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55497976 No.55497976 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't European homes have air conditioning?

>> No.55497982

Too cool in the North, too poor in the South.

>> No.55497997

air conditioning is for soft bug people
your ancestors have suffered much worse and yet every single one of them managed to reproduce

>> No.55498031

I do have AC, but the main reason it's less common in Europe is because we have way fever obese people.

>> No.55498033

Why dont you have radiators ??

>> No.55498034
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their houses are too old and the people too poor

>> No.55498038

European countries aren't as humid as many other places so it's easier to deal with heat

>> No.55498053

Because Europe at the dawn of civilisation did not have any air conditioning. To introduce such technology means we are drifting further and further away from our roots.

>> No.55498181

>Big expense and inconvenience for something that is used about 1-2 weeks a year if you are a pussy and don't like mild heat

>> No.55498207

the weather is usually pretty moderate here in France but I caved in and bought a portable air conditioner

why people in places like southern Italy don't have one is a mystery but notice every sweltering place is massively underproductive because people just sit around and sleep and try to keep cool all day like some weird reptile adjacent creature

>> No.55498208

I live in Israel and we need air conditioning for about 6 months a year.
my room Is in second floor and the window is facing west so in summer times I get direct sunlight to my room. at the floor level it's chill enough that you don't need AC or only for short periods.

>> No.55498225

They have though? Its like saying why does the american content doesnt have ACs some have, some dont

>> No.55498253

That’s like asking why don’t americans have microwaves.

>> No.55498259

europeans are poor, everything else ITT is cope

>> No.55498271

They literally go without A/C because they think it makes them better than other people, in particular Americans.

>t. coping Europoors proving my point
Drop your egos. I work with eurofags and they’re all miserable right now, but it’s hilarious how mad you all get when asked about A/C. It’s very telling.

>> No.55498277

It's hot for about two weeks a year where I live

>> No.55498281

You should have been come up with that yourself:

Less obese
Thicker walls, older buildings & different ways to build
Used to it for thousands of years+
Behind the US in the decadence cycle
I’m general higher energy costs

>> No.55498299

Europe is a tier below America in terms of economic development.

>> No.55498321

>I live in Israel and we need air conditioning for about 6 months a year.
Is it really that hot in Palestine?

>> No.55498332

Airconditioners cost next to nothing. Literally everyone in asia has them. It has nothing to do with wealth.

>> No.55498333

We have. We just don't turn it on because of energy prices

>> No.55498341

Don't lie, electricity is cheap during summer. What's your €/kWh today?

>> No.55498345

Our homes are made of stone or bricks. They retain the hot air in the winter and keep the heat outside in the summer.
Your houses are made of plastic that is why you need that AC that fucks your throat.

>> No.55498350


I only use mine when its like 28+ C outside for multiple days cause after a few days my house starts to heat up

during winter it never gets cold, so worth it for like maybe 3 weeks of total use per year

>> No.55498356

$400 for 2-4 weeks/year of extra comfort is worth it for me personally

think I lose that much per day on shitcoins lmao

>> No.55498365

I never really paid attention to cost, i dont think i paid that much more or at least it wasnt noticable

on warm sunny days i think electricity is cheaper because there is too much on the net, i also heard about people needing to use energy like turn on vacuum cleaners to make sure the electricity net doesnt get overloaded with all the solar panels being in full sun

i use AC mainly on very hot days or humid nights, dont think over 3 weeks of total runtime in a year and i never noticed it being costly

>> No.55498377

it's 95 degrees every day here in Utah and I don't use it. All you need is a fan unless it's humid

>> No.55498383

Not Italian but Iberian and the houses here in the south have very thick walls and on the inside have tiles. They are very fresh even in the summer.
That technology came with the Moors and they know how to survive the heat.

>> No.55498386

you don't need to freak out unless you feel targeted. it's a simple fact obese people are more susceptible to heat
not having a/c has nothing to do with wanting to feel superior, lack of money or lack of need (historically) are better answers
up until a few years ago it made no sense to get a/c in france for example. nowadays? yeah, starting to feel the squeeze in the summer

>> No.55498390

Cause their homes are made out of concrete which keeps cool during summer. You'd only need ac if you sleep directly under a wooden roof or in a cardboard/plastic house like americans

>> No.55498392

idk my appartment is like 20 years old and it doesnt get cold here

even in winter the heating only goes on when its freezing outside AND i have the windows open

i pretty much never need heating, when it gets hot my house stays cool for 2 days but if its like a 30 degree heatwave week then you can bet your ass it will stay 26C + for at least another fucking month unless you use ac. I only got portible one in the bedroom and it gets the job done otherwise you need wet towels in your neck and shit fuck that

>> No.55498401

OP posted an heat pump and said AC, he's a nigger.

In Canada we heat and cool our homes with an heat pump, it's extremely efficient. Temperatures range from -30 to +35.

>> No.55498411

I just meant the upfront cost, I don't even pay attention to utility bills beyond "the Germans are fucking everything up again"

idk that stops working in my house after a couple weeks of high heat specifically when it doesn't cool off enough at night, maybe yours works better for it but I've been to Italy a lot of times and it just feels like there's no escape to the heat

>> No.55498414

they do in southern europe

>> No.55498419

wdym upfront cost

my 9000btu portable one was like 200 or 300 bucks at most and ive had it for almost 5 years already

>> No.55498429

>you don't need to freak out unless you feel targeted
...what? Take your meds I don't even know what you're trying to say.

>> No.55498432

They're ecocucks, their government makes it unaffordable for them because they're cattle. Also all the refugees are used to the heat and lol if you think the kikes care about the whites in Europe

>> No.55498450
File: 152 KB, 1200x799, IKEA house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally live in a recycled house

>> No.55498452

Yet Europoors are the most domesticated, docile people ever

>> No.55498459

Prices usually don't chang e during the year. Currently it's around 0.40€/kWh. And that's with a price cap in place. I'm not joking.

>> No.55498479
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>You literally live in a recycled house
You dumbass bongs have it worse than us. You don't even have yards.

>> No.55498481

oh wat thats 5x as much as here wtf, that's the shitty winter prices we get that just suck out all joy from my bank account.

>> No.55498488

Welcome to pooreupe.

>> No.55498494

>noooooooooooo you have to live in a brick house because you need to spend a ton more on raw materials because there's a 1 in 100 chance you get hit by a tornado!!
Retarded europoors always try to take "credit" for their buildings being made of stone as if they or someone else made that decision in the modern era.

>> No.55498495

Hueheujeuheueheueheue the delicious europoor cope. Come to the desert and all u fags drop like Flys at 95 degrees.
>current inside temp of 74, outside expected high of 105.
>inb4 coping celeius

>> No.55498512
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Sorry mutts i will just enjoy my megalithic architecture

>> No.55498516
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>> No.55498522
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>> No.55498523

I'm also in europe though, but not EU.
Sweden my dear EU member neighbour looks cheaper than your electricity too, about the same as here https://elspot .nu/
thats about €0.05/kWh
Actually, even most of EU looks okay now during summer, maybe not ideal but...
https://www.energyprices .eu/
Where exactly is your whereabouts?

>> No.55498531

It's so bizarre how mad and aggressive Europeans get whenever the ac thing is brought up. Kind of like when asked why they don't own cars.

>> No.55498534

Kek the eurocunts can’t stop losing

>> No.55498545

>Kind of like when asked why they don't own cars.
lmao what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.55498555

Adapting to Middle Eastern heat can be challenging, especially for khazars

>> No.55498563

>you don't need to freak out unless you feel targeted. it's a simple fact obese people are more susceptible to heat
How do you explain Italians? Hm?
Stay mad, europoor. I have DUAL ZONE AC, plus AC for my server room. You enjoy your 4W LED light bulb ration hour tonight though.

>> No.55498571

>You enjoy your 4W LED light bulb ration hour tonight though
actually we are allowed up to 150W total LED per household so this is just a dumb retard post.

>> No.55498580

>can you believe people in different parts of the planet live DIFFERENTLY TO US??? that makes me FURIOUS!!!!

The euro/US tribalism is so fucking boring, just shut up seriously

>> No.55498620
File: 44 KB, 721x721, BRIGHTER_THAN_THE_SUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not blowing your entire Euro LED Household allowance on one bulb and taking it from room to room

>> No.55498660

Even Arabs here use AC you retards.

>> No.55498680

I actually don't have AC I feel like such a fucking pleb right now.
Granted I'd only want one 1 month a year when it's at it's hottest, but still...

>> No.55498702

I think this is true. My parents house doesn't really care about the outside temperature, even during a heat wave it's 21° - 24° inside.
Meanwhile my shitty appartement heats up like an oven and goes up to 30°+ instantly.
First thing i did was to buy an ac.

>> No.55498713

Your cars are the size of children’s toys and instantly crumple in a wreck. Your roads are the size of our sidewalks. Don’t even get me started bikefag.

>> No.55498715

Open a fucking window you retarded planet destroyers
>t. Norf

>> No.55498761

Biggest reason: we are poor. It's the same reason we don't own:
- A truck
- Land
- Boat
- Expensive power tools

and these are the things that come into my mind when I think about the average american

>> No.55498765

Our retard prime minister destroyed coal plants that provided cheap electricity and now we only rely on renewable. Also no more cheap gas from Russia for the winter.

>> No.55498766

I don't even have a bike lol I just walk, not even a cityfag. I live in a small town with few people, I just don't care. There's train or bus if I need it except on weekends but who cares I don't have a job anyways so weekday is fine.
Our cars are fine, why do you want a supersized truck? Our roads could be better but whatever. Your gas is cheaper though.

Ludicrous display last night, eh?

>> No.55498861

I'm in the high energy cost capital of the world. You know the place. For the record, I still have AC because I don't give a fuck.

>> No.55498938

We simply don't know how to build ACs, our engineers lack your vibrant diversity

>> No.55498964


>> No.55498978

Point out the cope in the post.

>> No.55499030

You're soft if you need AC for a couple of weeks of 30+ celsius. Americans are extremely soft and decadent, it's hilarious how hysterical they get when their AC unit breaks.

>> No.55499061

Europeans come from serf stock. They have been bred to enjoy suffering and accept ever worsening conditions. The people who chose not to emigrate are the ones who were the most capable of enduring and enjoying hardship. Their progeny aren't going to buy an AC, they need to spend $5000 on a driving license, after 45% income tax rate on their $30,000 salary.

>> No.55499083


pick one mutt. make you mind up, you don't get to be AC-dependent fat fucks while also acting like tough guys. We know what happens to mutt tourists in Europe, they can't survive without auto cars, fast food and AC.

And why do you have a superiority complex when your country is full of niggers? I would rather live in a village in bulgaria or something than live in the usa surrounded by niggers and walmarts.

>> No.55499449

>"I'm borderline useless and would die within 5 minutes if society collapsed"
Imagine being proud of this. Stupid fat Eurofags act like women and think it's alpha.

That's not what anyone said. You're making shit up now.
>acting like tough guys
You're literally trying too hard to act tough here by saying you don't need A/C while you bitch about the heat and sweat your balls off.

>> No.55499456

>oi how much stone does that air conditioner weigh need to know if i can carry it up the tower of my stone home which is a stone's throw away

>> No.55499497

>Imagine being proud of this. Stupid fat Eurofags act like women and think it's alpha.
I’m trans by the way.

>> No.55499672

The north doesn't need it.
The only thing most of the south has going for it is historic buildings, so they don't want to ruin their facades and lose their tourism income.

>> No.55499705
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Beacuse our AC also shoots out heat you absolute numpty.

>> No.55499757

Don’t forget floor heating.
All my rooms have it, it does all the heating in winter.

>> No.55499841

>they can't survive without auto cars, fast food and AC
But these solutions are obviously better than european ones, why change gears if a car can do it, why cope with high temperature if you can live in comfort all the time. Man fuck outdated european houses and stick cars, even chinks have it better, every house in asia has AC and everyone drives automatic car

>> No.55499867

Stick cars are mostly being phased out for personal vehicles anyways. Stick is fun though, feels good shifting or pushing down clutch to roll downhill.

>> No.55499887
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I traveled through the UK a few years ago all the way up to Scotland and all of the places I stayed, including hotels, had finicky windows with no screens on them so when they left them open for the summer heat, the rooms would get full of moths, spiders, flies, you name it.
I brought this up with them and they were like "bug screens? wots that???".

>> No.55499950

>Stick cars are mostly being phased out for personal vehicles anyways
Very good, I hope they are gone from EU car market in a few years. Not fun for me, once you try automatic you never go back.

>> No.55499962

Oh they’ll be gone, but not in the way you want. All electric. Stick will be for veteran cars.

>> No.55499985
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Actually the based japs are making a manual EV

>> No.55500009

>All electric
The only downsides of electric cars are trash reliability because of battery wear and you have to wait much longer while charging than just filling your tank with gas, if they fix those then why not

>> No.55500019

electric motors don't need transmissions, what are they doing

>> No.55500024
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Based japs are on top of that too

>> No.55500032

It's simulated, to make to make driving an EV feel less soulless

>> No.55500054


most of Europe is on the same latitude as Canada

>> No.55500082

This I fucking hate it here aaaahh My old house used to have a big AC in every room and two ACs on the living room I cant wait till im rich

>> No.55500121

>0% humidity

Not hot. Stop being a woman or we'll tie you down and use you like one.

>> No.55500134

>trash reliability because of battery wear

Actually EVs have already exceeded their predicted use. So much so there is a new industry in converting old EV batteries into storage capacity.

>> No.55500415

>https://www.energyprices .eu/
mines listed at 0,08€
somehow if you add up distribution costs and taxes and other (((adjustments)))
the final consoomer price is 0,21€

>> No.55500437

>Too cool in the North
Actually the nordics have a very high ratio of homes with AC. It's just that we don't call it AC or use it as AC. It's a heat pump, used for heating.

>> No.55500664

the same post on every board,
1 i have AC (central, not some shitty window unit)
2 my house is made out of brick and will exist for a 1000 years (this scares and confuses the american)

>> No.55500703

DonAlt got vaxxed, had a child out of wedlock, lied about almost buying a castle, larps on social media all day, gets welfare, probably lives in the German equivalent of section 8, and has no AC