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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5517 No.5517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about Anarcho Capitalism, and it's little cousins, Minarchism, Libertarianism, and Libertarian Socialism.
What are your opinions on this philosophy?
If you have no opinions so far, read this:
You are an Anarcho Capitalist if you believe that no person should be allowed to aggress (initiate violence) against others. This means that you can not take from them, or damage either them or their property without their permission.

>> No.5552

daily reminder that fascism made germoney into the country it is now

>> No.5598

It's sad, isn't it?

>> No.5679

>and it's little cousins [...] and Libertarian Socialism.
Fuck you. I never will be associated with ancap filth and never will be.

>> No.5731

>Never be associated with
Well, you are by default.
Anarcho Capitalism is inclusive of socialism

>> No.5769

Please stop.

>> No.5763
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There is no need to be upset

>> No.5785


>> No.5798

I'm sympathetic to an-cap, but I haven't considered all the possible cases yet, so I won't explicitly espouse it. I do argue from the position occasionally, though, for fun/trolling purposes

>> No.5821

Because the very word 'Libertarian' was hijacked by the likes of Rothbard. At the behest of the US gov't. There is still a hierarchy under Capitalism, so Anarcho-Capitalism is essentially an oxymoron.

>> No.5817

Unless you're talking about monetary or fiscal policy, gtfo out.


>> No.5848

But I am talking about monetary policy; the policy of anything but aggression being allowed.

>> No.5901

>At the behest of the US gov't.
Could you explain this?
>There is still a hierarchy under Capitalism
True, but it's purely organic and voluntary. A free society wouldn't give money or power to someone that it felt didn't deserve it.
>Anarcho-Capitalism is essentially an oxymoron.
I disagree.
Anarchism does not imply the lack of hierarchy, just the lack of forced hierarchies.

>> No.6009

>Could you explain this?
It was a while ago I read about it, but I think this (and other articles on the site) will explain most of it


>lack of forced hierarchies.
Here's the thing though: Those with more money will have more power than those who don't. The owner of a factory essentially holds his workers livelihood in his hands. While it isn't strictly a 'forced' hierarchy, it is a coercive one.

>> No.6211

Coercive because they have the right to defend their property?
I don't understand your position.

>> No.6247

Some more reading



Coercive because those with more money inherently wield more power in a society. Therefore they are in an elevated position above their peers.

>> No.6358

Well, from that perspective, any form of Anarchism is coercive, as there will always be people with better debate skills, who will have more power than others. Or people with more air time. More people are exposed to their ideas, so they are inherently more powerful.

>> No.6418

No such thing as ancap. We usually just call you "kike".

>> No.6408

>anything unequal is coercive

This is the argument you are makign

>> No.6437

And I'll just call you target practice.

>> No.6870
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Just remember OP, if the only power is in property, and no power is in democracy, it won't be too long until "property" starts looking like this.

And picture them as fucking white if you're still fresh off /pol/

>> No.7154

this is so completely ass backwards and contrary to the point that it has to be a joke
is it a joke am I overcoming autism?

>> No.7305

I bet you fags call in to the stefan molyneux show

anarcho-capitalism is so fucking stupid that a small child can debunk it

>> No.7502

This is silly. An investor owned factory can exist right next to a worker owned factory in an anarchist society. Either way, there is some owner or owners saying "this is mine and not yours". Whether power is wielded by a group or by a single person, it still creates a hierarchy that is exclusive of people not in that group (or not that single person).

To create a hierarcyless society, all power would have to be wielded by all persons in that society, a proposition so unrealistic as to make me wonder how you can even honestly claim it.

>> No.7542

men are unequal from their birth, it is the destiny of the strong to crush the weak

>> No.7623

No thanks guy. I washed my hands of anarchocapitalists a long time ago. Also, why is this in >>/biz/?

>> No.9349
