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55506119 No.55506119 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make money off of climate change?

>> No.55506224

By killing yourself putrid financier parasite

>> No.55506234
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>> No.55506330

Invest in renewables? The sector is bound to get significantly subsidised by western governments that have made climate related commitments. Besides that, things like solar foods, lab meat alternatives and other food tech start ups trying to reduce dependence on traditional farming seem like big opportunities over the next decade, as we may see governments legislating against beef and dairy farming. Materials wise, plastic is looking very bearish and there are many start ups looking to produce viable alternative materials, another avenue.

Crypto wise, energy web is doing a lot for the energy sector, and their green proofs are going to be a significant component of revising public perception of bitcoin as a contributor of CO2 pollution, and stimulate public adoption. Fundamentally it seems energy web has captured the energy market with institutional support from global energy producers and governments and as such may become foundational infrastructure for pretty much anything that uses electricity.

>> No.55506432

Buy worthless land in central Alaska for pennies on the dollar. In 20 years if climate change has really taken off you’ll have some extremely fertile land

>> No.55506440

Oil and gas are probably still a safe investment since niggers in Africa are still growing at an exponential rate so that’ll be a major customer even if the West goes fully green.

>> No.55506472

Weren't they saying circa 2000 that coastal cities would be totally underwater by now? Has the sea level even changed at all?

>> No.55506598

I figured the whole thing is a scam ever since I read Obama bought a multi-million dollar mansion right by the sea. Just invest in things that are subsidized by the government, they always make record profit after the government announces a subsidy.

>> No.55506633

So eat bugs, pay more taxes, let more immigrants in and take less flights amirite?

>> No.55506648

Normalfags already figured out global warming is a hoax, sorry blud.

>> No.55506708

The issue isn't whether or not climate change is real, it is, the issue is that no solutions being presented are anything more than power plays or exploitation of the crisis by the individuals and institutions responsible for the problem in the first place. To give an example...
>Fuck men...I fucking hate men...Let's encourage people to be trannies...
>Global climate change
>Uhhh woah...Global climate change is a super big deal...to fight it, we need more men to become trannies.
This has dual result of doing absolutely jack shit to alleviate climate change and pissing of the right wing who then just comes to associate climate change with tranny shit or whatever else. The goal was always to get gentiles to eat bugs and replace white people with black people, but now those people are using climate change as the justification. It's the same shit with invading Iraq. The goal was ALWAYS to invade Iraq and get rid of Saddam Hussein, but 9/11 gave the pretense for doing it and the end result was more problems and more bullshit because it wasn't Iraq that did 9/11. You see how this works and why people get pissed?

>> No.55506759

As an anon who constantly complains that capitalism is destroying the ecology, you sure don't care or know about the ecology.
Maybe look into the DRAA-TAGILALET and DNA banks OP. The former is a moroccan energy producer which created a unqiue system of solar energy that can provide energy 24/7 using molten salt and steam. They plan to eventually provide energy to all europe but idk how much of that is hype.
The latter (dna banks) probably isn't profitable yet, i haven't looked into it.
Also look into animal hospitals and the equipment they require, some of it is pretty specialized and the increase in mis-migrations can only increase leading to profit for their suppliers. This is mainly a western thing.
Also sustainable air conditioning, pods, bugs. Unironically.
There WILL be mass migration in the next 2+ decades and you WILL profit from it if you position accordingly.
I'm just learning my financial ropes right now and building some seed capital. But these are the things i've looked into casually and where i'm going to be putting my money for the most gain in the future and to position my family.
There is also an increase in grants and subsidies around the globe for wildlife preservation/rewilding projects so that might be worth looking into if you can scoop up appropriate land in the appropriate areas with such policy leanings.

>> No.55506774

Kek, nice try kike.

>> No.55506796

>climate change is le real.... and the only way to fight it is if everyone who isn't a billionaire stops bathing, travelling, driving, eating meat and retiring

>> No.55506824

Climate threads always attract the bottom of the barrel glowies and subverted midwits.
It doesn't matter if it's real anons. It matters if it is believed to be real. Just like space it is highly profitable to invest appropriately even if untrue and fake.
You're not being smart, convincing, or providing new and origianl contrarian takes by denying it. Everyone has heard your opinion from the same sources you recycle them from. You are repeating meme talknig points like a good little gui and preventing discussion on the potential for profits.

>> No.55506835

invest in air conditioner companies

>> No.55506848

Yellowstone could erupt tomorrow and Asia could get hit by mega tsunamis and Earthquakes and I would literally not give a single fuck. Why do these faggot normies care so much about "muh weather" It literally doesn't matter if climate change is real you retarded nigger cattle faggots

>> No.55506863

Omg is that country music star, Chris Stapleton?!

>> No.55506876

Why are you asking why normies care about things instead of how to profit frm what they care about?
It's well-established that they care arbitrarily and according to news cycles and the popularity of a topic. Your question is irrelevant.

>> No.55506891
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>polluting the environment like a turd world nigger is BASED and climate change is a JEW LIE because /pol/ told me so

>> No.55506906

Water ETFs due to the southwest US’s population and the fact that they’re running out of water. Short home owner and renter insurance companies. Thank me later

>> No.55507052

Except climate change people avoid talking about pollution like in your picture. They only mention alleged changes in weather and how eating the bugs in the first world will fix it.

>> No.55507073
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>> No.55507078

sell some tokens, but market them as solving the "environment problem". worked for sergey, he's making millions off of idiots on the internet

>> No.55507094

Depends on who you talk to about it. You either only talk to the most superficial and vapid, or you only talk to people online which is fake and gay. This is still a niche beyond the virtue signallers retweeting etc. But the younger generations are growing up and the virtue signalling will move beyond talking.

>> No.55507102
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sell carbon offsets

>> No.55507371
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MSM global warming and global cooling psyops existed at least since the 70s, but nothing in the real world has actually changed beyond the natural climate cycles. Extended hot and cold periods are natural phenomena since the dawn of time and well documented in countless history and science books. Rituals to change the weather are as old as the first pre-historic religions and the priest castes profited a lot from it by creating more fear and offering the solution, usually in the form of demanded sacrifices from the plebs.

>> No.55507384

Boat life is so cringe.

>> No.55507515

Since this thread has been derailed into bullshit arguments on the premise which have no impact on potential profitability let me give you my fucking take since you're all sharing yours.
All the anti-climate FUD is orchestrated by the super rich who went super long on fossil fuels decades ago. They are currently exiting their positions and rotating into nuclear, renewables, and speculative energy solutions, while the government takes on their bags to prevent mass panic, dollar flight, and the biggest bloody dildo in all of financial history.
Climate change is an observable phenomenon if you live on the coast. Anons who don't believe it's real don't go to beaches regularly. A fact. Simple as.
As for wether it's manmade or not, that's fucking irrelevant to financial discussions. "Why is" is not as important as "what is", financially speaking. It is a fact that oil is running out hence the increasing need for subsidy. Therefore alternative energy, nuclear included, is increasingly necessary and profitable.Even if this statement were not true, msot believe it to be true and that will effect the market accordingly.
As for global warming, sea rise, etc. Investing in the solutions, alternatives, etc. will be profitable regardless of the actual cause, whether that is a natural cycle or a manmade disaster. Again, an irrelevant and speculative "why" which detracts from discussion on the profitable "what".
To reiterate, the belief that it is real is more important than actual reality of it. Again, financially speaking.
The witful invests and exits accordingly while the midwit tries to convince the tide of money flow to change direction because the tide was a lie.

>> No.55507743
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That's not a TIME magazine cover from the 70s.


Why do anthropogenic climate change deniers always have to resort to lying?

>> No.55507759
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Factually correct anon

>> No.55507760

>Saw the effects of climate change first hand
Its called the "tide".

>> No.55507766

>Extended hot and cold periods are natural phenomena since the dawn of time
What's significant about the global increase in temperature is not the increase itself, but the rate at which it has increased.
Temperatures increased dramatically over a relatively short period of time, 100-200 years. At the same time that the industrial revolution began and we began burning massive amounts of coal...
My understanding is the past hot periods did not usually occur suddenly, or when they did occur suddenly it was usually a one off event, like some natural disaster releasing trapped methane.
It's also my understanding that past examples were the temperature increased rapidly tended to not be good for most species, as most wouldn't have had the time to adapt to the suddenly changed conditions, i.e they'd all die off
So even if the current change was natural that wouldn't still make it good for many living species many of which are adapted to a narrow range of temperatures.

>> No.55507830
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Despite how retarded this picture is, it completely sums up the current state of climate change. Make sure you suck corporate dick while you live in a pod and have your quality of life further eroded every year.

>> No.55507839

Buy land and build something cool on it so when it's underwater you can charge people to dive out there.

>> No.55507843

It’s real and it’s not a big deal

>> No.55507854

It is a natural cycle. Eating bugs and not driving cars will not change the suns solar activity

>> No.55507856
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Here you go.

>> No.55507872

those people seem happy. Op should learn from them

>> No.55507885

was Frank the tranny?

>> No.55507906
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>TIME magazine cover from the 70s.

>> No.55507916

Spoonfeeding incoming.

Buy XRP. Carbon credits are about to be tokenized. There is an carbon credits exchange developed with the UN called xange for that purpose and it uses the xrpl. https://xange.com/ https://twitter.com › Xange_com

>> No.55507922

uranium ?

>> No.55507994
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>build temporary town on swampland
>erodes over time

MUH CLIMATE CHANGE, it must be rising sea levels.

I'm from Maryland and they've been writing about shrinking Smith island for 20 years while ignoring Pennsylvanian runoff poisoning the Chesapeake.