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55499562 No.55499562 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55499568

Manifestation is a very real phenomenon. Man is sinful though, and any gift can be turned into a defect.

>> No.55499577

Correlation is not causation. And why did they not measure if they had declared bankruptcy before or after they started believing in manifestation woo? That is essential.

>> No.55499581

Then manifest all the privileges of a white woman in America

>> No.55499591

Magic exists and I’m special.

>> No.55499598

Manifestation happens because demons help certain things happen to make you think it's real, but you'll be able to manifest things like a pile of money, saving a loved one from death, a pink unicorn, etc.
Some things just aren't possible in this world which to me is evidence that manifestation is a trick.

>> No.55499602

^"but you'll NEVER be able to manifest things like a pile of money..."

Stoned already sorry.

>> No.55499624
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Positive thinking is unironically real though. I don't mean that in a gay "this shitcoin will magically go up after rugging" way, but if you see an asset which clearly has the wind in its sails and is undervalued but have no confidence in yourself to pull it off, then it violently moons, obviously positive thinking would have helped there.

The OP is basically describing the opposite, where a gambler says "just one more game" as he rolls the dice after he's down 99% and getting a margin call.

>> No.55499636

White women don't have real privileges, they just have a society that babies them until they're fat and ugly and old and then their life is fucking over. Being a man is better because even if people discriminate against you and fuck you over, you at least understand and learn how to protect yourself from scammers and assholes. White woman gives away her virginity, mouth virginity, anal virginity, armpit virginity, hand virginity- all the virginities for free and then she's like "I fucked 100 guys, where's MY prince charming" because no one ever bothered to tell her men like sluts, but don't wanna marry sluts.

>> No.55499650

manifest a lottery win then
>inb4 it can't be materialistic
contract aids and manifest better health

>> No.55499660

>because no one ever bothered to tell her men like sluts, but don't wanna marry sluts.
is that why the porn actresses who got gangbanged got married and are happy? you are actually wrong lmao.

>> No.55499697
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>and are happy

>> No.55499703

>missing the point
women can get away with anything and do everything wrong in life yet still triumph.

>> No.55499756
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Their biological clock and the shame they live with says otherwise. Spamming happy couple pics to social media doesn't mean they're happy.

>> No.55499794

>he thinks women feel shame
lol. lmao.

>> No.55499803

Its mostly women. I know lots of women who make six figs writing romance for a living and they all think their early morning manifestations caused their success. I want to ask them if they think all the kids who die of luekemia just dont want it enough.

>> No.55501714

if you (genuinely) believe you will win the lottery you will but nobody actually does. people rely on 'luck'. you should start with manifesting something simple like seeing 3 green cars in a row on the road or something.

>> No.55501864

selection bias. people so determined to make it they admit to regularly visualizing it are more likely to take risks and go bust

>> No.55502018

>link to vid of the porn actress crying because no man(that she wants) wants her
There will always be a supply of simp men that will take a woman no matter her sexual past. Although those men are usually low quality and she deserves her now sub par life. She'll likely still cheat with chads though in order to validate herself. She'll never find true internal joy though. Selling your soul and all that.

>> No.55502110
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>life is all about capital
>come on wagies hustle and bustle
>want that promotion wagie? Better work hard
>life is all about money printed from nothing by capital class who hand it out like candy to eachother

>> No.55502136

The manifesting shit works but you actually have to be doing something. You can’t just say you want something and sit back and wait.

You have to be proactively doing some shit

When it comes to what that guy is talking about with high risk investments, well guess what fuck face, nobody makes it doing shit that isn’t risky

>> No.55502154

if there's anything more contemptible and less effective than "manifestation", it's social science

>> No.55502174
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man why is everyone here so in favour of manifestation, am I sharing this board with black women and white teenage girls?
the reason for the study is the mobs of women who manifest but dont put any actual effort or work into anything. manifestation for a man goes like this
>I want something
>I need to work to get to it
>I need to believe have the skill and drive to do the work
essentially, men manifest their own work ethic.
manifestation for a women works like this
>I want something
>I deserve it because I am a kween
>I will write in my pink fluffy journal that I will get it and do nothing else
and then if said ho doesnt find a sugar daddy or stemcel to buy her that audi coupe, she goes bankrupt because to her, buying that louis bag she wants with a credit card = manifestation success.
like I said, manifestation for men is just believing you are capable of doing something.

>> No.55502542
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Exactly. Manifestation can only be real for men because a man will actually put in the work. For men you can substitute the same word for "confidence", "will", "might", "resolve", "fortitude". Those words don't exist to women. They are literally not designed to go through the struggle and risk everything to succeed. They understand the risk it part though which is why they lose ultimately. But the fortitude part, the struggle part, the resolve part, these are concepts not found within their evolutionary genes.

With women always remember this:
- They were bred to be in harams. This is why they prefer to share the alpha over having their own betas.
- They are all bisexual/lesbians. During the haram phase of civilization the women would routinely have sex with each other and oodle each other to please their Alpha owner.
- They will never be loyal. Remember that the loyal women during raids of villages would be killed and only the submissive women without loyalty to their now dead husbands were taken as slaves and bred with.
- They are hypergamous because they are designed to always be in danger and because they have no loyalty genes, they are used to swinging from one alpha to another. To the point where now she swings before her current alpha is raided and killed by her new alpha.

>> No.55502554

>nobody makes it doing shit that isn’t risky
For every 1 that makes money taking the risk 1,000's have become broke and broken as people. Everyone just assumes that "gotta risk it for the biscuit" just implies that it will workout for them without putting any work in like buying a lotto ticket. You can mitigate risk by learning a skill and honeing it. The more difficult the skill, the more rewarding the pay with less risk. Wether that's analyzing projects to find repeatable characteristics that succeed as investments or becoming a carpenter, doctor, programmer.

>> No.55502585

Also to add. Whatever you get in life. You will likely lose it and have to start over from nothing. If you relied on random chance, then that will be your go too. The only real wealth is knowing whatever happens you can get it back through repeatable patterns. The same way you can take money away from rich people but they will always make it back.

>> No.55502599

Believing in the concept of manifestation is too broad. How are they defining it? I'm doing pretty okay, and I think believing my mindset and hard work are why. Am I not manifesting my own destiny?

>> No.55502608

there's nothing stopping you from homesteading in Alaska

>> No.55502616

>Manifest reality
>Go out and do some good shit and reap the rewards
>You manifested your success
>You have the inherent ability from god to create
These powerful facts are wasted in these redditors pretending to be bizraelies

>> No.55502621

Kek Mia Kahlifa is on suicide watch and is perpetually projecting her pain and suffering from the long term effects of being in porn, she is obsessed with trying to force people to stop treating her like she’s not an absolute whore

>> No.55502626

Life isn't all about capital you commie faggot retard. Into the coal mines with you. Mr Hershwitz says you haven't contributed your part.

>> No.55502633

Manifestation is one of those dumbjak --> midwitjak --> bigbrainjak memes

>> No.55502635

>porn actresses who got gangbanged got married
>and are happy
You zoomers are more fucked up than I ever realised.

>> No.55502659
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cant. Legally all innawoods are private property or a national park.
Big Capital literally won't let you escape the plantation, so they best you can do is Amish Maxx with your bros

>> No.55502678

Why are you on /biz/ commie?

>> No.55502692
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no it actually is. The Western demi-God is money.
All who worship at the alter of capitlism present M o n e y as the only reason to live and everything has value.
Imagine being a boomer cuck who's proud his home that he's owned for 40+ yrs, that has history in his family is now $4mil+. Is this boomer going to sell to live a simple life off the grid the best legal way he can?
Of course not, he's going to do as he always does and boom his way into poverty lke their entire generation of man children they are.
This is true for anyone who thinks this way

The God of the West is actually Greed. the high preists are the bankers / capital class.
This class controls the money that the above worship and work really heckin hard to obtain more, like money for moneys sake.
But what is money? Worthless, its nothing. Its printed from thin air and its value is used to buy real tangible things. So chasing money is worthless because its value is worthless and right now its very fragile.

Life in the capillist system is very much about money. you can't even leave your home without paying a fee, whether it's gas or something else

>> No.55502705

I've been on biz for 2yrs now and I never knew about the stuff im talking about until someone who matters showed me where to look.
I used to think the answer to everything was jews like every other retard until I get sick of that retarded answer and abandon politics all together

Class > Race

>> No.55502737

People who are rich are more likely to have experienced bankruptcy too

>> No.55502748

>rhonda byrne's
I think the students who performed this "study" are confusing manifestation with the mystical nu-age tautological bullshit definition.
Manifestation is nothing mystical. It is simply pursuing your fucking goals. If you don't believe a goal can be manifested in reality, you would not pursue it. These dumb cunts manifested a fucking study by doing the needful.
For example, i manifest a cup of coffee every morning by making myself a cup of coffee. If i thought it was impossible to manifest a cup of coffee i would not attempt to make the cup of coffee.
Believing that i can manifest a cup of coffee by making a cup of coffee does not increase my risk of bankruptcy at all. In fact, i have never been bankrupt and all my investments have at least doubled while being entirely crypto.
>tl;dr my anecdotal experience objectively disproves this "study" done by arse-scratchers as i manifest poos into my loo daily

>> No.55502754

>be commie
>complain about national parks

>> No.55502755

>I've been on biz for 2yrs now
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