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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55522802 No.55522802 [Reply] [Original]

I will never ever be able to get a job. Literally nobody will hire me. I am permanently financially devastated.

>> No.55522808


>> No.55522815

I have applied to hundreds of retail and hospitality jobs. I've gotten 3 interviews and everyone rejected me.

>> No.55522855

damn that sucks lol. Good thing Im a NEET that gets money for free

>> No.55522876

Fake epilepsy and receive bennys

>> No.55522902

Just work in a Costco or a warehouse or something. They are always hiring. I am operations manager of a small craft distillery and I am always looking for reliable people for bottling. Cast a wider net my dude.

>> No.55522925

This. The warehouse I work at doesn't drug test or require a Highschool education. There are africans working who don't know the alphabet and make 40k to 100k

>> No.55523180

How is this possible? Do you apply in person?

>> No.55523183

only online like you're supposed to

>> No.55523208

if youre applying to wagie jobs just lie on your resume. 90% chance they wont verify your work history or credentials.

>> No.55523220

What? Where do you live? I am also applying dozens and dozens of places but it’s for career positions out of school. I worked like eight or nine different places before graduating. Usually they’d just instantly hire me. I really don’t get what you’re talking about. And no, a good amount of retail jobs need you to apply in person

>> No.55523230

In a city. Is it because I have no experience? I don't fucking get it.

>> No.55523237

In Sydney, Australia. Is it because I'm still a student?

>> No.55523261

hmm where is this warehouse and are they hiring?

>> No.55523455

How do students working part time at Panda Express afford a 2022 Toyota Camry? I hate clown world

>> No.55524017
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>hospitality jobs
youre so fucked up, being a nurse is one of the worst jobs, my mom even wants to become a hairdresser to quit her job, I wish you all the luck in the world, in the meantime try to get part time jobs or try your luck in memecoins, even EPPE's flipped frog works