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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55479646 No.55479646 [Reply] [Original]

No further comment.

>> No.55479653

wat buy

>> No.55479685

it's over

>> No.55479695

Twitter has become the defacto source for quick crypto info. Its over.

>> No.55479700

Cryptofags have been btfo. Everyone realized that alts are all useless shit coins and it's boring to talk about btc

>> No.55479715

goo goo gaa gaa

>> No.55479719

Because CT had better alpha than this shithole board..
but now that Elon fucked over the platform, it's more joever than before
hell ain't not going to plebbit

>> No.55479773

bullish as fuck

>> No.55479776
File: 98 KB, 385x385, 1626362757539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made this /thread yesterday

>> No.55479777

how do i profit off of this

>> No.55479791


buy link?

>> No.55479795

Guess we have soem time to kill before 2026

>> No.55479805

Almost all of those are frog posts from me

>> No.55479860

Sorry, Chuds. Give it up. Crypto was a fad and it's over now.


>> No.55480058


>> No.55480073


Meanwhile crypto posts on normal websites go to an ATH.

Maybe, just maybe. And stay with me here... The constant racist, anti-semitic and homophobic talks on this website scare people off?

Just a thought......

>> No.55480087

>The constant racist, anti-semitic and homophobic talks on this website scare people off?
If that's the case, it means that gatekeeping works, sweetie. And it's beautiful.

>> No.55480117

2020 DeFi summer was peak /biz/ kino. Jeets killed this board shitting all over it like they do everything. No more alpha here only scams. Internet needs to cut off India.

>> No.55480154

zoom out retard

>> No.55480199

Why are jannies deleting threads when the board is basically dead?

>> No.55480204

the funny thing about ATL's is it can always go much much lower

>> No.55480210

it being basicly dead doesnt mean it should be completely dead

>> No.55480214

lol. it's literally only biz/thren here and yet we continue to fud and mock eachother. CAn't we have a good thread actually helping eachother find new projects that WE can front run. that WE can dump on normies?

>> No.55480219
File: 90 KB, 1024x749, IMG_0437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is a crypto board, and crypto is dead. therefore, the board is dead.

>> No.55480232

>Maybe our gatekeeping strategy for the past 10 years is a bad thing
Sub-par bait

>> No.55480233

>crypto is dead.


>bottomed last year after an almost 2 year bear market
>went all the way to $15k eventhough people thought the bottom would be $20k
>has since then did a 2x with no sign of stopping touching $32k going on the greatest bullrun of all time now that blackrock etc are involved and bitcoin has full clarity
>waaaaa crypto is dead

are you legit braindead?

>> No.55480244
File: 199 KB, 441x479, IMG_5674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This get out while you can

>> No.55480249

What site is that from?

>> No.55480255

The why is /pol/the biggest board on 4chan?
Fuck off and go back to wsb cuck

>> No.55480260

I lost 4k down to 2k today and I think I'm gonna drive my car into a pack of niggers.

>> No.55480262
File: 73 KB, 570x537, poltard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The why is /pol/the biggest board on 4chan?
>Fuck off and go back to wsb cuck

>> No.55480385

they turned off the frogbots

>> No.55480391

Go back nigger faggot, we don't want to talk to you and you don't want to talk to us. What are you doing here?

>> No.55480404

/biz/ is filled with dumb zoomers unsuccessfully trying to chill their shitcoins bags.

There should be a board only for crypto.
Crypto is a scam

>> No.55480414

Basically, people get into crypto only for profit.

>> No.55480451


>> No.55480467

looks like it yes

>> No.55480476

its over
BTC was a mistake

>> No.55480482

Jesus, GME really was the newfaggening.

>> No.55480488
File: 713 KB, 1311x1472, cat_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55480515

This is your buy signal.

>> No.55480621

As opposed to getting into it to lose money, which is what happens to the vast, VAST majority of people who get into crypto.

>> No.55480625

Absolutely this. If you're not buying now you hate money

>> No.55480801

Nigga this market’s boring as fuck

>> No.55480819

Stop chilling for your shitcoins dumb zoomers, no one is going to pick up your bags, crypto is a scam

>> No.55480833

The jeets are leaving
Everything will be ok
It’s time to be happy now
Remember this post

>> No.55481016

Anon, losses have been part of the experiences in the market but can be minimized with the right trading strategy or tools. Been getting improved trading results with TM trader grade and it sure could be great for newbies as well. Can't keep getting fucked by the market.

>> No.55481027

Can we stop pretending the tranny janny rangebanning half of the western world isn’t a problem now???

>> No.55481073

We don't need normies here. Fuck off, tranny.

>> No.55481074

and yet btc is at almost half it's ATH. Makes you wonder

>> No.55481133



>> No.55481158

Crypto is pretty dead at this point, it's been what, 14 years without real world application? AI also has eclipsed it as the new hype thing for grifters to latch onto, plus it's actually useful in real life.

>> No.55481177

Thank the fudfags

>> No.55481180

it's wrong, I am in the analytics sector, Reddit posts are at an ATL as well (all stocks/crypto subs are at ATL or near ATL), 4chan is at ATL, Twitter is also pretty quiet actually.

Everybody thinks Twitter is the only source of truth when most of social media users are on Weibo, Telegram, Whatsapp groups, etc

>> No.55481241

why do i still come here...

>> No.55481246

dumb phoneposter

>> No.55481250

the worst part is you can still smell the stench of browns
hope you all got rich by now because blue-eyed high-alpha 2016 biz is never coming back

>> No.55481251

Did it peeked at the same time then btc ath?

>> No.55481254

highest reply count thread was the polish poop eating whore
the the jannies deleted the thread, after leaving it open for 400 replies.


it's almost like there currently are pretty much NO jannies on biz? why would there be, with such a low post count

>> No.55481259

Someone make web3 version of 4chan please.

>> No.55481265

We need to bring back GPU mining

>> No.55481357

>/biz/ has SOVL now

>> No.55481366

You should be doing that regardless of portfolio performance
It was lower in 2014-2016

>> No.55481370

Jannies have contributed to the ruination of this place.
I get warnings and bans for participating in the memes and /biz/ culture.
Now I just shit post and antagonise as many as I can, fuck it.

>> No.55481387

yup, /biz/ is the most "no fun allowed" board on the site. Nobody even tries any more.

>> No.55481403

I get banned once a week for posting selfies and telling people to leave society.
Jannies hate this. They need you to stay in society so they can get paid

>> No.55481459

>Jannies have contributed to the ruination of this place.
This is true, I’ve been saying for a couple of years now that the jannies are ruining the board. They are ridiculously strict and petty as fuck. I get banned for the most trivial or even totally benign stuff. Before a couple of years ago jannies weren’t much of an issue and generally fair with their bans. But it seems a bunch of liberal trannies have taken over who are intent on destroying the culture here and running this board to the ground. When you consider the political climate in the west and the demographics/ethnic makeup of the regular users of this board then you can see the usual patterns of infiltration employed by the small hat tribe being played out here.

>> No.55481470


>> No.55481494


>> No.55481569

Pretty sure there basically are no /biz/ jannies as the ones that do exist spend most of their time in whatever their favorite general(s) are. Only time I see posts or threads removed or banned is if they're so blatantly ass enough people report it to get it auto removed.

>> No.55481842

And this right here was abused by proxy faggots mass reporting real posts.
Do that enough drives real people away.

>> No.55481894

Yep this is what happened to me too
Was just having fun and got muted temp banned etc
Been here for years never seen a shitty jan team like /biz/ has now
Gave up any of my high quality posts, after seeing this, might actually for real be my last time posting.
I mean what's the point? Who am I talking to? Ranjeesh and Kyle from Norway? And then if I make a funny I get muted?

Honestly the recent janitors are more than half to blame

>> No.55481988

good you mass-replying niggerfaggot

>> No.55482002


>> No.55482192

>without real world application?
Eh, there is application and adoption, just not the one crypto maxis want. It's international cross-border payments. I've paid in crypto to vendors selling stuff from Asian countries. Also been looking for some stuff on made-in-china, and most vendors have the following payment methods: WU/MG, bank wire and crypto (BTC).
I understand that bagholders want crypto to replace Visa and Mastercard, but what's actually happening is them adopting the tech in back-end, while the user still pays in fiat with a card.

>> No.55482307


>> No.55482350

>/biz/ posts per day are at an all time low.
All of 4chan is like this because as >>55481370
mentioned the people running this site are complete and total cunts with some boards being unbrowsable. For example, on /k/ it is super easy to get banned for literally nothing because you upset some troon there.

>> No.55482368

How old are you?

>> No.55482395

>highest reply count thread was the polish poop eating whore
>the the jannies deleted the thread, after leaving it open for 400 replies.
Exactly, literal trannies have taken over as jannies of the board. They allow lewd shit as long as it’s some tranny or anime shit, meanwhile posting a safe-for-work pic of an actual real cute female gets you banned for 3 days.

>> No.55482464
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>But it seems a bunch of liberal trannies have taken over who are intent on destroying the culture here and running this board to the ground.
Correct. The archive sites are also under attack

>> No.55482530

biz posting activity is directly correlated to the federal reserve easing activity, noticed that? kek

>> No.55482548

That means we are so early in the bull cycle.
Even the pajeet shitcoin scams have lost hope and left back to their villages to pick lentils.

>> No.55482563

they banned who?

>> No.55482729
File: 18 KB, 636x466, 0F571310-6C78-444A-86C2-DF603C6F3B12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek and I was banned for posting unflattering pics of the polish poop whore and the thread stayed up for 10 more hours and went to bump limit.

another fun story from this shit board: Last week I found some new DeFi innovation that I wanted to talk about here but the thread was deleted after not even 5 minutes, I wasnt even shilling a token, just pointing out a new game changing DeFi mechanic that I wanted to discuss, but according to jannies thats not allowed because why would anyone talk about DeFi innovations here? thats haram.
So yeah this board here is absolutely dead. you wont find any alfa here and talking about anything interesting thats crypto related is a Big no no and will get removed fast while the slide threads, demoralization threads and poop whores stay up.

>> No.55483043


it means people don't have cash so long dollar i guess

>> No.55483084

/biz/ is a total failure now. racist chuds bagheld link and underperformed everyone while normie chads on all other platforms were getting all kinds of alpha and flipping nfts and projects.
/biz/ is a shell of its former glory days when people were shilling coins that actually pumped.
Now its enirely poor midwit chud bagholders and the jeet spammers who prey on them

>> No.55483248
File: 2.09 MB, 400x300, JP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No further comment.

>1 post by this ID

he wasn't kidding about the "no further comment"