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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55527192 No.55527192 [Reply] [Original]

I'm living in germany an I'm financially somewhat well of and as my parents get older I want to give something back, mainly money.
This led me down the taxes rabbit-hole to prevent my parent getting raped by the state.

As it turns out, as a kid, you can only gift 20k in 10 years tax-free, for everything over that, the state takes something like 20-25%
Now I'm asking myself, why? Why does the state would want to discourage kids from financially setting up their parents?

Anyone knows how this came to be or why that is not the case? Am I missing something?

>> No.55527211

>am I missing something?
Governments hate free people and view you as tax cattle. Simple as.

>> No.55527212

The government needs money for all those unemployed Syrians.
Can’t you give your parents cash?

>> No.55527353

Because you are cattle to them.

>> No.55527425
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>> No.55527537

Outsmart your government then, duh.

>Your parents have new "business"
>This generated "income", but mostly they're at loss, barely break even
>"Gift' those "income money" to your parents.

>> No.55527584

Have your parents "steal" the money tell police you dont wanna press charges. Solved your entire problem for free. Better appreciate it goy

>> No.55527694

They goverment is a greefy kike what is new

Taxation is theft duh

>> No.55527731

>be Australian
>gifts, inheritance and gambling gains aren't taxed
Feels good.
There's probably some way around the taxes. Maybe a family trust of business loophole. Idk, I'm not learning about german tax codes.

>> No.55527772

Fuck all this just launder the money through monero.

>> No.55527773

Yeah you say that till your local amenities fall apart.
Enjoy taking out a line of credit to pay off that fire you had.

>> No.55527817

just buy them things directly, nobody is going to ask

>> No.55527839

>Eröffne ein zusätzliches Konto auf Deinen Namen
>Überweise das Geld, dass Du ihnen schenken möchtest
> Gib Karte & PIN an Deine Eltern.
> Bleib ein guter Junge, Junge.

>> No.55527888

Australia is one of the best (worst) countries to be a gambler in yeah

>> No.55527991

They recently banned people from using credit cards to place bets.
I was going to do arbitrage betting on a credit card with uncapped points so I could infinite money glitch both bankers and bookmakers until I got banned from arbing.
I'll still do the betting when I get around to setting everything up.

>> No.55527999

Pics of the law or it didn't happen

>> No.55528369

So you couldnt even buy your parents a nice car without them taxing it?

>> No.55528389
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kill yourself shit colored low IQ creature

>> No.55528426

Wow struck a nerve did I? Sur ebud the ooga boogas are takin your freedoms away. Ok gramps.

>> No.55528608

>Yeah you say that till your local amenities fall apart.
>taxes pay for amenities
Who's going to tell him?

>> No.55528855

Who's going to tell you that market failures exist?
No one that is who because you're a retard.

>> No.55528872

still need to pay tax on business profits unfag

>> No.55528883

the goal is to prevent generational wealth and prevent wealth accumulation among some elite families

>> No.55529722

yea, which makes sense when it's from parent to child, but from child to parent?
I mean, yea, sometimes the child goes before the parent, but that's not usually the case.