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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55478281 No.55478281 [Reply] [Original]

This is an interesting case study of how a corporation should not advertise its product. Will they ever recover?

>> No.55478299

You have to be an absolute brainlet to believe the ad campaign was ever intended for profit.

The reality is, it was a calculated sacrifice engineered by the ruling elite to push as much satanic propaganda as possible prior to the impending financial implosion of the entire world: going for broke. In your face

Disregard and stay focused

>> No.55478311

They profited from it retarded

>> No.55478324
File: 549 KB, 1342x1774, 1619140132139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds are a fringe group. All corporations participate in pride month because that's how the world is going. Chuds lost

>> No.55478326

Faustian bargain. The ESG jew-money won't give more than the brand they ruined. It was the top selling beer in America.

>> No.55478371
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They blew it for sure, but chuds telling themselves that this is some universal turning point will be surprised when markets don't react to future boycots. It turns out that alcoholics who drink the cheapest, most brainless swill on the market deeply hate being reminded of the fact that trannies exist. It really makes you wonder about what they're drinking to forget

>> No.55478404

quit posting this its very hurtful

>> No.55478407

It always hurts when people hit close to home

>> No.55478616

Why do I hear Hava Nagila playing

>> No.55478628

they just tried to advertise to a new demographic (young woke people). they didnt know all the chuds would relentlessly share it and be mad about it

>> No.55478634

>They profited from it retarded

kys faggot.

>> No.55478642
File: 48 KB, 551x421, nike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nike did the same with a very controversial figure hated by chuds and took the risk but it paid in the end among the targeted demographic

>> No.55478668

yeah they'll recover. consoomers protest cattle have very short attention spans. remember how cuckservatives were gloating about Gillette? check their shaving/grooming segment revenues. they've recovered and are trending upward.

>> No.55478973

Leftists and rightards are both wrong about this. It didn't ruin them, and they didn't really profit either. It's more like Anheuser Busch rebalancing their portfolio. The reason why is unclear, but someone within the company wanted more money going to another arm of AB. This could have been a golf course deal between someone at another arm, say Landshark or whatever. Landshark middle management golem is afraid his team will be downsized or whatever, so he makes a deal with the Bud Light arm's wagie monkey to sabotage the Bud Light arm temporarily to boost Landshark's revenue. Or it could just be some sort of weird tax strategy. Or creating a dip to buy. Who knows. But I don't think it was in your face talmudic propaganda just for the sake of brainwashing/enraging pisswater drinkers.

>> No.55479004

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.55479076

Remember /biz/ before the chudposting?

>> No.55479122

yeah because tranny propaganda is going to do a lot for them once le world le ends, right retard?

>> No.55479196


>> No.55479217
File: 30 KB, 656x679, IMG_3819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste of based digits. Globohomos believe their reign will continue uncontested. You are the retard for evaluating a bluepilled decision from a redpilled perspective.

>> No.55479259
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Not everything is a conspiracy anon, bud light has been aggressively shilling in gay bars for years and there was no reason for a tone-deaf marketing exec who had been doing this shit for years to think anything would go wrong. The problem is that in the video Mulvaney is especially annoying and camp and pretends to not know what March Madness is, Mulvaney's appeal is to faghag white women who want a pet tranny to laugh at, which also happens to be the type of tranny that makes chuds seethe the most. It seems obvious that it was a bad idea now in retrospect, but it's easy to imagine bud light picking a tranny like Hunter Schafer or Nikki Tutorials and there being little to no controversy

>> No.55479306
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>imagine having this kind of knowledge

>> No.55479331

It's not the cheapest not even in their own company pre inbev. Budweiser/bud light has always been their mid to high end tier for price

>> No.55479371
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They would've never gone under due to getting that sweet sweet ESG money.

I wish someone would pay ME billions to sit around and print posters of some ugly tranny desu

>> No.55479383

theres like 4 companies that make all of the products you consume so even if the brand bud light stops being sold people will just buy another beer made by the same guys

>> No.55479392

You don't have to imagine, you have it too if you read my post dumbass

>> No.55479404
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you will never be the #1 beer in america

>> No.55479423
File: 13 KB, 452x416, chudina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that Chudina?

>> No.55479435

no it's the tranny that shot up the christan school in TN.

>> No.55479465

"Achtually, troons are da real mass shooters" has to have been one of the most cringe polpaganda efforts in recent memory

>> No.55479466


>> No.55479474

you guys realize we are in the end times and moloch is working his magic right?

>> No.55479503

Because conservachuds wear new balancd
just niggers or wiggers wear nike
they wear new balance.. so they succeded with the targeted population

and everybody drinks beer, but bud light is forever known as tranny fluid.
It's joever

>> No.55479513

Sorry for that , i'm phoneposting and almost falling sleep

>> No.55479538
File: 41 KB, 1600x900, laughingmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in a
itionary period for sure.
I just don't think it's going that well for the trannies.
Where's Will and Grace and all the mainstream shit the homos had in the 90s? Nonexistent. The plan is failing. Normies are boycotting Target and Bud Light and telling you freaks to stay away from their kids.
Maybe I'm wrong but who cares? Try again in 20 years, fag troons.

>> No.55479550

They can recover if they can acquire a hot new cheap flagship beer that isn't in the minds of the masses associated with Budweiser.

>> No.55479556
File: 476 KB, 941x553, bud faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will they ever recover?

>> No.55479559
File: 444 KB, 886x1125, leftist anticapitalists antifa communists capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalists and Communists go hand in hand

>> No.55479561

Something tells me they will be fine

>> No.55479567

Bud was scuttled.

>> No.55479570

i read ur post and i have no idea who those trannies are only a literal faggot would

>> No.55479573
File: 121 KB, 1024x949, tranny pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55479588

I don't think they ever intended for this to be the last straw on the camel's back. They were probably just thinking "hey, kids like trannies, why don't we push our poison using this tranny who gets a lot of views". In other words, they weren't thinking at all. They probably intended for their core bbq dad audience to never even see the ad

>> No.55479613
File: 189 KB, 1112x2893, faggotry-is-cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55481001

I hope not, the more mistakes companies make the more chance another business will come in and try to replace them, literally the same shit happens with nfts and shitcoins, sometimes it's solid like OBAYC, and other times it's FTX lmaoo

>> No.55481082

>um actually Abrahamic religion is pro trans sweaty
>here's an infographic from 1995 that says gays are bad
Kys christcuck grandpa

>> No.55481474
File: 121 KB, 409x436, 9E91E3E4-FE9E-44BD-AEB6-405012C7D8B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a few years, normies will forget and start drinking the pisswater again. A few more and it will be spun an ‘ingenious ploy to get people talking about bud lite” and eventually a heroic triumph for troon rites.

True, but I get solace knowing statistics. 13 do 50, 119 times, and troon suicide rates. It’s almost like these problems take care of themselves.

>> No.55481573

The same corporation also owns modelo. People are buying their differently-named products because not consuming goyslop is too much to ask and the economy is basically fake. They'll never suffer because real business is dead and boomer scum killed it.

>> No.55481592

I did find it interesting that less brands used PRIDE advertising last month after this

>> No.55481601

You advertise to the people who buy your product. I don't know why that's so hard to understand.
If you want to reach new audiences, create a new brand.

>> No.55481606
File: 231 KB, 1119x797, pol-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah its esg shit
Ad campaigns are all social conditioning these day

>> No.55481642

You are a disease riddled freak

>> No.55481649

This past pride month felt like the first in a while that had actual pushback and moderation. I think people are feeling fag fatigue.

>> No.55481685
File: 1.89 MB, 1600x1200, diddy did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beer comes in cases
>this is a case study

>> No.55481688

agreed, its not going to be a smooth transition but the pendulum always swings back

>> No.55481694


>> No.55481698

say the word faggot around normies and see how many DONT correct you

people have always been tired and revolted by it

>> No.55481716

>esg drives stock price down

esg could be a clever way of shorting a stock intentionally. i mean, disasterous policy drives price down, blackrock buys up undervalued company, company "fixes" itself, stocks go back up some, blackrock controls inbev

>> No.55481859
File: 217 KB, 550x580, 1684069489113913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about instead of whatever useless shit this is, you actually encourage and support local brewers. Oh wait you rather suck the cock of both communist and capitalist in this nightmare world.

>> No.55481864

Literally everyone wears Nike stuff. not even just shoes. Pants,shirts,etc

>> No.55481997

>when your too "redpilled" for discord but too much of a faggot to proudly call yourself a chud

>> No.55482843

>Literally everyone
We are in a state not entering, but IN a state of you can't even start your own business/product without getting bought, black mailed, harassed, or KILLED for even trying to start any business now.

>> No.55482869

Local breweries don't brew shit beer that I can drink a 6 pack of in on sitting. They all brew some fancy bullshit for 6€/can.

>> No.55484134

Then make your own. DO something for gods sake your ancestors either submitted or dared and we have way too many willing to submit it feels like I'm the only one willing to support local or make my own shit!

>> No.55484159

>drink a 6-pack in one sitting
post your bodyweight

>> No.55484160

>Literally everyone wears Nike stuff
Maybe if you're 15 years old, dumb zoomer

>> No.55484744
File: 118 KB, 1116x685, inbev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a brand, not a company. Idiots will just move to another InBev brand funneling money to the same people. And the company will just rebrand the piss water and use the same factories to sell you the same shit with new paint on the can.

>> No.55484787

>based digits
Dubs are not based. There were based in 2008, but today everyone has them. You need at least trips for based.

>> No.55485642
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Meanwhile we have cases like shibART doing all of their marketing solely with anime girls that people love and getting an instant presale despite the fact that they were a no name shitcoin a month ago. Mind boggling