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55511577 No.55511577 [Reply] [Original]

What do girls consider "a lot of money." When talking about a guys salary?

>> No.55511591

an amount that she can leech of of you and larp as a rich succesful 10/10 high class girl on social media

>> No.55511594

irrelevant. only looks matter for true attraction

>> No.55511598

I met my GF when she was making $26 while I made $18

>> No.55511621

OF whores on Whatever podcast all seem to think that men need to make more than them, and that it usually needs to be ~$200,000/yr min. Some mention needing upwards of $x,000,000.

>> No.55511702

Salary wagies live in small cages.
You have to have a mansion to get stacies.

>> No.55511725

After how badly women have been exposed online for all their tactics and strategies they use on men, how do any of you still have any care or interest in women?

Is your innate need to procreate that badly that you'll run straight into the trap like a mosquito?

>> No.55511733

we are all depraved that's all. once you get a taste it satisfies you for a few years. it's been too long for some of us.

>> No.55511745

Once you get a taste of what? the reality of being with a woman is shit. Shit, the reality of being in a relationship is shit, its not fun, its just adding chores to your life.

So unless you have the slave worker mindset you're going to hate the reality of being in a relationship.

Women put in 10X less effort into being sexy, nice, attractive, etc the moment they're in a relationship, its actually depressing, but Men are also the same.

Most people dont realize this until later in life, where they become so much more happier when their spouse dies. Women are a gigantic meme.

The only reason you would ever need one is if you actually want kids, and lots of kids, and most of you dont even want that, you just want a GF lmao.

>> No.55511749
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i think u unironically land a higher quality girl if there aren’t such high monetary demands. i can respect wanting to date someone with ambition, as i do, but putting monetary value over passion is how you get stuck with people that can’t form true bonds or have anything remotely interesting about them
t. work in an industry where i’m constantly fraternizing with billionaires, world leaders, but also blue collars, artists, and the dirt poor

>> No.55511893
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>Is your innate need to procreate that badly that you'll run straight into the trap like a mosquito?

>> No.55511913
File: 92 KB, 700x555, ABB41D8A-061A-48F3-AB1E-E8B5A702A3FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately need to stick my peepee in a woman.
>inb4 get a hooker
Not the same and we all know it

>> No.55511921

>another roastieposting
If you fall for these threads you are NGMI

>> No.55512079

median wage (before tax) in my country is $38k, so above that i guess.

>> No.55512160

Whatever it is it's undoubtably some kind of meaningless psychological threshold, like 6 digits or some shit.

>> No.55512314


>> No.55512320

It's not larping if it's true ;)

>> No.55512323


>> No.55512626

this is correct.
between the ages of 18-27 when i was an in shape bartender working poor i got laid by upwards of at least 120 women.
now that i am an out of shape trade finance millionaire that is basically 40 i get like no genuine ass that im not "paying for"
back when i was highly attractive, money never mattered to these women, only my looks did.
now that i have all the money, and not the looks anymore, i literally dont matter to women now.

>its just the way it is.

>> No.55513094

How the fuck do you become a millionaire when you're so stupid you don't realize that working at a bar is what got you laid. Not just your looks. I've worked with some goblin-ass lookin bartenders that still get laid because it's not hard when you're talking to thousands of drunk women for a living.

>> No.55513138


>> No.55513154

Nobody can get this grill and you will die lonely

>> No.55513173

In answer to the question, enough so that they don't have to work, can pamper themselves constantly, take holidays regularly, their own car, latest designer gear, and home filled with "live love laugh" tier crap.

>> No.55513481

They don't know how much. Stop thinking they are rational like us.

Ask them to tell you how many inches of dick they like. Then tell them to hold their hands apart to show the length they like. I bet 80% will be off by at least 2 inches. They don't give a fuck as long as they cum.

How much money do they want you to have? Ask them how much all the shit they want costs and they won't fucking know. Ask them to make a grade school magazine cut out collage of all the shit they expect in their life and the numbers wont even be close. They just have some stupid Instagram vision of a life.

>> No.55513500

I think there is a video going around where they asked some women this question and it was six figures, like $150K - $500k or some shit

>> No.55513506

Everything we do is towards procreation

>> No.55513524

doesn't matter anymore, any 8/10 bitch can make millions on onlyfans

>> No.55513536

Who cares?

>> No.55513542

one milion dollar