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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55475097 No.55475097 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.55475126

fuck just sold after 6 years

finally they got me

chainlink sucks

>> No.55475128

Its over

>> No.55475151

>alrady BTFO by CLG

>> No.55475167

Chainlink provides the framework. Not their problem if some dumbasses use it incorrectly

>> No.55475169

>The key thing is that Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network only serves to ensure that data from centralized entities is not tampered with before it makes it on-chain. It doesn’t make that original data any more (or less) credible.
>Chainlink doesn’t hide these caveats. At the bottom of its proof-of-reserve dashboard, the oracle firm cautions that “feeds can vary in their configurations” and warns app-builders that they “are solely responsible for reviewing the quality of the data (e.g., a Proof of Reserve feed) that you integrate into your smart contracts.” While projects like Paxos self-attest to their data, most report their reserve data to Chainlink via auditors or directly from custodians.
le nothingburger

>> No.55475170

So its a trust based solution for data.... yeah TNN

>> No.55475197


>> No.55475206

>ensure that data from centralized entities is not tampered with before it makes it on-chain
Anon, https already exists

>> No.55475208

fuck, it's over

>> No.55475210

This. I wonder when dense people will finally understand that what Chainlink solves is the oracle problem.
Now, they can either have data from a centralized entity be delivered by an UNTRUSTWORTHY oracle to the blockchain, or they can have data from a centralized entity be delivered by a TRUSTWORTHY oracle to the blockchain.
To make an example that normies can understand: if you order some Chinese-replica goods online, are you going to get mad at the delivery driver that the product you received is inauthentic? No, it's your own fault for not sourcing the good from a quality retailer. Now, you'd be mad at the delivery driver if they did any of the following: never delivered your order, delivered your order late, or swapped your order for something else. The most trustworthy delivery system is Chainlink.

>> No.55475219

https puts data on-chain? huh

>> No.55475240

it just shows that even all these years even most tech people fail to comprehend what Chainlink is or what it does, let alone retail. no wonder Sergey has to play the same slides all the time lmao

>> No.55475257
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yet another anti-LINK hit piece from coindesk (owned by API3 investors DCG). kek what's next, another Chris Blec interview?

>> No.55475261

this might be the final straw for francisco

>> No.55475262

>chainlink is le amazon of data
lol ok

>> No.55475274

>bruh it has to be on chain!
No web3 is stupid.

>> No.55475282

You're still not really articulating why an "oracle" is needed here. If you're just querying the same API 16 times, why not just create a normal backend service which calls the API? The data will still be secure in transit. HTTPS uses encryption and already secures all of our web2 data.

>> No.55475289

if you want to use smart contracts for anything but sending tokens around then it must be on chain yes

>> No.55475341

No they really dont you can do if/then functions without buying a neets shitcoin. You can request data from apis directly for free.
>bbbbbbut how will you verify
As OP shared, Link cannot be trusted

>> No.55475343

Can you please email SWIFT and the dozen or so major banks working on the CCIP audit this info so we can stop the charade please? I'm so tired of link threads, someone just tell these guys the truth that it isn't worthwhile.

>> No.55475354


>> No.55475361

thank you for replying to me so swiftly, I'm even more convinced that you're doing this in good faith

>> No.55475390

go read the CLG reply if you need the Chainlink ambassador explanation lol. again, https doesn't put anything on the blockchain. when you put data on-chain, you can use it in smart contracts. if that data isn't transferred in a reliable manner, people lose billions
go ahead and request data for the price of let's say ETH with a simple if/then function.then create a trading/bridge servicewhich uses that function. suddenly the source you're requesting from is tampered/stops working and your entire service becomes extremely exploitable. congratulations, you just lost billions, thanks for playing crypto bad

>> No.55475424

>request data
Ok Ill use a price feed APi
>suddenly the source stops working
Then chainlink stops working as stated in OP. It cannot arbitrate truth
>congrats you just lost billions
Actually linkies are down 95%. Congrats. Seriously

>> No.55475440
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Kek baggies

>> No.55475465

Not a twitterfag. How do oracles themselves call the API? I'm sure they use API calls as well.

>> No.55475488

what's your incentive anon, are you also bagholding?

>> No.55475503

coindesk revealed the FTT situation too
fuck them

>> No.55475556

you're unironically better off reading threads from 2018 on warosu if you need decentralized oracle network operation explanations

>> No.55475595
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>> No.55475609

Trust over truth - SN

>> No.55475625

And that's what it always comes down to: "read the archives". Except I've never been pointed to a specific thread or post which answers my questions. Just because you deflect the questions everyone is asking, doesn't make them any less valid. Chainlink is and always will be a glorified json parser with an unnecessary token.

>> No.55475689

CLG didn't "BTFO" anything. Proof of Reserves is a stupid system that doesn't accomplish anything.

It is quite literally impossible to prove something about offchain reserves onchain. There are so many issues with the architecture including:

>What if the bank is insolvent? Sergey's response to this issue is "well we can just give the bank's a credit score." Obviously this falls down to "just trust us that this bank is trustworthy"
>With Cache gold or any of these fiat-based reserve systems, it comes down to trusting whomever is responsible for making claims to what is being held. You've gotta trust that gold is really in the vault. You've gotta trust that the API(s) querying the account balance have been made in such a way that they actually reflect the number claimed. And even if that is done with many people attesting to it, you're always stuck with the first problem.

Seeing Sergey speak with Nitin Gauer at Consensus really made me realize that these guys are some talking heads. They were talking about the trillions of dollars that are gonna come on chain and how that dollar system is so shitty...

well why the fuck are they trying to extend that bull shit dollar system into a deterministic system. It is just dumb. "The dollar" is a stupid unit of account.

>> No.55475720

if I dumb it down any further I have to start with grug rock oogabooga noises
>json parser
jason parser is dead, we tom lee now

>> No.55475740

>It is quite literally impossible to prove something about offchain reserves onchain
You're basically saying it's literally impossible to put off-chain information on-chain.

Go seethe in the corner.

>> No.55475775

>You can request data from apis directly for free.
Now put them on-chain, see how that goes.

>> No.55475818

No, I'm not saying that. I am saying it is impossible to PROVE something about the state of something in a probabilistic world (reality) within the deterministic world of a blockchain.

In most instances this isn't really an issue. If you want to create some dumb parametric insurance smart contract for african farmers...sure, set up 100 IoT devices that measure rain and have them handled by 100 different people. And you can take whatever data they read and pass it to a smart contract function and you have effectively put offchain information onchain. Cool! But you haven't proven anything. This becomes especially important when dealing with reserves. In these PoR examples (like TUSD and PAX) the APIs that are reading the account balance were created by armanino (at least in TUSD's case). That is also the firm that did the audit. This is WAY MORE HUMAN INVOLVEMENT than a simple IoT device reading a water level or something. This means that a handful of humans were tasked with auditing a bank account and dealing with all of the friction of the banks holding the reserves and they just built an API that queries an account and they put their stamp of approval on it that "yes, we definitely did a good audit and built a balance querying function that works"

If you can't see all of the trust assumptions involved in that, you're just being disingenuous.

I'm a Link holder since 2017, early staker, multi-hackathon participant and winner, etc etc. If you can't recognize all of these issues, you're being blatantly disingenuous.

>> No.55475828

>the trust assumptions
There are a lot of trust assumptions to be made about a lot of sources, yes.
Good thing Chainlink isn't a decentralized source network, but a decentralized oracle network.

Chainlink is UPS, it's their job to make sure the package gets to you. It's not their job to check the quality, authenticity, ... of the item someone ships to you.

>> No.55475845

so chainlink is worthless

>> No.55475855

Yes anon, stay faaaaar away.

>> No.55475862

So why would I pay to use API data on chain when I could just request that API data myself for free. Even if I wanted it on chain I could just request it myself and put it on chain myself. This is all ignoring the fact that blockchain is inapplicable to 99.99% of business use cases

>> No.55475869

>I could just request it myself and put it on chain myself
bro you just solved the oracle problem you absolute king.

>> No.55475911

Because you pulling the data yourself become an additional point of failure. A DON gaurantees that there is consensus on what the API data is, not that the data is correct. If a single person/entity is pulling that data they can change it as they please.

>> No.55475912

No, you did that when you pretended like 1 API source was 16 different independent """oracles"""

>> No.55475922

what's the point of a DON if the source of all oracles is the same API?
why can't nobody answer this?

>> No.55475940

So instead of addressing the weakest link in the chain, you just add another layer of obscurity and pretend that fixed the problem

>> No.55475953

Even single-source data needs oracles if you want to put it on chain.
Look at what happened to Compound and Coinbase.

>> No.55475974

>what's the point of a DON if the source of all oracles is the same API?
You avoid losing dozens of millions when your single oracle fails.

>> No.55475997

So rent a VPS in a different data center in this hypothetical situation where you generate billions in profit and cant afford any downtime on your price ticker

>> No.55476015
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>So rent a VPS in a different data center
Bringing your grand total of oracles to two?
Both of which you run yourself?
How about that for a trust assumption.

>this hypothetical situation where you generate billions in profit and cant afford any downtime on your price ticker
Nothing hypothetical about it lol

>> No.55476016

I would encourage you to put a significant amount of your own personal wealth into building a blockchain project that uses your own in house oracles to pull data.

>> No.55476020

so why not just get stuff myself? the driver isn't doing any background checks anyway, so might as well skip the bastard when he doesn't provide any value

>> No.55476047

I would never put a cent into a blockchain project because my only hope to recoup that money would be selling to a greater fool or scamming some old lady

>> No.55476056

>why not just get stuff myself?
Why would anyone involved trust your one oracle that you run yourself?

>> No.55476060

Should we buy shitcoins instead of chainlink?

>> No.55476064

it's absolutely ridiculous that we're back to 2018 tier fud lmao
>I'll just build my own oracle!

>> No.55476067

>I would never put a cent into a blockchain project
Great! That means you don't have to worry about any of this.

>> No.55476077

What do you mean "put them on chain and see how that goes"?

You literally pass the response to a smart contract function. This is all that Chainlink Functions does:

>Write an API query in javascript
>submit it as a buffer to a special Functions smart contract
>You decide to trust this response more since 1000 nodes did the same API call.

But none of that is really helpful if at that moment the API completely shitted out and returned a nonsense result to every node.

>> No.55476085

I dont have to worry about chainshitters and gamestop trannies spamming half the catalog? Thats news to me

>> No.55476086
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>> No.55476099

>shitcoin is a shitcoin

>> No.55476100

>just be your own centralized oracle bro
see >>55476015

You do realize /biz/ is a crypto containment board, yes?
You also do realize you're on 4chan, yes?

>> No.55476107

Their entire thesis is that this is prohibitively difficult to do and warrants paying several dollars per API request.
>/biz/ - cryptocurrency and blockchain scams

>> No.55476110

An "oracle" is literally just a computer that is interacting with a blockchain. If you have a react app sending a value to a SC function, that react app is an oracle. Chainlink definitely has done a good job of obfuscating what an oracle is and making it seem like some special, mystical thing.

>> No.55476124

>>/biz/ - cryptocurrency and blockchain scams
Pretty much.
This board was made to keep bitcoin spammers off /g/

>Chainlink definitely has done a good job of obfuscating what an oracle is and making it seem like some special, mystical thing.
It must be, or every oracle except Link wouldn't have failed so spectacularly and so often.

>> No.55476143

I mean, in most instances, there is no issue with being your own oracle and there is no way to avoid single points of failure.

If you're building an application that handles hundreds of millions of dollars, sure, you should have some redundancy in how functions in that application are triggered (especially ones that relate to transacting value). But it's not like Chainlink oracles currently work in any cryptoeconomic way.

>> No.55476154

The reason why everyone and their dog uses Chainlink (even projects that previously stuck up their nose at it) is because it's the only one that doesn't shit the bed over and over.

>> No.55476158

Every oracle hasn't failed spectacularly. You've just heard about ones that have. Also, all of these oracle exploits were relating to shitcoins being stolen or other BS. It's all having to do with fake money during an unrealistic speculative frenzy.

Can you find me any examples where an oracle issue relates to data coming from the real world?

>> No.55476180

>Every oracle hasn't failed spectacularly
Maybe the ones with literally 4 users and two feeds haven't.
Band, Tellor, Maker, ... you name it have all shit the bed.

>> No.55476181

Token not needed

>> No.55476182

>Everyone and their dog

It's all a bunch of shitcoin projects using Chainlink testnet services or if they are using Chainlink mainnet services, it is to use VRF to randomly mint tokens with tokenURIs pointing to a cartoon hosted on IPFS...

No one is using Chainlink to get real world data into mainnet smart contracts.

>> No.55476195

Yeah, no one is using Chainlink, but major banks of the world.

>> No.55476202

this is going to be everything. the oralce problem was never not solved. there is only one verifyable source. i will give away roughly how this is solved
>oracle solution is chain provider
>each oracle operator has shitcoin
>required to be provider or legitimate appraiser of data as appropriate
>required to provide liquidity to x level
>if their data is off then more of that shitcoin is printed to penalty fund after trading to chain native
>fund redistributed to compensate for bad data
>liquidate oracle provider if repeat offender or bad enough

>> No.55476218
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>> No.55476231
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Pretty sure this thread and the article are just more dumbshit VC psyops CoinDesk is being paid to run. CoinDesk itself is a subsidiary of DCG, which is an investor in API3. Every speed limit IQ VC out there is invested in API3 and they see the writing on the wall, so they come here to try to alter the sentiment and churn up headwinds for Chainlink.

>> No.55476235

It's over

>> No.55476250

pack it up guys, haven't you heard? we're in oracle-free summer!

>> No.55476288

>It's all a bunch of shitcoin projects
That's no way to talk about crypto as a whole.

>> No.55476339
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>token not needed
>chainlink not needed

>> No.55476387
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LMAO stinky linkies just can't win. All the while AI technology like Blackswan is just getting stronger, better and faster every day.

>> No.55476422
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>deeeeerp but some of tham havant failed!

>> No.55476805

Correction, my friend… an “oracle” is a worthless HR employee, and Chainlink solves this “problem” by giving them a meager $300k annual salary via fanatic donations. It’s that simple boys, and they do it better than anyone in the space, which is why all of my donations go to the team.

>> No.55476937

>after some basic math we realize the token was not even needed

>> No.55477112

Anon, no banks, major or minor, are using Chainlink. There are lots of publications suggesting potential use cases and proofs of concept being built, but that is all hypothetical. Chainlink is soliciting payment from/interacting with networks like Ohm because it has been so difficult for them to monetize any services. And I am saying that as someone who has directly spoken with people on the CLL sales team.

>> No.55477155

You’re a retard
So are you.
A chain is only as strong as is weakest link. Whats the point of going through all of this just to have false data put on chain? This is like the ap voting bs all over again

>> No.55477158

because yu're a fat lazy basterd bitch benchod who will never leave his seat which has grafted into his skin

>> No.55477206

Literally retarded headline. Holy shit people won’t understand LINK until it’s $1000, will they?

>> No.55477222

if the data is false the problem is with the data providers, not chainlink
do you think chainlink nodes should just magically turn bad data into good data? lol

>> No.55477250

Checked. Shit head the data is false, it doesn't matter how it gets onchain at that point. There is no objective truth from step 0. It makes the whole thing worthless. If you think banks should be trusted or any corporation to tell the truth then you have problems.

>> No.55477262

Everyone here understands what Chainlink does. I think most people (including you) have difficulty thinking of use cases where it makes sense to pay >$1 for an API call to feed data into a smart contract. None of us work in high value finance, but that is the only industry where something like that would make sense.

If there were lots of obvious use cases for smart contracts, people would be building them. You're trying to pretend like you have some kind of understanding that others don't, but I guarantee you couldn't give me 3 examples of existing use cases or conceivable innovations where it makes sense to use a smart contract and to pay oracles for that smart contract's operation.

You're pretending it is 1992 and you can foresee social media, ride sharing apps, everyone having a smart phone, etc when someone doesn't really see why the internet is so revolutionary.

I'd be interested if you could give me those use cases. Please no "parametric insurance" or something else that requires an entire societal overhaul to work.

>> No.55477286

>Everyone here understands what Chainlink does. I think most people (including you) have difficulty thinking of use cases where it makes sense to pay >$1 for an API call to feed data into a smart contract. None of us work in high value finance, but that is the only industry where something like that would make sense.
it makes sense in every industry that requires accurate, untampered with on-chain data.
if these industries think it's too expensive, too bad. this is where the "pay up" meme comes in

>> No.55477319

You're a genius anon. We don't need DNS either, just type in IP addresses! And TCP? Fucking stupid since UDP works fine and you can use it for everything TCP is used for. And something I've been thinking of, why is a "delivery service" needed? Everyone has a car, just drive your packages where they need to go.
One day the world will realize these scams and celebrate us for how smart we were.

>> No.55477330

But wait. Chainlink bridges offchain data onchain. Again whats the point of chainlink if the data is false thats offchain? >>55477286

>> No.55477332

>have refrigerator
>refrigerator lasts 30 years
>company can't make money from fridge long term
>company builds fridges to last 10 years and sets up repair contracts with local supply chains
>company now makes more money than it can building quality.
Nobody cares dude.

>> No.55477425

the point is create/find/use chainlink nodes that use correct data, not false data. hth

>> No.55477443

so then TUSD providing false data didnt happen then?

>> No.55477478

Can you give me three specific use cases?

>> No.55477488

its over i sold my 6 gorillion linkles

>> No.55477566

its fucking OVER. just market sold all of my link, and I suggest my fellow linkers do the same.

>> No.55477725

>Pretty sure this thread and the article are just more dumbshit VC psyops CoinDesk is being paid to run. CoinDesk itself is a subsidiary of DCG, which is an investor in API3.

Yeah they are going hard lately. Adam Cochran just the other day did the same who is a known supporter/backer of API3 and probably paid by them and has a bag.

>> No.55477821

PoR is just a technology
How it’s implemented, and if implementation is shitty depends on the implementor.

The choice that PAXUSD etc made on their implementation of PoR was their design choice and has nothing to do with the value of the underlying technology.

In an ideal world, they could have a camera aimed a vault for something like gold, with weighted scales that in real time deliver via an API using PoR to blockchains the stronger guarantees.

It’s okay to not understand technology this new. It’s like saying that “yo aws lambda is useless senpai it don’t scale for shit for user auth” when you’re storing user sessions in a db and pulling from a db on each request - it’s a failure in design implementation not a failure on aws lambda.

Get it?

>> No.55477838


Real world data that is somewhat subject is obviously much more harder to prove on chain and will obviously require further systems introduced as opposed to say something objective like numbers and changing in pricing of assets or goods.

Luckily, the most profitable and easiest use cases for smart contracts are the facilitation of numerical value between parties.

Oracles can allow banks, hedge funds/firms, stock brokers, insurance policy makers (more limited but doable in some cases now) and the like can gain immense benefit now.

We can tokenize stocks now and put TESLA stock on chain without a problem querying dozens of APIs that track its pricing. You could even query multiple airline APIs that show if a flight was delayed or canceled and pay out insurance for those as well.

Now if a corporation contracts a painter to do a job for a new building they had constructed how could you tell it was done correctly, in a satisfactory manner, or even completed at all? You would obviously need further infrastructure to ensure the work was done. Maybe through drones and AI. Maybe just an independent human auditor goes around. Even then there are problems. Its like what the other guy said, Chainlink is like UPS, they simply offer delivery of data. Other people will develop use cases and their own complementary infrastructure to gather this data, in regards to their specific use case, that they believe people will pay for and then use LINK to settle the smart contracts.

We won't see highly subjective real world events data on chain for probably a long time as people will have to develop their own systems to make gathering it decentralized and tamper proof as well just like the Chainlink does for the delivery of that data.

However as I said financial data, luckily the most valuable, is objective and not really subject to human interpretation.

>> No.55477892

>I'd be interested if you could give me those use cases
I’m good thanks

>> No.55477937

I’m a master cheesemaker and have been experimenting with chainlink powered hybrid smart contracts to automate certain aspects of the cheese making process. Unfortunately I can’t elaborate further

>> No.55477966

Actually I'm feeling charitable. Here are 3 use cases. I am not going to write a blog post for each though - you will have to do some of the thinking.

1) Undercollateralized loans
2) Asset tokenization
3) Connecting the old banking system to the new cryptocurrency technosystem

>> No.55478024

people starting to realize that the "oracle problem" was never actually the problem in the first place? that they simply picked an area that was already solved and built a product that still doesn't work in adversarial environments?

did it really take you missing two bull markets to realize this?

>> No.55478034

kek what the fuck are you on?

>> No.55478305

>why not just create a normal backend service which calls the API?

That's what the oracle is; exactly that to call the API to deliver data to the blockchain. The question is whether or not it's reliable and resistant to malicious actors. Over the years, the oracles released have been unreliable and centralized which gave Chainlink the edge to start stealing marketshare. And the by time other "decentralized" competitors came out, Chainlink was already doing more than API calls that put them too far behind to catch up to contest Chainlink's marketshare.

>> No.55478318

youre such a retard its crazy holy fuck how do you even breathe?

>> No.55478359

with all the oracles in use today being just carriers for centralized sources it's already possible to cut out the chainlink middleman and have signed attestations from the original, canonical sources of the data.

>> No.55478367

yoo we're looping back around to 2017 fud i think we're getting close bros

>> No.55478402

>with all the oracles in use today being just carriers for centralized sources

The certain pricefeeds are derived from a single centralized source; others from a pool of sources, thereby decentralizing the data. In addition, Chainlink also does

> Generic API calls
> cron scheduling automation
> secure random number generation

>it's already possible to cut out the chainlink middleman and have signed attestations from the original, canonical sources of the data.

But you need a system to deliver data from the sources of data to the blockchain, this is called an oracle. The blockchain doesn't innately have this ability which means you need to design the system, the oracle, to be tamper resistant so that it doesn't introduce a new attack vector.

There's no escaping the middleman/oracle.

>> No.55478487

You are unoriginal. Two of those usecases are shit and the third still doesnt answer the question of getting truthfull data onchain

>> No.55478533
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Close to what? Chainlink and its cult is the laughing stock of crypto

>> No.55478580

why is the most retarded 2018 tier fud spawning 100+ page threads?

>> No.55478615

No just the fudders are. All the whiney little faggots on twitter and biz are pathetic scum. Whining about something they allegedly dont own. Talk about a total disgrace and waste of air.

>> No.55478655
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>le conspiracy

>> No.55478666

kek. Of course.

>> No.55478669

I hate nastyslobs guts but this is true. And the fact there is an article like this on coindesk makes me more bearish. There is no hope for people to understand the product.
Did they think Chainlink is a magic box that data goes into and magically becomes 100% true and trustable and decentralised? Chainlink doesn’t fucking solve data source integrity jesus fucking christ do they expect Proof of reserves to literally be a team of people rolling up into paxos offices and getting all their audits and constantly verifying it in real time? Thats up to paxos if they want to set something like that up. If they do then you have to trust them its legit.

Proof of reserves just gives the opportunity for it to be done well if people want, and most importantly, allows for on chain messaging on this state for use in smart contracts. That is the main fucking point.
So 16 data providers all with paxos as a source. That means if a dew data providers go down you still have a functioning smart contract. It means if one or two nodes decide to modify the answer and lie the real data wins.
Its not here to fucking magically ensure paxos, the data source itself is fucking perfectly providing it.

I am bearish as possible on nastyslobs paypig token but this is ridiculous

>> No.55478674

Thats chainlinks fault. 5 years. They have had 5 years to educate people.

>> No.55478723

This. Let me explain to you fudders out there how important oracles are in a way that anyone can understand.
>Stacey hates Jessica at school
>Stacey wants to call Jessica a slut, but she knows that some people won't believe her since they know she hates Jessica and might be lying
>Stacey pays Sergei a chocolate bar to tell people that Jessica is a slut
>Sergei is a source for trusted news and people start calling Jessica a slut
>Jessica starts cutting and develops an eating disorder while Stacey wins homecoming princess
This is the power of trusted oracles.

>> No.55478746

Proof of reserves was always a stupid pie in the sky idea and idealistic. People obviously would expect to be able to trust whatever it reports is true regardless of whether that is the point if an oracle or not.
In reality, the data source for an individual enterprises solvency is always going to be themselves unless they are willing to get multiple expensive external auditors to do it in real time too which is very expensive.

They released this “product” because it was fucking easy to make and launch. Just another fucking useless feature creep so that sergey can jerk off and feel good. How about cracking the whip on the main event? Deco, fss, ccip and full-fledged staking, or better yet, come up with a better subsidy model for the token value and let people gain confidence in it.

>> No.55478779

>non stop 24/7 incel manifestos
holy inceldom have sex touch fucking grass jesus christ

>> No.55478780

Why can’t linkies solve the token not needed problem? Why are they so stubborn to admit this one insurmountable fact?

>> No.55478811

Because of sunk cost fallacy.
What have token holders actually got in exchange for subsidy of the network?
>giant HR team that still expanding
>Sergey literally bought his father a lambo
>not a single important project release post data feeds in 2019
>countless feature creep “products”
>no real disclose with investors
>no attempt to ween off or reduce this burden on the subsidy for token holders
>out right lies about releasing main features(01/01/2022 - CCIP and staking this year. Reality: staking beta v0.1 in dec, a yet to be released CCIP beta maybe in summer 2023)

Why would anyone not hate nasty slobs guts after that?

>> No.55478982

i think sir gay is a pretty cool guy but i would never have a big mac with the vcs mev mafia because they worship molech

ssssssiiiippppp ahhh yeah thats a motto never break bread with molech worshipers

>> No.55479154

LMAO okay faggot

>> No.55479222

next time try using more buzzwords

>> No.55479234

vc love buzzwords. buzzwords built this industry for fucks sake anon

>> No.55479237

that poster was right, you really have no clue what you're talking about
cope n seethe paypig

>> No.55479267

i am so glad i have sold my chainlink tokens it has saved my portfolio and life from disaster. i feel bad for others who are facing destruction

>> No.55479284

The fud is so unbearably boring this last year or two. Are you guys fucking serious. I used to be here all day daily for years and I can't bare it I'd rather read /v/ or watch Mr beast on YouTube

>> No.55479288

that poster you and the other posters are all wrong.

only I am white

>> No.55479295

come up with ur own damn FUD if u think u can do it better

>> No.55479307

I've been watching based Jebus treasure hunt from storage units he buys on auction after the owner gets sentenced to jail
seems like honest work after dealing with crypto scammers

I also saw some folks use powerful magnets to fish treasure out of rivers. Likewise this seems like very honest and rewarding work after crypto

>> No.55479320

thanks op just sold all my chainlink (ticker: link). its literally over this time

>> No.55479335

one guy found a lodestone and sold it to a local occult magician for an undisclosed sum of money. I think it was probably worth a million dollars. it just had that vibe.

treasure hunting is basically like crypto except you deal in commodities not scams and once you get enough stock on hand and have a few second hand shops as fences you are basically outside the taxed economy and only need to sell as needed. jebus has a good eye for the pics he reverse image searches the boxes and knows what he's looking for. He is his own boss. He sets his hours. He is basically swimming in nostalgic shit so there is a great deal of meaning and he gets to open boxes all day long basically 24/7 christmas

Seems like a based and redpilled occupation

>> No.55479379

like one storage unit had a bunch of guns and ammo and prepper shit. dude was setting himself up for wwiii but probably got caught by the fuzz sentenced to jail for being unvaccinated and based jebus goes in there and profits.

another one I watched the guy was a shoe hoarder had like 50 pairs of custom unworn kicks and got sentenced for drugs. based jebus goes in unboxes the lot like a king on christmas morning and profits.

yep storage unit auctions are the future not crypto

>> No.55479932
File: 235 KB, 604x1502, 1683753558461909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people (including you) have difficulty thinking of use cases where it makes sense to pay >$1 for an API call to feed data into a smart contract

It's simple; either you pay for Chainlink oracles or you lose untold millions.

>> No.55479940

>suddenly the source you're requesting from is tampered/stops working
so your failsafes trigger. you built them, right?
>congratulations, you just lost billions, thanks for playing crypto bad
imagine thinking a billion dollar corporation will trust community software made by russian grifters

>> No.55479960

>you built them, right?

Why would a contracting party allow the contract to hinge entirely on a software system built by the other contracting party?
Look up what a conflict of interest is.

>> No.55480494
File: 45 KB, 526x506, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, LINK is not new tech, a hidden gem, or a coming 10-100x. LINK is mainstream and is in Twitter roasties bios. It’s a corporate entity now, so Sergey has to dump another 750k LINK to hire talent managers and diversity officers. LINK hasn’t been the biz token for over 2 years now. Just sell anons... i-i-iit’s over. It was a good ride marines.