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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.38 MB, 1239x807, w435sdgtert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55508541 No.55508541 [Reply] [Original]

>Housing is unafforda-AAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!

>> No.55508547

a dopamine depleted discord groomertroon posted this thread.

>> No.55508559

whats wrong with that house chud?

>> No.55508564
File: 237 KB, 1200x956, burgercore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55508582

>built in gun holder
explain burgers

>> No.55508618

Traditional American Culture

>> No.55508634

>VPN hop to a new IP
>post another reaction image
>groom another 12 year old boy

>> No.55508642
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>> No.55508652
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71,900 children were sacrificed to the gods of oak and pine to create your cuckshed. You have no honor and no soul to redeem.

The blood is on your hands.

>> No.55508696

Why do burger houses always look like they'd collapse if you leaned against them?

>> No.55508711

looks a little fake&gay to me

>> No.55508734


Because new homes in America are garbage. You can cut into the side of the house with a box-knife.

>> No.55508801

>in Bobtown, a city of 700 people
>unincorporated coal town
>nearest city is 30 minutes away and is still ridiculously small, Morgantown has like 30k people
>next biggest city is Pittsburgh and that's an hour away and quite small compared to many metropolitan areas (300k)

You screwed up somewhere man. Unless you work online or remotely or something, there isn't anything here for you to do. You have no opportunities, you have no job. There are no jobs for you in a place like this, you either make your own work and start a business or you work online.

If those options ever fall through then you'll find out quick how horrible it is to not be able to just get a regular damn job.

It's 71k because it's a dead coal town. Your post proves nothing and you've wasted everyone's time. There are places like this in every single state of the union and if you were going to work online or start your own business and be successful at it, I wouldn't experiment with those options in a place like this, where if you screw up and it doesn't work out- you've dug yourself a mighty deep hole.

>> No.55508917

>all 700 people who live there are retired or unemployed
sure thing retard

>> No.55508990

More than likely, maybe 30-40% of that town economy is actually producing goods and services. Let's talk for a moment about distance from goods and services, unless you're a well read homesteader, I'm guessing you're going to be calling people for certain trade projects on your house- or maybe even some simple repairs. While not necessary, it is beneficial to be near other people who can do things that you can't and would take your money to do those things for you. It's kind of the basic concept of why people congregate in cities in the first place.

So OP thinks that it's wise to put yourself in a place that is devoid of goods and services, which also means it's devoid of economic opportunity.

Let me tell you something, I'm from a place where the main economic engine was agriculture. Guess what, it was agriculture 60-70 years ago when my grandfather went to high school there. It will be agriculture 60-70 years from now because the market and government regulations altering the behavior of the market have agreed that the only thing worth investing in, in my home town, is agriculture.

That city still had 16,000 people in it. The city OP posted has a population of like 700 something. There is nothing there. There is probably a motel, a church and a 7/11 or something. That's the fucking industry. Your economic opportunities in Bobtown likely consist of basing your marketable skills and business model into helping boomers fix their houses and their cars and your mortal enemy will be the 3-4 other guys in town who also do that.

Assuming you don't already have a successful remote work career or live off of your investments, etc.

>> No.55509041

I just took a big stinky poo in my toilet

The toilet continues to appreciate no matter how stinky my poo gets

Such a stinky poo but line always goes up on this porcelain

>> No.55509050

biz be brave & courteous!!

>> No.55509090
File: 1.02 MB, 1106x658, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>49% poverty rate
good morning mixed race teenager who has never left the suburbs. rural areas are poor as fuck.

>> No.55509195

delet this

>> No.55509226

Fucking kek why do libcucks love posting these threads?

>> No.55509829
File: 493 KB, 1280x854, Morgantown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morgantown isnt big enough for me

perfect, stay out

>> No.55509846

>NOOOOO you can't have stores in a condensed 1/2 mile area to supply travelers
>you need to stay in the city and pay $4,000 a month to some kike parasite
Nigger faggot

>> No.55509875

What the fuck do you even do there?

>> No.55509883
File: 136 KB, 640x477, suburbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget being 5 feet from your neighbors

>> No.55509893



>> No.55509910
File: 118 KB, 840x540, morgantown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing, its boring, stay out

>> No.55509951
File: 1.51 MB, 1025x716, coopers rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must live in big cities

>> No.55509958
File: 245 KB, 2000x1333, valley falls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 minutes from a city? too far

>> No.55509965
File: 171 KB, 1080x1305, 1660256840097148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're that slide thread faggot from last week: are you convinced that if you keep on spamming the same fucking images over and over, people will eventually laugh?

>> No.55510015

Look man, posting cool shit from rural areas doesn't make living in them any more practical. If you're retired, live off of investments or work from home then you can have a grand life. No one is debating that. What we're debating here is that it's impractical.

The chances that you find a place in a town like that without having been born there, or without knowing the people there and growing up around them to have your opportunities handed to you, are infinitesimally low. You're not going to drop into town and be elected mayor, or have a business handed to you by one of the locals.

You're not going to be made manager at the local pub, it would be serious work and effort to get hired as the school fucking janitor. Unless there are economic engines humming, there is not opportunity and so for one of us anon's to move there and take advantage of the "low" (in comparison) real estate costs, we need a plan.

>live off passive investment income
>be retired
>work from home
>start a business that the locals want to actually utilize
>have a decent job lined up (fucking impossible in a place like this)

And by the way, the locals will look at you sideways. They will think you are weird, not that its a bad thing but you better find a church and hope that they accept weirdos from out of the area. It's impractical out of the aforementioned scenarios. Simple as that.

Obviously if it was financially feasible I would love to live in place like that. It's impractical, full stop.

>> No.55510034
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>I must defend my way of life!!1!
Sad and souless

>> No.55510046

>It's impractical to work from home. Simple as that.

>> No.55510095
File: 470 KB, 850x1174, 1678353910179810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh walkable cities is a leftoid faggot farce.
Unironically touch grass.

>> No.55510129
File: 27 KB, 504x348, morgantown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't work for the $1.2 billion university
>you can't work in their $100 million athletics department
>can't be a professor
>can't be a doctor or nurse at the hospital
>in fact, there's no work available involving the 25k students on campus
>you say the national energy tech lab is there? must pay shit
>CDC has an office there? pff government salaries are a joke
>and there's absolutely no jobs that service any of these people
>don't you dare work remotely here
>what? there's people there who are successful? well they only got it because of nepotism

stay out

>> No.55510151
File: 880 KB, 1080x1305, 1658360815157976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Vapid consumer
Kek your memes are all paragraphs of cope nobody is gonna read. Have fun driving 50 minutes to Walmart cultureless anon

>> No.55510175

>built-in gun holder
Why do people that live in the middle of nowhere with 0 crime always own guns while city people who actually need them are less likely to? Makes me think

>> No.55510185
File: 251 KB, 1000x1300, 1658369228939635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, stop posting this fucking Brezewood, PA image over and over again, you tremendous reditard tranny.
Maybe if you escaped your parents' basement, you'd know what the fuck truck stops and interstates are, instead of assuming your lube and sex toys magically appear through Harry Potter spells.

>> No.55510196

>My heckin chains restaurants are my culture!!1! >>55508642

>> No.55510198

Canada is grim

>> No.55510225

they have no crime because they have guns

>> No.55510231

Who doesnt consume energy and food you stupid retard?

>> No.55510278

there're so many wrong and terrible things with democratic party in USA and yet poltard decided to make a childish spiteful commentary about how niggers like loud cars while reddit doesn't, therefore, reddit suppose to hate niggers. really shows the depth of political discourse there

>> No.55510477

He was talking about Morgantown WV, not Bobtown PA.

>> No.55510493

>the picture at street level where humans live is misleading
>here's my picture from a hot air balloon
kek when you need to stretch so far you know your argument is nonexistent

>> No.55510495

I think the Loud Car Paradox – albeit small and petty – speaks volumes to the broader issue which is left wing hypocrisy, and how a true socialist paradise can never exist, as leftism is self-defeating.

>> No.55510510

I got banned for 14 days for posting rural property because it was supposedly "doxing"

why do you think that was

>> No.55510666

>everything is government or requires extensive degrees, investment of time and resources into acquiring those degrees
>work a job that services these people, where you dont make enough to live

I lived 30 minutes from a city with 100k people retard, there still weren't jobs. I had to go to a temp agency to find work. You could fill out hundreds of applications, it did no good, you would receive no interviews and no calls back and everything was minimum wage still anyway for what you could apply for.

Unless you built your entire life for many years around getting the required degree to get your foot in the door, you weren't getting shit in my hometown. The moment I moved to a major metropolitan area I never looked back, high paying entry level jobs exist where I am now.

Still enjoy low cost of living and cheap real estate because its an overall low cost of living state, with multiple major economic foundations which push forward many other engines of industry and I'm about 30 minutes away from the lake and 40 minutes away from the wilderness if I wanted to go there. (metro of roughly 600k people)

I just don't get why you people have to defend your way of life so hard. I came from a place very similar to Morgantown, it fucking sucked to have to immigrate upon turning 18 and finding out the job market there was ass and wasn't designed for the people who actually grow up and live there.

>> No.55510760

Looking for jobs in an area like that for me went something like
>get 4 months of tech training and certified in relevant local field
>volunteer and work for free for upwards of a year to build experience and references
>look at online job searching websites and apps
>build as perfect of a resume as I could
>attend the local job search center
>apply for hundreds of positions which I was fully qualified and had experience for
>pound pavement for months and months
>end up finding my first job as a fucking mascot an hour and a half away in a metro which had 500k people in it
>commute hour and a half to make minimum wage burning in the California sun as a mascot
>say fuck it one day because they wouldnt pay me any mileage and made me use my car for work
>continue job search after boss fires me for disagreement over mileage
>apply for a job through job search website, huh, its a temp agency
>temp agency finds me various jobs in various warehouses around the area for minimum wage, takes 1-2 dollars per hour as per their contract with the employers which use them
>actually start working somewhat nearby at warehouses

Anyway I did this blog post because I just want you to understand that I grew up as a child in a place just like this and my life and experiences there were fucking awful and there was a general theme of a lack of opportunity even when putting the immigrant mentality work ethic in, which is absolutely fucking unacceptable.

>move to new state in the heart of its metro area and its capital city
>find full time job immediately with guaranteed raises and an okay-ish wage for the area
>work for family owned business
>have worked there for a few years, set to manage the next location which is opening soon

>> No.55510848

>inb4 dead body found on the basement

>> No.55510925

so you're proud to sell your soul for moloch

if your family gave a shit about you, had a farm, had property, had assets, they could have set you up with connections in your rural area, etc

mine didn't, they are liberals in a rural area and thought that college was the key to life

>> No.55510926
File: 198 KB, 1489x890, morgantown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is too stupid for college
>applies on the internet with everyone else for a bunch of jobs meant for college grads
>unsurprisingly gets no calls back
>blames everyone else for his job search failures
>gets kicked out of his town



>california sun
>similar to morgantown

no fucking chance

>> No.55510951

college is for conformist retards

>> No.55510969
File: 170 KB, 1012x1266, salaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have become a truck driver instead

>> No.55510977

unironically not a bad gig at all

>> No.55511005

Wild life

>> No.55511017

>anon is too stupid for college
College is for stupid people. I thought I was supposed to be the liberal for suggesting people move into a decently sized metropolitan area. You're over here, like a complete fucking retard, suggesting people go to college. Everyone fucking goes to college dude, its like second high school. I'm not going to waste 4 years of my life and go into 100k in debt to go to the local 4 year university that most jobs were asking me to have done. A lot of them were asking for more, masters, doctorates, but at the very least a bachelors.

All so I could MAYBE get in a SINGLE industry that existed in reasonable commute of my parents house. I wasn't going to stay in the state anyway, because as you know it is a socialist hellscape. Why would I waste 4 years of my life and go into untenable debt so that I could apply for a job and then get told I have to volunteer again for several years before I could be hired?

Every job in the area was asking for equal years of experience in the field to the degree, bachelors would require 4 years experience, associates would require 2, but honestly hardly anyone was asking for associates so community college was out. That would have just been me getting fucking votech training again and hoping for the best, again.

Fuck all that.
And by the way, you knuckle dragging troglodyte, I mentioned that I pounded pavement. I pounded pavement in the appropriate professional attire, no less. I took care of my car. I made sure that I looked professional. I had gone through job search training at the job search center, that's what they fucking do. I learned how to build my resume and how to be employable.

I physically showed up to hundreds of businesses, properly dressed I wasn't stupid, I didn't just look at the internet you fucking retard.


Your ripping on me for not going to college in California. You are a high grade faggot.

>> No.55511064

Like seriously, what would I have leaned how to do? Groom children?

>> No.55511078
File: 692 KB, 1044x548, CHAZ Garden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, dumbass, without referencing Harry Potter or spouting off into a tangent about race & privilege, explain to me how food is produced and distributed to stores.

>> No.55511077

>There is probably a motel, a church and a 7/11 or something
Not even. Just a post office and a restaurant. Restaurant looks good though, might order some smoked sausage from them.

>> No.55511128
File: 3.75 MB, 3754x2769, 20220205_031915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because guns are fun to shoot? And practical for things that aren't killing groids?

>> No.55511272

>everyone goes
>waste 4 years
>100k debt


>> No.55511505

halo 2 was pretty cool

>> No.55511540
File: 137 KB, 766x225, Screenshot 2023-07-04 23.05.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55511546

What's the bare minimum you have to make to afford a house in a non shithole/heavy 13/50 area?

>> No.55511547
File: 53 KB, 719x860, 1684533942365614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao literally looks like this. Imagine thinking posting a bunch of asphalt looks good kek

>> No.55511633

I can buy that house cash and I live with my parents.