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55502257 No.55502257 [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances loans will still be forgiven in some form? Is a higher education even still worth it outside of compsci and healthcare?

>> No.55502281

No refunds lol

>> No.55502299

Healthcare to take care of boomers

>> No.55502300

You have to get jabbed for that and a new jab is coming
They waived your interest for like 4 years, essentially paying off like $20k. You're welcome.

>> No.55502303


>> No.55502322
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basically 100% so don't worry about making payments

>> No.55502345

I actually admire these whores. They COULD just shake their ass and make it but they choose to study instead.
What I wouldn’t give to raw dog one

>> No.55502372

>They COULD just shake their ass and make it but they choose to study instead.
They chose both and they won't make it either way. Wait, you thought women who do this shit even stand a chance at making it? Your average nurse doesn't make jack shit, and your average prostitute even less. Not even mentioning the loans and bad spending habits.

>> No.55502390

The only moral thing to do is rug pull the moronic banks which gave unsecured loans to teenagers on the pure gamble that they would ever get a job to pay it back at all. The US government will never allow banks to be rug pulled, thus you can determine the reality of any forgiveness ever outside of a tiny amount for black people who don't work at all (yes this is actually current Biden admin plan).

>> No.55502499

There was that scene in House where he said he only hired Cameron because she was hot, but that also meant she had to want it more than the others because she could have just lived life on easy mode.

Gotta admit that the logic there is pretty sound

>> No.55502588
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you got played

>> No.55502818

Nurses make bank in burgerland. Six figures easy if they work a few overtime shifts. Sometimes they offer them 1000 cash plus time and a half to come in

>> No.55502861

>The only moral thing to do is rug pull the moronic banks which gave unsecured loans to teenagers on the pure gamble that they would ever get a job to pay it back at all.

The "bank" is the US government and the Department of Education is required by law to give the loans out regardless of creditworthiness, chosen degree and ability to pay the loans back with their expected career, etc.

92% of student loans are public (ie. originated by the federal government). It's a small minority that are given out using funds held by conventional banks.

Taxpayers are the only ones getting fucked when they aren't paid back. People with private loans are continuing to make their payments, because the federal government has never had the authority to tell banks to pause payments and interest, clear balances, etc. It's only people with public loans who are being promised forgiveness.

The federal government should have never got in the business of giving out student loans, and public student loans should no longer be given out. But then Democrats will cry racism, because no bank in their right mind (and justifiably so) would give DeQuarius $100k to get a degree in Wakandan Studies.

>> No.55503110


>if loans are forgiven, le taxpayers suffer!

good, cry harder you retard boomer

>> No.55503148


I mean student loan borrowers pay taxes too. On average more than your tradie or other high school grad since they have higher incomes. They're paying for their loans one way or another.

>> No.55503193


yeah paying income tax is the same as paying a loan lol you stupid retard boomer

>> No.55503477

bros, is it too late to take the nurse pill and becomes one?
Is it hell working with girl nurses or like retail with a 6 fig salary?

>> No.55503624

seems like a shit job

>> No.55503706

her chin is bigger than her ass

>> No.55503759

It's really about the principle of the debate gor me.which shows how disgusting the boomers are. Almost every person in America gets some form of handout, the money is fake and doesn't mean anything. The boomers do nothing about the trillions in war spending and handouts given to niggers who suck in over 60k a year in benefits and then when they try to do something to help college students and millennial who have had by far and objectively the worst job market in almost a hundred years they collectively freak out and froth at the mouth.

The youth are the future. Not saying that faggot degrees need loan forgiveness but some of those people worked hard and played by the rules and they did the only they option they could which was go into debt for a degree and not only that hut they did exactly what they were TOLD to do by the previous generation to be successful.

It's really just disgusting on principle. Nobody will bat an eye at the millions of other horrifying issues going on today but the minute the students might get a handout they freak the fuck out. This whole thing is like watching disgusting people fighting over crumbs. They don't understand the economy, the government, the federal reserve or anything and it's just disgusting selfish retards yelling at each other over who's the most disgusting.

>> No.55503768

No forgiveness. It won't happen. And won't be fixed. America needs Starbucks coffee clerks.

>> No.55503793
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It will happen but it will only happen before total collapse is imminent. Basically once it happens you have 72 hours or less to get ready for the biggest rugpull in world history.
>no need to pay back your student loans!
>because you're going to be poorer than a medieval shit shoveler from now on and that debt is now a fond memory
Search your feelings, you know this is true.

>> No.55503799

Hahahahahahahahahahaha he really thought Biden was /his guy/

Sorry pussy, that money needs to get to zelensky so he can buy child prostitutes and high heels

>> No.55503804

she putting Jay Leno to shame

>> No.55503808

But the loans won’t be forgiven so why would he be the one crying, projecting toddler

>> No.55503852

Right. The worst part of the the whole situation is the pressure schools, parents, and advisors placed on young people to go to college. If 18 year olds are considered too much of a risk to rent a car, why the fuck would you encourage them to take out tens of thousands of dollars in loans that can’t be discharged.
The entire situation certainly seems predatory.
Also, help me understand this, if you anons would be so kind. Interest rates are high because student loans are both risky and unsecured. But they can’t be discharged, which is part of what said rates are a hedge against. This doesn’t quite seem right, what am I missing here? Your credit is still fucked if you default, and you now have your probably low wages garnished.

>> No.55505485
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>Interest rates are high because student loans are both risky and unsecured. But they can’t be discharged, which is part of what said rates are a hedge against. This doesn’t quite seem right, what am I missing here? Your credit is still fucked if you default, and you now have your probably low wages garnished.
Because the point of these debts isn't for you to pay them or for them to make money off of you. The point is that you're constantly in a state of serfdom to a higher authority. The US government exists in a form where corporate and state powers intermingle to exercise their authority. Businesses require a college degree for every job from CEO down to dishwasher, so everyone is de facto required to go. The government gives out student loans, and now you're part of their system of serfdom. You took on debt to go to school to get a job that pays you money you use to pay down the debt. It's a closed circular system which is how you know it's farcical. This happens in macrocosm and microcosm.

Private banks loan out mortgages and small business loans so you can LARP "the American Dream." But these loans usually aren't paid off until you're near dead, at which point the medical costs keeping you alive, and the estate tax that takes your money after you die, ensures that your progeny receive relatively no inheritance. Now they must repeat this process to attain an unsustainable lifestyle while never building generational wealth. Your money is never yours. It's lent to you and then taken back when you die. It's serfdom, not capitalism.

You step out of line? You get fired. You get blacklisted. Your credit goes down. You get fined. You lose the business. The lose the house. You *really* step out of line? You get arrested. You get shot. You go to prison. People who try to live outside of the debt system we call "bums" and they're treated like criminals.

>> No.55505560

You don't have to do bedside care forever, but you probably do at first. I'm a nurse making $58/hr base rate and haven't wiped an ass in 10 years.

>> No.55505608

Or option C is to just leave the fucking country and establish permanent residence elsewhere (using that degree that is hopefully useful) and never pay back a cent. They can't come after you for debt.

>> No.55505618

Practicing sliding down onto that BBC

>> No.55506178
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*bombs your new country*
>We did this because you hate our freedom

>> No.55506282


>> No.55506301

these are literal traitors to the republic
tax evasion is a civic duty

>> No.55507379
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>worth it
a doctor or an RN, yes. a nurse? nah. nurses get put through the wringer worse than wagies at walmart. you're either over-worked or under-worked

and as far as computer science, if you're not some successful shill at silicon valley, probably not. every time i see threads in here involving IT workers, they all sound miserable in their dead end jobs even though they make plenty of money

>> No.55507433

The issue wasn't whether loans should be forgiven. The issue was how Biden went about it. If Congress had enacted loan forgiveness, the SCOTUS wouldn't have overruled them.

>> No.55507446

How can a nurse be underworked? Where in the world is there a place that has too many nurses?

>> No.55507506

staff hours will get cut if hospitals aren't busy. to add insult to injury outsourced nurses will cut into your hours as well if it gets too busy. the hospital execs will never take a pay cut

>> No.55507564

My mother's a retired RN and yes RN's far better than CNA/NA and etc... Worth it. Frightening too :D

>> No.55507615

And then the fucked part about the whole thing is that the money is fake and printed so they are willing to pay for all kinds of bullshit and technically everyone living on social security is a freeloader because the system is insolvent and then when it comes to the students they froth at the mouth and say "fuck them".

You say you were "promised" your social security and thus are entitled to it? Well I was "promised" a job and was entitled to it until your generation did everything it could to sell out my generation.

>> No.55508067

How is it working with women?

>> No.55508243

That’s not the actual logic, what really happens having experienced it is these whores believe because they had that option, they deserve special privileges and treatment. And they fucking get it from every man they work with, too, so in reality they’re just extending their whore privilege to the workplace. And inevitably, they still decide they’re working too hard one day and still try to “settle down”, because they don’t want to continue working, and also women have no concept of saving money or investing. It’s all a game to them that they can just stop playing whenever they want.

>> No.55508248
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Personally forgiven of all debt in death