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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 325x302, toad23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55471461 No.55471461 [Reply] [Original]

fuck it, i fomod in. im the biggest hater of meme coins, but something tells me this shit will pull a 100x

>> No.55471482

Wrong. 1000x

>> No.55471583


>> No.55471588

use uniswap ma tigger

>> No.55471596

Pajeet scam
watch how it goes back to $7mil mc and you get dumped again imto $3mil mc by the guys holding 10% of the supply

>> No.55471639
File: 12 KB, 300x168, Cowdung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet nigger, you were saying the same thing when we were at 2 million dollars market cap.

Anybody who listened to you missed out on a 5x.. Kek you literal shit skin. Pic related.

P.S. - Never take financial advice from a pajeet.

>> No.55471649


>> No.55471657

is that 3x and 5x from now or as 1x or 2x already happened?

>> No.55471680

No it is a 3x that has already happened.

Most people got fudded out by the dumbest spamming pajeet to ever disgrace this board and they missed out on a 3x.

>> No.55471687

Long term, still a good buy, but 2 million to 100 million is a 50x where 5 million to 100 million is a 20x.

Eventually even 5 billion will be a good stack.

This board was gifted being this early and many ignored it.

>> No.55471903

I caved in a few hours ago and bought a 15 billion stack. What do you think it’ll go to and also why do you niggers have to be so abrasive? I think it’s logical to think something called “toad killer” is a scam and it’s not necessarily a streetshitterian view of the situation

>> No.55471924

Do you think this can reach 1 billion+ mcap? Maybe not this year, but during a bullrun?

>> No.55472023


>> No.55472080

email is fake you fools it has no connections to shiba

>> No.55472083

>shiba devs owning toad
i-i-i-it has no connections!!! dumb jeet stay poor

>> No.55472090
File: 789 KB, 2500x2500, nft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All it's going to take is one good bit of news about this thing and we're going 100x minimum. Current cmc rank is in 3000s watch it break top 200 this week.

>> No.55472564

once again get dumped by whales like you cucks never learn SAD

>> No.55472597

you say that about every dip, fool you don't know what a dump is, oh wait yes you do, you're a jeet salty toad is taking liquidity from your bsc rugs

>> No.55472609
File: 157 KB, 680x566, bottom_seller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55472615

Frens you are expecting too much from a high time preference streetshitter

>> No.55472617


>> No.55472636
File: 456 KB, 578x422, 1688417855285937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non stop fud fags and jeets and dbi shills in toad threads
>a tautology

>> No.55472662

and every pump are met by 60 day wallets with trillions of tokens dumping in bulk

>> No.55472698
File: 6 KB, 225x225, brainletJeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it’s logical to think something called “toad killer” is a scam and it’s not necessarily a streetshitterian view of the situation
Brainlet take, nigger

>> No.55472702

And then we proceed to pump higher every 'dump'

>> No.55472710

>trillions of tokens dumping in bulk
Dumb nigger. You keep saying that but it isn't true. One look at the chart proves you wrong.

>> No.55472715
File: 3 KB, 383x75, fuckunigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my cock you ugly jigaboos

>> No.55472718

If you invested when toad was first mentioned on /biz, you already got back your inital investment and are now riding only on your gains. There‘s zero downside to TOAD if you are a bit smart about it.

>> No.55472727
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>> No.55473090
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Pepe is about to get fucked

>> No.55473338

Well I only now breaking even and I bought when it was first shilled here

>> No.55473354

Cool story raj

>> No.55473444


>> No.55473914
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned my lesson not to FOMO into memecoins unless I bought an hour after it was launched, I always secure 50% of the profits and let the rest ride as my moon bag, kek.
But I prefer holding for the long term in solid projects instead, tokenmetrics helps me do extensive research and get in at good entry zones, typical example is in BIT, bought at $0.4095, goan check chads. In the end, WAGMI

>> No.55474278

These dipshit jeets will down in ganges for scamming people like this

>> No.55474342

The volume is bots and a few suckers like OP getting milked

>> No.55474360


>> No.55474423

Go to bilaxy and buy there.

>> No.55474468

I sold, too much desperate shilling on biz for team to acquire exit liquidity

>> No.55474489

>fake email/scam
Do you have any legit proof? Dropt it and i'm selling right now.

>> No.55475168
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>> No.55475318

Holding 3T and not selling until 1.6B MC. FUCK PEPE WAGMI TOADBROS

>> No.55475414

>1.6B MC
How long took pepe for it? 1 month?
And that was a literally who shitcoin coming from nowhere...

Now i'm wondering how long would it take for Toad to reach $1bil mc with all the connections

>> No.55475443

how do i figure out how much my 200 billion stack will be worth at 1bil and 2 bil marketcap?

>> No.55475456

I have 30 billion and I feel like I don't have enough.

>> No.55475473

Just imagine the masses of normies getting wind of another Shib coin. You guys may not realize it, but even my co-workers know about Shib, heck, even my fucking dad. When we pass 1.6B the news stories will write itself, pushing it even further. WAGMI


>> No.55475494
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1602867701051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see suckers just buy now and get dumped by whales

>> No.55475499

= if you buy $1000 now (at 5mil MC) once it goes to 10mil MC you did a x2...so your $1k will be worth $2k...
At 100mil MC you'll have $20k.
Do the math

>> No.55475501

you are never getting cheapies

>> No.55475504

I've been holding the floor since sub 200k. It's either hero or zero for me. Ignore Toad at your own peril.

>> No.55475584

Strap in for the moon mission or vacate the launch pad. Toadlets ngmi

>> No.55475688


>> No.55475732

Streetshitters should only fear the zero day sqli that's gonna take all their rupees in a few days, streetshitskids have to live on their shit streets after that

>> No.55475816

ooo000 we're back toad bros

>> No.55476457

It's rugging. Thanks for playing

>> No.55476477

Wtf was that

>> No.55476519

I just got back from the store. WTFWT

>> No.55476574
File: 341 KB, 1080x2032, Screenshot_2023-07-05-15-54-47-074_com.android.chrome-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah... it's rugging alright. Stay stuck in your shitty little village forever Patel.

>> No.55476721

>that rejection
double top everyone knows to exit now

>> No.55476947

It’s up again

>> No.55477383

When dumbass shit like Pepe2.0 can get to 50 million, I don't see why this can't get ten times higher.

>> No.55477442

>toad doesnt strike when pepe is down
>toad doesnt gets cucked by pepe
>toad doesnt strike
>now toad getting cucked by pepe clone pepe 2.0
Striking at the right time is everything in crypto why is the "shiba team" waiting so long to claim toad and get this ball rolling? Is it stupidity or is it because they're not actually behind toad?

>> No.55477472

damn this is some weak fud

>> No.55477494

damn this is a weak answer to the question

>> No.55477511


>> No.55477514

accumulated to 100b glad its still cheap, i can see an easy 10-100 maybe even 1000x off of this. biz did you miss out on shib and pepe this is the next shot we have.

>> No.55477533
File: 268 KB, 1170x1077, C42760EC-7533-4A6E-B247-7295528ADD44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me an offer

>> No.55477565

because your question is retarded
>w-why dont they claim they're toad already because i'm an impatient fag?
because they'll do it when they're ready

>> No.55477596

>just two more months bro
>patriots in control

Crypto moves fast and toad will get cucked again by pepe and the next nigger INU coin that comes after... at this point, even DBI scam will pump harder

>> No.55477598


>> No.55477625
File: 18 KB, 127x101, 1669609173389948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBI is never coming back trying to fud comparing toad to it won't work
>t-toad will get cucked again
up 4x since it got shilled

>> No.55477627
File: 63 KB, 600x609, you-are-retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asked a question about timing
>Fail to comprehend it
Timing is everything retard

>> No.55477655

how about zero, nfts are worthless

>> No.55478763

what mcap are we hitting? When is it safe to drop the bags, 1bil? or lower?

>> No.55478808

Shut up faggot.

>> No.55478829
File: 86 KB, 700x665, learn-to-poo-jeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to shit properly jeet fag, use toilet paper not cocks

>> No.55479035

5% we sell at 10x to smoke gas, 15% at 50x to fuck some whores, 30% at 100x to buy car, at 200x You can figure it out from there on your own.

>> No.55479071


>> No.55479084

Have fun giving your money too jeetz

>> No.55479256


kek do it

>> No.55479483

>fomoing into literal who shitcoin with no social media presence because rumors the founders of another meme shit coin are involved (unproven)
yeah, thats a yikes from me

>> No.55479497

1 minute

>> No.55479516


>> No.55479528

This is what nogs my noggin'.
You don't want to pay for marketing? Fine..
You don't want to tweet shit? Fine..

But at least a social media presence could help in the short/long term.
Also the telegram doesn't even have a buybot

>> No.55479536
File: 1.82 MB, 640x360, 1686089651450618.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me your hands

>> No.55479566

buy bots are too jeet, they scream jeet, only jeet projects have buy bots in the tg, if shiba is behind toad they need to step up the socials though

>> No.55480065

today is news day

>> No.55480435

aaaand we got a weeb blogpost in japanese from shytoshi that, again, doesn't mention toad at all


a nothing burger

we are going to dump so hard

>> No.55480446

Hoichi gets a pump and Shib acknowledged. Badai gets a pump and Shib acknowledged.
Toad gets Shib team leaving when tagged and ignored when we pump.
Starting to think they are not behind this.

>> No.55480489
File: 95 KB, 591x1280, photo_2023-06-22_02-46-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignored when we pump
Shytoshi acknowledged the project by name...

>> No.55480500

It’s pumping again

>> No.55480534

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.55480543
File: 165 KB, 851x967, 1651016435993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, I will slurp more thanks to others' paper hands

>> No.55480606

If I bought every shitcoin shilled here I would have greater debt than USA.

>> No.55480626

In a lot of these threads people are asking to show their hands with a time stamp to make sure the shillers are white.
What I don’t understand is why aren’t people asking for pictures of anons cocks with a time stamp to see if the shillers are white or not.

>> No.55480651

its over

>> No.55480692

Damn really thought today was gonna be the day toad is known to the world. I still think it will but not till next month lol.

>> No.55480721

he says in that screenshot that he would indulge but its not kosher wtf does he mean by that? hoichi he said they were working with and would build a bridge i dont know what he said about bad ai but a cheeky remark isnt anything close to what he said about hoichi and bad ai

>> No.55480722

Tell that to the Shibswap LP wallet slurping I dare you.

WAGMI Toadbros.

>> No.55480730

its a cheeky remark nothing like what was said about hoichi, threads keep saying real news is coming and nothing but old schizo theories get on with it

>> No.55480736

What's the fucking contract

>> No.55480742
File: 141 KB, 785x847, 1687480743310139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf does he mean by that?
"not kosher" means it would be inappropriate to say anything. It's as open-ended as it could possibly be. At the very least it confirms that Shytoshi knows about TOAD and has something planned regarding it, something that would be spoiled if he were to say something too early.

>> No.55480744

They hyped it up and killed the pump...again, near all time high...i'm going to dump my trillion before i lose my x2, goddamned dickheads, fuck this bear szn and fuck this board

>> No.55480762

Stop being gay

>> No.55480765


>> No.55480778
File: 154 KB, 512x512, 1684385978617603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.55480817

Man i can't believe my luck..
Why, why?...

>> No.55480826

Do you schizo niggers realize there is a very finite amount of liquidity in crypto? There are winners (Pepe last mini season) and losers (every other meme coin) and if your coin doesn't win, then it becomes the loser. Right now Pepe 2.0 is dabbing on you, if it goes to hundreds of millions you can count Toad out. You should tell your imaginary devs this so they get off their asses and do something before it's too late.

>> No.55480838

Biggest nothing burger ever. Suddenly dont expect anything lamo these jeets on tg chat just toying with you suckers

>> No.55480867

Reading this thread, no way Shytoshi is behind this shitcoin when he already officially partnered with other shitcoins launched at the same time. Big news is that he is never going to claim this shitcoin because it is not his shitcoin.

>> No.55480874

I really hope your dumb ass really believes that and you miss out entirely

>> No.55480877

Dipshit jeet read my post again Im from your group

>> No.55480893

Woah friendly fire between these two retard jeet fudsters lol, you love to see it.

Try a little bit of reading comprehension there Ranjit

>> No.55480903

how dont expect anything treating you now fag?

>> No.55480933

>They hyped it up and killed the pump...again, near all time high...i'm going to dump my trillion before i lose my x2, goddamned dickheads, fuck this bear szn and fuck this board
They? You hyped up yourself if anything. See you in a month.

>> No.55480949

Just bought more. Thanks for the cheapies shy. You’d have to be full blown single digit IQ retarded to not own TOAD.

>> No.55480955

>See you in a month
Sounds so familiar, where have we heard this before?
Of course, Dbi baggies. Yes. See you in a month when your bags are heavy and down 95%

>> No.55480974
File: 544 KB, 640x576, incomprehensiblebrainlet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dont expect anything treating you now

>> No.55481012
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Insider here, there's no inside! Take your profits and run!

>> No.55481076

>See you in a month
>Sounds so familiar, where have we heard this before?
>Of course, Dbi baggies. Yes. See you in a month when your bags are heavy and down 95%
Stop comparing that scamcoin with Toad. Anyone could've seen DBI was a scam just by looking at "The Dev". Seethe harder, DBI baggie.

>> No.55481085

I almost bought and fomo'd at 6mil mc

>> No.55481093

If you want something sure to be part of Shibarium then why not buy Hoichi? It's only 1 million market cap
t. Comfy Hoichi Holder

>> No.55481149
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>> No.55481161

Jokes on you, I'm massively up having slurped 3T sub 200k. Biz truly has reached a new low.

>> No.55481169

>what is 3 trillion times zero

>> No.55481298
File: 1.35 MB, 480x270, Carlos_Matos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow Carlos' Golden Rule:
"If it's shilled on /biz/...That's a scam!"

>> No.55481343

>what is 3 trillion times zero
Kek, good luck with that nigga.

>> No.55481355

Relax, Ranjesh. It's still 5AM in US.

>> No.55481377

Fucked by fomo. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.55481398
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>> No.55481461
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>> No.55481473

Sell that shit, Buy ORE now!

>> No.55481499


Not buying your shitcoin Patel. It's literally 5 am only on the lead Shib dev's coast you fucking retards. If there is an announcement, it won't be until the next 12-16 hours or so at least. Realistically though the announcement stuff is BS. Who knows. But it definitely wouldn't be happening until the next 12-16 hours or so at least, if it does.

>> No.55481507

>IT'S ONLY 11:59 PM
>IT'S ONLY 7/7

>> No.55481522

Btw where the fuck is your dev?

>> No.55481552

He’s not up yet. You won’t be getting these prices in anymore I’m about 2 hours

>> No.55481582

I'm tired of this bullshit. Every time I don't sell the pump, it dumps. When I do sell the pump, it moons without me. Everything I do is wrong.

>> No.55481603


>> No.55481615

Then look for something sustainable to deal with: a fundamental, solid project with real-life utility certain to provide economic value, and stop chasing PnD.

Let me ask, which of these memes have you experienced such an awful case of?

>> No.55481624

I'm not selling.

>> No.55481631

Fuck off. Utility projects have fucked me more.

>> No.55481634

Buy the rumour, sell the no news, kek.

>> No.55481636

>Then look for something sustainable to deal with: a fundamental, solid project with real-life utility certain to provide economic value, and stop chasing PnD.
>Let me ask, which of these memes have you experienced such an awful case of?
If I learned anything in Crypto, it's that projects with real world usecases are not needed. ETH is only at this price due to the shitcoin casino.

Anyway, WAGMI Toadbros.

>> No.55481637

Anyone who can copy and paste from




Can see that the ones doing the dumping are the small fish, while the whales are looking for a good entry.
No need to rush into buying rn, there's gonna be a better price by the evening.
I fucked up fomoing yesterday when I saw the shibaswap LP scooping, but tbqh it was the right decision. Avg price still below current one, and the more it drops, the more likely I am to finalize my 4.2+ trillion stack.

>> No.55481638
File: 32 KB, 500x500, It'sJoever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This fuckin whale has dumped 4 TRILLION within 24 hours and has 7 trillion left. Literally dbi all over again, fuck it is joever in less than a day has to be a fuckin record, so much for whales holdin the floor

>> No.55481646

That whale has 45 trillion spread among several wallets.

>> No.55481654

WTF that is WORSE than dbi

>> No.55481660
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1661532913157313s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we plebs learn that meme coins aren't worth investing in because they only benefit whales and early birds and lack sustainability, Must I spoon-feed you all about this? Gosh, the biz is full of sh*t projects with spaghetti code. Enjoy losing more funds while others are positioning themselves for possible trends, like on DePIN.

>> No.55481667

Enjoy losing money on worthless utility projects. Meanwhile memes are the ones pumping in the bear market. Just not this scam piece of shit.

>> No.55481676

>This fuckin whale has dumped 4 TRILLION within 24 hours and has 7 trillion left. Literally dbi all over again, fuck it is joever in less than a day has to be a fuckin record, so much for whales holdin the floor
I still don't get how you brainlets can compare DBI to Toad when you had a massive red flag from the beginning with them selecting a fucking bum as "The Dev" kek.

>> No.55481701

Nigger your schizo theories that don't pan out are BIGGER red flags than dbi. At least they had vids with CZ and Jesse Powell, what do you have? MIA dev and schizo theories with Shytoshi that he won't cop to

>> No.55481703

It could be that you're dealing with those run by those Wajok Jews known for manipulating the sh*t just like pulse chains. Things are evolving, and meme is most likely not going to get a spot if CEX has to conform to the sec regulatory framework to avoid being called out.
I'd suggest you look into DePIN solution. One recently partnered with Eloop One, which will onboard over 200 Teslas on the chain for revenue sharing. I saw that, and I'm curious how this will function and democratize rewards.

>> No.55481721

>Nico Prugger, the co-founder of Eloop
Literally has rugger in the name. Your garbage utility project isn't going anywhere.

>> No.55481726

>At least they had vids with CZ and Jesse Powell, what do you have? MIA dev and schizo theories with Shytoshi that he won't cop to
toad schizos are weaker than lunc schizos and dbi schizos combined kek you shouldnt have bought

>> No.55481753

Fuck crypto.
You want to know something funny?
My "utility" non shitcoin coin is in red, while shitcoins are mooning everywhere.
Utility is a joke, fuck this nigger market.. the dev and baggies keept coping from the start saying "utility bro, we are not rug bro, this is a long term hold," etc. While others said countless of times to announce or changing dextools description for memecoin but refused



>> No.55481768

They’re just bringing the heat down a little so people are weary when they make the announcement and it doesn’t skyrocket and dump immediately afterwards. I just bought more. Now roast me you lowlife faggots

>> No.55481808
File: 222 KB, 960x960, _Not_this_again_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those gains
>Wiped out in an instant

>> No.55481823
File: 10 KB, 181x278, 1661177812409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound so dumb and uninformed about what is happening. What kept Eth there is the utility it has, but it still has the worst throughput, scalability, and security. Must I sit you down to teach you how things work in the crypto ecosystem? We are all wired to sell once we see any green on a meme, while the fundamentals give us hope that it will emerge and probably do better. This is not the bear market I'm experiencing. I can tell that this is the first because you sound completely illiterate and uneducated about the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.55481853

>They’re just bringing the heat down a little


>> No.55481925

You're the most retarded, cringy NPC wajok I've seen on 4chan. Are you fucking here to pump this meme or what? This project doesn't even have a token. They are Tokenizing Tesla on the PolkaDot ecosystem via a firm called PeaqNetwork. By tokenizing ownership of the fleet, the firm can distribute revenue to the co-owners as it comes in, providing real revenue to a blockchain token.

I believe that in time, DePIN will become a compelling narrative in the future of crypto.

I hate bot acting like real human.

>> No.55481963

This is a toad thread. Why are you shilling other projects here? I hate jeet marketing bots.

>> No.55482005
File: 436 KB, 840x859, 170-kb-png-angry-pink-wojak-11563399195ryigybu2uf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened?

>> No.55482018

Why not at this point you all got rug pulled, not even a retrace at this point all your indian gods made their money

>> No.55482021
File: 22 KB, 500x332, 1666654137415873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which looks like a scam? How many memes in the past were able to survive the bear market? Soon, the time will come when you won't find any memes on major exchanges. CZ has already made their intentions known by saying that they're not going to list any projects without utility. Coinbase is already doing that, which I believe you know. Soon, mexc, kucoin, and others will follow, and that will leave your scammy meme to grain.

>> No.55482032


>> No.55482116


You look completely miserable right now. Worthless fags like you won't let us rest. Let me guess: this is your project, right? You created it at the chicken pen. Tell me the truth, and I will throw a few bucks into it to help the needy. Kekek.

>> No.55482351

Look at the chart :)

>> No.55482397
File: 3.78 MB, 5072x3376, jeet poo mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. i bought that dip too. streetshitters are unbearable

>> No.55482405

This is 3rd time these jeets did that hypes up some date that is not related to toad then that day comes just dont expect anything and hold for future

>> No.55482425

the day aint over yet retard

>> No.55482465

And by the end if till do another -50% but you can LOAD_MORE_TOAD like jeet spammers in tg

>> No.55482499
File: 532 KB, 1170x1492, jeetjet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was booted from the TG back in may for fudding. its too much to deal with. im glad we have these threads on biz. go fuck yourself plane shitter

>> No.55482565
File: 71 KB, 500x600, 1506277933983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you tg faggot "dev" dont sell at once because this shit has no liquidity to dump 10% of supply at once. Circle jerking each other at that damn chat get rectal cancer faggot

>> No.55482588

i have to read all your posts twice because you type like a brain-damaged esl

>> No.55482600

Seriously how the fuck does any shitcoin survive this fate? It seems like every single low cap I buy any substantial pump gets destroyed by some nigger dumping some obscene amount of coins he bought for next to nothing.

>> No.55482621

>shitcoin gets made
>maker buys half of supply at first minute
>sucker keep wondering why some wallet keeps dumping
This is your brain on "connections" copium

>> No.55482754
File: 299 KB, 750x712, 1677033289099594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enormous textbook head and shoulders forming
>end target is perfectly at the all time low

>> No.55482776

aaaaaaand were back

>> No.55482839

>Down 40%
>Up 5%

>> No.55483482
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 0cJHJXa5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like every single low cap I buy any substantial pump gets destroyed by some nigger dumping some obscene amount of coins he bought for next to nothing.

Same with DBI
some jamaican Bonobo holding millions of tokens sold every pump, then chart went to shit (more like "shart"amerite?) then somr chink whale stepped in and same shit + devs slow ruggin at the same time.

TL:DR sell your Toad and get out, whales won't let you "make it"

>> No.55483510
File: 107 KB, 637x967, IMG_5855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOAD is nothing like DBI. I would never buy your trailer trash drug addict shitcoin

>> No.55483558

Ready. Set. Fud.


>> No.55483561
File: 161 KB, 3440x1440, shib toad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these weak hands. Biggest shib liquidity provider have 6.5T and you are selling?

Think about this, what would biggest shib liquidity provider care about this coin at all, if there is no relation to shiba team?

https://debank.c0m/profile/0x 12949651a3a7cf952a06fc7f97e13e40f377db9c?chain=eth

pic related

>> No.55483607

Fuddies absolutely ass reamed again

>> No.55483695
File: 1.40 MB, 1284x2778, B6C26ACF-8804-4E84-8B24-CE9735EED2B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toad soup taste better near Shibarium.

>> No.55483737

isnt that the same shib guy that keeps running nonstop rugpulls

>> No.55483785
File: 18 KB, 310x278, D2A170F4-E37F-42FF-949A-8912D754917B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for you to fud the debank link above

>> No.55484052

thats alot of money in toad

>> No.55484233

11k Buy, were back my nigs.

>> No.55484366
File: 22 KB, 680x451, images - 2023-07-05T044145.296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're back, toadbros.

>> No.55484381
File: 35 KB, 749x610, 1687960709006770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we never left

>> No.55484406

More buyers ready to pay the whale to dump on them again kek. Where's your announcement shills? Two more weeks rite?

>> No.55484467


Just get your position in already ffs and stfu. You don't have to be so bitter you didn't get in x3 ago.

>> No.55484473

Lol it's like toad is following the Dbi playbook

>> No.55485108


>> No.55485146

same team of scammers

>> No.55485264

Any chance of another dip below 4mil mc? I need to accumulate more.
It's just the same whale dumping or is there more?

>> No.55485350

What if I told you the whales are the buyers and sellers.

>> No.55485383

All right stick with me now haven't we seen alot of whales buying triple 777s. What if the day is tomorrow. Tomorrow is 7/7/2+0+2+3=7 so 7/7/7.

>> No.55485522

Was obvious to me. Shib is like a based Disney (if that could possibly exist) shiba is the cute doggo for the kids and the green fuck you finger and the treats associated with them are for the adults

>> No.55485666

When you say Disney then put something in parentheses after the parentheses it’s supposed to continue like the parentheses were never there.

I was fucking her titties (while looking into her eyes) getting ready to shoot the biggest load all over here face.

>> No.55485715
File: 1.32 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230706-132049_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Twitter like from lucie. This bitch loves giving us blue balls.

>> No.55485717

No. We are defending 4MM.

>> No.55485723

Sorry I’m using an app. That’s how we say it in punjabi

>> No.55485817

When is shubarium

>> No.55486164
File: 9 KB, 229x220, 1688252366107370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather buy the dip Blackswan is in.

>> No.55486229
File: 272 KB, 828x879, IMG_5907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless. You get my point

>> No.55486230

I did too, about 2 hours ago. I don't want to miss another one

>> No.55486293
File: 2.75 MB, 650x850, 1672293478749278.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling bullish TOAD sisters

>> No.55486737

How many you own

>> No.55486771


>> No.55486852

Broken /oudated website.
Anyway, is 100bil toadies enough to make it?

>> No.55487039

>This bitch loves giving us blue balls.
BAD AI @ 3200 Holders

TOAD = Cucked again! HAHAHA

Starting to think Toads are only Lucie's pay pigs

>> No.55487128

Uniswap sir
Please purchase more than one dollar worth
Thank you

>> No.55487162
File: 99 KB, 600x468, IMG_0989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the fucking contract

This is how we know this is a fucking shill thread. If you know what a contract is you know how to use basic websites to look them up.

>> No.55487174

You talk like a reditor.

>> No.55487265
File: 72 KB, 615x501, Phase 3 release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55487304

OP here. I sold the next day because i saw that devs are softrugging, literally wallets with tens of trillion tokens dumping the pumps. They bought on day of launch, so obviously insiders or team
No thanks jeets, bye

>> No.55487432

Holy fuck you're right, I'm selling everything now! Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.55487435

And you also know there are 4 or 5 other versions designed to bait people

>> No.55487447

just sold

>> No.55487599


>> No.55487719

Last two sales are literally 57.80$ and 38.25$. I don’t think they were lying about selling, two jeets are out.

>> No.55487744
File: 22 KB, 400x400, toaddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, nothings even happened yet just natural hype and buildup we will jump two digits on exchange listing

>> No.55487776

why are devs selling then if nothings even happened yet? lmao.
i saw several sells of like 10k and 20k$ from dev wallets/insiders who already 100x'd and have 10trillion+ sitting. this shit going nowhere

>> No.55487791

2 hours till 777. A very auspicious day

>> No.55487872

Is that a lot of money in India?

>> No.55487877

based op
fuck these scammers..didn't even wait 24 hours to dump bags on us

>> No.55487905

Oo off by one. Insiders that bought literally at launch dumped 4 trillion on us earlier. Scam vibes
7s say this is a scam

>> No.55487929

They better keep the price over 10 or I’m gonna slurp more

>> No.55488700


Better ways of pointing things out for the pleb to understand. Rug pull is certain in this meme; we don't need anyone to tell us otherwise.

>> No.55489090


Sure they are rajeesh. For some epic dump that you idiots are trying to hype up, we sure didn't go down that far. Disappointing. Was wanting to DCA.

>> No.55489104


This anon knows.

>> No.55489196


>price flat
>nobody buying

/biz/ isnt taking the bait for dump round 2..when nothing happens AGAIN today the scam is finished

>> No.55490201

Good then we slurp again

>> No.55490242
File: 658 KB, 1033x1028, pepechan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is your chance to be early for once!

Still 2k MC now



TG : @pepechanerc

>> No.55490812

It definitely is not pulling 100x. You are better off holding RAIL long term.

>> No.55490951

They will never claim to be behind Toad. This is a perfect example of dev farming. Devs will make coins on the side and spread rumours to fund their main project in this case its Shib.

>> No.55491807

The date is 7-7-7pm
We still got time ToadMarines

>DBI vibes

>> No.55491836

What time zone tho?

>> No.55491893

This is more plausible right now than any theory any Toad shill has come up with, it lines up with every thing we are seeing, the hints, the nothing-burgers and the dumping

>> No.55491907

That’s not feasible at all. They’re not gonna shit on their own community like that. You know how many people they’d piss off with a move like that? They’d never recover

>> No.55491910

I don't know bro.. 11:43am here
I hope in 8 hours.

I just want to add this; either toad has the most dumb/jeet whales or the price keeps going down because indeed it's "le stealth launch".

>> No.55492021

it has the most dumb jeet whales they kill the pump every time

>> No.55492058

This has the potential of reaching $10mil mc if they don't kill the pumps

>> No.55492087

it has potential but dumb whales are killing it and the dates when nothing happens not helping

>> No.55492126

Pajeets keeps buying Shitcoins. Go for utility driven project like NXRA, QNT and FTM.

>> No.55492159

Hence why they will never confirm they made Toad. The fact that they never denounced it but immediately call out every Shib Dev larps (Unleash and others) proves that Toad is their little money farming side project.

>> No.55492266

We are inverse pumping mein negers

>> No.55492273

Welp, that's it I guess. Hope Shib2.0 can make me some bucks instead.

>> No.55492334

It's rugging right now game over

>> No.55492445

It's just a dip for the little guys.

>> No.55492536

like all /biz/ scams. this coin is dead. it pumped, it dumped, it pumped but not as big as the first time and now it starts to dump now. it'll go back to starting levels. instead of buying this shit gamble your money in online casinos, at least you would know the stats and rtp.

>> No.55492572

>The twitter account hasn't been updated since May
Its over baggies

>> No.55492664
File: 126 KB, 800x769, 1525066066569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, am I gonna regret not buying that dip or am I gonna regret not selling now?