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55510049 No.55510049 [Reply] [Original]

If the Bitcoin etf is approved, we jump to 35k. If it’s rejected, we go to 25k.

>> No.55510098

Cute did he grow out his new lucious hair into pony tails and wear a skirt and start pretending he was a girl until he realised no one cared and he has disfigured his body and killed himself?

>> No.55510107

>just take the HRT and you won't be bald anymore goy
Inb4 some retard tries to claim finasteride isn't a testosterone blocker

>> No.55510124
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>> No.55510152

>tries to claim finasteride isn't a testosterone blocker
Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone which is less anabolic than the free serum testosterone which got 5-alpha reduced. Your free test levels literally go up while on fin.

>> No.55510167

so do your estrogen levels

>> No.55510189

Actual copium if it's rejected we dump really hard if it's passed then it depenfd

>> No.55510194
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>reduce levels of DHT, the most powerful androgen in the human body
>potential side effects include a small chance of permanently breaking your dick
>dude it makes you more manly I swear bro trust me

>> No.55510204

Why not just wear a wig ? Or shave off completely and putnon muscle ?

Why take harmful chemicals that could have long term consequences?

None of the females that you are have natural hair. They are all hair extensions , wigs etc. The seem to be less retarded

>> No.55510303

Not really. Thousands of threads on /fit/ show the literature that states otherwise.

Androgenic =/= anabolic. I never claimed it didn't decrease androgens. Lrn2read.

% tot pop that reports side effect is lower than the % pop that reports side effects on the placebo at a rate of sub-1% to 3%, respectively. There are no sides, it's literally psychosomatic. Nearly every study supports that position. Also it's cheap, $3/mo vs a wig or hair system that costs several hundreds of dollars and has to be replaced every 6-8 months.

For the record I don't use the stuff anymore. 6 month cycle of pharmacotherapy was a requirement for being accepted for a hair transplant to reduce the chance of transplant rejection.

>> No.55510306

We jump to 120k approved

>> No.55510379

Anon I can feel your elevated estrogen levels through this post

>> No.55510439

The guy on the right isn’t just using medication he’s also using toppik or other similar hair in a can shit where you sprinkle on a bunch of powder that sticks to your hair and makes it look like you have more.

>> No.55510620

i took fin for maybe 2 months at half the recommended dose and my nipples started to hurt
fuck that shit, hair isn't worth it

>> No.55510720

Sounds like breast growth

>> No.55510723

Not always, depends on fat and whether you naturally aromatize estrogen in vast quantities.

>> No.55510724

think it was the start of gyno from those pills and it completely went away when I stopped
probably a rare side effect but it didn't do well for me

>> No.55510756

Yeah at that point you might as well take estrogen and be a feminine princess

>> No.55511175

fr fuck that. I was doing hgh while on minox and as soon as my nipples started hurting I quit everything and everything is good now. Fuck getting gyno and ED. Nizoral shampoo stopped my shedding alognside dermarolling and I got 0 sides

>> No.55511329

I'm glad you found gender affirming care that works for you anon!

>> No.55511351

lmao mind status: BROKE

>> No.55511370

I literally just shaved my head a few days back because I said fuck it and wanted to try it out (I have a full head of hair). I know the look doesn’t work on anyone but it definitely feels more manly. If you’re going bald, get buff/tan and own it. females enjoy confidence and it helps in daily interactions and business. Wish everyone here the best.

>> No.55511380
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Everyone* not anyone

>> No.55511710

youre a retarded bald faggot

>> No.55511720

9 oout of 10 times you're not going to look like a badass like vindiesel, jason strathom or some shit. Chances are you'll look like a fucking cuck like moby or tim pool

Finasteride works and its fine if you don't want to take it but I feel bad for any shedding anons who listen to shirbrains in this thread thinking fin will break their dick and probably also think a veggie burger will give then tits

>> No.55511859

You're all faggots crying about your hair. Talk about biz or fuck off. What a gay fucking thread full of faggots. Wahhhh I have no hair. Shut the fuck up. Fucking pussies. Take all the gear and hair pills you want you're all a bunch of pathetic vaginas deep down.

>> No.55511876

You're all faggots crying about your hair. Talk about biz or fuck off. What a gay fucking thread full of faggots. Wahhhh I have no hair. Shut the fuck up. Fucking pussies. Take all the gear and hair pills you want you're all a bunch of pathetic vaginas deep down.

>> No.55511904


>> No.55511949

>unironically taking fin since 2005
>still have really good hair
Thank fuck I caught it early bros

>> No.55512041

The only people mentally ill enough to make these off topic threads every day are trannies.

>> No.55512822

Like clockwork, insecure faggots making shit up. If you are afraid a pill or a topical drop will turn you into a girl, are you really a man? Also it isn't HRT. It doesn't decrease your testosterone levels, it decreases DHT which is a byproduct of testosterone. You don't really need much DHT past the age of 25 unless you are into having an enlarged prostate and hair on your back.
You shave out of curiosity. Imagine having to shave or trim on a daily basis for the rest of your life. If you have dark hair and light skin, you gotta do it in the morning. It irritates the skin so you need a cream after shower. You gotta wear a hat in the summer and a beanie in the winter, and idiots think you are trying to hide your baldness when in fact you just want to protect your naked scalp. It is annoying. I would gladly take a daily pill if it saved me this hassle, but I am afraid of side effects like depression and shit. If there was a laser treatment that could zap all my hair so I wouldn't need to shave that would be good as well.

>> No.55512922

your dick still workiing?
thats the worst side effect desu

>> No.55513943

the data shows the number of people claiming they went impotent is the same rate of people who just naturally go impotent. its fear mongering. I've been on fin for 15 years and no problems

>> No.55514138
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>it isnt HRT
Pic related. Tbh I think you should work on accepting yourself for who you are instead of mutilating yourself with hormones. Maybe it should be allowed after 2 years of therapy if the therapist you aren't using it for the wrong reasons

>> No.55514143

You are literally stupid

>> No.55514161

You are literally a tranny

>> No.55514185

>balding people also go impotent early
Listen, theyre going bald because they beat off a lot. Look at fucking Asmongold, you think that guy doesnt beat off 8 times a day. Beating off every day keeps your free testosterone low. It also causes pre-mature graying and once that shits gray youre carrying gray whiskers all through your beard at like 32. Stop watching porn.

>> No.55515702

Read your pic related. The "antiandrogenic effects" are less body hair and less MALE pattern baldness, and since this isn't enough they combine it with ESTROGEN.
>le accept urself bro
I already accepted I am a baldie more than a decade ago, that doesn't change the fact it is tiresome to trim my head daily.
I like how the "it will make you blind" turned into "it will make you bald".
What about people who have sex very frequently? Do they go bald as well according to your theory? Or do hair follicles know the difference between fapping and fucking? What if your wife gives you a handjob? Will it make you go bald?

>> No.55515902

Nofap is a cult for the male version of women who get raped by chad and never get over it.

>> No.55515922

How can you expect us to accept your tranny medicines when you can't even accept that you're bald?

>> No.55515923

this thread was started with the sole intent to sell chronically miserable young men hairloss medication, they've been doing this for twenty years

>> No.55515938

>I'm not a tranny, it's only half the tranny hormone regimen! I don't take estrogen all!
Kek enjoy your impossible whopper Mr no estrogen

>> No.55516051

>double replying to the same post
Only slightly more embarrassing than coming out as an anime tranny to your friends and family desu.

>> No.55516627

The people who have sex frequently do go bald. Their skin also ages, their eyesight weakens, their brains turn to mush, they lose weight. Their ability to attract a mate and procreate diminishes. Sex should only be for procreation, anything else is an unnatural perversion. The term ((sex life)) is coined by jews, as is 'body count' 'bodies' 'hookups' 'casual relationships' 'smash' etc. It's all designed to get white people not to have offspring and to treat the procreative act as an innocent past time like watching TV instead of something sacred. You're a hedonistic degenerate and you will end up destroying your life (because your quality of life and job prospects are tied to your looks) and you'll have no kids to show for it. You will be a genetic dead end working a dead end job. Read treatises on onanism by Lallemand and Tissot. This is also the best advice you'll ever read on this god forsaken site, but I doubt you'll take it to heart. Pearls before swine I guess.

>> No.55516646

I'm not taking it, just explaining the rationale of why people take it. I am a baldie and will remain a baldie, however annoying it is to trim every day. The only real solution to balding is gene editing, making sure the baldie genes are out. Before conception.

>> No.55516669

>The only real solution to balding is gene editing
Is that what elon musk did?
Nice essay buddy. Remember it's not your fault you were molested by your jew dad.

>> No.55516862

So many Ifs!!! I got tired of this and decided to move my ass over to a place where my earnings ain't dependent on some bald headed sick Gary who sucks flaccid cocks for a living.

Shocked as you're.

>> No.55517100

>to a place where my earnings ain't dependent on some bald headed sick Gary
Where's that place? Your gf's coochie?

>> No.55517276

Yeah better than your boyfriend's ass definitely. If you want to earn regardless of market direction, get into stables and leverage them on Defi protocols for yields particularly on the non-custodial middlewares like SpoolFi or Beefy.

>> No.55517337

It says "topical medication" so it's probably minoxidil. Finasteride is a pill

>> No.55517388

Oh buddy I fuck alright, but my healthy diet, fitness routine, sunlight, and ZINC/NAC combo seem to cancel out everything you just listed. Every high value man in history has had a lot of sex. Well except the #1 man himself, but he doesn’t count.

>> No.55517581

As long as it involves stables, the yields are meager

>> No.55517672

Getting around 15-23% as APRs on the incentivized pools for USDC/DAI doesn't sound meager to me in anyway.

>> No.55517683

>high value man
Congratulations on falling into a pit.

>> No.55517762

Just learn how to wash your scalp.
That's what shampoo is for.
You don't wash your fucking hair, you wash your scalp.
Drug store shampoo isn't going to cut it either. Moroccan Oil Shampoo + Conditioner for thick hair, Redken for everything else. Your hair is everything else. No, it's not thick.

>> No.55517918

The niggers on this board are obsessed with baldness as a way to make you worry constantly. Look basically I'm just not gonna worry about it is all.

>> No.55518094
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I've been on fin for 5 years, but you may have a point about cooming and early onset silver hair. 29 now, and I have some minor salt+pepper starting to show on my sides. Lots of genetics here as well though, my grandpa was 100% silver in his early 30's, so I have the Witcher curse as well as the slap-head curse. Apparently you can reverse some of the silvering hair with prolonged fasts (autophagy + HGH spike).

But I definitely believe the relationship between cooming and hair. Cooming depletes massive amounts of available zinc in the body, which as an antagonistic relationship with copper, and the testicles fucks up your zinc reserves as it desperately tries to manufacture new sperm, copper itself being very important for the procurement of melanin in hair fibres.

>> No.55518123
File: 349 KB, 1008x530, picture-of-old-man-six-weeks-after-scalp-burn-with-thicker-hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell chronically miserable young men hairloss medication

>He doesn't pass out in front of coal fires and regrow his adolescent hairline from 2nd degree burns (free)

>> No.55518132
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>Immediately after the burn
(You can emulate this effect by derma stamping)

>> No.55518995

>he thinks sex is fun just for procreation
Sex is fun because it is a bonding act as well. It makes two very different people not only bear each other while sharing a house, it also makes them love each other. Sex releases not only dopamine, but also oxytocin that affects human bonding, and endorphins that reduce stress, anxiety, and pain - so no it is not an innocent past time like watching TV. It is something essential and very healthy. It has effects that no other activity or drug can achieve.
Also about balding, I know for a fact that sex doesn't cause it since I have neighbors that fuck every other day and the husband has full hair while nearing the age of 40. He also doesn't wear glasses.
You sound like an unmarried "vol"cel christcuck. I hope you grow out of this anti-sex autism of yours that probably began by going into a nofap rabbithole in order to find a way out of an obsessive compulsive masturbation habit. I hope you find a cute christcuck lady that will turn you around and fuck your brains out on a daily basis, after getting married of course.

>> No.55519370

We've gone pass 25k anon. Invest in BTC, ETH, DOT and some lowcpas with products DUA, TEL, EMAGIC and EOS. Just solid projects that you won't fucking give a damn no matter the dip because their value will rise up at the end.

>> No.55519402
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I'm riding high on the DUA LM campaign in partner with NXRA, and let me tell you, it's a full-blown thrill! The APY keeps pouring in, making it a ride worth every moment.

>> No.55520869

so much nonsense in this post, my goodness.
>Imagine having to shave or trim on a daily basis for the rest of your life.
I shave my head a couple times per month
> If you have dark hair and light skin, you gotta do it in the morning
I have dark hair and light skin
>It irritates the skin so you need a cream after shower
I've never creamed my head in my life
>You gotta wear a hat in the summer
No, you suncream it like every other part of the body. It's great in summer when you can sweat through your head
>a beanie in the winter
You are very fragile it seems, if you had hair you'd be equally annoyed with having to comb, wash & cut it.
The person who cares most about your baldness is you. Once you realise that you man up and get on with life. I wouldn't grow my hair out now even if it wasn't receding.

>> No.55520946

you kidding? if the etc gets approved we dump you want that shit to get kicked down the road for a year at least

>> No.55522385

>you'll look like a fucking cuck like moby

>> No.55522807

-t coping baldfag

>> No.55523742

Bald men should be gassed. Absolutely unfuckable wastes of air.

>> No.55525141

Based strategy chad. I'm also staking my USDT on Convex and participating in the Brillion LM campaign for a decent yield.

>> No.55525230

So what's the verdict on saw palmetto?
I heard it works and is probably much safer than finasteride

>> No.55525486

>Thinning hair
>Applying Minoxidil
Is it a waste of time (and money)?

>> No.55525544

isn't the btc etf in march 2024?

>> No.55525723
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>If the Bitcoin etf is approved, we jump to 35k. If it’s rejected, we go to 25k.
I'm out of the loop, what Bitcoin ETF are you talking about? BITO already exists?

>> No.55525754

>Finasteride is a pill
there is topical too