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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 37 KB, 555x493, 842FF62B-3B65-4A18-8C4C-853BD5FD9FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55490317 No.55490317 [Reply] [Original]

My landlady wants to evict me for having bird feeders. I’ve lived here for 6 years and had bird feeders for 3. Now she is saying that the bird feeders “can attract animals that will cause damage” to the property. So here are my options:
>buy a house right before a big recession
>rent another apartment
>sue for unlawful eviction…? Seems “quiet enjoyment” is an argument here.
I wish this were a LARP. What do?

>> No.55490319

take down the bird feeders

>> No.55490326

No, fuck that I’d rather move. Niggers next door constantly fumigating my apartment with weed. I have asked many times for something to be done about that and nothing happens. Seriously, this environment isn’t right. I am looking to start a family with my wife soon anyway, can’t raise a kid in this shit-hole. Lease runs out in October so I would’ve been gone then either way.

>> No.55490339

tell her the birds are a part of your aids treatment and that they suck your infested blood out while you inject donated blood and that aids that the blood the birds suck out does them no harm

>> No.55490345

Would this work..?

>> No.55490347

well then don't. I don't really care that much, thought it would just disarm the situation.
I also doubt she can kick you out for that unless your contract specifically states, that you can't do that.
kind of like this, but tell her she is causing you emotional stress, because the birds help keep you calm and guide you through a difficult phase of your life

>> No.55490349

bird feeders attract rats you mongoloid

>> No.55490351

>Niggers next door constantly fumigating my apartment with weed

Somehow qt and innocent birds are a problem for some people but not niggers
We live in a society..

>> No.55490361

There are some very specific do’s and don’ts in my lease. Bird feeders are not one of them.
A. Proofs?
B. Not my problem.

>> No.55490366

enjoy your disease and rats getting into your bedroom.

>> No.55490369

As I said, I’ve had the feeders for 3 years and it has never been a problem.

>> No.55490375

move to a new cuckpartment. put red loctite on the emergency water shutoff valve and dump water between the walls.

>> No.55490384
File: 8 KB, 264x191, pepedobutsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birds are frens
landwhalelady is not fren
good luck op

>> No.55490387

because he wouldn't get sued for the damage?

>> No.55490388

All you can do is pull your pants down and bend over you fucking rent cuck. Probably a wagie scum. KYS fucking nigger.

>> No.55490390

what went wrong that you act like this towards people you don't even know?

>> No.55490407

Yeah, not gonna go full nigger mode and put dead fish carcasses in the walls or anything.
I just wanted to be left alone and watch the pretty birbs fren :(
Thanks anon. Yep im a wagie working two jobs trying to get into a house to start a family. Wonderful time to be in this situation. Buddhists say suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem though, so I probably won’t.

>> No.55490411

prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

>> No.55490424
File: 680 KB, 1821x1415, A7B75859-A1AE-4FBD-AD49-7122C644D041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to go to court if I am actually the one in the wrong. I have morals. But I’ll go to court for my birb frens. They dindu nuffin

>> No.55490427

tell her that you'll fight her in court

that will bide you time until october without actually commencing anything

>> No.55490433

I said that. The lease termination happens in 2 weeks per the note.

>> No.55490484

Yeah, birds are based
Luv me avians

>> No.55490494

It's 2023 and I hate everybody you fucking nigger piece of shit.

>> No.55490499
File: 2.94 MB, 800x450, TOTAL BIRD DEATH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55490502

you were molested as a child and you lash out at carrying this burden through life. no one cares, faggot. cheer up and get your attitude in check before someone like me breaks your fucking skull into a million pieces.

>> No.55490514

Looked it up and apparently this whole process CAN take months especially if I contest it. Great. So that should give me time to move either way. A bit less worried now.

>> No.55490523

the hard part is evicting people
as a tenant, the law is on your side ;)

>> No.55490542
File: 937 KB, 1620x1080, A167CC3D-1A9C-4088-88DB-2C28CE3C3370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Cheers, have another birb pic I took.

>> No.55490582

do rentoids really?

what kind of birds do you usually feed anon? I have a cardinal, dove, and hummingbird family that frequent my backyard

>> No.55491898 [DELETED] 

ok then get evicted and move then cuck. you have no power. it was never yours.

>> No.55491924
File: 139 KB, 800x750, 6000000 soybooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you were molested as a child

>> No.55491942

Stop paying rent, if your lease is over in October it's not worth the legal trouble to take you to court. >>55490319

>> No.55491948
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, nick rochefort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you rent

>> No.55492175

That is an excellent birb. Species?

>> No.55493035
File: 89 KB, 900x1149, IMG_3862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take down the bird feeders, asshole. The seed attracts chipmunks and mice and the birds shit all over the place. Let nature regulate itself you fuckin asshole.

>> No.55493214

>temporary solution
they say it makes things worse, like any religion does
from buddhist view, suicide kicks off your next life at a worse place

>> No.55493288

The fact that something is not specifically prohibited in the lease does not mean it is allowed. The lease doesn't specifically prohibit you from fucking a goat on your balcony or shitting in the pool, but you still can't.