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55529714 No.55529714 [Reply] [Original]

How do you store your seeds?

I hate that different wallets use different wordlists/length, who came up with this shit?

>> No.55529716

I store my seed in your mom lmao

>> No.55530228
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>> No.55530262

metamask trezor is the only correct answer

>> No.55530272

with the seed on a cryptosteel and one in paper and pen with indelible ink obviously which never was in the same room as a camera

>> No.55530282

I store it at Chuck's Seed and Fuck

>> No.55530311

what wallets don't use 12/24 word seeds..? I just store mine on a few of those metal punch plates. I have a memorized passphrase so I do not care about them being read just lost or destroyed. I generated the seed myself with dice. I wouldn't recommend doing that unless you are good at math.

>> No.55530324

this is also acceptable
IF you are only using the wallet on an airgapped computer. entering your seed directly into an infected computer defeats the purpose. which is why trezor is nice, it provides the airgap

>> No.55530436

yeah I have a trezor model t as well which I setup with a dice passphrase.

>> No.55532218

I keep my seed phrase safe in an archived 4chan thread

>> No.55532229

this is partly why crypto will never see mainsteam adoption by normies, too complicated.

>> No.55532238
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I keep my seeds in mason jars

>> No.55532242

just a password manager and backups
dedicated crypto devices are bs lol. just dont do retarded shit

>> No.55532257

I write them in a mixture of cuneiform and heiroglyphs.
Nobody will ever know.

>> No.55532264

I have one copy on a piece of paper with other financial documents and another copy written on an unconscious napkin somewhere in my car

>> No.55532267

Fuck phone posting

>> No.55532278

This sentence is only 11 words long.

>> No.55532312

I have them engraved on a diamond that's implanted in my spine.

>> No.55532339

It's a pretty old thread and the seed phrase is not directly spelled out but it's pretty obvious. After I noticed no one stole the $50 I had on there I decided to use it as my main wallet just for kicks

>> No.55532428

In a text document on my desktop.

>> No.55532445
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That's why ledger did the thing they did. Make it easier for the Normans. Its getting adoption, just not the adoption people wanted. Enjoy your chips everyone.

>> No.55532459


I store my seeds in my satchel. Sometimes I empty the contents of my satchel into the purse of the my coworkers.

>> No.55532462

on my trezor, where my btc price is locked in of course. you DID lock it in at 64k, right anon??

>> No.55532580

Guarda wallet doesnt use this