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55496903 No.55496903 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 25 and I have $16kUSD in a credit interest account just sitting there. I get credit interest but the government taxes almost 50% of it. I just feel like time is ticking and I'm just sitting dormant financially and want to be sitting on valuable assets, but I also don't want to fuck up real bad and end up living paycheck to paycheck again.

What's the best way to go about this? I also have some vintage synths that are rising in value too, but im not sure ill ever want to sell them.

>> No.55497075

well, i love investing in metals. silver is my favorite. but it would be a strange day indeed were they to give you an active cash flow.

they will protect you from taxes, and importantly the slow death of inflation. butthey wont give you much to live off of in the moment.

id recomend putting what you feel comefortable living without. a savings account that will yeild nothing you can readily use for quite some time.

im personaly pretty much convinced the usd is about to die, so i have less than 1k in both checkings and savings and everything else in various metals. but thats just me. do what you are comfortable with.

maybe stop by /pmg/, its a fun time

>> No.55497097

i recommend usualy having 3 months of savings in liquid cash, and the rest in some investment or another.

you might want 4 months, as pms are valuable, but can be awkward to move! at least in this current age. ( i got a hunch this will be made easier sooner than id like)

many people will spend every 4th paycheck or so on a stack of metal, spreading out their purchasing.

but you have 16k. thats quite a sum! maybe you could invest in something that has an active return. a business, or flipping forclosures. or restoring and reselling old cars. you have alot of options! but it would indeed be prudent to have maybe a few hundred ozt of silver or equivalent in gold.

>> No.55497135

Rule number one ,don't buy overpriced silver like ASE ,rule number 2 gold is a better choice for gains and inflation in the future than silver ,
>has 10oz gold
>500 oz silver that could've been spent on gold and had better gain when gold was 1700 spot price
Rule number three ,buy gold in the minumum one troy ounce ,rather than spend more on smaller gold unless the spot price goes down enough,

>> No.55497168
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Gold and silver are the only real assets left on this fake ass world. And they are laughably undervalued, for obvious reasons since they serve as immutable benchmarks to measure the performance of fiat currencies. So it's cheaper and easier for the banks/government to suppress the value of precious metals than to actually have sound economic policies preserving the value of taxpayers' savings.

You are crazy to still hold any significant amount of USD, this shitcoin is on it's deathbed. It will probably take longer for the USD to die compared to the GBP, euro or canadian dollar, but it will come, and fast. Actually it's already in motion. Buy whatever you can with it while your dollaridoos still have a semblance of perceived value.

Just like first anon, i've a strong preference toward silver, for many reasons. Suffice to say we are in grave production deficit for years, if not decades.
Since you are only 25 it's something you probably don't know about, but until the 60s, pretty much every currency in the world still had silver in their coins. That represent hundreds of billions of coins.
Nowaday? Not a single country. And those billions of coins? Demonetized, melted down and used to suppress the value and fill in the production's deficit.
Nothing is left of this surplus, it all was eaten by the industries (silver is everywhere, in electronics, paint, plastic catalysts, batteries, solar panels, toothpaste, drugs, deodorant,...). We are mining it at an unprecedented level, plus we used all the silver money in the world, and we still somehow managed to run out of this immense reserve who took us 2 millenias to extract worldwide and stockpile in our money in just 60 years. Just think about it.

Last year alone, the production deficit was at -240 millions ounces. If i were you, i'd wait for a good slurping opportunity -once the (((spot))) price get artificially dumped- and snipe a big purchase with 90% of your dry powder.

>> No.55497177

>rule number 2 gold is a better choice for gains and inflation in the future than silver
Bullshit, you don't know the future.

>> No.55497206
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oh! and AVOID ETFs like its aids. ONLY buy physical silver, and ALWAYS take delivery.

i always love threads that mention pms, it brings out good fellows in a board that is.... quite frankly in tatters. cheers oh based silver truther

>> No.55497216

My only concern with keeping physical PMs is the security factor. I rent a studio next door to a bunch of junkie hipsters and there are all kinds of fucking degenerates out on the street. In the case of being robbed I'd be fucked.

>> No.55497227

How would gold be used in a modern globalized economic system though? I don't understand how boomers and gold bugs think that gold will be useful in the modern world. How are you going to trade millions of pounds of gold for millions of pound sof whatever commodity you happen to be selling or buying? There's no way to use real gold digitally. I just don't see how it's feasible in anything but the minds of schizophrenic preppers and boomers.

>> No.55497229

yeah that sounds rough! maybe it wouldnt be a bad bet to snag a cheap property. if nothing else to cut rent out of your life. but it could give you a safe storage space. and a safer place for you personally.

the best bet, is as much as it sucks, just dont tell anyone. maybe invest in a floor safe (one that cant be picked up), or every few months asking a realitive to hold on to a box of stuff for you.

im partial to ammo cans, that i keep right next to my ammo cans full of bullets.

>> No.55497246
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>There's no way to use real gold digitally
Of course there is, you back your currency up with it. Meaning that you continue to enjoy your numbers on a screen for ease of use, but if you desire so, they can be redeemed at any bank for their equivalent in gold and silver.
Just like it was until Nixon nuked Bretton Wood.

And you can preserve your physical PMs for the big purchases who matters, like a house or a car. Ofc it wont be very practical to buy chink plastic toys on alibaba. But what the government hates about PMs is they can't be traced, thus can't be taxed as they wish.

>> No.55497248

Just buy a safe to large to carry anon.

>> No.55497256

>In the case of being robbed I'd be fucked.
How many times have you been victim of a burglary in your studio until now?

>> No.55497264
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>just trust the State bro! It worked so well last time bro!

>> No.55497273

But haven't we already tried this historically and hasn't this very thing lead us to a situation like the great depression where everyone tried to cash out stores of value that banks did not have? Isn't The great depression why we ditched the golad standard in favor of fiat in the first place?

>> No.55497282

No but just by heading onto pmsforsale you'd see alot of people selling their generic silver in large quantities where as gold is rarely sold there other than the same people making profit weekly,and besides this is coming from buyers remorse on my end,no iqdelet didn't influence me to hate silver ,but rather the face that it barely ajusts for inflation despite moving similarly to gold on the charts,it just doesn't feel rewarding having 100oz of silver thats heavier then 2 oz of gold in terns of weight similar price ,if I could do it all over again ,I'd fomo my 5k i spent on silver into pre 33 saint gaudens when the spot was 1700 when I just got into pms ,granted I'm not losing money too bad on my silver but yeah ...

>> No.55497291

Yeah I mean this anon has a point.
You can't bank run btc.

>> No.55497305

in a situation where the USD collapsed countries would be forced to barter commodities and would need something neutral to balance payments.
the only real possibilities are gold or bitcoin

only the balance of payments needs to be transferred so it's not like countries would be shipping their entire gold supply every week

>> No.55497336

It's ok, i don't blame weak minded individuals for their mistakes. I know fear is a powerful tool. Silver mooning to unprecedented levels will be enough of a punishment for you.

>> No.55497350

the great depression was caused by massive gold-denominated loans that were taken out to finance WW1
the debt continued growing until it exceeded the gold supply and became impossible to repay.

under the fiat system countries just devalue their currencies continuously so they can keep going further into debt

most people are goyim so I don't think we will ever have a situation where the financial system and government are organised to serve the populace. all you can do is understand the system and use that knowledge to your own advantage

>> No.55497360

none but im not taking the chance. I'll invest further in some sort of warehouse under max security.

>> No.55498467

Don't talk like I don't have enough silver as is ,I'm not losing money but at the same time I'm not making gains as much as gold and that's the damn facts, 20k gold is easier to take with you in a pinch than silver and would weigh like 20 troy oz compared to silver ,

>> No.55498547

Bayhorse for investing. Once they get their permit in order, should 40x from here.

>> No.55500270
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>the state regulates btc and all cryptos.
>the state can confiscate your crypto
>the state can tax your crypto
>the cia made bitcoin
>the federal reserve owns over 50% of bitcoin nodes.
>they can also just unplug your electric if they want

but dont worry anon, they will have a central bank digital currency for you and everyone else they force into the fema camps to use.

>> No.55500347

>silver mines closing
>solar demand increasing exponentially
>China publicly denouncing the U.S. bank-controlled price of silver and saying it should be worth at least $100/oz
Ignoring the fact that silver and gold aren't meant for "muh gains", the future for silver looks a lot more bullish than gold. Just saying.

>> No.55501179

>The cia made bitcoin
>The federal reserve owns over 50%
>they can just un plug your electric if they want

Desperate retards always have to lie through their teeth