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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55512881 No.55512881 [Reply] [Original]

or it';s just a scam to sell online courses?

>> No.55512888

Buy my course and I'll tell you ;)

>> No.55512908

I dont need to i can just torrent it

>> No.55513181

Learn to make money both ways. Buy during a bull market, short during a bear market. Being a permabull is how most people lose money.

Don't overthink it

>> No.55513193
File: 8 KB, 210x240, gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy low and sell high, it's that simple

>> No.55513203

Being a permabull is how 90% of people make money you fucking retard. Why do you think boomers just stick there money in index funds and let it sit for 50 years?

Zoomers are so fucking stupid and convinced they've discovered some obscure secret to the markets that hasn't already been done millions of times over before. Newsflash idiot, short positions have infinite risk unless you're playing options.

>> No.55513234

Those are funds not trades nigger, if you're actively trading then yes being a permabull is bad

>> No.55513239
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you can't get rich that way though
maybe if u spent 100k in tesla 10 years ago but that's different and not etf and you also need to be wagie so it beats the point of darytrading

>> No.55513260
File: 71 KB, 770x574, 1687567755921725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you're going to get rich through day trading?

>> No.55513263

Most of the crypto traders on youtube bought BTC spot years ago for cheap. They now just larp as day traders because they think its cool

>> No.55513315

Ok anon spend 4 years attempting to get rich on day trading without a brokerage license and come back and tell us the results.

>Spoiler: you lose it all on taxes and bad trades
I swear to God you fucking idiots need to just learn to work and invest in companies with solid fundamentals and hold.

>> No.55513318

Define successful. Short term making big trades and big wins, yes, absolutely. Long term successful making big trades? Maybe, if you consider winning more than losing a success, but they're likely not making big bucks. I know a retired neighbor who day trades for a living but it's literally just gambling, he:a not some hot shit making million dollar deals.

>> No.55513343

You absolutely can get rich if you
>Have a good paying job
>Invest a good chunk of change
>Start early.
I'm an older millennial. I know plenty of my peers who are in 7 figure territory as they approach 40 because they had no student loan debt, were frugal, and majored in things like nursing, engineering, comp sci and worked their ass off. They're not middle managers and directors making $200-$300k a years, get matching 401k and stock options, and will likely have 8 digits when they retire without breaking a sweat. I'm sorry if that sounds hard to you, but it's literally that easy. Some of the more ambitious peers are already had 8 figures and I'm sure many of my peers in white collar jobs could probably start their own consulting business and make half a million a year.and they're not even 40.
The ultimate black pill is that hard work, frugality, and not falling behind are the most sure fire way to generate wealth for the vast majority of Americans but /biz/ is too lazy to do that so we gamble on dog coins.

>> No.55513358
File: 67 KB, 719x431, day trader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64% day traders lose, that should tell you something. Trading is a zero sum game, if you win other trader lose. It's like playing MOBA, 50% win, 50% lose. If you have edge, you have better win percentage but it's impossible to win all matches.

>> No.55513468

Yes and those realized profits are taxed at 35% so even the best case scenario traders are making 23% actual profit on that 36% net profit.

I've made more from holding long term then this by far. Zoomers gonna zoom. Learn from the mistake of millennials who bought into this bs, failed, and lost everything. You're not special for thinking you can daytrade, every idiot who's ever lost money in the stock market thought this at some point. The market is rigged for the rich, just piggy back off their longs and wait.

>> No.55513593

Huge waste of time and money

>> No.55513612

>just a scam to sell online courses

if you trade then don't trade with leverage, especially not in crypto

>> No.55513877

>short positions have infinite risk unless you're playing options
not in crypto they dont, you just get liquidated
further protip its now pretty much an open secret that most brokers of all kinds dont put new retails accounts orders that arent spot buys actually to market, since they know that 90% of them blows up rather quickly
so rather than take their 0.5% fee and let market makers get the other 99.5% the broker just takes it all and can easily afford to pay out of pocket the few that do make it

>> No.55513964

Buy $1000 in Apple in 2003
Have $$650,000 in Apple today

The key here is long and steady, and worship at the alter of the miracle of compounding.

a 10% annual return results in doubling your monty every 7 years or so. This is the 100 year historic average return of the market.

extrapolate that and say you are able to put $5,000 ayear into a broad market starting age 23. so you would put $35,000 total in by the time you are 30, and have roughly $52,000 in investments.

Do that again for 7 more years, and you have $160,000

By age 45, you have $370,000. age 52, you have $800,000

By age 60, you have $1.7 million
67 its $3.5; 75, you have $7 million

>> No.55513974

>zero sum
you cannot fathom the ladder effect
you probably have no foreskin

>> No.55513988


i have a retired uncle who day trades mostly to wile away the day and calls me when he makes $500 but never calls when he loses $500.

I help him do his taxes and he loses money every year, but usually not too much because he doesn't trade options.

>> No.55513997

dudes selling courses is a huge red flag, shows that they arent making enough money on their technique
theres plenty of free resources online
dont pay for anything on the internet

>> No.55514034
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Anon, you're never getting rich. The system is literally rigged.
>The Lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enormous prizes, was the one public event to which the proles paid serious attention. It was probable that there were some millions of proles for whom the Lottery was the principal if not the only reason for remaining alive. It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant. Where the Lottery was concerned, even people who could barely read and write seemed capable of intricate calculations and staggering feats of memory. There was a whole tribe of men who made their living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons

>> No.55514095

skill issue

>> No.55514114

>make money
>buy button gets disabled
>make money
>make money
>oops, it'll take 6 months to process your short suddenly due to this bankruptcy, your options are now expired

>> No.55514141

>that time with gme
>i forgot to take profit because it GONNA MOON TO A BILLION PERCENT
>i stored on ftx

again, cope for lack of skills
the market doesnt care about you, ant

>> No.55514722
File: 26 KB, 245x338, we can b frens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Victory Pilled

>> No.55514748
File: 472 KB, 946x634, 1680466989384095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest in index funds
>outperform 80% of all traders

if you're not some math genius at working at a hedge fund or major bank with access to bloomberg terminals (and insinder info) dont bother trading

>> No.55514762

coffeezilla did a breakdown and about 1% of retail traders make enough to make a living, almost none of them even make a profit.

>> No.55514838

>just work until you're 67 bro

>> No.55514997

i'm actively contributing to the no profit percentage and you can't stop me

>> No.55515017

They do but not if they're trading every single day.

Candlestick trading unironically works, but only if you make sure you sell quick.

>> No.55515040
File: 473 KB, 1186x1550, Screenshot 2023-07-06 183636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like OF

>> No.55515075


people who watch him are worse than people who fall for get rich quick schemes. at least they are trying while you are just fill ur brain with 0 value drama content