the reason I like her so much is she isn't a slut and she thinks niggers are smelly, I really like this one guys

>> No.55530392

Yeah I doubt that, you're likely just a time wasting attention whore, we got that problem here.

I don't believe a word you say, I'm very good at detecting intention, it's how I get laid.

>> No.55530400

Yup time waster move on faggots this faggots just here to annoy, piss off.

>> No.55530410

ok I don't care what you think I'm not capping the text, you're not the real /biz/raeli I am, go post in a frog thread fagboy I'm just biding my time here till the tranny jannies ban me, besides she texted me back so everything is probably ok

>> No.55530415

You only feel that way because a) you can't have her and b) getting her would make the dumb shit you said not so dumb. Guy that told you to jack off a couple times then go hands free was good advice.

>> No.55530421

You are insufferable. Everything you say is just really annoying and your insecurities are shown with every word you type. You failed and she will always labels you as that weird friend.

>> No.55530429
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Kiss my ass you fat faggot.

>> No.55530430

Total beta cuck move. Guaranteed this chick would make you watch her fuck a nigger and you would do it. Hit the weights and don't put pussy on a pedestal. You fucked it up with her....move on.

>> No.55530431

I'm so glad with all the years I spent on this website that I never became as cynical as you guys did where you think every single poster who doesn't provide sauce for you is a larp, I mean god damn how hard is it to believe someone thinks niggers are smelly? Kek wtf?

>> No.55530432

Oh, he’s 16 years old. Move along guys this infant has some hard lessons to learn himself.

>> No.55530445

That's not true I'm extremely handsome, athletic, funny and intelligent. I'm only being annoying to you guys. Girls like me and I'm sorry they don't like you. That said I may be a little autistic or something, but fuck it

>> No.55530457

>we've just been talking every day for 3 months now
>She's not my gf
kek why do you autists do this?
just tell the bitch you like her and want to go out on a date with her the next time you see her.
There's literally millions of bitches out there, I don't know why you fags get hung up on just one.

>> No.55530461

Ok, and then what? I've already done that man. I don't want to fall in love with some girl out of state, it's just everything else about it is too perfect. She has green eyes ffs brehs

>> No.55530493

I get that I can't take advice from you guys because you're mostly all failures and genetic dead ends, but I want to thank you all for listening regardless. I love you guys, even if you hate me.

>> No.55530500
File: 94 KB, 992x813, 1688052512539898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman brained faggot is the spammer of /biz/ the hex holder, went by Jpow on bitcoindashy, he spams the no tipping threads, cat threads, will dox people if they post personal information I knew off the bat he was a time waster and he didn't fail to disappoint, I can't be certain but I think he's Lebanon as well a serial beggar here, they always post at the same time.

I believe he's actually a 40ish year old faggot who lives either in Australia or in the SEA area.
Can't confirm but possibly his picture he posted in one of his spam threads.

>> No.55530521

Let me get this straight, as a guy dont fall in love with her until after you've banged her and she confesses her love to you?
What if you as a guy fall in love with her before you get a chance to bang her? Its hard to keep cool and not sperg out if you're infatuated.

Asking for a friend

>> No.55530524

He spams /biz/ because "we hurt his feelers by calling his god Richard Schlomo a scammer"
so he spends all day and night spamming the board going on year two now of his bullshit.

>> No.55530526

Ok kys thats too much
Ask reddit

>> No.55530531

Anon I want you to listen to me very carefully. I'm not any of those people and I don't even know who any of those people are, and /biz/ is my main board. You spend way too much time here and your mental well being has clearly suffered as a result. You are becoming something of a microcosm of a schizoid. Please reconsider your thoughts and your feelings, from the bottom of my heart. I'm literally some other poster.

>> No.55530541

Not going to waste anymore time here but yes.
Here's a song by some joggers "have to rinse what I say this faggot mass reports you if you don't"

>> No.55530543
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>you guys because you're mostly all failures and genetic dead ends
>I love you

>> No.55530548

That guy is a schizoid Anon, they don't understand feelings. Just ignore them. The truth is your best bet is to just be genuine and honest about how you feel, unironically just b urself. It works for me. Good luck man

>> No.55530553

Ain't reading what you have to say faggot again the day you get off this board or blow your brains out is the day BTC shoots to 300k

>> No.55530560

Now you're replying to your own posts. I'm serious and I'm genuinely concerned for you as a human being. I'm quite literally and unironically none of the people you think I am. Please help yourself.

>> No.55530581

In case your too autististic to see what you did there
First you put us down and you up
Then you akt "kind" putting yourself up further looking down kindy
People like you are a the plague of the earth

>> No.55530583
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You have no power here.

>> No.55530599
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no u

>> No.55530600

Unfortunately we have to deal with dipshits like this, he also attempted to use pictures of my cat in a thread claiming he was dead and samefagging claiming I was a liar even though clearly anyone with two brain cells could tell what he was doing, I didn't forget that nor will i.

>> No.55530605

Yeah well that's only because I'm getting shit on and I know better, you guys just can't be civil or decent even with your own bros. It's always
>fag this
>larper that
>blah blah reddit blah blah blah
I'm tired of it bros, I don't deserve to be treated like that here of all places. This is my home.

>> No.55530617
File: 35 KB, 619x403, gq34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but seriously you come here with a retarded question AND with the believe you are something better

>> No.55530619

You literally don't belong here, never will belong and we all speak off channels about you.

>> No.55530627

>getting shit on and I know better
Ok ok shill me the next x10

>> No.55530636
File: 276 KB, 1023x610, 5AECA2D2-B93D-4CEB-B849-15B8C8EC512D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys fagboys, I won

>> No.55530654

dot, maybe glmr

>> No.55530658

>hiding his iphone in thread creation now
>telegram jeet
Jesus christ mary and joseph.

>> No.55530694

>No we've just been talking every day for 3 months now
you're her emotional tampon, gay best friend or just friend.

learn pickup basics, go to the gym and approach women in social settings. get over it, this is a biz and finance forum faggot.

>> No.55530699

fuck off fagboy

posted from my desktop after providing the sauce from my iphone that you literally begged me for because you're a schizoid bitch

>> No.55530706
File: 1.43 MB, 1300x866, Untitled_design_-_2023-03-07T143950.201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screech more devil, no matter how hard you try you'll never get what you want from this board.

>> No.55530713

i already made 250k last cycle, i am literally better than you in every conceivable way

>> No.55530719

Thats a new one. Chart looks like icp tho
Dot might just x10 again, but careful its an 2021 alt and mooned already. Could be a buy.
Won vs whom?
You made a fucking thread because she did not write a few hours???????

>> No.55530727

>i am literally better than you in every conceivable way
and again.......
>but muh i love you
go back

>> No.55530731

I'm a firm believer that this cycle is the dot cycle and I expect ath, glmr is more of a moonshot
>You made a fucking thread because she did not write a few hours???????
yes I'm not proud of it

>> No.55530740

ok you're a good poster and I'm sorry I didn't mean you, I meant the screeching schizoids they pop up in every thread on the board no matter what, they are terminally online and it shows

>> No.55530743

Well to be honest i also buy into a "dead" mooned alt, cake because the tokennomics are just great

>> No.55530744

He's an attention whore just don't bother he will spam more threads once we stop, he's also the "dudeweed" poster he loves attention he's woman brained, he also is speaking to a fake woman on telegram and believes it's real, he's the lowest of the low on shit posters here.