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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55518354 No.55518354 [Reply] [Original]

Is bitcoin really coming back? Are we gonna make it?

>> No.55518359

I bet her boyfriend is black

>> No.55518361

2 more years

>> No.55518362

she wore 4 different swimsuits, a different one in each shot. do women fucking really?

>> No.55518410

>women are oppressed!

>> No.55518413


>> No.55518419

It already has, you missed it like always normie

>> No.55518421

You wish kek

>> No.55518423

a different swimsuit for every different dick

>> No.55518428
File: 207 KB, 860x738, 116-1162455_clown-wig-png-honkler-crab-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if by coming back you mean being stuck at 30k for the rest of our lives, yes.

>> No.55518436

Life on tutorial mode
Must be nice

>> No.55518620

im sick of these beautiful girls traveling the world with their tight bodies and their bright smiles while i sit here trying to get rich off fucking nigger shitcoins in a bug infested apartment surrounding by pajeets while i suffer from gastrointenstinal issues from the stress

>> No.55518665

What’s to blame for this? What can be done about it?

>> No.55518680

its just your lot in life anon, embrace the pain, embrace the hate. You could have it worse you could be a nigger

>> No.55518688

I blame the government.

>> No.55518704

It’s your duty to make the world worse for those people. Never let go of the pain, drown the world in it, drown your children in it, bring them down to your level, then you win

>> No.55518711

you don't really mean that

>> No.55518712

She's clearly built for BBC but only a rich ARAB could take her around the world like this.

>> No.55518715

story of /biz/raelis, kek.

>> No.55518724

t. mindbroken poorfag

>> No.55518748

God this is relatable. I've since made enough money to upgrade my apartment and be stress less but I'm 32 years old with nothing to show for it except a modest sum of money. The bright smile of the traveling roastie is something I will never even be able to feign.

>> No.55518749

Women who post their thonged asses online are such whores it’s not even funny

>> No.55518755

>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time-wasting question
Are we really gonna make it?

>> No.55518834
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>IG models… travel the world, all they see is their ass

>> No.55518891

It is making you unbelievably stronger as a man believe it or not.

>> No.55518910
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only if you can get the penguins flying again, or if SHIBART continues after I take a few months off, the odds are 50/50

>> No.55518944

It's gonna happen. Only then can I live the life of a 8/10 girl and travel the world

>> No.55518981

Tight ass is the most valuable commodity tho

>> No.55519021

She might not want to admit it but she's literally a stripper after dancing on that table with no clothes on

>> No.55519039

Bitcoin halves on apr 24 2024. The last 3 times it halved it skyrocketed in price.

You have until April to buy as much shit as you can. Bitcoin either moons again or dies.

>> No.55519077

I bet a vacation with a hot blonde is fun

>> No.55519103

>spend 1% of your time fucking
>spend 99% of your time following this narcissistic bitch around with a camera
>also paying for everything
Probably not as fun as it seems.

>> No.55519153
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I blame the media blamers.

>> No.55519171
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Tell her to travel to India please

>> No.55519188
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what's it like to date a true stacy like this? I dated a becky blonde girl, but she was one tier below this one

is it even possible for an average bizraeli to actually meet and lock down a girl like this?

>> No.55519278

To have body like that, even with "natural talent", she must live more healthy and work out more than 95% of /biz/.

>> No.55519285
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>> No.55519299

god damn i hope so

>> No.55519307


>> No.55519308

Nothing stopped you from going to uni, getting a degree that pays well and travelling and fucking these women in your 30s/40s.

>> No.55519309

sauce plz

>> No.55519313

>gastrointenstinal issues
You have mold in the walls anon

>> No.55519324

nah all this shit started before i moved here, but i wouldnt be surprised if living here made it worse

>> No.55519327
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>> No.55519340

I promise you that life as an ugly women is more difficult than a man that's ugly. You only pay attention to the good looking women just how women only pay attention to the CEOs and Execs and think that's all men.

>> No.55519356

a woman wrote this post

>> No.55519361
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Literally this.
It is much better to find some average looking chick (average without makeup) with a good personality, preferably someone who someone most men look over. And then you can actually spoil her without the narcissism.

>> No.55519365

I dated a true stacy but she was already 30. I was 25 and older stacies date younger men similiar to how older succesful men date younger women. Ironically they have fathers who taught them a lot of discipline so that they have good bodies while growing up to develop perfectly and also keep good bodies when they are adults. But there is a factor of boringness to them, like they never needed to develop that little something that makes people really interesting because they already got attention and sex without it. Otherwise they are persons just like any other, the looks are just an outer shell.

>> No.55519373


lol flyoverfag

>> No.55519458
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you sound as bad as roasties itching about men when they mean the very top .001 percent of men. Go to Wal-mart and find your single mother obese looksmatch and that is what feminsim has spared you from having to put up with. I would rather fap to 11/10s (high school crushes in eternally young bodies taking all colors of dick in demeaning ways) then deal with the prettiest uggo I could have gotten. Only question is should all be kids be white from egg donors?

>> No.55519470

Hard Mode: North America - Unless she's morbidly obese she will demand alpha dick.

>> No.55519557

Assuming you’re awake 16 hrs of every day that’s 9.6 minutes per day fucking her. Considering most males ejaculate within 5 minutes you are basically getting one free cum dump into an exceptional cum dumpster PER DAY. That’s way better in terms of sex life than most anons here will ever get.

>> No.55519573

This is the truth most men overlook. Takes a lot of effort to be beautiful, so of course she’s going to want a man who has put in equal effort to look as good. She could have been a fat slob like many but didn’t.

>> No.55519575

The fate of El Salvador depends on it... So no.

>> No.55519591

>she is going to several vacations a year around the world
Her boyfriend is white. Blacked women are more sex obsessed and don't have time or will to travel.
She makes a man (or a lot of men) happy just by existing. If you made the right man happy you could travel like that as well.

>> No.55519605

It just tells that even here most people are normies who blame luck on other people's success instead of being intelligent enough to recognise the work they did.

>> No.55519611


>> No.55519632

I went for 4 day vacation with gf last week and she packed 3 swimsuits. Yes, really.

>> No.55519646

Black people go outside the hood?

>> No.55519649

>Travel the world
>Take picture that shows them with their ass or doing some "cutesy" stuff.

I hate them so much. Why is our world like this.

>> No.55519663

Why do you fap to porn? That's just tge way human sexuality is.

>> No.55519677

>Are we gonna make it

are you genetically capable of having bright blue eyed children?

>> No.55519853
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>> No.55519946

The reason white women still have white boyfriends is because they know brown men won't tolerate this thot behaviour and will patrol their ass hard.
Why are honkaloids such cucks to let their women be on display like this?

>> No.55520010

has anyone tried bitcoinrota.com?

>> No.55520048
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>he thought he was gonna make it in the material world
>he thought he was gonna enjoy his new found wealth
>he thought he was gonna become the new elite
>he thought his real life was finally about to start


>> No.55520051

I splooged inside all 4 of her swim 'suites' with my filthy Mediterranean spunk

>> No.55520058


>> No.55520075


>> No.55520087

I dated a russian stacy (ana-staci-a, lol) and she was hot and interesting, but also retarded in many ways, quite demanding, and insanely jealous
I've had enough dating for now

>> No.55520111

What's her OnlyFans?

>> No.55520215

they see the world, you see their ass

>> No.55520252

Why are Americans like this?

>> No.55520263

Everybody is born being female. Men have the female spirit in a male body.
This is why men keep putting women on pedestal. Men live to compete and provide for women.
The ideal life for a man is to have the life of a woman: just by existing, coasting thru life, being adorned by numerous female orbiters devoted to him. But still wanting to give lots of free orgasms to every female simping for him KEK.

This makes 99% of the population female in mind and 50% female in body. Only very very few men manage to escape the female condition.

>> No.55520397
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>It just tells that even here most people are normies who blame luck on other people's success instead of being intelligent enough to recognise the work they did.
It only goes to show that even here, most people are normies who blame other people's success on chance rather than being intellectual enough to see the effort they did. Don't call my earnings from tokenized Tesla on peaqnetwork a fluke, Jeet.

>> No.55520401

dunno why but this brought out the belly laugh
thanks anon

>> No.55520415
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked your pun. It was funny and creative, made me laugh

>> No.55520595

There is a near 0 chance that she has ever slept with a nigger. Sorry to break it to you, chink.

>> No.55520611
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Based and checked

>> No.55520799
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>> No.55520837

brb gonna start a mercenary coalition of mexicans and somali pirates to raid these tourist traps and 9/11 the place

>> No.55520849

>34 years old
>still never left the country
>see roasties effortlessly fly around the globe

>> No.55520974

Haha what if amongst your captives are a staci with a tight body and bright smile now fearing for her life haha

>> No.55521003
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>> No.55521133

I found her insta. Her boyfriend is black.

>> No.55521205

>travel the world
I'm pretty sure the entire webm is in spain

>> No.55521213

or greece

>> No.55521232

8/10 would bang and ghost

>> No.55521242

Blame your parents for being poor and reproducing


>> No.55521285
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1649737714413s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming back huge in 2025. I'm already a BTC whale. What else should I buy cryptobros?

>> No.55521302
File: 162 KB, 1454x884, BRCUSD1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC just steps ups in the channel so we wont see another significant move till AUG~SEPT time

>> No.55521317

Drop it then

>> No.55521325
File: 164 KB, 1454x924, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC just steps ups in the channel so we wont see another significant move till AUG~SEPT time>>55521302
ignore this post wrong pik

>> No.55521332

Do your own research.

>> No.55521426

I found her instagram (instant hit on reverse image search) and her boyfriend is not black at all. Also she travels with her female friend, not a man. Bunch of tranny brainwashed sickos here

>> No.55521444

The opposite is true.

>> No.55522480

if you're an adult you can only blame yourself

>> No.55522550

have sex

>> No.55522566

>Black people go outside the hood?
if you let them, this isn't slavery era anymore.

>> No.55522570

>stacy (ana-staci-a, lol)
you might have been the problem in that relationship.

>> No.55522571
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Good. Less racist white incels crying and trolling on 4chan. I can't wait until this place is just a graveyard of 20 year old threads.

>> No.55522725
File: 277 KB, 828x1067, 159654B1-6F15-4C36-8517-1CB6AB5E44CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American hands typed these posts

>> No.55522742

Hookerpill anon, take it.
or not.

>> No.55522801

i dunno how to find them, i google it and everyones like dont use this dont use that youll be scammed and robbed.

>> No.55522836

>Need at least 100k thousand a year for vacations
I give up

>> No.55523118

Just open up an onlyfans and make 10k a month selling feet pics

>> No.55523148

Lol that’s what I thought

>> No.55523156

Men have Y chromosome since conception. We aren't born with wombs.

>> No.55523195

This doesn't work, since spotting bananas are the best.

>> No.55523212

Can onlyfans stars claim their travels as a work expense for tax purposes?

>> No.55523245


>> No.55523299

90% of women can look attractive. All women have to do is not be overweight, groom themselves and to have a pleasant personality. Same applies to men but women have more value in society so an average women has more value than an average man that is disposable and low status

>> No.55523330

>im sick of these beautiful girls
beauty isn't only looks, most of these attention whores are vapid, unbearable sacks of meat.
>with their tight bodies
When it comes to looks they cheat a lot using perspective and lighting.
>and their bright smiles
smile so real and happiness so legit that she has to record it or she'd forget it ever happened. Anon, these shallow creatures would not survive a day without attention in some form. They are actors, only they know themselves what their life looks like when the camera turns off, you don't.
>while i sit here trying to get rich off fucking nigger shitcoins
it's your decision and you have complete influence over it, you had a reason to choose this path, if you hate it or see it as pointless - leave it
>in a bug infested apartment surrounding by pajeets
bugs suck, pajeets on the other hand are often wholesome guys, they smell weird and eat with bare hands but it's still better than niggers
>while i suffer from gastrointenstinal issues from the stress
meditation for stress, you can also try herbal therapy like ashwagandha

>> No.55523659

It's not even possible to see any pump this year... Alts will even move without BTC and that's why I'm more focused on MATIC, LDO, NXRA and BNB instead of Bizcoin...

>> No.55523761
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>> No.55524025

Hot white women are the alpha of the planet. You cant fuck with them or go against them because they will just go to someone richer and make him murder you. The entire system is built around pleasing hot white women.
White men and shitskin men all fight nust to please white woman. Its nuts.

>> No.55524420
File: 7 KB, 220x220, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dive in on trendy narratives, DID and AI are looking positive.

>> No.55524448
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No ORE and ENS? Ngmi. Web3 projects are melting faces

>> No.55524487


>> No.55524503

Multiple women have said I have very nice feet for a man

>> No.55524510

yeh blud. btc is a top 5 global currency. i mean it's obviously the best but people are retarded and prefer government tokens.

>> No.55524533


atleast a 10x in next 5 years

>> No.55524540

god I wish I was born as a 1st world country white girl. it's like the heaven ticket, life as doing nothing and having everything

>> No.55524733
