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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55509984 No.55509984 [Reply] [Original]

> ex-Google, ex-Meta, ex-FAANG

i get why they do it but it's all so tiresome.

mods: before you delete this, this is more biz related than 90% of the posts here. but you janny dorks wouldn't know about that since you dont have real jobs.

>> No.55509986

>> ex-Google, ex-Meta, ex-FAANG
>i get why they do it but it's all so tiresome.
Who's "they"?

>> No.55509993

who you quoting?

>> No.55510001


people working in tech who put the name of their former brand name companies in their bios on social media. and that's how they introduce themselves

>> No.55510019

alpha widows

>> No.55510032

The only real biz posts I see are stock market generals, the rest is just shitcoin shilling and I hate it.

>> No.55510039

I also find it stupid whenever people say they work at a Fortune 500

>> No.55510274

"I work for big pharma" sounds a lot cooler

>> No.55510387
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>ex-rocket scientist
Not a larp, AMA

>> No.55510402

Why did Admiral Byrd's Operation Highjump fail?

>> No.55510542

It’s like saying you went to Harvard or Yale. I work at one of those big tech companies and normalfags are impressed when I tell them. Literally everyone I meet is jealous of my TC

>> No.55510566

I work for a Fortune 100, but as an actuarial consultant. But if anyone asks I say I work in business consulting. I think many people embellish a bit.

>> No.55510628
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so it's not cool to have a resume now?
this offends the zoomer?

>> No.55510653

I wonder do people like janitors and catering staff get to use this flex

>> No.55510754


I know this isn't Blind, but would you share TC, YOE, and role / level?

>> No.55510773

is it still a flex? I mean, those companies kinda got exposed for being overstaffed as fuck. If some random guy was looking for work from one of those companies, isn't it just proof that he was one of the unproductive ones that got cut?

>> No.55511242

it's a flex for normie herd like mentality yuppies. you know how status driven they are, now just imagine the model they build in their heads of your worth is dependent on these brand names. oh well gotta play the game

>> No.55511945

It's even worse when it was their shitty summer internship

>> No.55513826


>> No.55515766


or they took an online course from an ivy league school, and then they put it in their education section as if they actually went there lol

>> No.55515829

and let's be honest, these are all overwhelmingly white kids
>centuries dominating the world
>in under a hundred years lose all your colonies and have the next generation of your people reduced to whining HRT fags begging for brown immigrants to take their jobs and women

>> No.55516071

actually, no. It's mostly east asians and women doing this. Because both are overly focused on status and titles. And it becomes a trend that's hard to break because you spend time with these people and then you feel yourself getting rewired to only care about this shit. Fake and gay desu.