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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55488286 No.55488286 [Reply] [Original]

As a lowly Electrical engineering student I was able to create a basic yet fully functioning computer vision application. Rudimentary of course, but that's to be expected with 3 weeks of development time.

Whats even more impressive was how easy it was to combine.The AI focused SOC with the sensing program.

Next week, im gonna try using it to connect to Scale Ai and Pinecone.

Fuck me. AI really is the future isnt it.

Here's what i used in case you faggots care. But you probably don't

Github Copilot

>> No.55488332

Looks like lame nerd shit. Nothingburger

>> No.55488335

It's good for solving basic problems or copying shit that has been done a million times before. Good luck when you need something specific. I try to use it at work every day and it fails me.

>> No.55488357

Do you have one of those boards? How much are they?

>> No.55488367

Same. Not useful at work even for simple stuff when it's custom
It does save me time on dumb things but it's not going to get anyone to the finish line

>> No.55488375
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>/biz/ is so behind it's really just discovering bithub copilot
God this place is so fucking dead

>> No.55488416


torch is pretty flexible. so is theano but i guess nobody uses that anymore. really all a ML library like that does is provide a good set of composable functions and implement their partial derivatives along with the chain rule, preferably with GPU acceleration.

>> No.55488456

I asked about the ML board specifically. Care to give me the answer since you know it all.

>> No.55489106

I know nothing in c++ but did a program with gpt to scrap prices on some famous cex unprotected Sockets (why paying 450$ for coingecko api when you can have the instant price for free), but most of it was done with gpt4, with 3.5 some bug and issues were hard to resolve. So basically, if you can pseudo code, you can write in the language you want. It feels kind of humiliated to just be a bridge between the AI and the compilation run time errors. But if you want to create a project, the ai is a f blessing.

>> No.55489138

People who don't program don't realise this and don't believe you when you tell them it's practically useless

>> No.55489303

>But anons look! I made a web app!
>i can’t even code and it generated a spring boot!
>the future of coding it will replace ALL jobs. Hobos will be able to code!

>> No.55489318

People who complain about chatgpt are either poorfags who aren't using gpt4 or retards who haven't learned how to prompt

>> No.55489797

Google it you slut