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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5548509 No.5548509 [Reply] [Original]

It's today my VeChainigs

>> No.5548720

What is today? This shitcoin is fucking bleeding

>> No.5548740


Why do people keep saying Vechain is a shitcoin? The have more fucking deals than Walt or Wabi including one WITH THE CHINESE FUCKING GOVENRMENT

>> No.5548760

>up 30% sats
absolute state of /biz/

>> No.5548832

Who cares about WaBi or Walton. Vechain lied once and who knows how often they really lie about their random news.

It was up 70% yesterday...so it already lost 40%

The absolute state of VeChaintards.

>> No.5548847

jesus christ you suck at investing

>> No.5548869

For like 10 minutes, retard.
Of course a brainlet like you doesn't understand what a correction is.
You can stay poor lol

>> No.5548882

locked and fucking loaded
2018 is going to be beast

>> No.5548905

there's your problem
and down it goesssss

>> No.5548912
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yeah and that should make it more powerful than bitcoin, right? and yet it bleeds with it lmmaaaaoooo
guess yer chink fucking gubmint dont mean jack fucking shit even compared to literal


>> No.5548932

i fucking hope so i just lost 10k of my earnings today

>> No.5548952

All in, vechain gonna run like Neo waltonwabis On suicide watch in 48 hours watch

>> No.5548982

It's going down: healthy correction
It's not going up: whales supressing the price

Poor Vechain people...always coping their shitcoin

Careful with the chinese national level partnership. You never know what the chinese gv is going to do next in the crypto world

>> No.5549006
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>be me 2 months ago
>VEN at 22 cents
>want supply chain coin
>WTC too Chinese
>VEN looks cool
>built on QTUM which I'm not a fan of
>pick MOD instead because I worked in the space
>realize MOD was complete trash
>get out after flat trading
>VEN moons
>missed the boat
>afraid of buying at an ATH


>> No.5549011

VeChain casually announced BitOcean news and will casually announce more big shit.

I can only imagine what Apotheosis II will be...

If the rumors are true, the pump is going to be even greater than NEO.

>> No.5549022

BTC down 15 percent Vechain up 11 percent and getting ATM machines to decouple away from BTC being able to purchase directly with YEN.
The absolute fucking state of /biz/ 100% oh sweetie

>> No.5549036


oh hey it's the VeChain fudder from yesterday, can't wait to prove you wrong again tomorrow.

>> No.5549166
File: 301 KB, 1600x1200, 1 SugxsXwYksa85L-QHCJryw@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik named advisor on whitepaper and in press release....
"I have heard the name and met some of the people in China but know almost nothing about what vechain is. I invested nothing into them and am not an advisor"

Met them randomly at event....

>> No.5549281

2 oceanlab ATMs are out their right now. Sick partnership you have their.

What is tomorrow? Announcement of a new advisor? Could it be vitalik again?

>> No.5549391

haha holy shit bro hows your IOTA and Wabi doing bahahahahh laff at yourself 2018 is an apotheosis AKA a beginning what other coins will be on ATM machines oh thats right Bitcoin and Ethereum. You would be the guy fudding ethereum in 2016

>> No.5549450

If you speak with heavily invested people about their projects everyone compares it with an ETH moon mission . So we have around 3000 coins which will do an ETH? Fucking nice, buying 100k of everything Vechain is already overvalued af

>> No.5549471

It's the rebranding of VEN to VET

>> No.5549502

lol thanks for keep bumping my thread fudders

All I want is more exposure and you're making it easy haha

>> No.5549505

also you know Bitocean owns a big part of bitcoin.com right and is trying to get everyone their money back from Mt gox. Plus many more things in their pipeline.

>> No.5549506

easily $10 by end of january what are you fuckers doing

>> No.5549560


>he doesn't know

>> No.5549615
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Waltonchain has more government contracts and more influence in korea and china


>> No.5549647

>mfw every except vechain dips the next two days

>> No.5549663

impressive in scope/team but with rebranding/token swapping/ weird obsession with Thor mythology what the fuck do they do Blockchain for supply chain/ shipping, that it?

>> No.5549717

Alipay is one of the largest payment services in China, marketcap is much larger than paypal. There was a rumor circulating around earlier this week that Vechain and Alipay would form a partnership. With this article, we can see that China itself is now directly invested in QR code payment. While much is speculation at this point - given the announcement that Vechain will be used at Crypto ATM's in Japan (which highlights the more widespread adoption of VET in Asia), I do think that we have reasonable cause to believe that Alipay will partner with Vechain and the People's Bank of China will use Vechain as a form of QR-code payment.

>> No.5549760

As Chinese regulations become more transparent, BitOcean will also support VeChain’s development of the world’s first blockchain powered exchange as advisor. VeChain’s solution is currently designed to handle physical goods’ trading via CNY both digitally and through VeChain token in person."
The scope of the VeChain project is broader than anyone even imagined. They aren't just tagging goods for supply chain verification purposes. They are building a goods exchange for China, presumably where the things on the exchange will be supply chain verified. The importance of this in China cannot be understated given the enormity of their counterfeit goods problem. They are trying to solve the entire issue by not only verifying goods, but creating an exchange to then purchase the verified goods.
Other than the actual smart contract platforms, this is the best project in crypto.

>> No.5549770
File: 358 KB, 2000x1125, walton drone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more fake news like vitalik , lieing about what a SEZ is saying its a national chinese partnership , and now this lie , I also seen the that PBoC would be used with vechain, you ppl spam fake news and over hype your coin. its not a bad coin but you fear the waltonchain

>> No.5549779

chinese have my back

>> No.5549835

thanks lads i appreciate this info

>> No.5549847

Do you even believe your own stuff? This is the next level of VENs - mind blowing stuff will come in Jan, be ready to jump the boat

>> No.5550063
File: 2.26 MB, 298x294, wtfs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you are so delusional sorry you picked the wrong coins Iota, Wabi, WTC (which is a good one) but had you been a little more intelligent and delved deeper you would have seen the signs VEN was going to come out on top all along. WTC was beating it there for a while so I don't blame you for being fooled. Tortoise and the Hare and all that.

>> No.5550271

>There was a rumor circulating around earlier this week that Vechain and Alipay would form a partnership.

A rumour created by 4chan - same story with PBoC. /biz/ is the king of creating rumours.

>ven wabi wtc link and req going to get added by coinbase in Jan

I mean come on. Be a bit realistic. VEN is doing fine, but all these rumours will hurt the price more than help it. Big dump will happen in 2 days.

>> No.5550281
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don't hold wabi, i did flip modum saw it when it was .50 cents, never bought iota , bought VEE when it was below ICO price, I choose only the best coins, don't get me wrong vechain isn't a bad coin, just don't like the false marketing , part of it is shillers giving vechain a bad rep, but they did skew the marketing them self so eh, and steal having master node themes after WTC

>> No.5550401

shillers are only because vechain has only delivered on its promises so far. if you ignore the shillers and stick to what the ceo has said, the roadmap and the partnerships, this is still an excellent investment.

>> No.5550457
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Looks like Vechain is forging something new here

>> No.5550493

When will the announcement come...2 days from now, right?

>> No.5550519


>> No.5550567

It’s time

>> No.5550607


>> No.5550667

looks good but with total coin supply 867,162,633 seems bought to the tits right now how much more can the price rise

>> No.5550698
File: 444 KB, 418x413, abby in space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that coinnest had shutdown because of the korean fomo into WTC? What's that it's going to open up soon? Koreans know their crypto and they chose WTC

>> No.5550699

Ok this is one of the dumbest comments. Who cares about the total cap? Check out circ cap, that's the important parameter. And on top of that the circ cap will decrease with all the nodes in jan / feb

>> No.5550721
File: 96 KB, 750x673, 1505718231607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


half of WTC circ supply is locked up already in GMN alone who knows about MNs

>> No.5550737

I don't care about your WTC bags, don't try to force a random discussion

>> No.5550792

I'm actually curious what this pic means. They use all of this Thor mythology so I wondering if there's some meaning behind it. Does the hammer symbolize anything relevant?

There's a possibility that VeChain will forge new tokens.

Screencap this.

>> No.5550811
File: 289 KB, 382x465, walton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bags? 6 figure gains already hahah I love these bags, vechain started this fucking bullshit with WTC, you stole our gang signs too,

>> No.5550859

yes absolutely, theyve already said that Ven/Vet isn't going to be used as gas, so you're essentially investing in the network itself, with dividends paid through whatever token will be forged from VEN/VET

>> No.5551060

Yup symbolism is the language of the wise. Buy this coin hold 10,000 of them from January 2018 - January 2019 and you win crypto. Re-evalute after 1 year hodl if you want to continue to hold. I bet you will. This is a 100 year project. PwC and Dnv GL are more than just partners...

>> No.5551102

What's your price prediction after rebranding and nodes launching?

>> No.5551176

I think this will hit $5 by the end of January. I wouldn't be surprised to see it higher.

>> No.5551409

Vechain confirmed pump

>> No.5551448

cup and handle forming.

>> No.5551529


40 BTC wall got eaten in seconds.

>> No.5551654
File: 108 KB, 600x337, 1509395688445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's called wash trading u dumb retard all coins do that

>> No.5551687

AHHHHH ITS DUMPING! You idiots! You said pump. Confirmed I bought the local high!

>> No.5551939


quit looking at 1m charts dumb pajeet

>> No.5552047

I don't understand the atm thing... it's not a currency it's a supply chain token...

>> No.5552092
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I'm getting killed over here no need to raise questions prick!

>> No.5552094

the fact that it doesnt make sense makes it more promising imho, the team knows what they are doing and are playing their cards. if we can't imagine what the atm listing signifies it indicates its beyond what we can imagine with what theyve revealed to us so far

>> No.5552119

Fucking whales playing their whale games, is this the most manipulated coin ever

>> No.5552141

Or you just randomly do partnerships to create hype. That's the real use case of crypto right now. A supply chain token on ATM's. Fuck i have to think BEYOND IT.

>> No.5552156
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you'll see

>> No.5552191

ehh, I wouldn't buy into that fud. I've done more research on this coin than any other and I've been consistently impressed with how they over-deliver. The team is incredibly professional and they are far from the types to hype and not deliver or announce partnerships which have no utility for the coin itself.

>> No.5552349
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>> No.5552441

Nice discovery, anon.

>> No.5552786
File: 31 KB, 512x428, ba66034b62cf45e9823141ea18caed40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, just bought 100k.