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File: 161 KB, 765x1020, kosher salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55519758 No.55519758 [Reply] [Original]

literally just do the opposite of what the media and jew industrial complex tells you to do, we should call it the inverse jew

>bitcoin is the greatest gigastore of digital gold, privacy isn't important

buy monero

>dollar is stable and russia will lose

buy gold

>prices of homes will continue to pump 20 percent per year, you must buy this hot city real estate where the murder rate is the highest on earth

buy a small town or rural home or piece of land for a fraction of the cost

>you make more with a college degree, we don't have enough workers to fill skilled labor jobs

drive for uber and live in your car, flip burgers at mcshits and live with your grandparents
am I missing anything, I think I got most of it

>> No.55519771

>buy Monero
lose all your purchasing power as it crabs & bleeds against Bitcoin
>buy gold
lose all your purchasing power against inflation due to paper trading & increased production whenever price spikes
>buy a rural home
good advice, though the market will continue to pump for years on end
>drive for uber & flip burgers
lmao retard, enjoy being a poor wagie forever

Face it /pol/cels always lose, are always poor, and have shit investing ability. If you didn't spend all your time sneeding about muh j00s as an excuse for your shitty life, you might actually get somewhere.

>> No.55519787

>old paradigm which is literally failing before our eyes doesn't exist if you dig your head into an embankment like an ostrich

what are you some kind of fag

>> No.55519808

It is failing and being replaced by Bitcoin, but you shill shitcoins, rocks, and burger flipping since you're allergic to making money. Because if you ever actually made it, you couldn't whine all day about the jews keeping you down anymore.

>> No.55519815

bitcoin has 3 years left

>> No.55519820

Waaaahhhh (insert shitcoin here) is going to flip Bitcoin in (insert time period here), you wait and see!

>> No.55519837

it's just tokenomics brah

to be digital gold and sustainable you need slight inflation, bitcoin has none, it's over

>> No.55519843

>jews and media are bad
>just let me devalue your cryptocurrency goy, it will fail without inflation
The fee market works and your Keynesian trickery reeks of Judaism. Try reading Mises or other Austrian economists.

>> No.55519849

gold is never devalued, it's still gold, just like xmr is always fungible

>> No.55519857

If you increase the supply of paper currency relative to demand, that devalues it.
If you increase the supply of gold, xmr, or literally anything relative to demand, that devalues it.
For fucks sakes, how are you so stupid? For the love of God, read a decent economics textbook. This is bait right? It has to be.

>> No.55519862

>>prices of homes will continue to pump 20 percent per year
I don't know about 20% but yes, as long as they keep pumping foreign people into western countries then house prices will keep going up.

>> No.55519873

if you decrease the supply to 0 there is no longer any circulation of currency, as currency fails to circulate it loses value, if it is prohibitively expensive to transact and mine then it isn't worthy as a currency, if it is fully traceable and unfungible then it cannot function as currency

>> No.55519878

in your gay mind maybe

more likely most land will be free but utility companies will collapse in some regions, it will be like a second pioneer age

>> No.55519880

>Face it /pol/cels
Why do you assume OP is a /pol/-ACK!?
Do you object to any mention of the jew or would you still seethe at any mention of the system?
It's also hypocritical to complain about OP seething about jews when you seeth about /pol/ all the time.
>inb4 another /pol/-ACK!
Never been, not political. Don't care who's in charge of the fake and gay system.
>to be digital gold and sustainable you need slight inflation
What? Explain.

>> No.55519884

supply needs to be consistent as some supply is inevitably lost, maybe for hundreds of years in your grandfather's backyard, the continued supply encourages its functional use

which is why bitcoin is destined to fail, the lost supply is already something like 6 million, the number will increase and in combination with the increase in electricity to mine and the reduced reward it becomes unsustainable to use

>> No.55519901

The jews told thier people that natural immunity was better than the jab.

>> No.55519916
File: 228 KB, 1920x1080, Eheqd1SXcAEM0qN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The continued emission means there is always a block reward for miners. This provides a security budget that makes transacting safe and reliable. "Mining" on blockchains isn't really analogous to mining metals. The miners are a key part of the game theory that the blockchain runs on, not just a way to get more coins.

It is also key allowing flexible block sizes for two reasons. First there is no need for a "fee market" that drives fees to some obscene level by keeping supply of block space constricted while hoping for ever growing demand. Secondly, Monero let's miners create larger blocks if they forego some of the block reward subsidy. This means that blocks can grow to meet demand since people can pay more fees to offset the lower mining subsidy but there is a financial constraint on the block size growing forever.

Here is a picture of money supply growths for context.

>> No.55519919

Does this same argument apply to plastics and wood products? They will eventually become unsustainable to use but i can only see them being more profitable as their application becomes increasingly less wasteful.
Also, explain the three year argument. That strikes as FUD and not a real prediction on the timeline.

>> No.55519931

So both inflationary and deflationary money will always end up going to 0 effectively?
I suppose the history of money does prove this.

>> No.55519935

are you aware we can plant new trees, are you aware we can create plastics ad infinitum, the exact science of oil is a bit above my head but there is nothing that says that we've reached peak oil, or that we can't reproduce plastics in a variety of ways, or that we can't create new synthetic oils that could continue this process

after the next halving there will be some false hope that it will last, the bankers will get one last pump and dump out of you before they sell off the miners and liquidate the bitshit mines, there is no usecase for bitcoin, the tokenomics are trash, the use as a currency is trash, the mining is trash, it is already a failure only sustained by hype, there is no practical difference between it and any meme shitcoin on the market

>> No.55519939

not in the slightest, monero and gold will still be here in 100 years

inflation that is sustainable is perfectly fine, the laws of chemistry and the laws of programming can't be overturned, the laws of physics are set in stone, this is sustainable

on the other hand fiat systems are unsustainable as they are built on the will of a few select people who have ulterior motives

a deflationary currency that will never inflate will necessarily be lost as necessarily it will deflate itself out of existence

>> No.55519941

This board is 90% jewish. Reflect a bit.

>> No.55519945

Don't know what you're talking about and don't see how it relates to my post.

>> No.55519948

and I'm the ubermench

>> No.55519988

>are you aware we can plant new trees
Not in a sustainable way.
We are currently regrowing less than 15% of what we cut down, the number only increases exponentially.
>are you aware we can create plastics ad infinitum,
At more and more cost.
>synthetic oils
See above.
It is unsustainable. I willrephrase though since seeking agreement on this is detractory to the main argument.
What would happend when the asset is necessary, or highly valued, yet is inherently deflationary and increasingly costly to use?
>the bankers will get one last pump and dump out of you before they sell off the miners and liquidate the bitshit mines
You know this for certain? Or is this a speculative prediction? I see no difference between speculating that we could have another three years or three cycles. Unless there is mathematical constraints no longer timeframes.
>inflation that is sustainable is perfectly fine
Wouldn't the inflation need to follow population and production as close as possible to provide sustainability? Even gold currencies failed. Historically speaking. Due to a variety of factors. Most common being lack of availability, increasing costs, or simply lack of producting in certain regions leading to a gold drain.
Even monero must increase in costs to mine over time. Unless it follows the energy supply?
See last point. Historically, both inflationary and deflationary currencies fail. Your chart shows everything returning to zero, except gold. Which does return to zero and re-emerges elsewhere if you zoom out.

>> No.55520003

all of that is false

we can temporarily lower the rate of replanting and production, to make it sustainable

you have no evidence that it is unsustainable but even if it was those are options, tapering, you're under the assumption that line has to go up at an increasing rate forever or else an industry isn't sustainable

ok retard

honestly the prospect of reading your whole post seriously will take some time as you retards like to just flood a bunch of distraction bullshit so I'll get to the rest of it later

>> No.55520008

gold currencies never failed, systems that governments used failed but gold still has its intrinsic value

>> No.55520040

you smells like bagels, you motherfucker

>> No.55520056

>you have no evidence that it is unsustainable
I do but that's not an argument i'm seeking to have. As i explained.
>like to just flood a bunch of distraction bullshit
All you had to do was continue with the premise stating that you don't believe it to be true. Or ignore the argument of wood and oil like i suggested since there was disagreement and i rephrased accordingly to prevent further argument on the detractory topic.
Below was the point i was trying to ask with wood and oil.
What would happen when the asset is necessary, or highly valued, yet is inherently deflationary and increasingly costly?
Untrue. You cannot separate one from the other except in theory. Gold lost value many times. But again, this is not the point, you focus on a particular thing you disagree with (and are clearly uninformed about) instead of the points i am seeking to be explained which you are informed about.

>> No.55520080

you didn't rephrase anything

you asserted that wood and oil aren't sustainable industries and the only way you could possibly think that is total industry of the industries and africa tier logic

it isn't deflationary and it isn't increasingly costly in the grand scheme of things, supply and demand will fluctuate but they are totally sustainable

I said industries that are only deflationary (bitcoin) that will never experience inflation ever, can't possibly sustain themselves, it would be like basing a currency on babe ruth signatured baseballs, obviously the supply of them if we could guarantee authenticity would never increase and only decrease over time

you failed at reading apparently because I made that very clear

gold is the world reserve currency whether or not any government likes it, always has been, since the globalization of the world during the roman empire, the only reason gold standards fail is government failure not the failure of the currency itself

>> No.55520089

*total ignorance of industries and africa tier logic

>> No.55520097

Ok. You insist on arguing the detractory points, where you are objectively wrong, instead of explaining.
Despite my insistance that we not argue these points to prevent detractory argument. And despite my elaborating on the point i was asking, independent of the examples.
The fact you're seething over oil and wood is indicative of your preferrence of discussion.
You are not half as smart as you think you are and twice as arrogant.
I'll seek explanaition elsewhere on the actual topic since you are incapable or unwilling.

>> No.55520098
File: 6 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you guys poor
I listened to the media shilling LICID stock just 2 weeks ago and bought it ad 5.5 now it's 7.93

>> No.55520119

you got blown the fuck out every time

now you're on ad hominem track

I won and you lost, give up

>> No.55520395

>in your gay mind maybe
>more likely most land will be free but utility companies will collapse in some regions, it will be like a second pioneer age
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.55520402

>blown the fuck out
On what? We weren't arguing. I was asking for explaination on a topic i'm uninformed about and you, instead of explaining something you are supposed to know about, proceeded to argue about something you don't.

>> No.55520430

Dollar hyperinflation means local government rule, boomers are dying, free real estate in rural america

When the government collapses many people will die

>> No.55520434

You stated that lumber and plastic were unsustainable industries, you're a retarded soros plant trying to deflect, kys

>> No.55520480

>buy monero
>buy gold
>buy a small town or rural home or piece of land for a fraction of the cost

check. just waiting for monero to get bit cheaper them im all in!

>> No.55520495

>You stated that lumber and plastic were unsustainable industries,
They are. And when you disagreed i tried to get back on topic since i realized you were retarded in your knowledge of this and wanted information on what i believed you to to be knowledgeable about.
Now i just think you're retarded and not knowledgeable about anything since you still want to argue about my irrelevant example while completely ignoring the question the examples were meant to portray.
Your few informative posts are most likely just copypastas that you, yourself don't understand.

>> No.55520519

plastic and lumber industries will exist for another 500 years atleast until we merge with machines, bitshit will last 4 more years because it's a stupid piece of shit

>> No.55520607

>The best thing you can do to make a profit is to buy passive global funds
Yeah you make money (that just gets eaten by inflation) but all the money you don't make by doing that is made with leveraged option trading. Do that instead unironically.

>> No.55520719

Imagine a group of people being offended by being mentioned.
That's what you /pol/chuds are doing

>> No.55520952

pol is literally 90 percent soros spam, and 1% on topic threads, a shithole, biz is my main board

>> No.55521252

just saw an add for that masterworks retarded ass shit, where you "invest" in fine art, holy shit that's a goyish scam, absolutely disgusting

>> No.55521450
File: 3.37 MB, 232x198, 1662138339857123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a jew.

>> No.55521535

cope, russian jews seem alright, all the parasites came here, russia winning seems like the objectively best situation

>> No.55523361

Whoever said you're decreasing the supply to zero? It can be fractionalized to 8 decimal places and people have got a lot better at properly storing Bitcoin. But having things slightly deflationary incentivizes long-term thinking, saving, not blowing your money on Chinese garbage because it'll be devalued otherwise. Deflation solves the underlying cause of many problems with society.
It's not expensive to transact, I can move a million dollars worth for a relatively small fee, and use LN for micropayments.
Being expensive (but also profitable) to mine ensures its security. It can secure way more value in 10 minutes than Monero can in 100.

>> No.55523414

>just two more weeks
You really think the banks & institutions are just going to let you waltz in and scoop up cheap property? They have so much money on the sidelines, waiting to scoop up any dip.

>Why do you assume OP is a /pol/-ACK
Because he's a retard, believes in muh collapse, shills Monero, rocks, and whines about jews. There's plenty reason to criticize them, but basing all your investment decisions on opposing them is always a one-way ticket to poverty.

>> No.55523516
File: 267 KB, 550x1198, BTC-halving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all focusing on the idiot arguments and ignoring the actual answer here >>55519916

>It's not expensive to transact, I can move a million dollars worth for a relatively small fee, and use LN for micropayments.
The fees will have to be more than relatively low without a subsidy. Receiving millions of dollars without risk of a double spend would take a long time without good incentives for miners.

>Being expensive (but also profitable) to mine ensures its security. It can secure way more value in 10 minutes than Monero can in 100.
Bitcoin mining subsidy will trend to zero. The value of bitcoin/the economy is not going to double often enough and even if it did you would want more actual security than today. The numbers become ludicrous fairly quickly.

>> No.55523587

Based, this is what I do
>media says get a job so I hire someone
>media says buy a house so I forge parents' signatures to sell theirs
Now I'm homeless and my employee keeps asking what I want him to do and when he's getting paid

>> No.55523620

>22 posts by this ID
>also making begging threads
Dude I can tell it's you by the way you are kvetching.

>> No.55523704

>plastic and lumber industries will exist for another 500 years
>bitshit will last 4 more years
>you /pol/chuds
Never been. Was just asking. Anons have formed a habit of accusing everyone they don't like of being who they don't like. Is all.
>russia winning seems like the objectively best situation
Absolute retard.
>Because he's a retard
I have come to realize this during the discussion.
Still doesn't explain the 3-4 year estimate.

>> No.55524131
File: 67 KB, 1787x614, revenue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relatively small, $10, $20, whatever is nothing when you're moving millions. And we are seeing the fee market work in real-time, your cope chart means nothing.

Also given mining revenues, it takes almost 14 days for Monero to securely a million dollars to the same level of security as Bitcoin, 478 times as long. The gap in mining revenues and security has only been growing in recent years.

>> No.55524159
File: 73 KB, 1813x639, revenue2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more properly labeled graph, Monero miner revenue and hence security is steadily going down.

>> No.55524210

>the market will continue to pump for years on end
there are millions of immigrants in the major town who will make the price of homes go down

>> No.55524221

>increased production whenever price spikes
what about silver?

>> No.55524248

Read about Silver Thursday & the Hunt Brothers. The annual supply inflation/availability of silver is higher than gold, easy for miners to ramp up production in response to spikes, one reason why it crabs harder than gold.

>> No.55524333
File: 237 KB, 2772x1829, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, the security ratio of Bitcoin and Monero.

>> No.55525620

>If you increase the supply of paper currency relative to demand
like FTM did with btc?
What will be the FTM of this run?

>> No.55526644

>Still doesn't explain the 3-4 year estimate.
Not my estimate. You are obsessed with this other guy.

>> No.55526741

grigga, it was just down, I put a lot of money into monero, basically I'll wait till it goes below 100 now, or the next crypto crash

I've already made a ton of investments because I know we're so far below the real value

>> No.55526758

>you can just decrease the supply 100x and it will have no effect

ok man, a deflationary currency isn't a currency, the whole point is a medium of exchange, you have a babe ruth autographed baseball

antique, not a currency

>> No.55526769

when the us dollar hyperinflates their money will be useless, the only thing that matters is your physical reach and these faggots will be jumping out of highrises and being cannibalized

>> No.55526776


>> No.55526783

big companies that control the bitshit mines aren't stupid, this isn't something that is meant to last, they'll get one more cycle out of you and then they'll sell all of it off and move to monero

because facts dictate the value of assets

bitshit is an antique and not a store of value or currency, it's a failure on every level, as we approach the 2028 halving the entire thing will collapse

that is my honest prediction, you can disagree but it's based on my analysis

>> No.55526905

Whoever said 100x? Stop straw manning nigger. Slightly deflationary incentivizes saving, low time preference, and long term thinking. Though it's still inflationary for the time being.

>> No.55526942

the supply will decrease by 100x over time, and it could happen within 50 years

combine this with the loss of mining reward and electricity costs, it isn't sustainable, and the smart people will get out early, you're holding an antique

it will never be inflationary like a babe ruth baseball, not a store of value or a currency

>> No.55526948
File: 122 KB, 1794x975, Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 12-37-02 Bitcoin Fees as Percent of Total Block Reward (Chart).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talking about today, I am talking about the future. Look at the graph I originally posted with the various emission curves. Monero's emission is currently below Bitcoins. Given their current respective prices (a whole nother discussion), obviously Bitcoin has a higher security budget presently. Bitcoin is only now approaching the years where the subsidy starts dropping to almost nothing and fees will have to take over. Monero, on the other hand, has just recently reached the point where the block subsidy will stop falling and remain at 0.6 XMR/block in perpetuity.

Bitcoin fees at their peak have been able to barely match the block subsidy for single blocks at a time. These were times when people were freaking out about fees too. The bitcoin model is going to rely on competition for block space to drive up fees. We are already at the maximum amount of TXs in a block, those TXs will just have to cost more. Inevitably this would mean bigger fish would be the ones that can afford to transact. Ultimately it would be a somewhat centralized system. Bitcoin will have to attempt a transition from the "permissionless currency" it built its initial growth on, to a new kind of banking system. This is quite a risky bet and not at all what most maxis seem to be thinking about.

>> No.55527124

Imagine the entire populous misplacing 99% of all gold in 50 years. The level of retardation needed is wishful thinking on your part.

I am also talking about the future. And so far the security budget of Bitcoin has consistently increased while that of Monero has consistently gone down since 2016.
Supposedly Monero already has all the fundamentals it needs, yet can't even maintain its security budget despite tail emission being in place for over a year now. In 6 years you'd think Monero could grow it's security budget at least a little if it were to be a contender. There's no magic switch that will turn things around for you, the trends have been clear for years.

>> No.55527134

gold exists in the physical world, you can break open metal vaults but the digital encryption vault is basically impossible

so while gold can be temporarily misplaced, it isn't permanently lost

>> No.55527196

>I am also talking about the future.
>so far
>since 2016
Now you're talking about the past lmao

>> No.55527214

Regardless, that the success of your chosen shitcoin relies on 99% of all Bitcoin being lost, despite all the education, best practices, & custody solutions that have grown up, is incredibly delusional.

My view of the future incorporates all historical data we have. Your view incorporates none of it, but instead is based entirely on wishful thinking. Where is Monero's security? Why does it keep going down? Where is the magic switch that will suddenly make mining profitable?

>> No.55527227

people die all the time

I personally have over 3k of bitcoin in dollar value that I can't access

6 million approximately out of the 21 million is already lost and the number will keep rising, within 50 years it could be up to 99 percent

also, once the mining becomes prohibitively unprofitable then you won't even be able to sell it if you still have access to it

good luck though

>> No.55527247

1 xmr is 1 xmr, it is a currency, bitcoin fails in this regard

>> No.55527249

>My view of the future incorporates all historical data we have.
You are just extrapolating from the past without any reference to the future emissions which are literally hard coded into the blockchains. It's ridiculous.

>> No.55527262

Ackshually the jews always tell you the right thing to do but then they get their good goys to tell you 5 other wrong things simultaneously so you get confused and don't pick the right one. Jamie Daimon told you in 2021 to tether up because they were about to pump rates and crash everything, but then a bunch of niggercattle on the news told you to buy every dip because usd was inflating too fast. It's their little karmic trick.

>> No.55527270

the entire stock market is a scam so I don't even consider that

>> No.55527285

A lot of Bitcoin is unfortunately on exchanges, that isn't going anywhere. And anyone smart enough to self custody is smart enough to leave behind their seed phrase for their loved ones.

1 xmr = the purchasing power of 1 xmr, which is so low that Monero has no security

Answer the question, why does Monero have no security, despite tail emission being in place for over a year and having all the fundamentals in place? Bitcoin's security has increased through every halving, people have demonstrated a willingness to pay higher fees, this willingness only grows as Bitcoin becomes more popular.
Monero supposedly keeps getting more popular, but its security keeps going down. Why?

>> No.55527299

I'm not talking about just stocks. They've been pumping usd for over a year straight after giving themselves trillions of them.

>> No.55527305

if xmr had no security it would already be cracked by the us government, unlike bitshit which is run by blackrock and the fbi

seems you're fucked

most bitcoin meaning over 10.5 million will be lost in 20 years, and the number will only increase, as it becomes stupidly unprofitable to mine after the 2028 halving, it's a ship to abandon before it's too late, only the smart people realize that

if my dad left behind 1 bitcoin to me in 2050 then I would be extremely disappointed because bitshit will already be a worthless antique by then

>> No.55527320

I'm not talking about privacy breaking security dipshit, I'm talking about confidence that the chain can't be 51% attacked. Currently it has a daily security budged of $71.4k USD, which is nothing, and counting on "well it hasn't been attacked so far so its fine" is absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.55527322
File: 323 KB, 2071x1218, Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 14-19-27 Bitcoin Avg. Transaction Fee Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your view incorporates none of it
The last chart I posted showed that historically, fees have only been a small fraction of bitcoin mining rewards.

>Why does it keep going down?
Entirely a function of Monero's price. I swear you have no idea how any of this works.

>Where is the magic switch that will suddenly make mining profitable?
It is profitable.

>Bitcoin's security has increased through every halving
Entirely a function of price.

>people have demonstrated a willingness to pay higher fees
Not really, no.

>Monero supposedly keeps getting more popular, but its security keeps going down. Why?
Price. There is still >0.6 XMR of security every block and there will be for the rest of time, unlike BTC. Do you really not understand this? You have no grasp on the fundamentals.

>> No.55527331

if it was so easy to attack the us government would have already disabled it, they did offer 650k to crack it so if it only cost 150k to disable it they would have done so

>> No.55527338

Price, the one thing Monero people repeatedly shit on, despite it being crucial to the chain's security. I have demonstrated that despite your supposedly good fundamentals, your chain is progressively going to shit security-wise and tail emission isn't fixing it.

>> No.55527344

if it's so unsecured then why isn't it taken down if the us government wants to do it

>> No.55527345

If you haven't noticed, the US government is extremely slow when it comes to getting their shit together regarding crypto.

>> No.55527354

The price will take care of itself in Monero's case. As for bitcoin, there is nothing the price can to to save it from 0 block reward.

>> No.55527356

so the us government is just stupid, they want to take it down but they don't know that they only need 150k to disable it permanently

>> No.55527362

Who even says taking it down is that big of a priority to them? Monero isn't all that important or that big of a threat to them right now.

You people have zero proof of this, you keep screeching it year after year while your security budget dies.

>> No.55527366
File: 139 KB, 420x420, mynigro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's absolutely devastating

>> No.55527373

well the us government will pay 650k to crack it, but they won't pay 150k to disable it, seems pretty stupid to me, if it's so easy

>> No.55527388

It is fucking easy, they just have to pay more than miners make in revenue. This is a fact and dodging it with "well it hasn't happened yet so it never will" doesn't change anything.

Also, tail emission is a tiny, ever-decreasing fraction of the supply. It buys Monero a little runway, but doesn't change that in the long-run, consistent price appreciation and/or a fee market are also needed for sufficient security, same as Bitcoin.

>> No.55527395

ok, so if it's so easy they should have already done it

also stop bringing up bitcoin because we already slayed you completely on that

>> No.55527402

You people are impossible

>> No.55527412

also tail emission is based on the current supply, so by trying to manipulate sentiment with words like "ever decreasing" that doesn't really account for the reality that the inflation will be consistent and a higher amount of coins will be minted based on the supply percentage

>> No.55527416

I agree, trying to argue against sound logic is basically impossible, if the us government was willing to spend 650k to crack monero, when they could just disable it with 150k, what was the point of that

>> No.55527421

You also have zero proof. Who has proof of the future? Like I said previously, price is a whole 'nother discussion but even just based on the things discussed in this thread, the fundamentals are against Bitcoin the price will probably reflect that eventually.

Monero's security is adequate for now and will only grow with price appreciation. Monero has been crabbing for a long time now, it's hardly dying.

Fraction of the supply isn't really relevant. The fact is there is a solid amount there forever into the future. Also Monero's blocksize can expand so it's possible to have many more people paying fees in the future. Millions of people paying a small amount is more realistic and less centralised than a small amount of people paying millions as would be required for BTC.

>> No.55527427

By the way this faggot is Lebanon and he's just begging and on amphetamines, stop wasting your time with him

>> No.55527437

no idea what you're talking about, but keep seething

>> No.55527448

Just like stopping monero

>> No.55527451
File: 39 KB, 1030x615, revenue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If miner revenues change course, then you're right. But even if we completely ignore Bitcoin, they have been dying year after year with no signs of stopping.

>> No.55527452


>> No.55527472

>only grow with price appreciation
You're also making statements about the future, we both are. The only difference is my statements completely track with Monero's & Bitcoin's history while yours are in complete contradiction and based on wishful thinking.

>> No.55527475

>but doesn't change that in the long-run, consistent price appreciation and/or a fee market are also needed for sufficient security, same as Bitcoin
Just want to highlight this. Bitcoiners believe doubling in value (in real terms) every 4 years is possible forever (not just when something is brand new like btc). Meanwhile even if that happened, you would have the same level of security as today but with an economy 32x, 64x, 128x, etc larger.

>> No.55527482

why do you need to distract from the topic, does this hurt your interests

>> No.55527487


to make statements about the future you have to be aware of the present and the factors at play, which you seem to know nothing about

in the past bitcoin was a speculative bubble and will fail, in the past and future, monero is solid, sound money

>> No.55527489
File: 1.43 MB, 1300x866, Untitled_design_-_2023-03-07T143950.201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit lying to people and deceiving them use honesty this isn't a board to launch your rugpulls/scams/begs whatever it is you're trying to do.

Use honesty and I leave you alone LebAnon, I let you stay in your containment threads but you had to come out.

>> No.55527495


>> No.55527502

listen to this man, op

>> No.55527503

I can see you through intentions, it allows me to know when people are lying to me, I can also almost always tell who I'm speaking to by the way they talk to others.

I caught ex girlfriends cheating through forums by the way they talked, I was never mean and even they admitted I was right.
Use honesty and I leave you alone.

>> No.55527504

off topic trash

>> No.55527510

Unfortunately there's no helping you, oddly enough you take my posting as "bullying"
I never was, infact I was trying to help you, but you can't be helped your character is too tainted.

>> No.55527514

kys fed

>> No.55527515
File: 31 KB, 570x666, dSoK0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please look at this chart and you should understand. You are not reasoning from first principles. This becomes really easy once you do.

>no signs of stopping
fucking lmao

>> No.55527517

based XMR chad

>> No.55527519
File: 8 KB, 399x388, 2bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mask is too see through.

>> No.55527524


It depends on what you think is sufficient security. Let's say Bitcoin goes to 180k, a modest projection given its track record, and stays there forever.
Keeping transactions & miner revenues at their current levels (also modest) would require tx fees to be 5% of current total block income for a security budget of $10 million a day from fees alone. A sufficient fee market is reasonable within years, using a very conservative estimate, and we have several cycles of runway before it even becomes necessary.

>> No.55527530

this fuck is hijacking threads kek

>> No.55527532

I'm 100% correct and you know it, switch away won't matter I'll never leave and you'll never slip by me.
and every time you do this I double down.

>> No.55527536

That's the problem, the universe has to align with your black & white views on how it should operate. When it doesn't, you are completely unable to adapt and get locked in to how you think the world should be. Tail emission seems logical, yet the universe doesn't seem to give a shit.

>> No.55527544

Notice the halt in posting on both threads.
He had his fun now he will fuck off for a bit.

>> No.55527551

>Let's say Bitcoin goes to 180k, a modest projection given its track record, and stays there forever.
>Keeping transactions & miner revenues at their current levels (also modest)
That's not modest at all, it's impossible. If Bitcoin stays the same price and fees stay at the same level, the security budget halves every 4 years. It's very simple. Eventually that 5% of 10 million is all that's left.

>> No.55527555

you'll go to 180k for one day and then the entire industry will collapse

>> No.55527556

why are you talking like you're a talk show host on NatGeo?

>> No.55527574

I love how he says a 6x is a modest projection, like the feds want to hold these bags, not a fucking chance, I find it more likely they go all in on monero in 2026, because monero actually has potential as the world reserve currency

>> No.55527577

sound money, safe mlde brother

>> No.55527578

>dubs of holiness

>> No.55527594

You're such a spastic it's unbelievable. The universe is aligning with what I expect. It is not unexpected that miner revenue on Monero should have been falling from the outset to mid 2022. That time wasn't about mining for security, it was mining for dispersal of coins. See the red vertical line between 2020 and 2025 on those charts? That's the beginning of the tail emission. Look at Monero's curve before that line on the bottom chart. Miners went from over 160 XMR to less than 3 XMR per 9.4 minutes. Multiply the reward by the price and that's your miner revenue. Now look on the other side of the red line. Monero's curve goes from almost vertical to horizontal. That's your "sign" that miner revenue is not going to keep falling. You may also note Bitcoin's line continues to fall.

>> No.55527598

tail emission is proof
atomic swaps were delivered, Monero is what people think Bitcoin is and makes bankers seethe

>> No.55527602

based imo

>> No.55527937

>privacy isn't important
>buy monero
monero is outdated, if it's not ZKPs, then it's shit.

>> No.55527949


>> No.55528173

If it is quantum resistant then it even more bull shit.

>> No.55528415

>If it is quantum resistant then it even more bull shit

>> No.55528435

>If it is quantum resistant then it even more bull shit

>> No.55529333

The threats posed by a quantum computer is inevitable all the current wallets will get hacked in mins. Better to adopt a blockchain that's built on a post quantum cryptography. You gotta dyor anon