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55518108 No.55518108 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck german crack smoking potheads are gonna have the EU legalize weed before the US.

>> No.55518119

skooma krauts gonna be everywhere

>> No.55518124
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>DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE FUCKING WEEEEEEEEED AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DUDE!!!!!!!!!! WEED!!!!!!!!!!!! hits ze bong FUCKING DUUUUUUDE that WEEED like just...................DUDE LMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOO ich am so fucking HIGH on ze WEED right now XD WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED holla mein DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JUST.........ROLL................MY.......................JOINT......................UP........................................AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DANK DANK DANK WEED LEGALIZE IT! LEGALIZE IT! LEGALIZE IT! ROLL EM SMOKE EM PUT EM IN A BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ich am just FUCKING BAKED right now my DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOO RAISE YO HAND IF U TURNT AF RIGHT NOW raises both hands AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WEED DUDE

>> No.55518148

What will the Görli boys do for work now?

>> No.55518149

>le schizo drug is le good

>> No.55518189

>t. retards who don't know how to capitalise on trends
germany is likely to have quite a few home grown brands, but the likelihood of dutch owned companies moving into the suddenly legalised, gigantic market of germany which already consumes a vast amount of weed is exceptionally high.
these are real companies with real money to be made. If you're literally up your own ass because its got a pre-existing culture (which is exceptionally easy to pander to, because stoners will buy anything with a leaf on it) then you literally do not deserve to make any money off of it.
enjoy being poor dumbfuck

>> No.55518226

>draft bill
It's literally nothing. You might as well report on the local stoner managing to get 100 signatures.

>> No.55518372

Can the UK just legalize already ffs

Dumb boomer cunts still acting like it's not illegal purely because of alcohol backhanders

Corrupt cunts. What a shit country. Wish I could pack up and leave. Utterly disgusting country and people. Would rather live in India at this point tbqh

>> No.55518398

what are you worried about you pussy ass nigger bitch? some fine from your local cop? grow and smoke to hearts content nothings gonna happ-
oh wait nevermind hide your shit right fucking now! install ozone and filters everywhere and be fucking scared