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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55521803 No.55521803 [Reply] [Original]

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t put all your money into this stock.

>> No.55521821

if it moons i would probably get investigated

>> No.55521835

Okay and?

>> No.55522012

What’s with all the hype around Novavax?>>55521821

>> No.55522022

You will make 200x more money

>> No.55522051

Is there a reason behind it? I’m new to stock but have only been investing in ETFs like SPHD and QQQ. I have also invested in Apple

>> No.55522071

Youre poor, sell all those extremely SHITTY STOCKS. tell your parents to give them all their money, maximize all your credit cards, take out the biggest loan ever and put it ALL into this stock

>> No.55522091

Buy low, sell high

>> No.55522098

Aren’t they stocks that have increased value over time? I probably place $50 into NVAX later today since I just researched it a little bit

>> No.55522138

Zoom out and kys

>> No.55522196
File: 131 KB, 1824x954, yolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jusy yolo bought 100

graph looks legit

>> No.55522222

I took this fucking vaccine because it didn't contain mRNA. Guess what, it's made with fucking moth cells and tree barks. My NUTSACK now smells like a wet jacket with moth balls on it and secrets tree-sap. Needless to say I just boughted 100k

>> No.55522293
File: 167 KB, 1170x928, 2A436EFC-4663-4CB3-8634-A1578EDC3F17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck

>> No.55522329

quintessential quints
my portfolio is now 100% novavax

>> No.55522363

Covid is over.
Why would you invest in something that was just paid off to not be used by a country...
This is some sad jew marketing.
Fuck off with your poison

>> No.55522367

if I saw this graph >>55522196
I would buy instantly even without the news drama. All you need to see that it's so low and it;s huge company it's not going down any time soon, which mean it can only go up.

>> No.55522383

low IQ

>> No.55522405

Best advice I've seen posted here in a good 2+ years

>> No.55522410
File: 351 KB, 686x726, 1675347660347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought they will release another virus instead of covid this winter.

>> No.55522489

I’m about to yolo 5k in

>> No.55522520

I would if i had. I am poorfag so I just yolod 1k (100 shares)
look at the graph>>55522196
it bound to go up in the next 1-2 years. it'll have x20 for sure

>> No.55522637

Just put all your money into a company that will soon be sued into oblivion because of vaccine damage bro

>> No.55523027

sued by who?? haven't u seen what happened in the last 3 years and you think this companies are in any danger you are shoe level IQ

buy low sell high, why do faganons always complicate things

>> No.55523077

I bought 20 shares I’ll trickle more in on payday, ideally 50 shares total

>> No.55523092

fuckin checked. based vaxxie

>> No.55523136

Non-retards will not inject themselves with spike protein

The retards already love shooting up with mRNA shots, so they don't need novavax

It should have been released in December of 2020

But it's years late now

>> No.55523211

The government is paying any and all compensation anon. The contracts were signed before these companies even considered releasing an untested product.

>> No.55523508

i actually just bailed i sold it at small lose of $30
I realized I don't want demonic money
profiting from this is like profitic from blood/murder money

and desu they just have 1 product the coivd vax nothing else. bye

>> No.55523768

Why should we, anon?

>> No.55524005


>> No.55524189
File: 266 KB, 1500x1000, 220510-N-VJ326-1079[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vax became popular because of the corps buying it and getting it fed approved the vax is outsourced and prepared by 4 different labs in china they are individually filled. time consuming? not really you don't use them every day so...they have tens of millions of vials stocked away

>> No.55524275

Not OP but look at the 20Y graph

Talk about cycles lmao

>> No.55524288


>> No.55524755
File: 2.63 MB, 1500x2000, 1688671353117566.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped $125 I had sitting in my account on 13 shares. Officially a vaxie tranny now.

>> No.55524800

so sad man, but god damn those digits